Hot Pursuit

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Hot Pursuit Page 10

by Jo Davis

  Okay, I may have been wrong about him. Or, rather, believed the wrong information. So, what am I going to do about it?

  “I filled out a couple of those job applications,” Blake said, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m gonna turn them in tomorrow.”

  She smiled. “Good for you. Don’t forget to ask to speak to a manager. Makes a more lasting impression.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Don’t ma’am me,” she warned playfully. “I’m not old enough to be your mother.”

  “You’re not?”

  She almost choked on her food before she saw the teasing light in his eyes. “Very funny, twerp.”

  He grinned. “Okay, maybe a much older sister.”

  She arched a brow. “I can always look for a new sound man.”

  “I meant young,” he blurted, laughing. “Young and stunningly beautiful. Have I mentioned I love the purple thing you have going on, girlfriend?” He waved a hand at her hair.

  The detective snickered. “Looks like I could use some lessons in charm from the kid.”

  “More like lessons in bullshitting.”

  Blake stuck his tongue out at her before turning to the other man. “Like you’d need advice from anyone. I’ll bet you’ve got half a dozen ladies eating out of your hand.”

  Taylor shook his head. “Not so much. I was always kind of a failure with women, even in high school.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.” The boy winked. That prompted more laughter, as the younger man had intended. Once it died down, he regarded Taylor thoughtfully. “Seriously, though, you don’t strike me as the kind of guy who fails at anything he does.”

  The detective’s expression softened into something almost . . . sad. “Oh, I’ve made plenty of mistakes. You can’t be a cop as long as I have without fucking up a time or three.”

  Cara thought Blake would ask for specifics out of curiosity, but he surprised her by staying away from a potentially painful topic. “Have you always worked here in Sugarland?”

  “No. I was a beat cop for the Los Angeles PD. Started when I was young.” He cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. “Not much older than you are now, in fact. I made detective not long before I left there four years ago, and then I came here.”

  “Do you like it here better?”

  “Much. There’s not nearly as much noise or pollution here, not to mention the added bonus of low gang violence. Don’t get me wrong—we still have plenty of crime, or my colleagues and I wouldn’t have jobs. But we’ve got nothing on L.A.”

  “What’s the weirdest situation or call you’ve ever had?”

  Taylor chewed while he considered that one. “Gosh, that’s hard to say. There was the time Shane and I were on our way to speak to a witness in a case, and we found a naked eighty-year-old man wandering down Cheatham Dam Road. No relation to our case. Turned out he was off his meds.”

  Blake wrinkled his nose. “What happened to him?”

  “Since he wasn’t lucid, we called the paramedics and they took him to the hospital. Don’t know what happened to him after that. Depends on whether he had family to take care of him.”

  “Does it ever bother you, not knowing?”

  “Sometimes. It’s part of the job, though. We work a case and move on, and we don’t always find out what happened to the people we try to help.”

  Cara absorbed that as they finished eating. It seemed to be more evidence that there was more to this man than she’d believed.

  The guys cleaned the kitchen, despite her protests, and insisted she take it easy. Blake disappeared to his room with his new clothes and a netbook of Cara’s that she didn’t use much. She was letting Blake have it for now, to surf the Internet and job hunt, until he earned enough money to buy his own. She would’ve just given it to him but he’d insisted. In his eyes, he needed to earn it himself. She could understand and respect that.

  “That should distract him for the rest of the night,” Taylor commented, settling on the sofa close to her. “He probably hasn’t had a computer in years.”

  “If ever. Things were pretty bad at home, from what I gather, so I’m not sure if that’s a luxury he was allowed.” She paused. “He told me this morning that he has an older brother.”

  “Really?” He looked surprised. “I thought he was an only kid.”

  “I assumed so, too. The brother’s name is Jonathan, Jon for short, and the last Blake heard he lives in Nashville.”

  Taylor frowned. “So, this brother refused to take Blake in after their parents kicked him out?”

  “So it appears, but that’s the thing. I don’t know that Jon knew what was really going on at home. Blake said that after he was forced out of the house, he called Jon. Before he had a chance to say anything, Jon told Blake that he was disgusted by him and hung up.”

  “And Blake hasn’t tried to contact him since?”

  “From what I understand, no.”

  “Then it’s possible the parents got to Jon before Blake could and fed him a bunch of bullshit,” he speculated. “But why would Jon be so quick to buy it?”

  “I don’t know. Blake said Jon was a good brother before Jon left home. He made it sound like they were close.”

  Taylor thought for a moment. “I could do some digging, see what I can find out about his brother. Discreetly, in case he’s not the stand-up guy Blake remembers.”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” she said. “I could tell by the way Blake talks about his brother that he really misses him. It hurt him when the guy wouldn’t give him a chance to tell his side. I can only think the parents purposely drove a wedge between them.”

  “If so, maybe it can be fixed.” He sounded hopeful.

  “You really mean that. You want to help.”

  “Of course I do,” he said, cocking his head. “Why would that surprise you? I’ve known Blake for a few months and I’ve been working on helping him from day one.”

  “I guess I’m not used to cops being so nice, that’s all.” She knew she sounded a little terse and she couldn’t keep it out of her tone.

  “A lot of people have that perception about us. But, believe me, I didn’t get into this profession to ignore those in need or to screw up people’s lives.”

  “But sometimes you do, don’t you? Screw up. Just like you told Blake.”

  “Okay,” he drawled, sitting back and giving her a hard look. “Am I missing something here? Because I get the distinct impression that every word out of your mouth is aimed right at my head. Like you’re waiting for me to clue in on something I’m the last to know about.”

  Bull’s-eye. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing.

  “No, I—”

  “Why don’t you tell me what the hell your problem is, and then maybe we can move on?”

  She stared at him, heart pounding. Five seconds. Ten. It was an eternity. Here was her golden opportunity, laid at her feet. Years of agonizing over her sister’s murder, and this man had the answers. He might even give them to her straight.

  But that niggle of doubt kept her silent. Letting go of four years of thinking a certain way about the events of that horrible day was so damned hard. She wasn’t ready.

  “Nothing. I don’t like cops much, and it’s been an eye-opener for me to realize you’re different.” There. That much was the truth—it just wasn’t the entire truth.

  “What happened to make you distrust them so much?” he asked quietly. He didn’t seem offended. Probably wasn’t the first time he’d ever heard someone say that. He seemed genuinely concerned about why she felt the way she did.

  “Someone I loved was killed because of a police officer. I don’t like to talk about it.”

  He nodded. Reached over and laid his palm on her thigh. “I understand. Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here, all right?”

  Mother of all iro


  “How’s your head?”

  “It’s good. I didn’t mean to sleep for so long, but I think the day and the way it ended caught up with me.”

  “On top of putting in late nights at the bar. You work too hard.”

  “Not really.” She shrugged. “My day starts later, that’s all.”

  He considered her, as though weighing something. Cara had a pretty good idea what it was: he was still chewing on his earlier question of how she could afford her house, truck, and all the rest on her measly salary. For a nosy detective, it had to be driving him crazy. To his credit, though, he didn’t ask again. And she still wasn’t ready to indulge him.

  Instead, she moved a little closer to him without taking time to examine her actions. Enough to touch, to rest her hand on one hard thigh. His eyes flashed and for a second or two she regretted her impulse. Her touch might not be welcome when she’d blown hot and cold with him since they’d met. Then heat darkened his green gaze and his voice grew husky.

  “What kind of game are you playing with me now?”

  She licked her lips. “The grown-up kind. Unless you object.”

  “You won’t get much of an argument from me, but be very sure this is what you want.”

  “I’m sure that you turn me on like nobody I’ve ever met. I want you,” she said quietly. It felt weird to be unsure of a man’s reaction. She needn’t have worried.

  “I don’t think it’s a secret that I want you just as much.”

  Leaning to her, he took her lips in a sensual kiss. Explored her mouth, slipping his tongue inside to twine with hers. He tasted so good, and his male scent, clean and musky, teased her senses. Her body strained for his, seeking to get closer, and she forced herself to pull back.

  “Want to take this to my room?”

  “I’d love that.”

  Taking his hand, she led him down the hallway. Inside her room, she shut and locked the door, then pulled him to stand beside her bed. They studied each other for a moment, and then he took her hand.

  “You’re sure about this?”

  It warmed her that he’d ask. In spite of the arousal evident behind his zipper, he still thought of her first. “Very.”

  She reached for the button on his pants. Her attention never leaving his face, she unfastened them and parted the material. Lowered his pants and briefs until his erection sprang free, and grasped it in her palm as he hissed a sharp breath.

  It was hot and silky yet hard underneath the smooth skin. She enjoyed the feel of it sliding through her hand as she started to stroke—and so did Taylor. He widened his stance as much as the restrictive material would allow, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. He made such a decadent picture. So inviting.

  Lowering herself to her knees, she flicked the tip of him with her tongue. Tasted the bittersweet precum oozing from the slit. She sucked the head and he turned to putty, holding on to the top of her dresser for support. She loved rendering him helpless. Incoherent.

  “Shit,” he breathed. “Stop, or I’m going to come.”

  Satisfied, she pulled off him with a pop and pushed his pants and briefs to his ankles. He stepped out of them and removed his shirt, tossing it to the floor.

  “Your turn,” he said, lips turning up as he retrieved a condom from his pants.

  Quickly, she shed her clothing and discarded it on the floor next to his. Whatever illusion she had that she was in control turned to dust when he walked her backward to the bed, pushed her onto her back, and covered her with his body.

  “Can’t get enough of you,” he murmured into her lips.

  She loved the feel of him on top of her, surrounding her with his strength. Their heated skin was pressed together, his steely cock trapped between them. She wanted him as close as he could get.

  “Inside me,” she whispered. “Now.”

  This time there was no foreplay. There was none needed. Taking the condom, he made fast work of protecting them and positioned himself between her thighs. As he placed the head of his cock to her opening, he kissed her neck and buried his fingers in her hair.

  “You feel so good, baby. So right.” More kisses. He pushed deeper, his handsome face the portrait of pleasure. And when he looked into her eyes, she swore she read an emotion greater than lust.

  The significance might have scared her had she dwelled on it, but right then she was carried away on a tide of need as he began to make love to her. His thrusts were languid, every inch of their contact setting her on fire. He treated her as though she was precious, taking her mouth in a slow kiss that curled her toes. Made her feel desired for more than just the sex—for the connection they shared.

  His movements sped up and she raised her hips, meeting him eagerly. Higher and higher he took them until her body began to quicken, release building until at last she shattered. Crying out, she clung to him, riding the waves as he stiffened and held her tight. Muscles bunching, he jerked inside her, filling her with heat.

  Clinging together, they came down from the euphoria, and he rolled to his back, taking her with him and snuggling her against his chest. Giving in to how good it felt to be so close to him, she laid her head down and listened to his heartbeat. Warm and content, she was drowsing when she felt him begin to shift her to the side.

  “Stay,” she said, without a second thought. “Please?”

  His voice was laced with regret. “I should go. Blake . . .”

  “Is almost twenty-one, and an adult. He knows you’re here, and he’ll be fine with it.” She smirked. “Besides, you have to watch me all night to make sure I’m all right after my traumatic head injury.”

  With a snort, he crawled back into bed and gathered her in his arms once more. “You were right before—you’re totally fine. And you’re working the system.”

  “I know you don’t have a problem with that.”

  “You do, do you?” he teased. “Awfully confident there.”

  “Yep. If you didn’t want to be here, you would’ve left just now.”

  He laughed softly. “True. I do have to get up for work, though.”

  “Just get up quietly.”

  “Damn. The romance is dead already,” he said mournfully.

  She leaned up on one elbow to see the playful glint in his eyes. “There’s cereal. That’s the extent of my cooking in the mornings.”

  “Then you have some culinary skills to learn.”

  “And you’re going to teach me?”

  “I’m no expert, but we’ll get by.” He kissed her lips. “Now get some sleep. I’ve done enough to finish wearing you out when I shouldn’t have.”

  Content that he was staying, she burrowed into his side and drifted off, feeling safer than ever before.

  She would count that as something of a miracle.

  • • •

  Light was streaming from the blinds when Taylor awoke. Cara’s form was a small lump under the covers beside him, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  He’d slept well; not even a hint of a nightmare. That was real progress, and he felt ready to handle the day.

  And last night, he’d made progress with Cara. She’d asked him to stay, and she’d meant it. Despite her admitted lack of faith in cops, he hoped that meant she was coming to trust him. The chemistry was still there. Now if only the rest would follow, he’d be a happy man.

  Careful not to wake her, he eased from the bed, pulled on his pants, and went in search of the cereal she’d mentioned. He considered making breakfast for them all, but Cara had been sleeping soundly and there was no movement from Blake, either. Perhaps he’d pick up some groceries and make them dinner tonight.

  Pleased with that plan, he poured a bowl of corn flakes with milk on them, sat at the kitchen table, and ate while checking his work e-mail and texts. There were a couple of e-mail
s from Shane saying there was no word yet on the SUV they were looking for. It hadn’t appeared at any body shop. There was still no description of the driver, either.

  Pushing aside his frustration, he finished his breakfast and decided to check on Cara. She was still asleep, but he was determined that wouldn’t last long.

  Lowering the covers, he plastered himself to her from behind, nibbling on her neck. She began to stir, waking from the attention, poking her tight butt into his groin. His dick reacted with enthusiasm, hardening to rest between her ass cheeks. Rubbing her and moaning while he kissed, he wanted to do so much more.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured.


  Reaching around her, he found a breast and pinched one nipple into a tight bead of flesh. It was her turn to moan in pleasure, her body melting for him.

  “Wanna fuck you, baby. Can I?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

  He liked that, how she was so responsive. So open to letting him have his way. Kissing between her shoulder blades, he peppered kisses all the way down her spine. Then he rolled her more fully onto her stomach, spread her legs.

  Eating her was a must. He had to feast on the delicious offering, and from her encouraging whimpers, she was totally on board. Settling between her thighs, he flicked the slick lips of her pussy with his tongue, and was pleased when she opened farther.

  He licked her like that for a long time, working her into a frenzy. He tasted her clit, teasing the nub, then lapped at her juices like a starving man. There was something naughty about having her facedown like this, submitting to him. He wanted to take it one step further and hoped she was game.

  “Ass in the air.”

  She got into position, kneeling, shoulders down and her round ass poking up. Begging for more. He was an ass man from the word go and was going to get a great deal of pleasure from hers.

  “I love your butt,” he said, skimming his palm over one round orb. “It’s so tight and smooth. So pale. I’m going to spank it a little, just enough to make your skin a pretty pink. Would you like that?”

  “Oh! I—I think so . . .”


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