Bonds of Denial (Wicked Play #5)

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Bonds of Denial (Wicked Play #5) Page 28

by Lynda Aicher

  The sidewalks were busier than normal, and he had to slow down multiple times to let people pass before he could hustle around a strolling couple. Tyler’s urgency had rubbed off on him and every delay sent his pulse racing faster.

  He finally reached the gallery to find the spacious room filled with people to the point that he had to squeeze between a few just to get inside. The cooler air rushed over the perspiration on his forehead and he wiped at it distractedly as he followed the direction of everyone’s gaze.

  “Ah.” The soft voice of the gallery owner came through the hidden speakers and filled the room. “Now we can get started.”

  She went on to thank everyone for attending, and he fuzzed her out as he realized Rock was standing up there, just off the stage. His heart tripped a beat. God, he was handsome. His hair looked freshly cut. The high and tight showed off his smoothly shaven jaw and made his scar seem profound, not violent. His black suit displayed his broad shoulders and trim waist, which was accentuated by the rest position pose he naturally held.

  And there was no way Carter could miss the stunning royal blue tie he was wearing either. It was a match to the one he had on.

  What is going on?

  “You should get up there,” Tyler whispered at his side as he nudged him.


  “Just go.” The little push he gave Carter almost knocked him into the older gentleman in front of him. He glared at Tyler then returned his attention to the stage without moving.

  The man who’d been standing next to Rock was stepping onto the platform as everyone clapped. He’d miss the introduction. The guy was tall and trim with graying hair and a friendly smile that he flashed at everyone.

  Carter scanned the room as the man started to speak. He was surprised to see the ladies from his condo complex standing with a group along the wall. Cali gave him a small wave, which prompted Kendra and Allie to look his way and do the same thing. He should’ve expected they’d be here, given their boyfriends had dragged him here. But what was all the hype about?

  “I’m here tonight to unveil the new campaign we’re driving to garner equal benefits and rights from the government for same-sex couples in the military.” Carter snapped his attention back to the podium, his stomach flipping as he started to put things together. The man glanced back to Rock before continuing. “The repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and the more recent Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act were big steps forward. But there is still more to be done.” He turned toward Rock then, swinging his arm out in acknowledgement. “Mr. Fielding right here is a prime example of the sacrifices our serving men and women make every day to keep us all safe and to preserve our freedoms. He…well, let me just show you why I admire him.”

  The guy moved to the side as two men stepped up to the cloth-covered object sitting on a large easel. “This photo was submitted by Mr. Fielding for a contest, which brought it to my attention. As an ex-service member myself, I was immediately touched by the power of the image. The photographer was very talented in his ability to capture so much in one picture. Mr. Montgomery is a local artist, whose work is also displayed here tonight.”

  Carter was positive he was going to faint at that point. His world had gone dark, the tunnel vision focusing down to the hidden image on the easel. Sound became muffled, the rest of the man’s speech lost to the pounding of his heart in his ears.

  Rock hadn’t said another word about the picture or the campaign. He’d assumed Rock had tossed the offer like he would’ve. That was a private, personal picture. It’d never been intended for the public. Yet…

  The black cloth was carefully lifted to reveal an oversized, mounted enlargement of the photo of Rock. A round of murmurs and clapping went through the room, but he could only stare at the image of Rock, essentially bared and exposed to the world. The words I’m Gay almost screamed across the room at him.

  “…this will be the centerpiece of the national campaign that we’ll be taking to the Pentagon and Congress…”

  Carter swayed on his feet, and someone grabbed his arm to hold him steady. He sought out Rock in complete disbelief. He was looking right back at him, sure and direct.

  Why? Carter mouthed.

  Rock only smiled, a faint curl of his lips that really said nothing. Then he was moving onto the stage to the rousing applause of the crowd.

  “You still with us?” Tyler asked, giving Carter a shake.

  Physically, he was there, but reality was skewed. He moved his head in a slow shake that confirmed how lost he was.

  “I asked Leslie if I could take a moment to say a few words,” Rock said clearly. His deep voice rolled from the speakers and seemed to wrap around Carter as he stared back at Rock. The man hadn’t looked away from him since he’d started speaking. “I wouldn’t be standing here today, let alone have the courage to not only take that picture but have it published and displayed to the world if it wasn’t for a man who is much stronger than me. I may be a soldier, but Carter Montgomery is the one who showed me what strength really is.”

  Carter blinked a few times, the burning in his throat and eyes threatening to counter Rock’s words and show everyone how weak he really was.

  “I spent thirty-four years denying and hiding who I was.” A breath. A small sniff. He glanced down then brought his gaze back up to meet Carter’s. “I hadn’t realized how unhappy I was until you showed me how happy I could be. I love you, Carter. Thank you.”

  Rock stepped back from the podium, and Carter found himself moving forward, pulled to Rock. The crowd separated to let him through. The applause was like thunder around him, but it hardly registered. All he knew was Rock. The amazing man standing on stage, openly declaring to the world that he was gay. The same man who couldn’t even say the word four months ago.

  That was strength and courage personified to the nth degree. If Rock could do that, then Carter certainly could meet him there.

  He reached Rock and didn’t even pause to think or question his next move. He pulled Rock to him and lost himself in a kiss that didn’t come close to expressing the rush of emotions pounding within him, but he tried anyway.

  Everything hit him at once. The sweet taste, the distinct scent, the solid form and firm hold of his man. It was his lover, boyfriend and the man who had somehow become his world.

  He eased back, seeing no one but Rock.

  “I love you.” The words tumbled out, filling the darkness that had held a place within him for so long. Why had he not said those words before? “God, I love you so much.” He claimed another kiss before Rock could speak.

  He wanted more—hell, he wanted to strip the man naked and show him exactly how much he loved him. Luckily, Rock had more sense than him. Rock ended the kiss with a series of soft withdrawals before he moved back just enough to rest his forehead against Carter’s.

  “It’s about time you realized that,” he said.

  “I’ve known for a long time. I just now have the courage to trust it.”

  “Are you ready to face the world now?”

  Carter nodded, his head rubbing against Rock’s. “Yeah. With you I am.”

  “Good. Because we kind of have an audience.”

  Carter gave a small laugh and together they turned to another round of applause, a few catcalls and whistle from the line of friends along the wall and too many camera flashes to count. He grabbed Rock’s hand, a smile hurting his cheeks as he knew without question that he could do this.

  With Rock—he could have the future he never thought possible. They both would—he’d make sure of that.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Rock leaned against the front door, taking a moment to appreciate the man he loved. The word eased everything inside of him and left a smile on his face. He’d never imagined he could be this happy.


  Carter loosened his tie and turned around. His brows lowered when he saw Rock watching him, but a smile followed, a slow curl that h
ad his groin tightening. Somehow he’d managed to keep his touches decent during the rest of the art show. But now, there was no need to hold back.

  Carter stalked toward him, his focus burning into him to sear Rock’s heart. “Thank you,” Carter whispered. He ran a finger down Rock’s scar, the touch so light Rock barely felt it skimming along his jaw. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “Neither do I,” Rock answered, but he was done questioning it.

  “Did you do that for me? The picture?” Carter searched Rock’s eyes.

  “I did it for both of us.”

  “It’s a good thing we found each other, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Rock murmured as he leaned in to kiss the lips he’d been holding himself back from all evening. It was like coming home and yeah, he was a total sap. He didn’t care. The certainty that this was exactly where he was supposed to be settled through him.

  He shifted back, a grin forming. “No mint.”

  Carter gave a soft laugh. “I forgot them.”

  “I like it.” Rock kissed him again, savoring the deep heat and lingering sweetness of champagne. “I missed this. You,” he finally said when they came up for air.

  “Me too.” Carter grazed his fingers over Rock’s face, his eyes tracking the movement. “I was certain you’d walk away.”

  “I’ll always come back for you.” Always.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, squeezing his eyes closed. “If I could take that night back, I would. I’ve never been ashamed of myself until that night.” The remorse was etched on every feature from the scrunched brow to the clenched lips.

  “I love you,” Rock whispered, holding him close. He inhaled and Carter’s scent filled him. “Show me how it should be.” He wanted it. They needed it.

  Carter stepped back, opening his eyes, searching.

  Rock put every ounce of belief he had into his voice. “We need to put it in the past.”

  “God, I love you. I don’t know how I got you, but I am never pushing you away again.”

  The fierceness in Carter’s voice had Rock believing him but he still asked, “Promise?”


  He linked his fingers with Carter’s and together they made their way to his bedroom. The light of the moon showed them the way until he could turn on the bedside lamp. They undressed each other, removing clothing in a slow dance of lingering kisses, lazy touches and quiet gasps. Every action was a new beginning, a fresh start that wiped away the pain and wrongs of that one night.

  “Lay down,” Carter urged, walking him backward until he hit the bed.

  Rock gratefully complied, making sure to pull Carter with him as he went. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  “I know I won’t,” Carter said as he pressed a kiss to Rock’s chest, his fingers scratching through the hair. “I’ll never stop wanting you.” Another kiss. “Needing you.” Another kiss, lower. “Loving you.”

  The next kiss landed on Rock’s erection. He swirled his tongue around and around the head, teasing and tempting before sucking it deep. Rock rolled up, his abs clenching against the shot of pleasure that sailed down his dick to his balls.

  He sagged back to the mattress, panting. “Yeah. Never enough.” His eyes wanted to close, but he wouldn’t let them. Watching Carter love him was too perfect to miss. He raked his fingers through Carter’s hair and held on, following the bob-and-glide motion without forcing.

  Carter took him all the way in, the head of his dick nudging against the back of the man’s throat. Rock almost lost it when the constricting motion of Carter’s swallow rippled over his sensitive flesh. Damn.

  Rock yanked on Carter’s hair, his voice gone. Thankfully, Carter understood. He pulled off, a wicked grin matching the devil in his eyes. “Problem?”

  His smirk was fucking gorgeous. This was the man he’d fallen in love with. Rock sat up, hauling Carter to him for another scorching kiss. His tongue tangled with Carter’s in an aggressive onslaught of everything that was bursting free within him.

  The need for air forced him to pull back, but he rained kisses down Carter’s neck, across his shoulder, everywhere that he could reach. The taste of salt and skin and everything Carter was driving him insane.

  “Make love to me,” he begged, his voice rasping in need.

  Carter eased him back until Rock was lying down again. He held himself over him, his eyes dark in the soft light from the lamp. “I always have,” Carter whispered.

  The blazing truth of his words nailed Rock. “God, yes.” From the very first time, it’d been more. They’d both danced around it, avoiding the word and what they’d been building. Not anymore.

  Carter kissed him again, hard and thorough before he reached for the supplies. There was nothing but anticipation within Rock. He lifted his legs and held himself open for his lover. Carter groaned as he dove down to nuzzle his balls.

  “Damn,” Rock mumbled around an exhale. His grip on the back of his thighs was so tight he’d probably have bruises tomorrow. He didn’t care.

  The touch around his opening was gentle, circling and nudging before a finger finally slipped inside. He groaned. “God. More.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Carter said, kissing the inside of Rock’s thigh as he worked another finger into him.

  “You won’t,” Rock insisted. He sucked in a breath when Carter added a third finger, his tight ring of muscles resisting in the best way. It made no sense, but he loved the burn. His cock twitched on his stomach, a silent cry for more. “Just get in me.”

  It seemed like forever before Carter positioned himself at Rock’s entrance. He leaned over, staring directly into Rock’s eyes as he slowly pushed his way in. So much emotion was displayed in Carter’s eyes that Rock almost came right then.

  “I love you,” Carter said when he was fully within Rock. His breath cooled the dampness on Rock’s neck with each deep exhale.

  Rock released his legs and wrapped them around Carter so he could grab his man and yank him down until they were touching everywhere, fully connected in every way. The kiss was brief but powerful before he pulled away, gasping.

  “You have to move. God. Please.” He rolled his hips as much as he could, seeking the motion that would ease the demand hammering through his blood with his racing pulse. The pressure filled him, then Carter withdrew to plunge back in, and the pleasure slammed into him. This, yes this was what he needed.

  Carter held his gaze through each thrust and drive, which only drove their connection deeper. The slap of skin, the uncontained sounds that came from both of them, the musky scent of sex and arousal wrapped around them until Carter was everything. His only thing.

  His orgasm rose too quickly, the craving seeming to tangle in his groin until he fought to contain it. His dick slid between their bodies, ready to go off without his permission.

  “I don’t want…” He sucked in a breath, his restraint tested when Carter shifted angles and hit his gland. “To come,” he panted.

  “Do it,” Carter said, hammering harder. “Grab your dick and come.”

  Rock didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed his hand between them and fisted his hard cock with a groan. Carter nailed the spot again, and his fist flew over his dick until his orgasm roared through him.

  “Come with me,” he managed to grind out before his ability to talk vanished. His free hand clutched Carter’s nape, keeping him connected as he lost himself to the pleasure. The force drew every muscle tight, his release shooting between them in powerful bursts.

  Carter tensed above him, his hips grinding into Rock’s ass, back arching in his quest to get closer. His hoarse, garbled, open-mouthed cry was almost identical to Rock’s.

  The rush finally passed and Carter collapsed onto him, their panting breaths competing for air. He bound Carter to him, his legs and arms wrapping around his man in a desire to never let him go.

  “I love you,” he said between breaths. He’d never said that so much i
n his life, but he’d never wanted to before now.

  “I love hearing that,” Carter mumbled into Rock’s neck.

  “Good. ’Cause I’m going to keep saying it until you believe me.”

  Carter shifted until he could see Rock. “I do. There’s no way what we just did is anything but love.” The tender kiss skimmed over Rock’s lips. “I’ll never stop loving you.”

  Those were the best words Rock had ever heard. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Forbidden desires get uncovered in the first four books in the Wicked Play series—available now!

  Bonds of Trust

  After ending her passionless marriage, Cali Reynolds is eager to live out her forbidden fantasies. Her first step is attending new members’ night at The Den, the most exclusive sex club in town. Perhaps here she can find a man who understands her desire to be dominated…

  Bonds of Need

  When Kendra Morgan attends a party at an exclusive sex club, she’s not driven by mere curiosity. Hoping to prove she’s put the past behind her, Kendra must instead face up to needs she’s denied for too long. Despite her lingering fears, she can’t resist the temptation to play…

  Bonds of Desire

  Lawyer Allison English never planned to return to The Den—despite her naughty fantasies about being bound by owner Seth Matthews. But when club guest Tyler Wysong is injured in a scene, Seth turns to Allie for help. Aroused by both men, Allie should turn the case down. But she can’t…

  Bonds of Hope

  Quinn Andrews has a lot to learn about the world of BDSM. Once America’s sweetheart, she has an opportunity to revive her career by playing a sexual submissive in a highly anticipated new series. Quinn is ready to throw herself into the role, and her hometown’s premier sex club, The Den, is the ideal place for a crash course.


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