Wild as the Wind: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 2)

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Wild as the Wind: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 2) Page 22

by Ali Parker

  “You are out of your damned mind.” Fuck taking this crazy ass anywhere. She wasn’t ever going to trust me or believe me. But then as she sank down in her bed and pulled the covers over her head, I remembered I loved that crazy woman. Dammit, I did. “I haven’t been messing around with Katie, and if you’ll wait a minute, I’ll prove it to you.”

  “Go home, Ted. I know what I saw.” Her voice broke, and she cleared her throat.

  I headed toward the door. “I don’t know what you read, but you’ve got it all wrong.” I left her redheaded temper, passing Granny Langston on the way down the stairs and leaving her to pause in a wake of confusion. I stormed to my truck and threw her dress over my shoulder along with her shoes and the corsage I bought her. Then I stormed right back inside and up the stairs passing Granny, who had not moved an inch from where I left her.

  Lauralee slipped on her robe, no doubt to come after me, as I marched into her room and threw the dress on her bed. “Here. This is what I’ve been doing with your best friend Katie. Planning a night for the two of us. I didn’t realize how little trust you have in people, so I guess I’ve really screwed you up over the years.” Not trusting me was understandable, but Katie? The girl had been a loyal friend for as long as I could remember.

  She glanced down to the bed as if lasers would shoot from her gaze and burn up whatever it was, and then after a moment, her jaw fell slack. She pulled back the plastic and rubbed the soft blue chiffon. “It’s like my mother’s dress. The color, it’s the same.” She scooped it up and out of the plastic so fast and held it up against her at the mirror. “It’s so close. How did you—”

  “Put it on.” Her eyes shot up to meet mine in the reflection, and her brows pinched tight with her frown. I took a deep breath knowing that ordering her around was only going to fuel more anger. My heart was doing summersaults as it was. I had never known a woman so difficult in all my life. She would probably stand me up, burn the dress, and stomp on my flower. And I’d deserve it. I totally fucking deserved it. “Be ready or don’t. I’ll be back at seven.”

  Still facing the mirror, as if the reflection worked as a buffer or shield, she glanced up at me. Her red-rimmed eyes were now softer than before. “Where are you going?”

  “I have a few more things to take care of.” I walked away still wondering what she’d do, but I didn’t know what else to say to her and was afraid that if we talked too much, we’d end up arguing again and the whole night would be ruined. To think she thought I had screwed her friend and the fact that she’d snooped in my phone—it didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Our entire relationship had always been rough for some reason. We were like oil and water the two of us. No, we were fire and fire. Both of our tempers getting the best of us. I don’t know why I expected things to magically change. Lauralee was a challenge, and her love was a chore. But I knew down in my soul, I’d gladly work my ass into an early grave for it. That same fire we shared burned with passion, and when it was good, it was amazing.

  Granny had disappeared back to the kitchen, and on my way out to my truck, I spotted Mr. Langston winding a hose beside his porch. I had one more thing I needed to do before I left.

  I stepped up to the railing where he stood on the ground below. I had been in denial about this conversation most of my life and wasn’t sure how to begin. At least if he decided to punch my face in, I’d have that rail to slow him down and give me a head start to my truck. I wasn’t afraid of the man, but of what his daughter would do to me if I got into a fight with her Daddy. If he decided to whoop my ass and drag me across the property line by my neck, I’d let him.

  I’d do anything for her.

  “Mr. Langston, do you have a minute?” He slowly glanced up from his task, his eyes hard as stones and his lip curled in contempt.

  This would be a long talk.

  Chapter 32


  I stood in the mirror looking at the dress for what seemed like hours. I’d been such a fool, and I’d hurt Ted deeply. The look on his face cut me deep, and I would definitely owe him an apology.

  In my own defense, to imagine him planning something this elaborate, much less getting Katie involved, was so out of character and amazing, that I would have never bet on it. To say I was surprised was the understatement of the decade, and my heart melted over and over as I pulled myself away from the mirror and got myself ready to put it on.

  I’d decided to keep things simple with my hair and curled the long layers and let them lay where they fell, securing them with the smallest amount of spray. I couldn’t believe the dress. It wasn’t an exact match to my mother’s in style, but the color was spot on, and it even had a few tiny sparkles on the bodice.

  Checking the time, I panicked, and after slipping off my robe and into my sexiest silk undergarments, I stepped into the dress. Fighting with the zipper, I ran downstairs barefoot, carrying my shoes and flower, with the back of my dress wide open.

  “Help me!” I called out to anyone who could hear me. I only hoped one of our hired men weren’t lingering around for dinner and was relieved when I found my Daddy sitting at the table. He and Bailey sat before full plates, and Granny rushed into the room from the kitchen.

  “What’s going on?” Daddy dropped his fork.

  Bailey wiped his mouth and cleared his throat. “You’re gonna make it too easy for your date if you don’t zip that thing up.” My father gave him a hard stare as Granny stepped up to help.

  Daddy smiled. “Where are you going all dressed up?”

  “I’m going on a date with Teddy.” As Granny stepped away, I held her arm to balance me as I slipped on my shoes.

  “Ted Dawson is finally stepping up to the plate, is he?” Daddy stuffed a forkful of potatoes in his mouth and looked down to his plate.

  “Yes, so it seems.”

  “Well, it’s about damned time,” said Bailey.

  I lifted my chin and scolded them. “You two be nice. I want things to work out with us for once.”

  Daddy pointed his fork in my direction and nodded with a sly grin, then he took another bite. I waited for him to say something else, but he didn’t.

  Instead, it was Bailey who surprised me. “You look real pretty, Lauralee. More like Mama every day.”

  That got a smile from Daddy who nodded. “Of course she does. She’s got a heart like her too. So forgiving. And she always finds the best in people like your mama did.” The two of them were about to make me cry off my makeup when I heard a car outside.

  Bailey turned around to glance out the window. “Wow, lover boy is pulling out all the stops.” I leaned over and glanced out the window behind my brother. My mouth gaped wide, and it didn’t matter. I had no words as Bailey continued. “Your limo awaits, madam.”

  I closed my mouth only to pop it open again when Ted stepped out in a tuxedo, looking dapper yet uncomfortable.

  “He’s coming!” I shook the flower box so hard I was surprised the thing didn’t turn brown and wilt and then my Daddy pushed back his chair and took the box from me. Then he took the pink lily into his rough hands and pinned it on me.

  “Have a good time, sweetheart.” He sat back down as Granny answered the door and Ted stepped in. I had never seen him look so polished, but I always knew he’d clean up nicely. He tugged at his collar and tie and then dropped his arms as if he didn’t know what to do with them.

  His eyes widened as I stepped out and then when he met my eyes I wanted to cry again over the misunderstanding. I rushed to his side and took his hand as he opened his mouth to speak.

  “You look—so beautiful.” His lids fluttered a moment as if what he saw wasn’t real, and I found myself blushing all over again. This is the reaction I’d wanted to give him six years ago, the one I’d dreamed of.

  This was so much better though, because even though I had to wait, he’d done all of this for me. We said our farewells to my family and even let Granny snap a picture with her phone and then mine. Then he led me out to the lim
o, and the driver opened the door. “Thank you,” I said, as I climbed inside.

  I’d never been in one before, and as Ted slid in behind me, my eyes peeled away from the overheads lights and leather seats to see his smile. It was the best view by far.

  We were mostly quiet as we headed out, soaking in each other’s smiles and taking it all in. “I’m sorry about everything. I shouldn’t have snooped in your phone, and I should have trusted you.”

  He took a deep breath. “When I saw your face tonight, the way you look, all I could think about was how I deserved a good kick in the ass for not making it up to you sooner. Hell, for not going the first time. I’m sorry I ruined that night for us, and I’m sorry I made you wait. With that said, let’s be done with apologies. I want to move forward where we never have to worry about regrets ever again.”

  He took my hand and kissed it.

  “Sounds good to me.” I met his eyes as my chest burned with love for him. It ached for him. “Does this mean we’re more than friends again?”

  “Baby, we’ve always been more than friends. I think Mason was right when he said we’ve been married since we were five. Maybe even before that. You’ve had my heart for as long as I can remember.”

  “You’ve had mine, too.” I leaned in closer, my eyes drifting to his lips.

  He leaned even closer, our mouths a breath away. “I only wish I’d taken better care of yours.”

  “No more apologies.” I tilted my head and took his mouth with mine, kissing him deeply.

  There was so much heat between us that he went for his collar again, pulling it away from his neck. “You look so handsome in your suit,” I said when our lips finally stilled.

  He sighed. “I can’t wait to get out of it.”

  “I can’t wait either.” I wiggled my brows, and he laughed.

  “Easy, the night is still young.” He motioned to the window, and I realized we’d stopped in front of our old high school.

  I glanced up at the school and was suddenly a bundle of nerves. “Please tell me there isn’t a gym full of teenagers in there.”

  “No way. You’ll see.” He took my hand and led me into the gym. As I waited inside the door, he went for the lights, and suddenly the place lit up, and music played from a stereo. He turned back and grinned, taking my hand and leading me out into the room under the glow of the school’s disco ball that had been hanging there since the early seventies when it was built.

  The tiny lights reflected all around us, and he pulled me into another long kiss. Then he did something else I never expected. He took my hand and stared directly into my eyes. “May I have this dance?”

  “You mean it?” I was suddenly so nervous for him, knowing how much he’d protested dancing in the past. He’d never danced at Kinsey’s even, and I’d grown not to expect it. Tears sprang to my eyes and I hated crying off my makeup, but the gesture was just so moving. I nodded, knowing if I tried to speak, I’d sound like a toad frog.

  He placed his hand on my waist, and we moved together slowly to the music. He wasn’t bad at all, and I wondered if he’d overreacted over it. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to dance in front of a room full of strangers, and that was understandable. But the real surprise happened when the song ended and a slightly more upbeat song came on. I expected him to change the song, but instead, he cleared his throat and grinned.

  “I’m going to give this a shot, so bear with me.” His statement was more like a plea, and I nodded as he positioned his hands and then, we were moving around the floor, and he was almost as good as Luke, without all the fancy spins.

  “You’re doing great. Where did all this come from?”

  “Mama taught me two days ago. I didn’t have time for advanced studies, but I think if we keep practicing, I’ll be dancing like my baby brother in no time.” He kept his feet moving, leading me along slowly to the beat where he wanted me, and I smiled so much my face hurt. We slowed things down again, letting him catch his breath and we laughed at how winded we both were. I promised him it would be easier at Kinsey’s.

  “I’ve always wished we could dance there, but I didn’t know how. It made me miserable seeing you dance with Luke.”

  “It didn’t mean anything. You know that.” I didn’t think he’d been jealous of his brother, but I wasn’t sure what to say.

  “That’s not what I mean. I wanted to spin you around and make you happy for a change. I like this more than I thought I would.” He pulled me in close, and I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed together for another two songs.

  I let my hands explore his body in his tux. The strong planes of his chest, his broad shoulders, and his hips. The warmth building in me was well on its way to becoming unbearable, but I didn’t want to stop what we were doing. Suddenly, he captured my face with his hands. After a moment of searching my eyes, he pulled me into a deep kiss, and my toes curled in my pumps as the desire built within me.

  “I love you.” The words left his lips as hushed as a prayer and with his hands still holding my face, he met my eyes directly. “You know I do, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and I love you too.” My voice broke on the words, as my heart soared, and I would have sworn we were ten feet off the ground if he hadn’t suddenly dropped to his knee.

  I tried to help him, thinking the dancing and the emotion had gotten to him, but then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box.

  The box wasn’t any old ring box either, it was one I’d seen a few times in my life. “That’s my mother’s.” I glanced up, not quite sure what he was up to.

  “Yeah, it is. Your dad gave it to me earlier today when I asked him for permission to marry you.” The words seemed so foreign coming off his lips, and it took a moment for my brain to process them. Before I could react, he cleared his throat. “Lauralee Elizabeth Langston, will you marry me?” His formality made me smile, and they were the sweetest words I’d ever heard him speak.

  Emotion erupted inside me, and as he stood, I dove into his arms. “Yes, Teddy. Yes,” I spoke through tears against his chest and then his mouth was on me, and the desire between us blazed like an inferno. He pulled away long enough to slip my mother’s sapphire engagement ring on my finger.

  After he returned the little box to his pocket, his hands searched my body like I was a snowflake that might melt, but I needed more. I scanned the room quickly and pulled his arm, leading him a short distance to the bleachers. I needed to get off my feet, but more than that, I wanted to be closer to him.

  He loosened his tie on the way to the old wooden stands and then sat beside me as I minded my flowy dress, gathering it up beside me which exposed my knees. I threw myself at him, feeling his chest inside his shirt and taking a moment to loosen a few more buttons as his hand found my thigh. He gripped the flesh there and my core pulsed hoping his hand would explore and find it. It didn’t take long before he did, and I panted as the heat blossomed low in my abdomen. I trailed my hand downward only stopping once I’d found his hard length bulging against his black pants. I rubbed the hard length and wondered how obscene it would be for anyone to walk in on us, but I wanted what was behind that thin cloth like an addict wanted her fix, so I took his hand and led him under the structure. I’d always wanted to make out under the bleachers, but the opportunity had never presented itself.

  Ted wasted no time unbuttoning his pants and then before I could make a move on him, he dropped to his knees and slid his hands up my flowy chiffon. A moment later he pulled my panties to the side and lapped his tongue inside against my swollen clit. I let out a moan that echoed out into the gym, and when he inserted two fingers in around his tongue, I gasped, releasing an orgasm that had me making so much noise, Ted rose up to capture my lips, breaking off my excitement with a kiss.

  “I better keep your mouth busy,” he whispered against my lips as his fingers worked me. I reached out and slipped my hand into his already loosened pants and stroked his erection. It was diamond hard in my hand, the veins bulging an
d rolling beneath my fingers.

  “I can think of a much better way to busy my mouth.” I dropped to my bare knees as he pulled his hand away, and I took him into my mouth. I licked the veins and teased his slit at the tip, then I relaxed my throat and pushed myself against him, sinking his cock deep into my throat.

  The moan that escaped him made me want to smile, but I kept him deep, tight lipping his base, and then slowly pulled myself away, milking a taste onto my tongue.

  Ted, pulled away with a warning. “You’re about to make me come, and usually I’d be all for that, but I want to take you somewhere else and peel you out of that dress first.”

  He was right. I’d much rather have him spread out before me for my feast, and a small part of me felt dirty for being in our old school. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t apologize. We’re not doing that, remember? Besides, it’s my fault too. It’s been a while, and I’ve wanted you so damned bad.”

  I straightened my dress and then helped him with his tie. “Well, let’s do what most kids around here do after prom and go to the Dew Drop.”

  “We’ll probably be the first patrons to arrive by limo. Are you sure you don’t want to go somewhere else? We can drive into the city if you want.” He kissed my hair and then shut off all the lights and music.

  “No, the Dew Drop is perfect, and besides, it’s where I would have gone with you six years ago if you’d taken me.”

  He took my hand, and we headed back toward the car. “Dammit, another reason to kick myself.”


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