Romancing the Author

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Romancing the Author Page 4

by Kali Willows

  “I can’t believe it’s you.” He reached for the pink flower in her hair.

  “I almost didn’t show up,” Gemma confessed, breathless.

  “Me either.”

  “I came here to cancel the date.”

  Connor propped one elbow on the bar and stared at her. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  Tingles of arousal trickled through her lower back.

  “Huh, go figure.” Candace slapped her palm on the bar beside him and chuckled.

  “Candace, this is my friend, Connor.”

  Candace shook his hand.

  “Connor, this is my publici— Uh, actually, this is my friend, Candace.”

  “I believe we met earlier.” He nodded.

  “Yeah. Sorry, handsome.” She shrugged. “All in a day’s work in romance.”

  “Uh, Candace?” Gemma said.

  “Don’t worry, I’m leaving. Have fun, you two.” She turned to go then faced them again and whispered. “Gemma, you should let lover boy in on the antics after he left. He’s gonna wonder why you have security tailing you both. It might work to your benefit to have a linebacker as a personal escort.” Candace paused and cupped her tiny hand over Connor’s massive bicep and squeezed, her eyes widening.

  “He’s a quarterback….” Gemma rasped under her breath.

  “Damn,” she snickered and headed toward the door.

  “Are you okay?” Connor narrowed his eyes with concern.

  “I’m fine, my, uh….” She gazed at him and bit her bottom lip. Embarrassment flooded her. Time to ’fess up. “My ex violated the restraining order with an unexpected visit right after you left the book fair.”

  “Ex?” He inched back.

  “Yeah, I wanted to tell you, but….”

  “But your publicist didn’t want anyone to know?”

  She glanced up in surprise. “Yeah.”

  “I’m in the NFL. If anyone understands the importance of maintaining a public image, I do.” He caressed her arm.

  “If you had any idea how much I hated not being honest with you.” She chugged a mouthful of the tangy drink.

  “I can imagine.” Connor reached for a stray tendril of her hair and brushed it over her shoulder. “Look at those blue bedroom eyes. Stunning.”

  Gemma swallowed hard. “So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Ripples of desire rushed through her core at his slightest touch. “The invitation said dress casual.”

  He stepped back and eyed her up and down. “You look perfect.”

  “Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.” The dark-khaki pants and olive-green button-down shirt brought out flecks of amber in his eyes.

  “To tell the truth, I can’t wait get you into a private room and—”

  “Hey.” She pulled back and giggled. “Don’t you have a party to attend?”

  “I do….” He hesitated. “But now that I know my date is you, I hate to even ask. You’d be bored.”

  “Tell me?”

  “It’s an NFL mixer. My coach wanted me to mingle with the head hunters and team owners.” He shrugged.

  “You don’t seem excited about it. Don’t you want to play football anymore? You told me your contract is up soon?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to go alone, which is why I set up the one-night stand. With the aggressive women on the hunt for—” He cleared his throat.

  “The gravy train?”


  “Honey, I’m an author. If anyone understands how people try to leech off someone else’s fame, I do.” She flashed her left hand, where the fresh pale line remained in place of her absent wedding ring. “We are two peas in a pod.”

  Connor gazed at her, eyes sparkling.

  “Listen, let’s take some time to mix and mingle. Get your face seen. We have all night, and it’s is early. Maybe if we disappear, for a little while, we can return to the party after?”

  He held out his hand, and she accepted, rising to her feet. He faced her, slipped his fingers into her belt loops, and pulled her against his body. “Sweetness, once I get you into the hotel room, we won’t be leaving.”

  “Oh, my.” She plastered her palms against his rock-hard chest.

  Connor grazed his lips against hers and retreated. “I’d better not start something I can’t stop.”

  “Good idea,” she whispered with a shivering breath “There is a little more I should tell you, before we head over to the party.”

  “Sure?” He kissed the back of her fingers with tenderness.

  “After my ex got escorted out, I found a box of…roses, on my chair.” She glanced away with embarrassment. “I had to get private security.”

  “You have another admirer? I’m not surprised.” He cocked his head.

  “I wouldn’t say it was a gift of admiration. They were…black roses, and there was a note.”

  Connor lifted her chin. “What kind of note?”

  “Not a good one. That’s why security is with me. It’s not much of a date. I’m sorry.”

  “Hey,” Connor slid his hand through her hair and cupped the nape of her neck. “It’s you. I’ll take anything I can get. A few guards don’t bother me in the least. I’m used to being in the public eye. As long as you’re safe, I’m happy.”

  Gemma exhaled with relief. “Thank you.”

  Connor leaned in and captured her lips in a tender but consuming kiss.

  Gemma’s knees grew weak. “Wow.”

  “You seem to develop a lack of vocabulary in my presence.” He chuckled.

  “What an understatement.”

  Connor escorted her to the elevator, their bodyguards in close pursuit.

  Chapter Five

  Hand in hand, they rode up the mirrored elevator to the fifth-floor convention center. Mindful of their company in tow of two guards, Gemma ignored the compulsion to tackle him in the corner and devour his lips. For now, she glanced over and admired his straight nose, squared jaw line, full lips, thick lashed brown eyes, and hint of a five-o’clock shadow. His collar-length jet-black hair contrasted his tanned complexion. His online photos did not do him justice.

  The elevator dinged, and the metal door scraped open. The lobby was draped in league paraphernalia, long tables covered with blue cloths, where several gold stands rested with footballs perched on them, banners draped the walls of different teams, and four-foot posters of popular athletes in team attire stood on metal-framed stands lining the length of the lobby. Gemma spotted one of Connor. Her very own action figure, clad in his uniform, caught in mid-toss of the ball. A brilliant shot.

  A security guard stood at the exit door to the stairs. A long, red-velvet rope lined the way to the entrance of the event room where a doorman in all black held a clipboard. Were they late? She’d expected a crowd waiting to enter.

  “Mr. Caine, so nice to see you here.” The doorman un-hooked the velvet rope to provide them access. They stepped into the room, and a congenial voice boomed in their direction.

  “Connor, buddy. You made it. Thought I would have to send a search party for you.” A tall man with a fantastic smile and a rounded gut approached them.

  “Hey, Dave.” Connor shook his hand. “I told you I’d be here, so here we are.”

  “We…. My, my, my. Who is this beauty?” He scanned Gemma up and down and paused where their hands were joined. He glanced at Connor with surprise.

  “Dave, this is my friend, Gemma Da—”

  “Oh, my word. As I live and breathe, Gemma Daveen. My favorite author in the whole wide world.” A curvy blonde in a tiny black dress and high heels joined Dave, cupping hand over her mouth.

  Connor interjected. “This is Dave, my coach, and all around pain in the ass.” He gave a gentle shot to Dave’s shoulder. “And this is his lovely wife, Trish.”

  “I’m so pleased to meet you both,” Gemma replied.

  “Oh honey, the pleasure is all mine.” Her bubbly voice matched her gleaming eyes. “I missed the book fair today. I had hoped to stop by to get an autog
raph. Your romances are incredible.”

  “Thank you,” Gemma said. “You look familiar to me, too.”

  “Former head cheerleader at your service, ma’am, but we’re talking a whole lifetime ago.” Trish waved her hand. “But you, bestselling author? Wow, I can’t get enough of your stories.” She grabbed her arm and dragged her through the crowd of people carrying drinks and engaging in idle conversation, their loud utterances drowning out most of Trish’s words.

  “Tell me, when is this new series due out?” Trish talked Gemma’s ear off. Between barrages of character questions, she introduced Gemma to other cheerleaders, football players, and men in suits.

  “She’s incredible, buddy. What did I tell you about Madame Eve?” Dave slapped him on the shoulder. “She’s good.”

  “Funny story, bro….” Connor pressed his lips together to hide his amusement.

  “You did show up for the date, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, guess who my date is?”


  “My online friend.”

  “The married woman?” Dave blurted.

  “Not anymore.” Connor followed Gemma’s progress through the room. “You were right. Eve’s good.”

  “Touchdown! Okay,” Dave rambled on like a used car salesman. “Trish will talk her ear off all night, but it gives us the opportunity to schmooze.”

  “No offers after the press release today, huh?” Connor sighed. “I figured as much.”

  “I’m not worried about the press release, buddy. You have tonight to make a great impression, on top of a record-breaking season.”

  “I’m a liability, dude. I don’t expect them to throw flowers at my feet. I’ll settle for a bite to eat then I have some serious catching up to do with her.” They waded through the crowd.

  Gemma was over at the buffet, with Trish. The vision of her radiant beauty and voluptuous silhouette in jeans with heels made the front of his pants constrict. Her long copper locks and the hot pink flower was such a turn on, he could picture his fingers entangled in her mane while he invaded her luscious lips. She sported enough cleavage to stir his curiosity, and, her flawless ivory skin with big, bright-blue eyes, Gemma Daveen did not disappoint after all the time he’d pined for her. Unsure of how he would make it through minutes, let alone hours, of socializing, he persevered with his eye on the prize. Finally, a night alone with the one woman who stimulated his brain and his sex drive.

  “Listen, Dave.” Connor glanced over his shoulder at the two guards who stayed in close proximity of Gemma. “There’s a bit of a security concern with her tonight. Her ex showed up today, and she got a threatening note earlier. These guards are here to keep her safe, but do me a favor, and don’t let her out of your sight, unless I’m with her, okay?”

  “Sure, buddy. No worries.” Dave nodded. “So…she’s single now. I bet I’m the hero tonight for getting you to show up, huh?”

  “Sure you are.” He rolled his eyes. “Who am I here to chat with?”

  “There are a few scouts I want to introduce you to.”

  An hour into the event, Gemma had taken in her fill of finger foods and Bacardi and had talked with every person Trish introduced her to. She enjoyed discussing football, among other topics, for a change, rather than her books. Although the sport was relatively unknown to her, she learned a great deal just by mingling. There were a number of her own fans here tonight, too, most of whom were Trish’s former teammates, but Gemma grew even more eager to celebrate Connor—in more ways than one. She peeped down the bar and caught his affectionate gaze.

  The lights dimmed, and a slow song began to play.

  “Hell yeah, the DJ finally decided to show up. Time to dance.” Trish wiggled her hips to the beat. “I gotta find my hubby. Look out ladies.” She grabbed Gemma by the hand and weaved her way through the group of cheerleaders, on the hunt for their dates.

  “They’re over there.” Gemma pointed over to the boys perched at the end of the bar.

  “I’ve got this, girl.” Trish jetted through the crowd.

  She let go of Gemma, looped her arm over Dave’s, and dragged him away from Connor.

  “Damn, baby,” Dave hooted and tagged along behind her.

  “Have fun kids. Mama’s on a date night.” Trish waved, and the dynamic couple disappeared onto the packed dance floor.

  “So, how is the mix and mingle?” Gemma gazed up at his intoxicating brown eyes.

  “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve done my share.” He planted a gentle kiss on her lips then drew back. “I’d like to get on to the fun portion of the night. Care to dance, pretty lady?”

  “I’d love to,” she gushed.

  Connor took her hand and led her to an empty space in the corner of the dance floor. He snaked one arm around her waist, rested his other hand against the middle of her back, and pulled her close. Gemma stretched her arms up over his neck as they swayed to the beat.

  “Come to think of it,” Connor spoke close to her ear, “I never did have the nerve to ask you to dance in high school.”

  “No, you didn’t.” She snuggled into his chest. “Why?”

  “Terminally shy,” he confessed.

  “I’m so glad you overcame your shyness.” She lifted her face and gave him a tender kiss.

  “Me, too.”

  “It must have taken a lot of courage for you to send me the first message online.”

  “You have no idea.” Connor held close. His heartbeat thumped against her cheek.

  “I can imagine.”

  “Scratch one more Gemma fantasy off my list.”

  “You have a list?” She peeked up to his face in surprise.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” He caressed her lower back. “A long one.”

  “Pray tell, what does this list have on it?”

  “We can discuss it in the privacy of the hotel room…which I hope will be very soon.” He cleared his throat.


  Connor motioned down below his belt. “I’m a little over excited, with you in my arms….”

  Gemma leaned against him and slipped her hand down between them. Her palm grazed over a very large and unmistakable hardness. “Oh,” she gasped. “I can’t leave you in this condition for long.” She resumed her dance position with her arms around his neck. Excitement flickered through her tummy.

  “Not unless you’re into cruel and unusual punishment.” He fake-coughed. “I’ve had to contend with this throughout most of our communications…online…and in texts,” he confessed.

  “You poor, poor man,” she tsked. “I had no idea the trouble I’ve caused you.” She trailed her fingers up and down his muscular neck, tantalized by the heat of his skin.

  “It’s been hard…uh, a challenge, for sure.”

  “What other fantasies do you have about me?”

  “You name it.”

  “Tell me?”

  Connor gave her a squeeze. “Those shoes for starters.”

  “My shoes?” She glanced down at her stilettos.

  “Yeah, leave them on later.”

  Ripples of arousal shot through her at the very sound of his seductive tone. “I’m making mental notes, for reference sake.”

  “The biggest one I have is you and me in the shower.” He brushed a tendril of hair from her face and tucked it over her shoulder.

  “Oh, the shower,” she cooed. “My hotel suite has the most incredible bathroom.”

  “And….” He reached down and adjusted his pants.

  “Oh no,” she laughed.

  “I’m famished.”

  “The buffet is right there.” She waved toward the table.

  He licked his lips with a wicked leer. “Not for snack food.”


  “I wanna pleasure you in a thousand ways…devour your mouth, stroke your tongue, and taste….” He let out a throaty groan. “This will not be easy to hide.”

  “Do you see me blushing, Connor Caine?” she challenged.

bsp; “As a matter of fact….” He pulled back and studied her face. “No? I’m surprised. Blushing is kinda your thing.”

  “Maybe it’s the rum talking, but I feel a little more brazen than usual right now. I like the dirty talk,” she spoke softly into his ear. “Tell me more.”

  “I wanna slide my hand down your panties and slip my finger inside your hot, wet pussy….”

  “Go on.” She bit her bottom lip.

  “I’ll dip my finger in and out and rub your clit. When you’re ready to come, I’ll lick and suck you till you explode.”

  Gemma drew in a shaky inhale and gripped his shoulders tight. Her clit throbbed hard. “I think I already did.” She shivered. “How could you make me come with only words?”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Not in the least.” She nuzzled close and shuddered. “I think the difference between our mutual arousal is I can hide mine a little better in public.”

  “No shit.” The song ended, and he led her off the dance floor.

  “Connor Caine, I’d like you to meet Jessie Cassidy.” Dave returned with another suited man at his side, Trish behind them.

  “Sorry,” Trish mouthed to Gemma.

  “It’s okay.” She shook her head and chuckled. Gemma spun around and kept her back against Connor to shield his excitement.

  “Uh, hi there.” He gripped her shoulders and whispered into her ear. “I’m so sorry, babe.”

  “Hi.” Perhaps the distraction of speaking with the others would relieve his predicament. “I’m Gemma Daveen.”

  “How do you do?” The forty-something man shook her hand.

  “I see you gentleman could use a minute to chat.” She reached behind her and clumsily un-tucked the front of his shirt in an attempt to conceal his arousal. He followed her lead and finished the task. “I’m going to excuse myself.”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Jessie apologized.

  “It’s fine. I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back.” She faced Connor and patted his arm. “You’ll be fine now.”

  “No, wait,” Connor called after her.

  She approached one of the guards. “Is there a restroom in here?”


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