Bear My Heart: A Small Town Paranormal Romance

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Bear My Heart: A Small Town Paranormal Romance Page 5

by Natalie Kristen

Troy didn't release her hand. “Why won't you trust us to protect your secrets? Why don't you trust me?”

  “I can't,” she whispered, blinking quickly. “I just can't, Troy.”

  “I know it's not easy. And I know what I'm talking about. I was like you.” He pulled his truck to a stop at the side of the road and faced her. “For a long time, I didn't trust anyone, and I didn't trust myself around anyone. Even after I came to Bear Cove, I carried the fear and anger in me for a long time. I was so afraid that I would hurt Megan and her babies. I came to Bear Cove to help her and take care of her and her babies. Yet I refused to touch Leo and Logan. I screamed at Megan when she thrust the infants into my arms and forced me to carry my nephews. Leo and Logan were bawling in my arms, but Megan refused to take them back. Not until you talk to me and tell me the damn truth, she said.”

  Dot smiled a little. “Tough love.”

  “My sister's tough all right,” Troy said. “She forced me to face the truth and accept what I had become. She even made it sound like a good thing.” Troy made a face and mimicked Megan, “You'd make a good handyman. You're stronger now, so you can finish the job in less time.” Troy cracked a laugh. “She even suggested some names for my handyman business. Wanna hear them?”

  Dot nodded eagerly.

  “Let's see...” Troy began ticking the names off his fingers. “Big Nuts, HandJobs and...I Screw Anything.”

  “She didn't!” Dot burst into laughter.

  “Oh yes she did. But I was smart enough not to listen to her.” He grinned and started driving down the road.

  “But you did listen to her,” Dot said softly.

  Troy nodded. “Yes. I did. When you are loved, you love in return. You no longer live just for yourself.”

  They pulled up in front of a neat single-story house. Before Troy could say more, the front door burst open and two impish little boys raced each other to the truck. Their faces were glowing with excitement.

  “Uncle Troy!” they shouted over each other. “What took you so long?”

  “We've been waiting for ages!”

  “You're late!”


  “Leo, Logan, stop asking Dot so many questions and let her eat in peace,” Megan scolded her sons.

  “Yes, Mom,” the boys said together but they grinned cheekily at Dot. The twins had made Dot sit between them so that “it was fair”. They both wanted to sit beside her, so that was the only solution.

  “Oh, it's okay,” Dot said. “I like talking to them.”

  Leo and Logan giggled as they tucked into their mashed potato. Leo winked at Troy across the table and whispered loudly, “Is she your girlfriend, Uncle Troy?”

  “Leo!” Megan narrowed her eyes at her son.

  “Uncle Troy had a girlfriend once,” Logan told Dot, waving his fork in the air. “We never met her though. She left him a long time ago.”

  Megan opened her mouth to admonish the boys but Troy stopped her by saying smoothly, “Well, she wasn't Miss Right for me. So she's definitely not Aunt Right for my favorite nephews.”

  “Favorite?” The twins perked up.

  “Who's your favorite?”

  “Yeah, me or Logan? It's me, right?”

  “No, I'm Uncle Troy's favorite nephew!”

  Troy laughed. “You're both my favorite nephews.”

  Logan appeared satisfied with Troy's answer and happily reached for another piece of garlic bread. But Leo frowned as he worked something out in his head.

  “But we're your only nephews,” Leo said at last.

  Troy ruffled Leo's hair and shot Megan a teasing look. “Maybe...I'll have a niece one day.”

  Megan glared at him and raised a warning finger. Troy immediately put up both palms in surrender and zipped his mouth.

  As Troy continued joking with the twins, Megan engaged Dot in conversation. Megan described her work at the library, and asked Dot if she would be happy to conduct a writing workshop for the residents.

  “We do have a newsletter, and people have been submitting their works. Some contribute articles and write-ups, while others submit their short stories and poems. I know there are quite a few budding writers in Bear Cove. I've talked to some of the teachers, and we thought it would be great to invite a writer to give a talk at the library.” Her hazel eyes shone with hope and enthusiasm. “We're a small town, but I know the turnout will be great!”

  “Oh, I'm not a famous writer or anything,” Dot said nervously. “I just...”

  “We don't want fame. Fame has nothing to do with anything.” Megan waved a hand. “You're writing for a few magazines, right? I've read your stories. They're very good.”

  “Thank you,” Dot murmured. “I...”

  “And you are famous,” Megan added. “You'll be surprised how many people look forward to reading the next installment by A. Dot.” Megan patted Dot's hand. “Don't say no just yet. Think about it, okay?”


  Logan looked up at Dot and asked, “Are you coming to talk to my class? Mom came and talked to the whole class about her work at the library. She even brought a whole bag of library books with her.”

  “Uncle Brandon came to talk to us too,” Leo said. “He told us all about being a handyman.”

  “Uncle Brandon and Uncle Troy are Mister Handyman,” Logan informed Dot proudly. “They built new cabinets for our kitchen and put up the shelves for Mom.”

  “And Uncle Brandon lets us play with his hammers,” Leo said, giving Troy a pointed look.

  Dot chuckled. “Let me guess. Uncle Troy won't let you touch them.”

  “Who dropped the hammer repeatedly on the wooden floorboards, until the floor looked like the surface of the moon?” Troy asked, planting his hands on his hips. “The floor was covered with pockmarks and craters and you even made a hole right through a panel.”

  “It wasn't me!” The twins pointed at each other.

  “Liar! You dropped the hammer first!”

  “You made the hole!”

  “Uncle Brandon didn't mind,” Leo said defiantly.

  “And it was Uncle Brandon's floor,” his brother added cheerfully.

  Troy rubbed his chin. “Maybe I should have a word with Uncle Brandon.”

  “No!” the twins howled.

  “It's all your fault,” Logan snapped at his brother.

  “Don't poke me!”

  As Megan settled the boys' argument, Troy met Dot's eyes across the table. She didn't seem to mind the noise and the racket the boys were making at all.

  She was smiling, and she looked happy and relaxed. In fact, he had never seen her smile so much or heard her laugh and chat so happily with anyone before. She was always keeping to herself, keeping herself apart from the townspeople.

  She felt she didn't belong. Or maybe she was afraid to belong.

  He would show her, just as his sister and nephews had shown him, that being alone wasn't going to solve anything.

  Dot turned to him and smiled. Troy felt his heart clench with hope, longing and joy.

  He never realized how much her smile meant to him.


  After dinner, the twins dragged Dot to the living room and begged her to play 'Snakes and Ladders' with them.

  Megan finished loading the dishwasher and came out of the kitchen. “It's almost bedtime, boys, and I think Dot wants to get home for some peace and quiet after spending such a rowdy evening with you rascals.”

  “Aww, Mom...” Logan looked up and gave Megan his best puppy-dog eyes. “Just one game. Please! We're not tired. Dot's not tired too.” He glanced hopefully at Dot.

  “I'm not tired,” Dot answered. “And I haven't played 'Snakes and Ladders' in ages. I'd love to play a game—if it's okay with your mom.”

  Megan beamed and hunkered down between her sons. “All right. Let's set this up.”

  They all sprawled on the living room carpet and a lively, noisy game
of 'Snakes and Ladders' began.

  Dot sat beside Troy on the carpet and their shoulders touched briefly. His arm brushed against hers when he reached out to roll the dice and move his token, and it sent a sizzle of pure heat and desire through her body.

  Dot stole a glance at Troy as he joked with his sister and nephews. His handsome features crinkled with humor and happiness, and his powerful body radiated raw, masculine strength and a magnetic, animal heat.

  She had noticed him the very first day she arrived in Bear Cove. And she had been unnerved by her own reaction to him. She could see that Troy was ruggedly handsome, tall and muscular but the attraction wasn't just physical. Her gut told her she could trust this man but she knew it was far safer not to trust anyone.

  But maybe she was no longer guarding her life. She was guarding her heart.

  She might be falling in love.

  Troy was sweet, sexy and very desirable. It wasn't just his sex appeal. It was everything about him.

  He was a man who cared for his family. He was loving, protective and gentle. He restrained his immense strength as he roughhoused with his two rambunctious nephews. He was a fun, funny uncle to the boys. He'd put aside his own problems and stepped up when his sister needed him. He made sure the twins had a good male role model in their lives, and his sister's house was always filled with love and laughter.

  Dot watched Troy rub his hands in an exaggerated fashion and let out a wicked cackle whenever one of the twins landed on a snake head.

  “I think Uncle Troy's doing it on purpose,” Leo whispered to his brother. “He's making us lose.”

  “Let's get him,” Logan whispered back.

  Troy pretended not to notice the twins sneaking behind him. Giggling and shushing each other, they tiptoed up to him and pounced.

  Troy growled and pretended to bite them as they climbed onto his back and tried to wrestle him to the ground. Dot smiled as she watched the mischievous twins gang up on their uncle.

  They're so lucky to have each other, she thought. She wished she had a sibling.

  The twins fought and squabbled, and there was ribbing and rivalry but there was also friendship, camaraderie and love. They teased and challenged each other and pushed each other to be better. They had each other's back and they cheered for each other.

  Dot observed the same dynamics between Megan and Troy. Megan was down on all fours beside her brother, advancing on the two squealing boys like a she-bear. It was the twins versus their mom and uncle, and the adults were winning.

  “Dot! Dot, help us!” Logan shrieked.

  “Dot's on our team!” Leo declared and scampered to her side. His brother followed suit and grinned triumphantly. “We're going to win now, Uncle Troy. It's three against two.”

  “We'll see about that,” Troy deadpanned and winked at Dot.

  Dot couldn't help laughing. They were all on their hands and knees, crawling around a half-forgotten game of 'Snakes and Ladders'. It was crazy and fun, and she suddenly realized that this was what family was about.

  Through the crazy times, the bad times, the fun times, they would be here for each other.

  Troy had moved to Bear Cove for Megan and the boys. And Megan had invited her to dinner for Troy.

  Dot took a deep breath and let out a very convincing growl. Troy looked impressed and Megan laughed delightedly.

  “We'll get Mom!” Logan and Leo crowed, and together they jumped into their mother's arms. Megan grabbed them and started smothering them with kisses. “Help!” they yelled, laughing and squirming. “No kisses! Mom!”

  Dot glanced from the giggling trio to Troy. Troy was looking at her with curiosity and amusement but she caught the predatory gleam in his eye. Dot gulped and hesitated.

  “Look out, Dot!” Leo yelled and pointed at Troy. “He's coming for you!”

  Too late.

  Dot found herself being tumbled to the carpet. After much panting and rolling and growling, she finally pinned Troy to the ground.

  Looking up, she saw Leo and Logan sitting on their mother's legs. Megan's eyes were bright with laughter as she grabbed a tissue and raised it as a white flag.

  “Yay! We win!”


  Dot didn't pull away when Troy held her hand as he drove her home. Instead, she sighed and laced her fingers through his.

  She had enjoyed herself so much this evening. Megan had looked both delighted and embarrassed when Dot thanked her profusely for the lovely dinner. She kept insisting that it was just a simple family dinner, but it was so much more to Dot.

  For the first time in so long, Dot allowed herself to dream and want. She wanted a life like this, where family dinners were just ordinary, everyday affairs.

  Many people had a life like this. She had a right to live a happy, peaceful, ordinary life, just like everyone else. Right?

  Dot laced her fingers tightly through Troy's and gripped his large, calloused hand. His hand was warm, solid and assuring. She didn't want to let go. She wanted to hold on to him, to this moment, forever.

  Troy parked his truck in front of her house and walked her to her door. She was still holding his hand as she unlocked her door.

  They stood facing each other for a moment, the silence charged with heat and tension. Dot saw the desire in Troy's deep, blue eyes and her eyes lingered on his lips.

  With a low growl, Troy cupped her nape with his huge, rough hand and tilted her face up to him. His mouth covered hers and he didn't leash his hunger and lust this time. He kissed her deeply, hungrily, letting her know exactly how much he wanted her.

  Dot grabbed his collar and pulled him to her. The kiss was searing and demanding, and she wanted more. With her hands and mouth, she demanded he give her more.

  They tumbled through the doorway into the dark interior of her house, their lips still locked and their hands moving frenziedly over each other's buttons.

  Dot yanked the two halves of Troy's shirt apart and pressed her palms against his broad, ripped torso. She moaned as Troy kissed down her jaw and neck and nibbled at her collar bone.

  “Dot...” Troy said, his breathing harsh and tortured. “Tell me to stop now.”

  “I don't want you to stop,” she hissed.

  His eyes flashed with a fierce, feral light. He gripped her wrists and pinned her hands to the wall on either side of her head. “Are you sure, Dot? Are you absolutely sure?”

  She nodded.

  Troy dropped his forehead to hers. “I don't want you to regret anything. If I see the regret and pain in your eyes, it will fucking kill me. Do you understand?” he whispered.

  “I won't regret this. I won't regret anything with you, Troy.”

  “Do you know what I am?” he said harshly.

  “Yes. I saw you that night,” Dot replied, meeting his burning gaze. “I saw you. I saw the bear.”

  “I was bitten by a rogue shifter. The man had lost control of his mind and his beast,” Troy grated. “I could be like him. I could lose control...”

  “No. You are not like him. You are not a rogue,” Dot said fiercely. “He attacked you but you are not like him. You are stronger than him. Don't let him fucking control your life!”

  Troy jerked and stared into her brimming eyes. “Who hurt you, Dot?” he said, capturing her face in his hands. “What did he do to you?” His voice shook with raw pain and fury.

  Dot tried to turn away but Troy held her fast and forced her to look at him. “Don't hide from me, Dot. I won't hurt you. I will never hurt you.”

  “I know...” Teaks leaked from the corner of her eyes.

  Troy kissed away her tears and held her for a long time. Dot buried her face in his chest and cried. She pressed herself against his powerful body and listened to his rhythmic, steady heartbeats. She couldn't remember the last time she'd cried.

  All those months that she'd been in captivity, she had never shed a single tear.

  Dot wrapped her arms ar
ound Troy's waist and inhaled his unique, masculine scent. She couldn't tear herself away from him. She had been alone for so long. She needed someone to hold her and love her.

  But she didn't want just anyone's arms around her. She wanted Troy. Only Troy.

  Swallowing her tears, she looked up and gazed deeply into Troy's intense, piercing eyes. She pushed herself up on her toes and whispered against his lips, “Love me tonight, Troy. Please...”


  Troy kissed Dot very slowly, tasting her fears, her pain, her loneliness. She needed him and wanted him. Not just for tonight.

  She wanted more than sex. She wanted everything he could give her.

  Troy kissed her forehead and eyelids, slowly planting soft, tender kisses on her nose and cheeks. His touch and kisses remained light and gentle. All she had to do was push him away or whisper a protest and he would stop.

  He wasn't going to lose control. He would never hurt her or frighten her.

  Troy stiffened when Dot pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him with more urgency and passion. Impatiently, she pulled her blouse over her head and reached back to unhook her bra.

  She didn't want to go slow.

  Troy grabbed her wrists and bent down to take the straps of her bra in his teeth. He tugged the straps down and the sight of her dark, pebbled nipples pulled a possessive growl from his throat.

  She was so fucking beautiful. She was soft and strong, vulnerable and courageous. She was a woman he would love for the rest of his life.

  Dot shivered and cried out when he kissed her breasts and flicked his tongue across her nipples. Tearing her bra away from her body, he grabbed her heaving breasts in his hands and began to suckle her furiously.

  Dot moaned and undulated her body as Troy licked and kissed his way down her body. Hungrily, he swirled his tongue around her navel and moved lower. Her skin felt so hot and smooth and soft.

  Troy growled with hunger and impatience as he tugged her jeans and panties down her hips. He needed to taste her, and feel her come against his mouth.


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