Boss: Romantic Thriller

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Boss: Romantic Thriller Page 3

by Sienna Mynx

  “Goodbye Mr. Marshall, you do the same.”

  He walked off.

  “Bastard,” she mumbled. She looked at the card. It wasn't a direct number. It was company card that would no doubt ring an assistant. He probably had layers of assistants she would have to breech to get next to him. Daniel was worried about her going too far. He said the Marshalls were dangerous. Daniel had no real concept of how evil Tarek Marshall was. Only she knew the truth about the man. For Daniel the Marshall brothers were business men. Ruthless, calculating business men, that spent more money on lobbyist in Washington protecting their interests in dismantling the energy bill before the President than organized crime. And that was true. Tarek was a collector. And women, vulnerable women, were collateral damage. Not anymore. Kassidy would have her revenge, and the only way to get it, was to dig out and destroy his black heart.

  Chapter 2

  Born and raised in oil-rich Texas, Tarek Marshall had a lifestyle to be envied. Men wanted to be him. Women begged to be fucked by him. And his father’s ruthless business tactics molded him. Tarek felt entitled to everything.

  Today he was entitled to his anger. His brothers had decided to join forces against him. It didn't work. The deals he made for his father, were ones they could not stop, but they’d waste money and his time in trying too. Now he would have to teach them a lesson for their treachery.

  Tarek stopped pacing in front of Henry’s door. His temples pounded thickly. His throat was dry. That old atom bomb of resentment rose within him. He knocked with his knuckles twice. He stepped to the side so his brother could not see him from the peephole.

  “Who is it?” Henry asked.

  Tarek did not respond.

  The door opened only a fraction of an inch. Tarek shoved it open with so much force Henry was knocked flat to his ass. Tarek slammed the door. Henry shook his head no.

  “I didn’t tell him. I swear. I swear!” Henry flipped over and tried to crawl away but Tarek grabbed him by the back of his neck. He dragged his brother to the open door of the bedroom.

  “Please Tarek! I swear! I didn’t tell him anything!”

  Tarek flipped up the lid to the commode and shoved Henry’s face inside. His brother gurgled, choked down the toilet water. He then snatched his head up.

  “What does he know!” Tarek snarled.


  Tarek dunked Henry’s head into the toilet water again. His brother thrashed and fought to get up. But Henry was weak. He was born weak. He would die weak. He failed. Tarek pulled his head up once more. His brother gasped and wheezed down a few breaths.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That you have started the Campos Basin project. That you’ve got the shareholders ready for the vote. That I was going to vote with you. But I was... afraid.”

  Tarek let him go. Henry scrambled away. The bathroom wasn’t big enough for an escape. Tarek began to pace and think it through.

  “So the board won’t vote my way?”

  “No. Dale has already met with them. They are going to vote you down. I was hoping, we could talk. Like brothers. Stop this war. I’m on both your sides. I swear. I just want us to find peace.”

  “Peace?” Tarek asked. He stared down at his brother who gasped for air. His face was flushed red. And his eyes were blood-shot from the lack of oxygen to his brain. “You want peace. I’ve just declared war. You tell him that.”

  “I'm tired of being caught between the two of you and this never-ending war. If you just let us see father. If you’d lift the hold at the hospital Dale will back off.”

  Tarek walked out flexing his fist. They would not see him. Not now. Not ever.


  Kassidy called Daniel and told him she would meet him at the airport. The whole ordeal was a waste of her time and energy. With nothing more than her carryon bag, she left the hotel for her Uber. She saw several cars waiting. But one man stepped forward. He was short white guy, that looked to be in his early twenties like her. His mousey brown hair was short and tapered at the sides, but he had long bangs to the front like some Canadian pop-star. He tossed his head slightly and the bang flipped from his face to the side of his neatly combed hair.

  “Kassidy?” he asked, with his hands shoved down into the front of his zipped up leather jacket.

  She nodded. “Thank you, I only have this.”

  “I'll put it in my trunk,” he said.

  She nodded and stepped to the door. And then, for no particular reason, she looked over to the right. A limo driver was on the sidewalk. He stood by a car. And then he opened the door. None other than Tarek Marshall came out of the rotating hotel doors. He was speaking on his cell phone. He got in the car without a single glance.

  Kassidy got inside the car waiting for her.

  “Is it possible to make a detour?” she asked.

  The driver glanced back at her. “Detour? I thought you wanted to go to the airport?”

  “No. I want to follow that limo. It's my boss. I have to give him something. Please,” she said. She reached over and handed him a twenty-dollar bill.

  “Keep your money. It's your dime,” the man said.

  “Thank you.”

  He pulled away from the hotel and sped out into the street. He had to run the first light to catch up. Kassidy was grateful she didn't have to tell him too. They were on the expressway soon, and headed south.

  “Where are you from?” the driver asked.

  “Plano Texas originally, but I grew up in Crystal Beach for most of my life,” Kassidy said. She pulled out her phone and started to text Daniel.

  Kassidy: I'm going to miss the flight.

  Daniel: ????

  Kassidy: Something came up.

  Daniel: Tarek?

  Kassidy: Trust me. I got a feeling on this.

  Daniel: I'm worried.

  Kassidy: Don't worry. Text u soon. Promise

  Daniel: Be careful.

  “So you think so?” the driver asked.

  “Huh? I'm sorry I didn't hear you?” Kassidy said and put her phone in her purse.

  “The radio gave the score from last night’s game. I said the Cowboys won't make it to the Super Bowl, and you said you thought they would, and I said, you think so?”

  “Oh, yea,” Kassidy rolled her eyes. She never understood why Uber drivers felt the need to be so chatty. She would rather ride-along in silence. She tolerated the driver with other small talk about Texas until they exited the expressway.

  “Looks like your boss is heading to Dupage,” the driver said.

  “Dupage? What is that?” she asked.

  “An airport. Private jets and companies fly out of it,” he said.

  “Oh, okay. Hey, I know you don't accept tips, but I'll give you a fifty-dollar bill if you can drop me off at Dupage ahead of that limo. I want him to see me already there waiting for him. Please.”

  The driver glanced up at her in his rearview mirror. “Hell lady, I can’t take that. It's cool. I'll get you there!”

  He swerved from around the limo and sped through the light. Kassidy gasped as they almost suffered a T-bone collision with oncoming traffic.

  “Hold on!” he laughed.

  “Don’t kill us!”

  The young man hollered and hooted. His Honda bounced off a pothole and the car surged up like the Dukes of Hazzard mobile.

  “Drop me off at the front please,” she said and grabbed the arm of the door for safety.

  “Almost there!” he swerved around two cars and then back into his lane to avoid oncoming traffic.

  Kassidy began to pray.

  The driver laughed. He cut the wheel sharp left and she nearly slid across the seat to the other door. And then he slammed on his brakes. Her seatbelt tightened to the point of choking her.

  “Ha! We made it!” he pumped on his horn.

  “Crazy!” she huffed. The young man got out of the car laughing. She checked her makeup to make sure she looked flawless. Kassidy swallowed her nerves. I
t was a risky plan. But nothing gained came without risk.


  Tarek rubbed the tension from his brow. He needed sleep and time alone to think. Instead of staying for the closing meetings, he called for the family jet. If the board was going to turn on him he had to be ready. His brothers would have to wait for it to return or find another way home.

  “We're here sir,” his driver said.

  The car entered the gates of the private airport. Tarek looked over to his right. He wasn't sure why, but he did. At that moment he thought he saw the woman he had drinks with earlier. She was walking through the doors of the private airport in a coat pulling along her luggage. The moment was fleeting.

  Instead of being taken to the runway, he was brought to the back right side of the airport that led to the airstrip. He typically didn't board until the plane was fueled and ready. The driver opened the door and Tarek stepped out into the chill. He walked into the airport and was greeted.

  “Mr. Marshall, we're almost ready for you sir. Can I offer you a drink while you wait?”

  “No,” he said. The woman gave him a polite smile and backed away. He glanced out to the plane and then turned away to find a seat. And again he saw her. She paced over by a plotted plant. Outside of the dim lighting of the restaurant, he was able to get a better look at her. She was average in height, but he guessed her to be short, since the heels on her shoes were so tall. She had nice legs. It was all he could see of her since her coat stopped at her knee. Her hair was jet-black and trimmed into a short pageboy style. The bangs were evenly cut and covered her brow. And she seemed distressed.

  “Damn it,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear. She dramatically ended her call with her hand to her brow and a few more expletives. This one had a mouth on her. She hadn't seen him yet. Or at least she wanted him to think she hadn't. Tarek watched her with mild amusement. And then she glanced his way. She gave him a surprised look. He waited for her next move.

  “Mr. Marshall, hi?” she said, walking over.

  Tarek stood.

  “Angela, hello.”

  “Are you leaving?”

  “I am. And you?” he asked.

  She sighed. “I was supposed to fly out with one of my associates. I was told this was the airport. I just learned that he is leaving out of Midway. So I've missed the flight.”

  “Pity,” Tarek said.

  “I'm headed to Texas, Dallas.”

  “Isn't that interesting, I'm heading to Dallas too,” Tarek said.

  She flashed him a beautiful smile. It was indeed ranked high with her best features. Sexual attraction can make a fool out of even the most astute of men. Tarek was no fool. But he had three vices, and a woman like her could be one of them.

  “That's not just interesting. It's fate! I know this is inappropriate, but I would be so appreciative if you'd be a gentleman, and offer a lady in distress a ride.”


  “Never mind. That must really sound weird. I... I'm stuck and... well, I think we got off on the wrong foot.”

  “It's no problem. I'd enjoy the company Ms. Brown. By all means, join me,” he said.

  “Really?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Mr. Marshall, we’re ready for you sir,” the airport attendant announced.

  “Your things?” he asked.

  “Oh, it's right there, just that rolling bag,” she smiled. He nodded and picked it up. And the woman walked off ahead of him. He handed the bag to the attendant, and followed her to the plane. She boarded first, he came on after her. The Cessna had relaxed seating with large, peanut butter brown soft leather chairs that reclined and adjusted for your comfort. The passengers were able to face each other. He sat across from her. She smiled and buckled in. Soon they were taxing to lift off.

  “Didn't think I would see you again,” she said.

  “No? You give up that easy?” he asked.

  “Not usually. It's just you're a hard man to get an appointment with.”

  “Ah, that's right. You're interested in my business.”

  “I'm interested, period.” she crossed her legs. The attendant on the plane offered drinks. She accepted a martini. He had a coke. She sipped and stared out of her window for a second. Then her gaze returned to him. Money can be a powerful aphrodisiac for some women. He acknowledged that he had handsome classical looks that could seduce a woman. He’d been Ivy-league educated so he could entice the most beautiful with his mind. But even without these talents he had no doubt his wealth could part of the thighs of the Queen of England if he dared to do so. And that irritated him. She was beautiful but flawed if she thought pussy was the only way to achieve success through a man like him.

  “Is there something you want to ask me Mr. Marshall?”

  “That little performance of yours in the airport was quite rehearsed. Wondering what the second act will be.”

  That lovely smile of hers faded and her slender brows lowered. “Pardon me?”

  “Bumping into me in the restaurant. It happens. In particular, it happens with consultants. But to pose as a damsel in distress to get on my private jet, now that takes a bit more commitment. Tell me Angela, will you go to the bathroom and take off your panties and then accidently leave them behind for me to find?”

  “I think you see conspiracy where there is none,” she gave a nervous chuckle. “And for the record I’m not wearing any panties.”

  The sharpness of her tongue was a delight. He sat back. He picked up his soda and the ice clinked against the glass. “Then uncross your legs for me.”

  Pinning on a brilliant smile to mask her unease, Kassidy sipped her martini and uncrossed her legs. She slowly parted her knees. His gaze lowered. Her hopes of a quick and easy seduction of Tarek Marshall were diminishing. She was no temptress. The men she’d taken to bed were no king’s, conquers, men of power. Mostly average men, who played in alternative music bands or worked blue collar jobs. And she preferred it that way. Power corrupted the good, and destroyed the innocent. She reached down and placed her hand on her thigh. All she needed to do was pull back on her hand and it would ease her skirt up several inches. She did so. Tarek’s gaze lifted to what she revealed and locked on her. Instead of sipping his soda he set aside.

  Twice she'd struck out with him. If she didn't think of anything quick, she would not get up to bat for a third with Tarek.

  “Sir, would you like something else to drink?” the attendant asked him. Kassidy shut her thighs and sat up straight and prim.

  “No. I’m fine, leave us,” he said.

  “Mr. Marshall. It's time for me to be honest,” Kassidy said.

  “I’m listening.”

  With a smooth action she had practiced over and over in her head since the game began, she unlatched her seatbelt. Her nerves were jumping but she was proud to see her hand was steady.

  “Is that seat taken?” she asked.

  Though she felt giddy, and brave from her martini Tarek Marshall looked as sober as a judge—and twice as serious. Was he really this stern and stiff as his austere formality suggested? He did seem to like her peep show. Kassidy got up from her seat and sat next to him.

  “I didn’t miss my flight. It was all part of my plan to get on this plane with you. And it worked. Because I’m good at what I do. And I will go the distance to prove it to you.”

  The attendant returned and asked that we buckle our seatbelts. Kassidy drank the rest of her martini for bravery, and then handed her the glass. The plane hit a bubble of turbulence. She gripped the tiny arm seat and looked away. She wasn't afraid of flying, but the martini had implanted wild thoughts of going down in flames popping up in her mind. She closed her eyes to get her internal thoughts together. She was no drinker.

  And then he leaned in and spoke into her ear. “Relax. I believe you.” As if to prove his point he slid his hand over her knee and up her thigh. His boldness should have worried her. The honest part of her wanted to stop the charade and dema
nd the answers she deserved from him. But Kassidy was playing a game. A very dangerous game.

  “Forgive my impatience Angela, but you are a beautiful woman.” His nose went in close to her neck, so close she could sense his nearness. And he silently inhaled her.

  Tarek lifted his hand from her thigh and it went toward her face. She froze. He turned her face by the chin and she had no choice but to soak in his dangerous attractive features, as he did hers. His fingers brushed over her cheek, and smoothed the skin over her temple. Kassidy was disoriented by the bizarre pull of attraction for a man she had spent so many years hating. She grappled with the idea of doing what Daniel warned her against. She reasoned that she could do so, and set aside all feelings, good and bad. But could she?

  The answer was given when his mouth crashed upon hers. Tarek lips were warm and firm, as he slid his hand up her nape and forced her head to tilt and angle to his satisfaction. He fed off her trembling response. And the simmering tension between them exploded into a fiery heat that burned down her walls of resistance. She literally sizzled with excitement the passion was so electrifying.

  The taste of him was tart and spicy. It was the tantalizing flavor of power and corruption. She kissed him back out of greed.

  Some vague part of her brain, a part still sane, warned her not to play with the devil. He was far more experienced at these games than she was. She needed to remain the one in control. If she didn’t she would insult and demean her own crusade for justice. Somehow the message got tangled up in her thoughts, and the lustful part of her wanted more. Instead of pushing against his broad shoulders, she grabbed his lapel and pulled him toward her. And his hand went from her face to her hip. As she turned against him, to savor the decadent roll of his tongue over her own, he gripped her ass. The seatbelt was a deterrent. She wanted free of it. Tarek's mouth left hers and went to her neck. He offered a few nips and sucks as he again caressed his hand up further, driving her mini dress to her hip and exposing half of her ass. Her breasts felt heavy in her bra and ultra-sensitive. The lust to be overtaken by him peaked in her nipples and they both strained against the cups of her bra. His face went lower, sucking on her tit through her dress. Kassidy eyes opened, and she realized how far she had gone. How much father she wanted to go.


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