The Sheikh’s Royal Bride

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The Sheikh’s Royal Bride Page 5

by Cara Albany

She nodded and walked down the steps, Zafar easing himself into position alongside her. She felt the soft grass beneath her shoes as they started to make their way across the lawn. The thickness of the grass beneath her feet made her steps feel slightly unsteady for a few moments. She saw him glance at her as she shifted slightly on her heels. But, she forced herself to walk steadily for few more steps, ignoring the curiosity in his gaze.

  For a moment, she thought about taking him to the site of the excavation. Anything to prevent what she thought might be a very awkward walk in the garden.

  Or maybe it would be better to try and find out a little more about the prince, she told herself.

  Once again her ankles shifted slightly on the lawn. She stopped, reached down and slipped off her shoes. Barefoot now, she hung her shoes on her fingers and glanced at Zafar. "This feels a whole lot better," she explained.

  And it did. The grass was cool beneath her feet. She curled her toes easily, feeling the sensation of being completely in touch with the earth.

  Lori looked up at Zafar. She saw his glance flicker downward, his gaze taking in the sight of her legs, all the way to her bare feet. She was certain she saw a hint of appreciation, a momentary curl of his lips at the corner of his mouth. His eyes narrowed a little. The hint of her nakedness, as innocent as it was, had seemed to trigger a reaction in him.

  As quickly as that reaction had appeared, Zafar lifted his head and gazed out across the garden. "Why don't we stay on the lawn and head over in that direction," he said pointing toward a cluster of hedgerows. She thought she heard a trace of emotion in his low, vibrant voice. "There's a fountain. We can sit by that for a while."

  Lori knew what he was talking about. She'd sat at the fountain many times during her breaks. But she wasn't in the mood to sit down. Especially not with Zafar alongside her.

  "I'd prefer to walk a while," she said.

  "Okay," he said, nodding his head casually.

  They walked in silence for a while until they came to a long grove of trees which stretched toward the distant palace wall. Her mind started to fill with questions. She wanted to try to understand this man who seemed to be full of so many contradictions. Then she might be able to get a handle on what his intentions were toward Kadir and Alaya.

  But, she also knew that if she asked him questions like that directly, it was unlikely he'd respond. She'd only succeed in putting him on the defensive.

  And she'd already seen what that could mean. Maybe it would be better to find out some more of his background. What drove him.

  But, before she had a chance to ask him, he spoke. "Whereabouts in American do you come from?"

  Lori looked at him, surprised at his sudden interest. "I thought you didn't want to hear anything about America."

  "I don't," he said curtly. "I want to know more about you."

  Lori felt her face flush and she was glad that, in the soft light of the garden, and the shade of the surrounding trees, he didn't seem to have noticed.

  "Why?" she asked.

  He gazed down into her eyes. There was a sudden darkness in that gaze. "Because you fascinate me," he murmured.

  Her footsteps faltered slightly, but she forced herself to walk steadily, measuring her steps carefully. She knew that if she halted, even for a moment, he would press his advantage. And she wasn't going to allow that to happen.

  Lori laughed. "You're joking with me, aren't you?" she asked.

  Zafar nodded slowly. "No. I'm not," he growled.

  "Don't you remember what I did the last time we were alone?" she said, recalling the feel of her palm against his cheek.

  "How could I forget?" he replied, the corner of his mouth curling.

  She glanced at him, and saw the tempting darkness of the stubble on his chin. His skin looked smooth and olive-toned in the subdued light. Now, why had she even noticed such a thing? She dragged her attention away from that and tightened her jaw.

  Lori sighed. "Let's not talk about me," she stated.

  "Why not?"

  Lori shook her head. "There's not much to tell."

  "I couldn't disagree more," he said. "How does someone like you get to be in a place like this?" he said running his gaze around the grounds of the palace. "It's a long way from home."

  It was almost as if he'd been reading her mind earlier. The thought she'd harbored in secret that all of this around her was some kind of mirage, a dream from which she would soon awaken.

  "I suppose it is."

  He looked down at her. For a moment, she saw his gaze flicker downward, teasing her with its darkness. "Tell me about yourself, Lori," he said.

  Her name sounded different on his lips. His accented English made it sound almost exotic.

  She shook her head. "You don't want to know," she said sharply.

  He halted and faced her. She stopped and looked up at him. He suddenly seemed to loom large above her, his shoulders wide, his chest broad and powerful. "I do want to know everything about you, Lori." His eyes narrowed slightly. "Very much," he added.

  Lori felt her heart quicken. His presence was so powerful, so overwhelming. She caught a hint of his scent, a suddenly intoxicating mixture. He was so close to her now that if he wanted he could reach out and touch her. But, she was sure he had no intention of doing that. She saw a steely self-control in his gaze.

  Her gaze drifted down to his full lips. The last time she'd been this close to him, just like this, everything had ended very badly.

  For some reason this time felt different. He was different. Was this the private Zafar? The one he hid from the world. She'd seen plenty of the other Zafar. The public prince who eyed everything around him carefully, weighing it all up, passing judgment.

  But, right now, the way he was looking at her, he looked so different. And another thought floated treacherously into her mind. So tempting?

  "Why me?" she asked.

  His brows narrowed. "What do you mean?"

  "Why do you want to know anything at all about me? You've made it pretty clear that you don't approve of my country. Where I grew up. Even my profession. Why the sudden change of heart?"

  "Who said anything about a change of heart?" he asked moving imperceptibly closer to her.

  She squinted at him, but didn't respond to that.

  "There's nothing new about my curiosity or my interest in you," he said.

  She frowned. "You don't know anything about me. We're virtual strangers."

  Even as she said that, she knew it wasn't strictly true. She knew enough about him that she had to admit to a growing curiosity. Even his supposed bad behavior was compelling and attention-grabbing. Whenever she was around him, it was as if he was a primal presence she couldn't ignore.

  "I don't think you believe that for a minute." Zafar leaned forward and reached out. He placed his hand on her arm, gently and carefully.

  Lori glanced down at his hand and then back into his eyes, gazing at him steadily. He looked as if he was waiting for her to react.

  She moved away from him, his hand dropping loose from her arm. She took a few steps and felt him following alongside her. There was a long awkward silence.

  Lori bent to avoid a low-hanging branch and saw him do the same. Ahead she saw the fountain, a large carved statue of an elephant in the middle of a wide circular enclosed pool. The soft sound of the tumbling water filled the air. She stepped across the lawn and sat down on the marble bench which faced the fountain.

  It felt good to be off her feet. She saw Zafar standing alongside the bench, almost as if he was waiting for permission to sit next to her.

  She glanced up at him and then patted her hand on the flat surface of the bench. The marble felt cold against her skin. "Have a seat, prince Zafar," she said. She grinned up at him and saw his eyes narrow appreciatively.

  He sat down next to her. She saw him straighten his jacket, opening the button.

  Lori leaned her hands flat against the bench at her side. She drew in a deep breath, feeling the coolness
of the air fill her lungs now that she was this close to the fountain.

  The touch of his hand, and her rejection of it had seemed to have created an awkwardness in him. He didn't say anything for a short while.

  "Since you want to remain a woman of mystery, perhaps I should tell you a bit about myself," he said eventually.

  "I'm not a woman of mystery," she stated.

  He lifted a brow. "I still have many unanswered questions. And you seem reluctant to provide those answers."

  "Maybe I like it that way," she said and squinted at him.

  He smiled. She liked it when he smiled like that, she told herself. He looked so different when he smiled. But there was still a dangerous look in his eyes.

  It was as if the mask he maintained when others were around had slipped off now that he was alone with her. Why would he allow that to happen while he was here with her, she asked herself? Especially with her.

  Their gazes locked for a moment, a moment of silent challenge. He had asked her to open up to him. And, once again, she had refused. For now, at least.

  Lori stretched out her legs, savoring the coolness of the grass against her feet. She saw Zafar's gaze drift slowly down the entire length of her body. It was almost as if he was drinking in the sight of her.

  She knew the fullness of her body could be seen through the dress, knew that he might appreciate the sight of her curves. The dress wasn't particularly revealing, but it was obviously revealing enough for Zafar to be taking pleasure from just looking at her.

  For some reason she couldn't fathom, she found herself enjoying the way he was looking at her. There was a hunger in that slow, inexorable gaze, a sudden need, which had flickered into life in him.

  She felt her heart quicken, her pulse begin to race. Inexplicably, she found herself enjoying being gazed upon by this infuriatingly complex, but devastatingly handsome man.

  He was like a feral, animal-like presence alongside her. He shifted on the bench, facing her. She could see his powerful chest beneath the white shirt. She glanced at his strong neck and saw the pulse at his throat. It seemed to be beating fast. Almost as fast as hers.

  He lifted one knee onto the bench and twisted so he was inches away from her. His hands settled on his heavily muscled thighs. She could see tension in his muscles. But, for the moment, he seemed able to contain that tension. At least for now, she told herself.

  Lori dragged her attention away from Zafar. It wasn't easy to do, but she knew she had to do it. She knew the sensible course of action would be to stand up and walk away. To keep her promise to herself not to succumb to his obvious temptations. Not to let her resolve weaken.

  But, she was transfixed. She couldn't move. Here, in this enchanted garden, it was as if she'd been thrown into a delicious, tempting fantasy. And the main object of that fantasy was right next to her.

  Lori heard a sudden noise and turned to see what it was. Realizing it had been the sound of one of the many birds which had taken up permanent residence in the garden, she smiled and turned, about to explain away her reaction.

  Then she saw Zafar lean forward, tentatively at first. She froze. This was her moment. She knew the choice she made now would dictate so much more from this moment on.

  Her gaze met the hunger in Zafar's dark look. The memory of what she'd done to him the last time he'd looked at her like that floated into her mind. But this time she knew she wasn't going to lift her hand. Wasn't going to push him away.

  And when he dipped his head and placed his lips on hers, she gasped, sensation flooding her body. She felt the moist warmth of his lips, tasted his sweetness, and gasped as her heart hammered furiously, as the blood started to flow faster in her veins.

  Lori felt the strength of his passion as he probed her mouth with his tongue. That triggered intense sensation, made every nerve flare into life, made heat ignite at her core. Her middle was now heat-filled, reacting to him.

  She heard him groan slightly, felt his body press closer to her. His arms went around her waist, drawing her close. His hands were firm and insistent as he coaxed her toward him.

  And she went to him. Willingly. He was so strong, suddenly so determined. The last thing she wanted, for the moment, was to deprive herself of this pleasure. It was so primal, so urgent.

  So delicious.

  It had been a very long time since she'd felt anything like this. All her objections had simply vanished in response to this intense sensation which had taken possession of her.


  It was Zafar who had taken possession of her. And she had allowed it to happen. In spite of everything she'd told herself earlier. Somehow, inexplicably, coming out here to the garden, she'd played right into his hands.

  For one final moment, she let herself savor the sensation of his kiss, of his embrace. But then she summoned up her resolve and gasped one last time, pulling her head away from his.

  She was breathless for a few moments as she gathered her composure. She glanced as Zafar and saw the shock on his features. Had she surprised him by doing, what for him must have been the unthinkable?

  Rejecting the prince's kiss.

  Lori bent down, slipped on her shoes and stood quickly. She smoothed her dress and looked down at Zafar. He was still gazing at her, speechless for the moment, perhaps trying to figure out for himself what had just happened.

  She knew what had happened. She'd made a fool of herself and given in to him. She couldn't believe what she'd done. Was this an example of his power? His persuasiveness?

  "I have to go," she stated.

  Zafar stood and looked as if he was about to say something, but she raised a hand and shook her head. "Don't," was all she could say.

  He peered at her and then nodded. He looked genuinely affected by what had just happened between them. And so was she. Her heart was still hammering relentlessly and her breath was tight in her chest.

  She knew she had to get away. Had to put distance between them.

  Walking quickly away from him, she saw him remain standing by the bench. Her footsteps were unsteady. And this time it had nothing to do with her shoes or the grass.

  It had everything to do with the way the Prince had awakened something terrifying inside her. A passion and a need she'd had no idea existed.

  And it was even worse. Because the man who had just awakened that passion was the last person in the world she would ever have wanted to do so.


  As his limo eased through the open gates of Kadir's palace and out onto the dark road,heading back across the desert, Zafar leaned back against the leather seat and sighed. He felt the tension in his body begin to lessen now that he was leaving the palace.

  This time though, he wasn't accompanied by Kadir as he had been on arrival. Kadir had chosen to stay behind this evening. That was fine, Zafar reflected. Kadir was free to do what he liked. It was his own palace, after all. Or, at least one of them. If he wanted to spend the night there, that was his own choice.

  Zafar smiled wryly, thinking about how awkward Kadir had been when he'd suggested it in front of Alaya and Lori. It was almost as if the sheikh needed permission to remain in his own domain. Was that what the love of a woman could do to a man? Lessen him? Weaken him?

  Alaya had been pleasant enough, and had said exactly what had passed through Zafar's mind when Kadir had said he would be staying for the night. That it was entirely his choice. But Zafar had seen how pleased Alaya had been at the prospect of Kadir staying.

  There was only one reason for Kadir's choice. To be closer to Alaya, Zafar reflected. Maybe it was inevitable that his friend and the archaeologist would become even more intimately involved. Perhaps, Zafar mission was doomed to failure. Was it too late to stop his friend from making that mistake?

  Or was it really that much of a mistake, after all, Zafar reflected.

  As he thought that, Zafar had to, albeit reluctantly, admit to himself that he had been impressed with Alaya. The woman had some fine qualities. And she was
certainly fine looking. Even beautiful. After this evening, Zafar understood better just why Kadir had become so smitten with Alaya.

  But, Zafar's evening had been memorable for a whole other reason. And that had everything to do with the sweet American woman who had driven his senses wild out in the garden next to the fountain.


  The memory of her body was still fresh in his senses. The scent of her skin; the softness of her curves; the taste of her lips. Zafar felt himself harden at the memory. Once more, tension filled him.

  Kissing Lori had been an impulsive act. Something had shifted inside him when he'd been alone with her. Just like the first time. There was something about this woman which triggered a need in him which he had never felt before. Was it simply that she was an outsider? Someone completely unlike the women he'd been used to all these years?

  No. It was more than that, he realized. All through the evening she had defied him at every turn. She never missed an opportunity to push back against him.

  All her little teasing remarks, her veiled insults, her snarky comments, only served to make her even more desirable in his eyes. He'd never realized how much he liked a woman who pushed back against him.

  And that wasn't the only thing he loved about her.

  There was her astonishing beauty. Delicious curves; full breasts; soft skin.

  And those eyes.

  He'd seen how she had looked at him throughout the evening. The curiosity in her gaze. The sudden glances. Her ice-blue eyes simply captivated him with their steady, barely disguised challenge.

  Zafar thought about Lori's body.

  He swallowed, thinking about how it had felt to have her crushed up against him. He'd wanted so much more than a mere kiss. But, finally, she had resisted him, even after submitting so willingly.

  But it hadn't lasted.

  She'd raced away from him, barely giving him a chance to enjoy the moment. There had been panic in those blue eyes, he told himself. It was almost as if, just by kissing her, just by holding her close to him, he'd awoken something she feared, something from which she needed to hide.

  He frowned, thinking about how he was going to deal with that. There was a party scheduled for the next evening. Kadir had invited a lot of good people, most of whom Zafar knew personally. He wondered how awkward it was going to be when he saw Lori again. She'd probably try and stay away from him the entire evening.


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