Fifty Shades of Mr Darcy: A Parody

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Fifty Shades of Mr Darcy: A Parody Page 1

by William Codpiece Thwackery

  First published in Great Britain in 2012 by

  Michael O’Mara Books Limited

  9 Lion Yard

  Tremadoc Road

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  Copyright © Michael O’Mara Books Limited 2012

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: 978-1-84317-996-2 in paperback print format

  ISBN: 978-1-84317-997-9 in EPub format

  ISBN: 978-1-84317-998-6 in Mobipocket format

  Fifty Shades of Mr Darcy is a work of fiction, inspired by other works of fiction. The appearance and depiction of all characters in this book, living or dead, fictitious or real, is the result of the author’s own imagination.

  It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good riding crop must be in want of a pair of bare buttocks to thrash. At least, that is how it seemed to Elizabeth Bennet. Tied to the bedpost in Mr Darcy’s boudoir, her stays unlaced and her bloomers in a state of disarray, trembling in anticipation of the first thwack of leather upon her unblemished skin, she pondered upon the circumstances that had brought her to this most indecorous pass. If Mr Bingley had never come to Netherfield and set his heart upon her sister Jane, then she, Elizabeth, would never have encountered his close friend, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy. And that one chance meeting was all it had taken for her to be lured into his secret world of hot and horny perverted sex, like a helpless moth drawn towards a candle flame.

  Worst of all, she was the mistress of her own undoing. Mr Darcy had made no protestations of love. In fact, he had made his intentions plain from the outset. ‘I do not make love, Miss Bennet,’ he had told her. ‘I bonk. I have it off. I get my end away, I rodger, I boff.’

  Could she save this wonderful, sensual man from his own dark desires? Surely if she could but show him how pleasurable genteel nineteenth-century pastimes could be – how a game of backgammon could rival the thrill of nipple clamps, and bonnet-trimming delight the senses as much as the insertion of an XXL butt plug – then he would renounce his S&M ways for good.

  But as the first blow fell upon her quivering behind, causing her to cry out in both excitement and pain, that thought was far, far from Elizabeth’s mind.

  ‘Oh my!’ she gasped.‘What would Lady Catherine say?’

  ‘My dear Mr Bennet,’ said Mrs Bennet to her husband, ‘have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?’

  Mr Bennet, his head buried in A Gentleman’s Repository, merely grunted in reply. Unlike Mrs Bennet’s first, second, third and fourth husbands – whom Mrs Bennet had bonked into an early grave – Billy-Bob Bennet was not a man fond of repartee. In short, his sole purpose within the pages of this book is to act as a cipher, to represent an ideal of manliness based on hunting, fishing and DIY, in order to form a striking contrast to the kinky, brooding, slightly prissy anti-hero. Therefore the author couldn’t be bothered to give him many words.

  ‘Do you hear me, Mr Bennet?’ Mrs Bennet cried impatiently. ‘It is to be let to a young man from the north of England, Mr Elliot Bingley, who comes hither in the company of his great friend Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy.’

  Mr Bennet sat taciturn, staring at his magazine and waiting for the invention of television.

  His wife was in no way discouraged by lack of an audience. ‘I have heard,’ she continued eagerly, ‘that both men are considerably well endowed. Both have huge packages, I’m told, and now they are come here, to Meryton, with a view, no doubt, to meeting young ladies upon whom they can blow their wads.’

  Elizabeth, the second eldest – and arguably hottest – of the Bennet daughters, inwardly winced. Her mother’s inappropriate use of street slang and general lack of modesty were often a source of mortification to her and her virtuous elder sister Jane. For instance, why, Elizabeth asked herself, could Mrs Bennet not sit demurely with her hands folded in her lap like any other nineteenth-century matriarch, instead of slumping upon the chaise longue with her legs wide open, so everyone could see her vulgarity?

  ‘Well endowed?’ Mary, Mrs Bennet’s middle daughter – and arguably the least hot – looked up from her Latin primer and gave her mother a disapproving look. ‘It is not seemly to talk thus of gentlemen’s fortunes, Mama,’ she chided.

  ‘Who said anything about fortunes, girl?’ Mrs Bennet replied. ‘I am not talking about the size of their incomes.’ She rolled her eyes in exasperation. Why were her daughters so hopelessly strait-laced? Although her two youngest, Kitty and Lydia, were starting to display signs of interest in the young officers in Town, no doubt she would be in her grave before any of them got laid. Mother to five virgins! It was a torment almost too great to be borne!

  ‘Silly goose,’ she scolded Mary. ‘A few of their manservants have been talking to the dairymaids in Meryton, and the word is that both gentlemen have simply enormous co …’

  It was a matter of felicity that at the very moment Mrs Bennet was about to utter a word that would have made a courtesan blush, Elizabeth’s wayward hair chose to make a dash for a hole in the wainscoting.

  ‘After it, girls!’ shrieked Mrs Bennet, as the thick, hugely attractive yet unruly brown mane slithered hither and thither about the floor in a bid to avoid Elizabeth and her sisters, who leapt about, jabbing at it with hairbrushes and ribbons. For a few moments the scene in the drawing room was one of chaos, until Elizabeth – who, like many a romantic heroine, was hopelessly accident-prone – caught her foot on a leg of the card table, and landed upon her lustrous chestnut-tinged curls, wrestling them into a scrunchie.

  ‘There,’ she declared, panting, sprawled upon the Aubusson rug, ‘I have it under control at last!’

  Mrs Bennet looked admiringly at Elizabeth’s long, stockinged legs, which had been exposed by her exertions. ‘A fine pair!’ she thought proudly. ‘Just apt for wrapping about the waist of a lieutenant in the Dragoons.’ What an irony it was that her daughter was so well shaped for the act of lovemaking, yet displayed precious little interest in the subject. It seemed she would rather be occupied in reading books, wearing hopelessly frumpy clothes and going for bracing walks in the countryside. Mrs Bennet sighed discontentedly. ‘Mr Bennet, you will, of course, be paying a visit to Mr Bingley when he comes into the neighbourhood.’

  Mr Bennet raised his eyes at last. ‘If he shoots, plays pool or has a shed, I shall. If he is one of those newfangled metrosexuals, I shall not.’

  ‘Consider your daughters!’ Mrs Bennet continued. ‘Jane is twenty-two and Lizzy past twenty, and no one has so much as groped them. If it weren’t for Lydia, who I suspect has at least had her fancy tickled by Dick the stablehand, I would lose hope entirely!’

  ‘I do not know why you take on so,’ her husband replied. ‘Were this the twenty-first century, I agree that it would be preposterous that a twenty-one-year-old, stunningly attractive girl had never so much as held hands with a young man. In fact, I would think it some sort of contrived literary device to make her eventual deflowering all the more salacious. But this is 1813, and it is quite acceptable for a young lady to remain chaste until marriage.’

  ‘Chaste? Chaste? It is easy for you to say, Mr Bennet,’ exclaimed his wife. ‘You do not have to suffer the neighbourhoo
d talk of “Mrs Bennet’s Dykey Daughters”!’ Mrs Bennet fanned herself with her copy of Britain’s Hottest Hussars. ‘You will go to see Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy at the earliest opportunity, and ask if either of them fancies a go on one of your daughters. I insist upon it.’

  And with that, the matter was settled.

  An invitation was soon afterwards dispatched to Netherfield, and Mr Bingley duly visited Mr Bennet and sat with him in his study for ten minutes or so, where an offer of daughter-fondling was formally made. The whole endeavour must have proceeded favourably, as a week later reports reached Longbourn that Mr Bingley was to host a ball, and the Bennet sisters were to be invited. Also to be present were Mr Bingley’s two sisters, Looseata and Carrotslime, newly arrived from Town, and his close friend Mr Darcy.

  Mrs Bennet could barely contain her excitement. ‘I have heard from Lady Lucas that Mr Bingley’s balls are legendary!’ she exclaimed to anyone who would listen. ‘Everyone of quality admires his balls! Until now, sadly, he always held his balls too far away for my daughters to reach. But now he resides at Netherfield his balls are within their grasp!’

  At her command, the young Misses Bennet visited Meryton for new trimmings for their best dresses, and long discoursed upon what they would wear. Mrs Bennet had Jane’s pale-blue muslin gown adjusted, so that it made her breasts appear the size of ripe pumpkins. Elizabeth, however, resisted her mother’s entreaties to don a leather minidress and white ankle boots and settled instead for a dress of plain cream calico. Cragg, the housekeeper – having strong, although unpleasantly gnarled, working-class hands – managed to knot her unruly hair into a simple braid.

  Glancing in the looking glass, Elizabeth sighed. With her alabaster skin and full lips, she thought herself not so pretty as Jane, whose strawberry-blonde locks attracted so much attention. She would never draw admiring glances, she decided, with so many faults; her breasts were too pert, her legs too long and shapely, and her vivid blue eyes too large and limpid. And what man would want her once he knew about her magical vibrating vagina? No, matters of the heart were not for her.

  Elizabeth’s needless worries were dispelled at once, however, by the merry nature of the gathering at Netherfield. Mr Bingley himself was the most genial of hosts – a gentleman with an easy, cheerful manner, a pleasing countenance and blue eyes that shone in mirth. He lost no time in exhorting every lady in the assembly to dance. He launched himself into the Gay Gordons with aplomb, could not seem to have enough of Lord Percy’s Yardstick, and cried out in delight at The Captain’s Hornpipe. Elizabeth could see at once that Mr Bingley had made a favourable impression upon Jane; her sister remarked at length upon his muscular body, his cherubic blond curls and the cut of his jib. His jib, in fact, escaped no one’s notice – it was enormous.

  ‘Truly, he is a most affable character,’ she remarked. ‘I fancy, though, that he is not the most intelligent of men.’

  ‘Whatever makes you think that?’ Elizabeth replied.

  ‘Oh, it is but a supposition. Based on the fact that when I asked him how he was enjoying our shire, he replied that Arseshire was the prettiest of counties, but he had been mistakenly pronouncing it “Hertfordshire”.’

  ‘Intelligence matters little, if his general nature is as agreeable as you say,’ Elizabeth replied, watching Mr Bingley punching himself in the face over the punchbowl. Her attention was soon diverted, however, to Bingley’s friend Mr Darcy, who stood in the corner of the room with his back to the company, busily arranging some dusty tomes on the bookshelf into alphabetical order. ‘How inconsiderate,’ thought Elizabeth, ‘not to dance when there are so many young ladies left without a partner.’ She could not help noting, however, Mr Darcy’s athletic physique. He must have stood six feet two or three inches in his Cuban-heeled riding boots; his carriage was upright, his shoulders broad and his buttocks firm and well sculpted. Elizabeth felt a pull in some dark, secret place inside her belly. It might have been her spleen. Or then again, perhaps it was her G-spot. Having received minimal schooling and being largely ignorant of female anatomy, she could not be entirely certain. Just as she was musing on her inner organs, Mr Bingley called out to his friend.

  ‘Hullo there, Darcy! Do come and dance!’

  Mr Darcy turned and – oh my! – Elizabeth saw his face for the first time. His lips were sensual and full, his ginger hair – no, wait a minute, let’s call it copper – hung down over grey eyes so alluring they could have been hammered from boulders of solid sex. He was so freakin’ hot!

  ‘There are ladies waiting,’ Bingley implored him. ‘Leave the books and come hither.’

  Darcy’s sculpted lips curled up into a disdainful smile.

  ‘Normally I would dance,’ said he. ‘And expertly – just as I do all other things. However, I must whip this bookshelf into shape. Some fool has put Lord Byron before William Blake, do you see?’

  ‘Oh, that will have been me!’ cried Bingley happily. ‘You know how hoples i am at speling! But come, Darcy, I beg you to desist! Why concern yourself with books when you can dance with some delightful young ladies? There are many lovely creatures here tonight. What about that pretty young thing over there with the humungous chest?’

  Darcy’s lips quirked up into a sneer. ‘You mean Miss Shapen? She is not to my taste.’

  ‘What of Miss Anthrope?’

  ‘Too miserable.’

  ‘Miss Laid?’

  ‘She sounds promising. Where is she?’

  ‘I just lost sight of her.’

  Darcy gave an exasperated sigh. ‘None here can tempt me. You, my friend, have been dancing with the only true beauty here tonight.’

  Mr Bingley beamed with happiness. ‘Jane Bennet? She is most agreeable, is she not? But what about her sister, Elizabeth? Is she not a handsome creature also?’

  ‘Hmmm …’ Darcy appeared lost in thought. ‘She is tolerable, I suppose,’ he said eventually. ‘But too innocent-looking to tempt me. And her mother is a vulgar creature.’ He turned his steely gaze in the direction of Mrs Bennet, who was dirty-dancing with a young fusilier. ‘Look at her tattoos. What is that large one upon her shoulder? Is it a penis?’

  Mr Bingley peered. ‘I’m not sure, I think it may be some sort of jellyfish.’

  ‘In any case, it is badly done.’

  Elizabeth, who had overheard every word of their exchange, lost no time in telling her acquaintances with much wit and playfulness how she had been spurned by Mr Bingley’s proud and disdainful friend. But privately, her spirits were much affronted. There was no denying that she thought Mr Darcy the most handsome billionaire she had ever seen. Gazing upon his lithe frame propping up the bookshelf, one leg cocked at a rakish angle, the other leg arranged at a cockish angle, she felt a jolt of energy coursing through her body. Elizabeth wondered what it would be like to take a turn about the rose garden in the company of such a man. Or to sit in the shade of an arbour, reading Wordsworth together. At the very thought of a mutual poetry-reading session, her body gave another little shiver of excitement.

  ‘I think he’s dangerous,’ her Subconscious counselled. ‘Keep well away from him.’

  ‘God, you’re so frigid,’ her Inner Slapper interjected.

  ‘Does anyone else think he might be gay?’ her Gaydar piped up. ‘I mean, check out the paisley cravat.’

  While her inner voices sparred, and Elizabeth berated herself for forgetting her medication, Mrs Bennet came whirling across the room accompanied by four young officers of the militia. Evidently, she had partaken liberally of the rum punch, and her face glowed like a beacon.

  ‘These nice young gentlemen have offered to take me outside and show me their manoeuvres!’ she exclaimed. ‘Captain Yates here tells me his musket is half-cocked already, and with my help it will be fully cocked in no time.’

  Elizabeth noticed that Mr Darcy had turned his attention to their party, and was staring at her with those unsettling, penetrating grey eyes of his. She turned crimson with shame. Her mother’s l
ack of decorum would once again be the talk of Meryton, no doubt.

  ‘I will join you boys in just a moment, but I must find a chamber pot first!’ Mrs Bennet exclaimed. ‘I swear I have already piddled in my pantaloons!’ Her gaze landed upon Mr Darcy. ‘Lor, that must be the Mr Darcy I have heard so much about! Well, I can see that what they say is true – he is so freakin’ hot! Is he not hot, Lizzy?’

  Elizabeth placed her finger upon her lips, in an attempt to signal to her mother that their conversation might be overheard.

  ‘I imagine if Mr Darcy is overly warm, he will see it upon himself to step away from the fireplace,’ she whispered.

  ‘I was not referring to his temperature, child. I am speaking of his appearance,’ Mrs Bennet trilled, fanning herself with what Elizabeth realized, with horror, was a pair of bloomers.

  ‘His breeches are snug-fitting after the London fashion, do you not notice, Lizzy? In fact, when he stands there in the firelight you can clearly see the outline of his –’

  ‘Shuttlecock?’ Bingley interjected. ‘We are setting up the card tables in the drawing room if you care to make up a party.’ He looked from Elizabeth’s scarlet countenance to Mr Darcy’s dark, glowering one. ‘Or we can play whist, if you prefer?’

  With one last penetrating look at Elizabeth, Fitzwilliam Darcy turned on his Cuban heels and stalked off towards the gaming tables. Elizabeth, mortified and exasperated all at once, turned her attention back to the dancers, determined to put all thought of Mr Bingley’s arrogant friend out of her head.

  Yet, that night, she dreamt of loosening her stays under his steely grey gaze, as if in a daze. While lost in a maze, with her bloomers ablaze.

  It had been one of those days.

  When Elizabeth and Jane were alone in Jane’s bedchamber the next morning, the latter expressed to her sister how very much she admired Mr Bingley.

  ‘Oh, Lizzy, although we are not well acquainted, I cannot help but feel a great deal of affection for him already. So what if he is a trifle dim-witted? He is also handsome, agreeable and good humoured.’


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