Maya sat on the bed, cradling Derryl while he shivered violently in tiny twitching convulsions. "Not clean... Eshraf, you'll do it?" Derryl's voice hoarsened.

  "I'll do it."

  Alysyn closed his eyes, her heart filling with anguish. Thirty years ago a large band of students, both Guild and non-Guild, some of them sons and daughters of the nobility, with a yuwenghau to lead them, had gone up against a vampire. It started as a series of skirmishes, became a war and dwindled to skirmishes again and finally ended. They never found the master vampire. As students died, more rose to take their places and some became Guildsmyn and older Guildsmyn joined with them. Of the original group only five survived until the end. One of those five was Lord Derryl. Now the creature had not only tortured him, she had violated both his mind and his soul. Alysyn rose, going to him. "Derryl, with your permission, I would stand in my husband's place as Eshraf's second to free your soul."

  Derryl stretched his hand to her, trembling with weakness and Alysyn seized it. "Yes. I wish it ... you comfort me. I only wish you ... had never left. I never blamed you for my brother."

  "Ambrose killed Rygenas. I killed Ambrose. Your brother and my husband are avenged."

  "Thank you."

  Maya looked with gratitude at Alysyn. "True friend."

  "Now, Derryl," Eshraf interrupted. There were forms to be observed. "You must name your murderer. Mikkal will record it. All present are witnesses. She can then be slain out of hand."

  "Gylorean Galee is my murderer. She is Lemyari. A demon-vampire. She sent me ... a letter ... signed your name. Said meet you at ... my mansion. But when I rode home ... it was not you ... waiting there. It was Galee. Murdered my household. Took me captive. Wanted book." His voice was a rough, rasping whisper. "Bitch stuck me. When she ... was still just threatening ... said there was ... antidote. Trade for book. But I knew about the coup ... wanted to cost her... If you're lucky, they won't all be back ... in time for the party. Imagine she lied. Soon as she stuck me... Told them ... throw me in the trash."

  "There is no antidote," Dynarien said. "The Tinkerer herself has never found one. Even yuwenghau died of it during the godwars. Which is why she has been tinkering with the Sharani. I think Kalirion has been tinkering also. There have been rumors. Now we know they are true. Where there is one Lemyari, there will be others. She has doubtless made others of her blood." And it may be that I will die tomorrow, but I will take Galee with me.

  Mikkal wrote furiously and then nodded at Dynarien to sign the account. Dynarien did so and while that was occurring, Eshraf leaned close and Read Derryl. The mon had spent heavily of his remaining strength to give them his testimony. He wished to leave this final act to those who were close to Derryl, so it was time to ask Dynarien to leave. Furthermore, Eshraf had kept Dynarien from his task of freeing Bryndel from Galee's coercions as long as he dared.

  Eshraf turned to him. "Dynarien, it's time you returned to Talons. There is still much work to be done with Bryndel. We greatly appreciate what you have done. But I need to be alone with them to offer comfort."

  Dynarien handed Eshraf the crystal ball. "Tap three times and say everything out." Then he left.

  "Mikkal, you heard him, go through this stuff carefully just in case this antidote actually exists."

  Mikkal glanced at the spreading corruption of Derryl's leg, met Eshraf's eyes, and shook his head – even if he found it, assuming it existed at all, Lord Derryl was past saving. They all knew it.

  "Say the words ... and then send Maya away," Derryl asked. "Let me die like ... a Guildsmon."

  "Derryl, please!" Maya's voice cracked in a half-strangled protest. "You cannot send me away."

  "Don't dishonor me, Maya."

  She closed her eyes for a moment, pulling herself together, focusing on being a true daughter of the Guild. "Derryl," she said sternly. "If you chose the Gentle Path, I should be the one to lift the glass to your lips."

  "I love you, Maya."

  "I love you, Derryl."

  "Justice first and foremost; best loved virtue of the Dark Judge who sees into the hearts of myn," began Eshraf. "Those who harm the smallfolk should beware the blades in the dark of his holy avengers who hear the prayers spoken in his temples. Honor is the second virtue. Vows made in his name shall be kept and the innocent shall not be harmed. Truth is the third virtue. We shall not lie to ourselves or to each other. Traitors will be excommunicated, cut off from the sight of god, hunted down, and executed. Courage is the fourth, we shall not fear death. His Guildsmyn–"

  Eshraf faltered Lord Derryl was not Guild. Had he been Guild, he would be godmarked and Eshraf would not now be faced with mutilating his body to save his soul. The Patriarch felt his eyes filling. "His Guildsmyn's souls are snatched too quickly from their bodies for the enemy to capture or turn them."

  Sha had arrived in the middle and stood patiently. She had already noticed Lord Derryl's leg, recognizing the damage. That and the terrible evidence of torture sickened the healer. "The Gentle Path, Eshraf?"

  "Yes." Eshraf turned to the gathered people, Alysyn, Tuhk, and his sons. "Would all of you stand and bear witness to the passing of a great mon?" Alysyn indicated that they should come close to the bed.

  Shaheeramaat filled the glass, turning to Maya. "Will you be giving it to him?"

  "Yes, it's my place. Eshraf explained it to me ... better this..." Maya faltered, and then forced her voice on, wanting Sha to see that she understood what was happening. "Better this than progressive convulsions ripping his arteries apart until his heart stops."

  "That's close enough." Sha nodded, gazing at the purple stain around Derryl's lips. "It's ugly and agonizing. I was informed on the way over about the high doses of pollendine they have been giving him. We can't go any higher as it is without killing Derryl. This is really the only decision."

  "I understand. It's what he wants."

  "It's time, Maya," Derryl said.

  Maya raised him up a bit more, bringing it to his lips. He drank and she eased him back down. Derryl managed a weary smile for Maya, his eyes glazed with drugs, pollendine, and fire poppy. "Maya, fireflower. Take care of Leslie and the baby."

  He sank slowly into it, sliding deeper and deeper, until the only sign that he lingered was Eshraf's fingers monitoring his life signs by resting on Derryl's shoulder. An hour passed and then the venom made a last, harsh assault on Derryl's defenses. He stiffened and then writhed in the harsh grip of a sudden convulsion. Blood fountained from his mouth, but the fatal dose of the Gentle Path had drawn him so close to the edge that he never wakened to the agony and slipped, instead, into the final stillness an instant later.

  Maya screamed hysterically, thrashing in Shaheeramaat's arms, Derryl's blood coating her face, breasts, and arms.

  "Get hold of yourself, daughter of the Guild!" Sha snapped. "The venom nearly always kills this way. He did not feel it. I promise you. He did not feel it. By your own hand you gave him that gift."

  Eshraf drew his hands over Derryl's face, closed his eyes, and began the prayer for the dead.

  Servants appeared with a basin of warm water and soft cloths, and disappeared quietly when Alora shooed them off. The young student began to wordlessly bath the blood from Maya's face and arms.

  Maya sat very still, tears running freely down her face. "How does one destroy a Lemyari?"

  "You must not go after her, child. Dynarien will destroy her."

  "I want to fight."

  "There are many who will fight, but there is only one you. Derryl's will makes you regent. It is set up oddly to protect both you and Leslie. Our laws allow triadic marriage, but don't really know what to do with them in terms of inheritance and such. Stay here. When we finish, someone must stand watch over him in the temple."

  "No, not so soon, please!" Maya realized what that meant and stretched herself across him, losing her commitment to strength at the thought of Eshraf's blade cutting into his already torn body.

  The healer caught her and was so
on joined by Alora. Together, they lifted her away from Derryl's body. At first Maya struggled and then she stilled, turning into Sha's shoulder to weep. Alora stroked and patted her.

  Eshraf signed Tuhk and his sons to follow and they came, looking uncomfortable, as Eshraf gestured for priests to carry Derryl into the corridor with Alysyn at his side. Several more priests waited there. They bore him to the innermost shrine, and Eshraf again had the taverner and his sons wait outside, which they were grateful to do. The Patriarch and Alysyn did the work. Since Derryl had not completed the change, they needed only to take his heart. Together they performed the rites and placed holy objects in the cavity. Then they gave him over to the priests. Priests bathed Derryl's body, wrapping it in linen, before clothing him in silk and samite; they brought a vengeance sword, and closed his hands upon the hilt before wrapping his arms and shoulders; then they laid him upon a table they brought in to stand before the altar.

  Eshraf called the taverner into the shrine and sent for Maya. One of the priests had found a clean robe for her, so she had changed from her bloody clothing.

  "You will stand watch over his body and comfort Maya?"

  Tuhk nodded. "What now for you, Holy Father?"

  "A long day yet and a longer night ahead, Tuhk."

  "Day is nearly gone. Vengeance? You will pay her for killing My Lord?"

  "I will pay her."

  * * * *

  Eshraf stepped into the corridor with Alysyn, Alora, and Sha as Maya's fathers arrived with six of their retainers led by one of Eshraf's bishops. The Mistdale guardsmyn stood quietly back. Eshraf saw the hard looks in the brothers' eyes and wondered what more could be happening, even as he felt a deep gratitude that they had arrived. He knew it had to have something to do with Belyla, since he had sent a battle unit to their mansion just hours ago. The Patriarch recited a brief silent prayer that they were not bringing news of more losses in Maya's family.


  "We lost no one, Holy Father," Lord Oakwithe said quickly. "She immolated herself over the crypt where Yahni's body lies."

  Eshraf exhaled deeply. "Praise Hadjys she did no harm."

  "Mohanja sent us to give testimony about Galee and Wrathscar," Lord Taurlys told him, an undercurrent of excitement in his voice.

  "It can wait." Eshraf reached for Lord Taurlys' arm. "There is something I must tell you."

  "No, it can't. They're vampires. He wants you to hear us out and then meet him in the heir's apartments."

  "I know it. I have sad news. Derryl's dead. Your daughter is in the chapel. Go to her."

  "Hadjys mercy." Oakwithe looked horrified and then concern and grief followed it across his gentle face.

  "Galee murdered him. Go to Maya. She needs you."

  Both lords gave him a tiny nod and went past.

  "We'll go to the heir's apartments to await Mohanja?" Alysyn asked. "Or straight to Mohanja?"

  Eshraf's face was hard. "The heir. That is the center point in these atrocities."

  * * * *

  Eshraf and Alysyn entered the heir's apartment with Alora and Sha, standing for a moment near the door. A large crowd filled the parlor, spilling over the room, sitting on the stairs leading to the upper rooms. They spoke in quiet, urgent tones while Dynarien worked on Bryndel whom they had laid on a pallet in the middle of the floor, having moved all the furniture to the sides.

  Eshraf cleared his throat loudly to get their attentions. "Lord Derryl has passed from this life. His last request, of necessity, was that I take his heart to free his soul. It has been done. He lies in state in the inner shrine. His murderer, the Lemyari, had forced her blood upon him while she tortured him. He named his murderer. Gylorean Galee. May she be eternally damned to the ninth hell of Our Most Holy Lord God Hadjys."

  They were so caught up in Eshraf's words, no one had heard the hidden door open, nor saw the big black mon enter. "What manner of conspiracy is this? Every major figure in the Guild save myself, the Grand Master, and Galee. Yet we have the Patriarch and the heir."

  Everyone in the room tensed, except those who were aware of the growing interaction between Mohanja and the conspirators. Alysyn stood and faced the Master of the Wing, Third Lieutenant to the Grand Master, restored to his rightful place in their eyes. "May we now declare the silent mutiny to be at an end, lord?"

  Mohanja nodded. "You may." He turned to Eshraf. "Are you prepared to excommunicate Galee?"

  "It has been done," Eshraf said. "I only wish the book had not been damaged."

  "Then you have not talked to Lord Kjarten?"

  "I did not have time. Besides, Derryl had already given me his testimony, I did not need more. Mikkal and my bishops prepared what was needed, and the deeds were done before I left."

  "The book has been restored because a vampire could still love."

  Slowly the story came out with Mohanja Raam inserting his own pieces. All the deaths saddened the big mon. "Had you trusted me sooner I could have done more. Lord Derryl was my friend."

  Bryndel's scream tore through the room and the conversation halted for a heartbeat. The little-catkin shaman Lo'Ah sang, his sweet voice lifting firmly. Edouina rubbed Bryndel's belly. Bryndel quieted, tears running wetly over his face. Dynarien stroked his temples. They waited until Bryndel indicated he was ready for them to begin again. A Guildsmon sat with pen and paper taking notes of the revelations.

  "What are they doing?" Mohanja asked.

  "Two things," Eshraf explained. "Galee was so deeply into his mind with her coercions that they were set to kill him if he revealed anything. So we never pressed him. Dynarien is getting them out. Each revelation sets off the triggers. Lo'Ah and Edouina are preventing them from killing him, although the pain is still severe. This morning Dynarien carried Edouina and Talons to Imralon to see his father for one last attempt to find a cure for the poison. Bryndel has been refusing to believe that it is poison and not an illness. The god Willodarus says poison, no cure, no antidote, and no hope. Two weeks, perhaps three at most. Bryndel folded and the first thing he gave us was Galee's name and nearly died on the spot."

  "What is that little creature?"


  Mohanja snorted. "Many things are clear. Your spies are clever." Then his eyes went distant, dark, chocolate turning to flakes of obsidian in anger. "Galee has subverted the guard, I am certain. Queiggy and Alysyn agree with me. I do not want Galee alerted to the change in her status by seeing the branch of the Guild, which defied her by refusing to emerge from the Wing, at large tonight. But I must have the entire resources of the Guild mustered to move at dawn and into position as quietly as possible, dressed like guests. I never wanted power. I never asked for it. But before the night is out I will have quietly taken control of it without Galee even realizing it and marshaled it against her. We must fight it at the Wedding when she calls out her legions of undead and whatever else she plans to throw at us, including traitors. Otherwise we may never find them all. We failed thirty years ago. It is also time to finally admit how badly off Takhalme is. Sha will declare the Grand Master mentally unfit and I will become regent for him. I feel like I am betraying him. But I see nothing else to do."

  "He refuses to do anything save pray, Mohanja. And yes, he still drugs constantly." Eshraf felt pained to admit that. "We have been unable to wean him off the substances."

  "I have brewed myself a cup of bitters and now I must drink it. I am a careful mon. I always thought they were for other folk. Not me. Someone must bring Leonè to me, but by the secret paths." Mohanja walked to the staircase, ran his hand along it, and spoke a word of command. "It is keyed to my voice. Without the word it will not open. The door at the bottom is now opened also. Alysyn, choose three to accompany you. Go down and bring Leonè to me, I am giving him Galee's command as an interim position. And bring Osterbridge also, he is key to this, but I am not ready to divulge that. I will use Talons' study for the command center. Alora, get word to the maids, servants and wedding planners to stay away fr
om the suite that the heir is too ill to be disturbed and that you and the other students will be caring for her needs, such as preparing her for the grand event tomorrow. Have your furry spies keep watch for Wrathscar and Galee. We want no surprises. I want word of all movement within the palace complex."

  "How is it you know these secrets, Mohanja?" Eshraf asked. "These secret ways?"

  Mohanja grinned. "They had all been forgotten. The first Grand Master wanted to kill the builders to hide the secrets, which appalled a little yuwenghau, so he cast a spell and made everyone involved forget them. Unfortunately that included the Grand Master himself. Only the yuwenghau remembered. Rumor of their existence remained and nothing more."

  "Then how is it you know?"

  "He told me. Aramyn, you've got Hanadi's units. Act with full authority. Get Tiderider up here, he's running our mages. Galee doesn't know yet that Channadar's mother's mirror was a damned Faery gate and we've got ourselves two full compliments of thirteen of the prancing fellows as well as his surviving half-bloods."

  "Mohanja!" Sha slid her arms around his shoulders, kissing his face, whispering softly. "You're starting to sound like the rest of them. Such language!"

  He grinned. "I've always known the language and I've a year's worth of rage to spend, can't I spend the coins?"

  "Spend away, so long as you remember who you were before you started spending them."

  "I promise, Sha. I swear by my god."

  "Then that is good enough for me."

  "It is time for another thing to be made known," Eshraf said. "The branch clan has come."

  That elicited a roar.

  "A prince of the blood has risen to fight the darkness. The evil one slew him, yet Kalirion and Hadjys would not allow this and combined within a single vessel, Dynarien, to restore him to life. Then his daughter, the Sinjin wed a Guildsmon of low rank but great courage. The Nine Elder Gods raged in might all that long night over this city. Their sign to us was the earthquake. Yukiah should have been the rightful King of Creeya, but his health and other matters will never allow it. Kalirioni priests still work to re-weave his soul and body. So he has stepped aside in favor of Prince Ceejorn Osterbridge and his wife, the Princess Isen. A month ago, I secretly anointed Ceejorn Osterbridge Grand Master of Creeya."


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