The Atlantean Chronicles - Shadow's of Enlightenment

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The Atlantean Chronicles - Shadow's of Enlightenment Page 26

by Kip Hartzell

  Zeusticus knew she was right, but wanted desperately to do something. “You’re right. Let’s get the others out of the sphere of influence, if we can. We need to get word to Chrysalis.”

  They moved down the mountain as quickly as the wounded could go. The Aphrodite sisters were helping each other as the others guarded, or scouted ahead. Once over the mountain and partially through the next valley, Athene-A was the first to mention the lessening of the mental pull. The rest confirmed it as they made their way to home base.

  Hesti-A stopped, looked up and smiled. Soon, the rest heard the flapping of wings. Over the tree tops, a white winged horse was being followed by a heard of many colors and sizes. They landed at a run-in front of the refugees. The white Pegasus Prime moved toward Hesti-A and nuzzled her. “They are confused and nervous about the psyonic pulses emanating from the chasm. They are here to help. I relayed the message that we need a ride to Chrysalis. I’m told Artemis is already there. Let’s go.”

  They each picked an adult, or where picked, and were soon airborne. Artemis met them half way back with their last remaining shuttle. The return trip to Chrysalis was a roundabout route to keep their hideout a secret.

  Jay could feel the sterile environment of the base, while watching the Pegasi being fed, watered, and then given a safe place to rest. A Council meeting was called immediately to assess the situation. Once everyone, who could be brought out to the TSD, were seated, the chatter still didn’t cease. It was Zeusticus’s turn at Chief Councilor, he prepared his terminal interface for an onslaught of information.

  Athene-A sat to his right. “Where’s John?” She asked, Pandor-A, who sat to her right.

  “He’s still in an Extra-Temporal-Dissociation-state, the TSD won’t release him, along with several other Councilors.”

  “So, his essence is floating around out there. This is starting to happen more frequently.”

  “Yes, it is, we are trying to adjust the TSD, in order to prevent as many leaks as possible,” Pandor-A said, in her own voice.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, as Chief Councilor, I’m bringing this Council to order,” Zeusticus confidently informed. “What further data do we have on the situation?”

  Hades stood up and put a 3-D satellite image of the contested area in the center of the circular table. His analytical voice did not match his shorter than normal Atlantean physic. His slightly chubby appearance was in contrast to his muscular and athletic brothers. His hair was pressed close to his head, shiny black against a pasty face, which stood out even more against the black E-suit that he wore. “The spacial anomaly is expanding slowly, maybe twenty yards every six hours. We have no instrumentation that can penetrate the field, so, most of what we know is by observation.”

  “Send a representative of all the species to the site, find out, if any, can withstand the psyonic attack the best. We need firsthand information of any changes. Athene-A, get a crew working on how to get readings through that barrier. We need a weapon, other than sticks and stones. We also need crews to stop the influx of Cousins, cut off their food supply, or DNA supply. Starve them into submission, and mostly, save some lives. A psyonic shield would help greatly. Any questions?”

  “Is it the Destroyers?” The bolder Aphrodite sister asked.

  “All indications say, yes, but don’t be intimidated. We’ve beaten them before. We are going to use our brains to beat them this time. Anything else?” The room fell silent. “Good, now, get to your assignments, we have a world to save.”

  Zeusticus stood quietly in the atrium, listening to the latest music composition when Athene-A walked up. Jay could feel her reservations about not having Rhe-A, or John, there to help her.

  “What priority do you want on the weapons system, stun, capture, or kill?” she asked as the music came to a crescendo.

  “Kill,” he softly said.

  “Even if one of them is your friends or family?”

  “The influenced are dead, and the only way to stop them is to kill them. The time has passed for pacifism.”

  “That’s not how John would handle the situation.”

  “John’s not here, you have your assignment.”

  “Understood,” she said with gritted teeth, and walked away.

  Jay felt the passage of time, while watching Zeusticus pace. Atlanteans of all species entered the decorated chamber after only two days.

  “Progress report,” Zeusticus barked without preamble.

  Athene-A had never feared much, and Zeusticus was least on her short list. The Vice Councilor stood and waved the diorama to show the contested area. “The field has grown exponentially, psyonically infected Cousins are being rescued, and then held in a secure camp. The Pegasi, being naturally mentally evolved creatures, are the most protected against the psyonic attack. We have discovered something that might bring our technology to bear. The spacial disruption properties of the snow found on Tundra may hold the key. A minute amount has survived and we are attempting to recreate its disruptive influence. It is experimental, but simulation is encouraging. We can use it to counter the deadening field and use technology.”

  “Let’s make this our highest priority.”

  “Testing, experimenting, and implementation is being done as we speak,” Athene-A emotionlessly said. Jay could feel through her emotions, that she wished deeply John were here to lead. Zeusticus was a good leader, she thought, and a brilliant tactician, but didn’t have the temperament, or personal qualities John has. We have to work with what we have, John would always say.

  Zeusticus was watching a live satellite feed of the spacial rift area when Athene-A arrived. He acknowledged her presents as he widened the view of the detainment camp. It was a hundred miles away from the rift and showed thousands of detainees struggling against a force field to get to the siren making humanoid giants. The more they ate the bigger they became. Many of their features temporarily turned and blended into the people they ate, some would acquire Minotaur attributes, along with Centaur, wings, scales and a host of other appendages. He zoomed in on Rhe-A and Cronus, they too, were infected, growing, and twisting their features. He looked away. “I hope you have some good news.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. We have developed a spacial counter-field. It uses the Tundra principles to nullify its effects. It works best in a gaseous form, then it uses a catalyst for activation.”

  “What’s the catalyst?”

  “Excited electrons.”

  “Isn’t spewing electrical current a little dangerous, for us?”

  “Not if you use the equipment properly.” She stared at the horrible sight in front of her.

  He smiled. “Excellent, let’s get a plan together and drive these beasts back into the abyss.”

  “Your dramatic inference aside, you do remember that some of our people are caught in the middle.”

  “Yes, yes, that’s where a plan comes in, otherwise I would be raining everything I could on them.”

  Athene-A shook her head, but glad he finally realized that it was friends and family out there, suffering. “I’ll call a session together,” she said, and then walked away.

  The Council room was cold and bare, the thought was not to distract the councils by gaudy ornamentation. Zeusticus took his place of authority and began at the light gray round table. “First part of the plan is to send in a tech team to reconfigure and recalibrate the two shuttles. Has our Pegasus friends been briefed on how to bring in our technicians?”

  “There is a herd on its way here now. They too, have lost family members to this phenomenon. Some are not as resistant as we once thought. Almost every other species here at Chrysalis has been affected,” Artemis said. “They all want to help.”

  “Second part: the distraction while the first team gets the shuttles out. “We’ll get in close and see how effective our weapons are. Third: a tech team will analyze the rift and discover how to close it, or at least curtail its expansion.”

  Poseidon spoke up, “It has reached the s
ea, but has slowed dramatically. It too, seems to be synchronized to the DNA consumption of the Titans, that’s what the Cousins are calling them. Since we’ve been cutting off most of their food supply, they’ve stopped growing so fast. Rhe-A and Cronus seem to be resisting, they are only half the size of the originals.”

  “How soon can we be ready?” Zeusticus emphatically asked.

  “We’re still getting the war machine back up and running.”

  “How long?” He asked loudly and impatiently.

  “Two weeks.”

  Zeusticus slammed his fist down on the console. “Ten days, we attack.”

  “We’ll do our best,” Athene-A turned to leave, followed by the rest. She met Her-A at the doorway, they acknowledged one another with a nod as they passed by.

  Zeusticus stopped his pacing and looked up. “Her-A, you’re finally got out of the TSD.” He gave her a deep hug and a long kiss. She returned his affection, somewhat reluctantly. Zeusticus broke the embrace and moved toward the battle table. It showed the area in question complete with 3-D topographical real time landscape. “Have you been updated on the situation?”

  “No, I came straight here to ask you why you didn’t bring me out of the TSD when you came out?”

  “I saw no sense in wasting your time, but...then things started to happen.”

  “Who put you in charge? Where’s John?”

  “I was voted in, and John...” he said with a slip of contempt, “ in an Extra-Temporal Dissociation state.”

  Her-A pushed back some unruly black hair, her short, but muscular stocky stance betrayed her skepticism. She moved to the battle table and put her hands on her hips. “Give me a report.”

  “So, explain to me again why Her-A’s overseeing the attack, and you are leading the expeditionary force,” Athene-A said, while shifting her golden winged helmet from under one arm to the other, while they walked to the shuttles.

  “She’s the best situational tactician and data analyst we have. Not to mention, she’s been studying the Destroyers since the beginning,” Zeusticus tried to explain.

  “I think it’s a mistake, and why are you leading an attack?”

  “I can’t sit back and have people sacrifice without doing the same.” Athene-A didn’t look convinced. “What would John do? Would he sit back and watch?”

  Athene-A couldn’t argue. John would be the first in the fight. She remained silent to move the discussion along.

  “The plan is still the same, you’ll lead the air assault, I’ll lead the ground assault. Poseidon will lead the shuttle recovery team during the distraction, using the ocean for cover. Hades will be monitoring our progress and advising us of any effects we might be having.”

  The newly built, less sophisticated, shuttles lifted off and escaped the mountain’s hideout.

  “How long until we get to the rendezvous point?” Athene-A asked, standing behind the two pilots.

  “Two minutes to reach the landing area outside the deadening zone. The Pegasi are already there.” Drof said.

  The shuttles landed and the troops assembled in the open area. Athene-A, in her golden armor moved down the ranks inspecting the experimental weapons, defensive units, and communication units. Zeusticus looked over his small army with pride. They were a mass of uncommon people with one goal in mind-stop the Destroyers. Many different colors of armor and weapons glistened in the sunlight, on many different shapes and sizes of Atlanteans.

  “Atlanteans!” Zeusticus started, which quieted the crowd, “All of you know why we are here. We must stop the spacial rip and drive the Destroyers back to the hell they came from. They fight for conquest alone-we fight for our very survival, we, therefore have the advantage. Now, may the Great Creator stand by our side, and Enlightenment guide us.” His voice got louder, “For we will not be denied our existence!”

  The crowd cheered and rattled their shields and weapons. The wind kicked up and a tremor shook the ground as Thestor-Hermes, landed nearby and made his way to Zeusticus, causing people to separate to allow the Dragon to pass.

  “Did I miss anything?” The Dragon smiled a toothy smile, and snorting a laugh.

  “Not yet, my friend. So, Despin-A let you go, I see.”

  “Much more time with those kids and a war would have broken out in Chrysalis. I thought my efforts might be of better use here.”

  “Ha, you are correct.”

  Athene-A acknowledged Hermes, and turned to Zeusticus. “You did read the instructions about your gauntlet?”

  “Yes, yes.” Zeusticus pointed at the controls on the fingerless glove that strapped across his right forearm. “This initiates the system, and this crystal allows me to control and direct with my mind, simple.”

  Athene-A rolled her eyes. “Good luck.” She continued to hand out, and give advice on how to use the newly developed weapons. The small one-handed bow shaped weapon was designed for accurate placement of a rocket propelled arrow. The arrowhead released anti-spacial contents on impact. Other weapons like the gauntlet were made for a wider spread multiple target destruction. The spear shaped weapon was set to give the user more reach. Many carried conventional weapons, like the beam pistols and rifles. If the agoam and Tundra dispersal field combination worked, then their old weapons would be effective. Many of the older generations, carried ornamental swords and knives, Jay thought he might have even seen a projectile weapon or two.

  The Pegasus group held still as their respective riders tightened up saddles and carefully put golden armor chainmail across their chests and buttocks. A form fitting Nano-metal helmet form fitted itself around the ears and eyes, some didn’t like it, but knew its importance.

  Zeusticus was admiring his small army when he felt hot breath on his back, and his mind. He turned to see Hermes staring down at him. He, too, had a saddle harness and extra armor up front. His large helmet covered his whole head and snout. The wings extruded from both sides, reminiscent of Athene-A’s helmet.

  “Well, don’t you look as though you have some place to go,” Zeusticus mocked.

  “Get on, and try not to fall off,” Hermes teased back. “Why don’t you just levitate in, and strike?”

  “Takes too much energy to fly and fight at the same time. This way we have our full attention on the battle. Everyone listen! Be at your respective staging areas in fifteen minutes.” Zeusticus easily floated up and into the saddle.

  Soon, they were airborne and winding through valleys, as not to be detected until the last possible moment. Flying horses were laden with extra soldiers to be dropped off near the area of attack. Hermes, himself, had a dozen beings strapped to his back. He was still able to maneuver with ease.

  “Coming up on the ground assault staging area,” Athene-A said through a scratchy comm.”

  “Understood, proceed,” came from many voices.

  Atlanteans began jumping off the flying horses and floated to the ground to a rise near the Destroyer’s last known position. Jay thought the scene looked like paratroopers jumping out of planes. The other species would hop off as the horses landed, running, and then would take off.

  “Athene-A, we may have a problem,” Zeusticus said, as Hermes swung around a ridge.

  “What problem?”

  “I see hundreds of Cousins camped out on our side of the ridge.”

  “Are they hypnotized?”

  “They are watching us, no, they don’t appear to be hostile.”

  “We’ll keep an eye on them, try not to hurt them, Zeusticus.”

  “I have no intention.”

  The air assault group circled low until the ground assault group got organized.

  Zeusticus gave the signal, sending a wave of horse and Atlantean up and over the ridge. What they saw, stunned them for a few seconds, until Zeusticus broke the still, “Same plan, just concentrate on one target at a time.”

  Chapter Fifteen: Giants

  The Giants had made their way out of the spacial field, and now there was a lot more of them than
they accounted for. The four originals were moving in the same direction. Zeusticus gave orders to leave Rhe-A, Cronus and the other Atlanteans alone, until they had no other choice. Zeusticus opened with a concentrated attack on the Uranus male creature. His size was well over fifty feet, and he looked as though he was moving toward Chrysalis. A squadron of winged creatures dove in from above, firing every weapon they had. The machines were functioning well, as lightning bolt and spacial distortions slowed him down. He turned to the sky with his arm up to protect himself, but a barrage of fire, lightning, and particle beam severed his arm. It fell to the ground like a forest tree. Uranus dropped to a knee as the creature, known as Gai-A, moved in to swat flying creatures away. She made contact with a few, sending them spiraling out of control.

  “Shuttle team, move in, we have their attention,” Zeusticus commanded over his comm. He then continued to fire his arm weapon of spacial lightning at the closest target, while Hermes ducked and dodged slow moving giant arms and hands.

  “Understood,” Poseidon said. The shuttle exploded out of the sea and raced to the downed shuttles.

  Hades, and his team, set up instruments and comm units on top of a high mountain, overseeing the battle. “Attack team Alpha, this is Mount Olympus, we are monitoring, all is as planned.”

  “Understood, Mount Olympus, please inform us of any advantage,” Zeusticus said through the noise of explosions.”

  “Understood,” Hades said, while manipulating the spectral 3-D graphic in front and to the sides of him. His ten-person team scrambled about to keep up with him.

  Hermes was coming around for another pass, when the other two, known as Nyx-A and Erebus, all put their bodies over Uranus and took blow after blow. After a barrage and the dust slightly cleared, the Giants stood up to reveal the Uranus creature was fully healed, and back to swatting at the flies.

  Poseidon ran, pushing his people along. They got to the Alpha shuttle on the ridge. Hephaestus was carrying the modified power packs, and quickly began installing them, while the others stood guard. Poseidon tied into the main satellite to help him survey the area. He saw no sign of any giants or monsters.


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