The Crazy Girl's Handbook

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The Crazy Girl's Handbook Page 32

by DelSheree Gladden


  “Let’s try this again,” a soft female voice said.

  I felt myself come back to the surface of consciousness slowly. One eye blinked open, then the other. I startled at finding an unfamiliar face hovering over me. Her round face held warmth, her smile cheer I didn’t feel. Her calm did help me keep mine, however. I could feel the panic hovering just off to the side, but I held it back firmly, desperate for answers.

  “Where’s Roman?”

  A hand settled over mine, and I was confused at feeling the touch. His voice was too distracting to focus on anything else when he said, “I’m right here, Greenly.”

  Dragging my gaze over to him, I braced myself for his reaction. I didn’t understand when a relieved smile lit up his face. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you remember?” Roman asked. He was still smiling, but the intensity dimmed as concern moved in.

  “Sammy…” As soon as I said his name, the rest of what happened hit me and I started to panic again.

  Roman’s grip on my hand tightened and he said, “Sammy is fine. He’s safe and completely unharmed.”

  Profound relief hit me and I started trembling as unused adrenaline pumped through my body. “Where is he?”

  “With Jen and Lydia, out in the hall. He was in here earlier, but when you woke up and started hyperventilating, he panicked and they had to take him out to calm down,” Roman explained.

  Feeling horrible for scaring him like that, I looked away from Roman. Things still weren’t making sense, but I couldn’t unscramble my frazzled thoughts enough to ask the right questions.

  “Do you remember what happened?” Roman asked again.

  I nodded slowly, despite my confusion over the aftermath. “After I found Sammy, Thomas grabbed me and I told Sammy to run. Thomas dragged me to his car and forced me in. I didn’t know where he was taking me. I thought I saw Detective Cordova behind us, but then I realized it wasn’t him, so I hit Thomas with my cast and tried to get out of the car so I could reach the police. I couldn’t get the door open, though, and then I heard a gunshot and I thought…when I woke up I couldn’t move my arms and I…”

  Roman’s face fell. “I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you, Greenly. You’re fine. You weren’t shot.”

  “I wasn’t?” I thought maybe he was lying to me so he could spare me the ugly truth, but I looked down at my hand to find my fingers wrapped around his, then tested my legs. I tried to make sure my other arm was working, but that one still proved difficult to lift. I stared at the brand new, not drawn on cast and blinked. “What happened?”

  “We thought being thrown around when the SUV slammed to a stop re-broke your hand, but now I’m guessing it was using it as a weapon that did the trick,” Roman said with a wry smile. “You’re going to be bruised and sore for a while from hitting the dash, but breaking your arm again is the worst of it. I promise. Thomas was the one who was shot, by Detective Cordova. It was his car behind you.”

  Feeling faint, I gripped Roman even more tightly. “Is Thomas…dead?”

  “He had a gun pointed at you. Detective Cordova didn’t have a choice. At that close of a distance, he didn’t miss.”

  I was relieved to know I hadn’t been shot and wasn’t paralyzed, but I didn’t know what to think about Thomas being dead. He had stalked me, threatened and scared me, kidnapped me, and meant to either hurt or kill me. I had barely known him, but the little I did had shown me two drastically different men. I didn’t know if the kind man who’d helped me had been real or not. If he was, I felt bad that he had disappeared somehow. That other side of him, though, I couldn’t fault Detective Cordova for taking action to save my life.

  Knowing I would probably need more than a few minutes to work through everything that had happened, I tried to distract myself with another question, the one I originally meant to ask. “Why couldn’t I move when I woke up the first time?”

  “Aside from you getting a little loopy when given pain meds,” the nurse said, “your two wardens pretty much fell asleep on top of you waiting for you to wake up. Sammy would have been curled up next to you in bed if I’d let him.” She laughed, then gestured at Roman. “This one wouldn’t let go of your hand even if the building had been on fire.”

  Walking around the bed, the nurse patted Roman on the shoulder. “I need to let the doctor know you’re awake and lucid, but I’m sure Roman will keep an eye on you while I’m gone.” She chuckled and started for the door, but turned back after a few steps. “Is it all right if I send the cavalry in? Looks like Sammy’s climbed up on a chair and is peeking through the window.”

  “Send them in,” Roman said, chuckling at his son.

  The second the nurse twisted the doorknob, Sammy burst though and made a beeline for the bed. He controlled himself enough that he didn’t launch himself on top of me. Of course, it might have been the height of the bed that stopped him more than anything. Ignoring a plea from Roman to be careful of my arm, Sammy sprung into the chair next to the bed and threw his arms across my body. Jen and Lydia came in slightly less dramatically, though my sister was in tears and Jen looked decidedly less composed than usual.

  “I was so scared,” Sammy wailed. “I thought that man was going to take you away forever.” That was as far as he got before dissolving into tears. Nobody said anything as I held him with one arm and let him cry. Okay, we were both crying, and so was Lydia. Roman was holding strong by sheer force of will. Only Jen remained dry-eyed, though she was struggling to keep it that way, surprisingly enough.

  Eventually, Sammy cried himself out and lifted his face. “I never want you to go away again, okay?”

  I glanced over at Roman, knowing that was a big promise to make. Part of me still feared Roman would wake up one of these days and decide I was more trouble than I was worth. His hand tightened around mine and he smiled the kind of smile that was both pleading and reassuring. He was asking for the same thing Sammy was, and giving me permission to make such a bold promise to his son.

  It was a challenge to speak over the lump in my throat, but I said, “I’m not going anywhere, buddy.”



  Considering the matter closed, apparently, Sammy sat back up with wide eyes. “Did my dad tell you how me and my mom saved you?”

  Glancing between Roman and Jen, I sought some kind of explanation. Jen looked embarrassed while Roman grimaced. Before either of them could offer any sort of answer, Sammy dove back in. “When that man took you, you dropped your phone, so I picked it up and told my dad what happened. Then my mom ran up because she saw you running to the trail from the park where she was looking for me and followed, but she was slower and didn’t get there until the man was taking you down the trail. I wanted to come with her when she followed you, but she told me to stay put or I’d be in super big trouble, so I did even though I was really scared. She saw the car that man put you in and told my dad, and he told the policeman who’d come to our house before and then they found you.”

  When Sammy ran out of words, it took me a few minutes to process everything. When I did, I looked at Jen. “You really did that? You followed Thomas when he took me?”

  Shrugging, she looked everywhere but at me. “Sammy was hysterical, and Detective Cordova made it sound like this guy was dangerous. I was afraid he’d hurt you and I, well…” She trailed off, like she didn’t know whether to be embarrassed about helping me or not.

  “Wow, um, thank you, Jen. I don’t know what to say.”

  She waved off my apology, her face flushing by the smallest degree. “I should be the one thanking you,” she said quietly, still not looking at me. Lydia’s face scrunched in confusion, but Roman’s grip on my hand tightened as his thumb rubbed back and forth across my skin. Jen finally forced herself to meet my gaze. “You were right, about a lot of things. Roman and I talked while you were asleep, and well, I’m glad he and Sammy have you.” Her lip
trembled and she looked away.

  I knew it wasn’t easy for her to say that, and that my drawing attention to her words would only embarrass her. So I didn’t say anything. Later, when things calmed down, I thought maybe she and I could start over. She may not have been a blubbering mess like I was when we couldn’t find Sammy, but she had been scared. We both knew she’d never be the kind of mother Roman and Sammy had hoped she could be, but she did love her son, and I hoped that meant she’d make more of an effort to be involved in his life.

  Lydia filled the silence by storming over to my bed, and pushing Roman out of the way enough that she could get in to hug me fiercely. “I’m so glad you’re all right. I wouldn’t know what to do without you, Greenly. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, sis.”

  She squeezed me once more before backing off and turning me over to Roman again. She threw him a look that said he’d be in trouble if he didn’t take care of me as well as she would, then hugged him as well. Sammy, who was now sitting on the bed next to my leg, reach out for a hug as well, and got one without having to ask twice.

  When Lydia pulled back, she looked at Sammy and asked, “Now do you want to come home with me and rest for a while, or stay here?”

  Sammy didn’t even hesitate. “I’m staying here with my mom, my second mom, I mean.” He must have seen my eyebrows rise. Saying things like that was what had gotten him in trouble earlier, and while nobody seemed upset about it this time—even Jen—I was still surprised he’d said it. “It’s okay,” Sammy reassured me, “my other mom already knows and Dad said it was okay too, since…”

  Roman cleared his throat, eyeing Sammy with a look that said he better zip it, and fast.

  Really not up for any more surprises or fights, I said, “What else did I miss?”

  “Nothing,” Roman said. “Sammy’s just jumping the gun a little.”

  “But, you said you were going to ask her when she woke up!” Sammy complained. “I thought you already did it.” He huffed and crossed his arms in a frustrated pout. When Roman didn’t respond to his theatrics, Sammy screwed up his face and said, “Well, are you going to ask her, or what?”

  Everyone in the room laughed, but me. “Ask me what?” I said slowly as I turned to stare at Roman.

  He was still glowering at his son, though it didn’t have much sting. “I didn’t mean the exact second she woke up. I meant when she was feeling better and I could do it right.”

  Sammy rolled his eyes. “Well, why didn’t you say that before?”

  “Ask me what?” I demanded.

  Shaking his head, Roman turned to face me. “I guess we’re just bound and determined to do everything out of order and faster than we should.” He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. “Despite what Sammy thinks, I wasn’t planning to do this today. I don’t even have a ring yet.”

  I could feel my eyes widening. Even though I suspected this was what Sammy had inadvertently spilled the beans about too early, actually hearing the word ring come out of Roman’s mouth left me stunned.

  “He overheard me talking to Jen. When she asked if I planned to propose to you, I was honest and told her yes. Sammy heard me and apparently thought that meant right now.” He reached out and ruffled his hair, drawing an annoyed whine from him. When he looked back at me, he had a goofy smile on his face that was a little lopsided. “I guess it’s not much of a surprise anymore, but I really do want to marry you, Greenly. You don’t have to say anything right now, but…”

  “Say yes,” Sammy whispered, right next to my ear. Really, he shouted it more than whispered thanks to his excitement, and I flinched away from the noise. Roman pulled him back so he wasn’t lying on my broken arm, but I barely noticed.

  I was still staring at Roman in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

  Chuckling, Roman shook his head. “Why do you always ask me that? Do I joke about things like this? Would I really ask you to marry me without being serious?”

  Swallowing, I reminded myself to breathe. I had no clue what I was doing when it came to dating or falling in love, but I had yet to regret a single decision involving Roman. I knew it was crazy, but that was my specialty, after all. “Yes.”

  Roman’s mouth split into a grin, but Sammy attacked me with a hug before he could do more than that. A few minutes later, Lydia was peeling him off me. “Come on, you little nut, you’re coming home with me.”

  “But, I want to stay!” Sammy whined.

  Lydia tried for stern, but didn’t quite get there. “She said yes. That means she’s not going anywhere, so you’ll see her later at home. Right now, Greenly needs to rest and you keep jumping on her arm, so let’s go.”

  Jen seemed to see that as her exit cue as well. She picked up her purse and said, “I better get going as well. When you’re feeling up to it, Greenly, maybe we can talk again.”

  “Sure, Jen. That would be nice.” I was surprised to find I actually meant it. I had no expectations that we’d ever be best friends, but I’d be happy with cordial co-parenting. She nodded and stepped out of the room a moment later.

  “Now it’s our turn,” Lydia reminded Sammy, who’d edged closer back to the hospital bed when she hadn’t been looking. “Greenly needs to rest a little longer before she comes home.”

  His shoulders dropped, but he followed when Lydia dragged him toward the door. “All right, fine.” They reached the door before Sammy stopped and turned back around, gaze fixed on Roman. “Now that Greenly’s going to be my mom, that means we can have a new baby, right? When I asked before, you said not until you guys got married.”

  Lydia groaned and dragged him out of the room before Roman had to answer. I felt a small flutter of…something when my gaze slid from the door to my brand new fiancée. “The nurse didn’t forget to tell me something, did she?”

  The squeak in my voice sounded like it could have been either panic or excitement. I wasn’t sure which, even though it was my voice. Roman, on the other hand, could only chuckle. “No,” he said between laughs, “nobody forgot to tell you that you’re pregnant, because you’re not. At least not that I know of.”

  “You’re the only person I’ve slept with in, well, quite a while. And that was only a week ago, so unless things are working way faster than they should in there, nobody would even know yet, so…”

  “Well, we do tend to fast track just about everything,” Roman said, laughing even harder now.

  I closed my eyes, a completely muddled mess of emotions at the moment, but they fluttered back open when Roman kissed me. It was just a peck, to get my attention. When he had it, he smiled slowly even though the corners of his mouth were trembling. “I was so scared today, Greenly. For Sammy when you told me he’d run off, and then when I heard you scream, I could barely even think. I was terrified of losing you both and I’m so glad everyone is all right. Even though you’ve only been a part of our lives for a short time, I can’t imagine you not being there. I know that was the worst proposal ever, but I’m so in love with you I feel just like Sammy. I never want you to go away again, either.”

  “Neither do I,” I said tearfully.

  Roman kissed me again, this time more slowly. All of my hurts and aches disappeared for a few precious seconds as I drank him in. The feel of his lips on mine was so much better than whatever was in my IV. I missed him the second he pulled back, but my brain started working again and I bit my lip.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Frowning, I said, “There’s really no chance I’m pregnant, but if it were to happen sooner rather than later…”

  “If you were to get pregnant now, or a few years from now,” Roman said, “it wouldn’t change how I felt about you or any new additions to our family. Besides, what’s one more big, life-changing event at this point?” He laughed and kissed my forehead.

  Roman stood and nudged me to the side so he could sit on the bed next to me. I was happy to comply and rested my head
gently against his chest. Every muscle in my neck and back ached, even with whatever painkillers they were giving me. As sore as I was, my body slowly relaxed against his. As the tension seeped out of me, so did my fear that Roman would ever give up on me. We may not have been the most conventional couple, but we were happy together.

  Even so, I still felt a little guilty about all the upheaval I’d caused lately.

  “I really had no intention of turning your entire life upside down when I dragged my nephews to that baseball game on Valentine’s Day,” I said.

  “That’s okay,” Roman said, “I think my life needed a little shaking up.”

  I scoffed. “Nobody’s life needs that much drama all at once.”

  Pulling me in a little closer, Roman’s body relaxed next to mine. “I don’t know about that. I seriously doubt I would be this happy right now if Evan hadn’t spit his gum in your hair that day. Everything after that just pulled us closer together. I wish we could have done without today’s events, but I’m just glad you’re here with me now, and plan to stay for a long time.” His fingers ran through my hair, lulling me back toward sleep with every stroke. “I love you, Greenly.”

  “I love you, too,” I said before yawning.

  I had no idea what time it was. Very late, or more accurately very early, judging by the pink-tinged sky outside. Even after having slept for what must have been quite a long time, my battered body was exhausted. I was emotionally spent as well, from both the good and bad. Any baby-making activities were going to be off the table for a while yet, but I couldn’t help thinking about the future and what little surprises it might hold. I used to think I knew how my life would turn out. Now, I couldn’t even begin to guess, but I was ready for whatever came our way.

  The End

  The Handbook Series will continue in late 2016 with a new round of crazy and lots of laughs along the way!


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