Allibone Baggins (hobbits) 269, 691, 699–700. Original name for Sackville-Baggins.
Alvissmál 103, 168. See also Elder Edda.
Amon Hen (Tolkien journal) 84, 636
Anachronisms & faux-anachronisms 18, 43, 102, 125, 318, 462, 783, 785, 864
Ancalagon the Black (dragon) 20, 527–9, 532, 565
Anderson, Douglas A. xxviii, xxxii, xxxvi, 5, 110, 151, 187, 225, 377, 615, 636, 864, 880, 881, 883 and passim. See also The Annotated Hobbit.
Andrews, Roy Chapman 43
Angband (fortress of Morgoth) 25, 122, 218, 247, 488, 710
Anfauglith 20, 487. See also Dor-na-Fauglith, Withered Heath.
‘Annals of Beleriand’
—Earliest Annals (HME IV) 53, 86, 123, 377, 407, 414, 433, 532, 545, 605, 607, 609
—Later Annals (HME V) 79, 377, 413–14, 431, 532, 607, 721–2, 838
—‘The Grey Annals’ (HME XI) 430, 431, 487, 493, 529, 607
‘Annals of Valinor’
—Earliest Annals (HME IV) 53, 248, 269, 340, 493, 545, 604–5, 607, 609
—Later Annals (HME V) 340, 607
—‘Annals of Aman’ (HME X) 340, 430, 431, 607, 616
Andrew Lang Memorial Lecture: see ‘On Fairy-Stories’.
The Annotated Hobbit xxxii & passim.
Aotrou and Itroun: see ‘The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun’.
Aragorn 15–16, 59, 224, 344, 410, 415, 423, 557, 589, 807, 864
—as guide 810, 819, 830–1, 835
—lifelong friendship with Bilbo 811
—also known as Strider 16, 144, 410, 557, 805, 810, 819, 830–1, 835; and Trotter 16, 144.
Aredhel (elven princess) 59
Ariosto, Ludovico (Orlando Furioso) 179–82, 192, 194, 542
Arkenstone ix, 369, 373, 377, 457–9, 467, 501, 525, 586–7, 591, 601, 603–9, 614–16, 648, 658, 660, 663, 666–9, 673, 680–1, 695, 723, 751, 789–90. See also The Gem of Girion.
—as Silmaril 603–9, 614–17, 695, 723
—discovery of 751, 789–90
Artanor (elvenwood, realm of Tinwelint) 78, 137, 218, 325, 409, 653; earlier name for Doriath.
Artaxerxes (wizard) 50, 697
Arthurian legend xii, 18, 20, 24, 26, 61, 120, 151, 177, 183, 192, 194, 257, 284, 415, 445, 459–60, 490, 492, 494
Artist & Illustrator xxxiv & passim.
Individual pictures within this book are referred to as H-Sx.
Arwen (daughter of Elrond) 59, 62, 120, 415, 563, 703, 803, 811, 864
—sudden introduction 563, 703
ATB: see Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
Attercop 56, 295, 311, 314, 345, 726–7
—origin of name 299, 321
Auden, W. H. xiv, xx, 5, 23, 65, 332, 464–5, 526
Audo in the Lombard 77, 148, 282
Audo in Errol: see Errol, Audoin.
Aulë (Vala) 79, 149, 721–2
Azog (goblin) 141, 218, 712, 779, 787
Babbitt (novel by Sinclair Lewis) xv, xxxvii, 59
Bag-End (Baggins home) passim.
—auctioned off in Bilbo’s absence 690–1
—built by Bilbo’s father 29, 46, 585, 769
Baggins, Belladonna T. (Bilbo’s mother) 29, 31, 46–47, 344, 585, 769, 771
Baggins, Bilbo (the hobbit) passim.
—as burglar xii, 10, 39–40, 74, 91–3, 96, 99, 230, 362–3, 374, 381–6, 441, 475, 496, 506, 509–12, 578–80, 659–64, 667, 681–2, 776–8, 796–7, 864
—as compiler of ‘Lost Tales’/Silmarillion (Translations from the Elvish) 52, 62
—as dragon-slayer xi, 16, 364, 374, 496, 499–501, 519, 555
—as ‘Mad Baggins’ 52
—origin of name 45, 47–8, 60
Baggins, Bungo (Bilbo’s father) xxxvii, 29, 46–47, 584–5, 659–60, 769
—his sayings 46, 505, 516, 578, 584–5
Baggins, Frodo (Bilbo’s second cousin or ‘nephew’ and heir) 47, 143–4, 147–8, 175, 187, 270, 288, 326, 369, 445, 463, 565, 575, 686, 726–7, 747, 791, 810, 835, 838
Baggins Family 29, 46, 768
—Baggins vs. Tooks: see Tookish.
‘Bagme Bloma’ (poem in Gothic by JRRT) 57, 278. See also Songs for the Philologists.
Balan, Sir (Arthurian knight) 24
Balin, Sir (Arthurian knight) 24, 183
*Balin (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company) passim.
—acts as lookout 89, 99–100, 198–9, 306, 319, 352, 384, 645, 796
—among the eldest of the group 32, 54, 135, 380, 390, 477
—becomes Lord of Moria 477, 705, 805, 807, 811
—brother of Dwalin 33, 98, 319, 322, 477, 674, 685, 773
—colour of hood (red or yellow) 32, 41, 198, 210–11
—enters secret passage with Bilbo 363, 368, 372, 495, 504–7
—friend of ravens 472, 618–23, 642–3
—origin of name 23–24, 79, 455, 866, 871
—plays viola 36
—survivor of Smaug’s attack 472, 477–8, 705–6, 720
—survivor of Thrain’s expedition 338–9, 477, 787
—visits Bag-End again 692
Ballads and Songs of Brittany (tr. Tom Taylor): see Villemarque, Hersart de la (Comte)
Balrog 25, 137–8, 149, 218, 221, 415, 529, 542, 614–15, 705, 711, 713, 751
—and Boldogs (Orc-Maia) 138, 149, 218, 711
—Durin’s Bane (the Balrog of Moria) 614–15, 705, 751
—possibility that Dragons derived from 542
Bard the Bowman passim.
—as model for Aragorn 557
—death of ix, 549, 569, 572, 612–13
—first appearance 438, 444, 547, 553, 563
Barfield, Owen (Inkling) 534–7, 544–6, 636
Barsaz Breiz: see Villemarque, Hersart de la (Comte)
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations 6
Bats 134, 140, 142, 154, 163, 340, 484, 530, 568, 580, 582, 602, 716–19, 844
—as Children of Morgoth 530, 675, 716–17
—at Battle of Five Armies 530, 629, 670–2, 714, 716–18
—in Father Christmas Letters 142, 717
—in Mirkwood 304, 317–18
—vampire bats 20, 83, 716–17; see also Thû as vampire bat 20, 83, 716.
The Battle of Anduin Vale xi, 366, 375–6, 378, 501, 572–3, 576, 627, 630, 713, 718
The Battle of Five Armies 378, 666–72, 676–7, 679–80, 713–19
—identifying the ‘five’ armies 223, 376, 713–15, 718
‘The Battle of the Goths and Huns’ (Old Norse poem) 42. See also Heidreks Saga.
The Battle of the Green Fields of Fellin 8–9, 12, 39–40, 43, 712, 776
‘The Battle of Maldon’ (Old English poem) xxii, 535
The Battle of Palisor 78, 82, 85
The Battle of the Somme (WW I) 25, 287, 372, 477, 727
The Battle of Sudden Fire (Silm) 53, 529
The Battle of Toad Hall 59, 256, 281; see Toad Hall.
Baynes, Pauline (artist) 60, 186, 420, 784
—Tolkien’s critique of/essay on 49, 60, 186–7, 434
BBC Radio interview (Denys Gueroult) 15, 79, 86, 494, 526, 543, 575, 720, 758, 827
BBC Radio Oxford compilation (Ann Bonsor) xxxviii, 126, 637, 702
BBC TV programme (‘Tolkien in Oxford’) 12
Bears 150, 168, 231, 240, 253–6, 257, 273, 280, 510, 522, 718
—the great bears of the mountains 231, 247
see also Medwed/Beorn, Cave Bear, North Polar Bear.
—Medwed’s troup of bears at the Battle of Anduin Vale 366, 375, 572; Medwed’s troop of bears at the Battle of Five Armies 629, 713–14
Belegost (dwarven city, home to the Indrafangs or Longbeards) 77–81, 86, 412, 431–3
Beleriand 19–21, 80, 248, 262, 266, 406, 414, 416, 420, 424, 429, 448, 529, 653
—origin of name 19–21, 26
Beorn: see Medwed.
Beowulf 75, 77, 110, 173, 191–2, 249–50, 261, 279, 281–2, 284, 336, 445, 503, 543, 545, 553, 557�
�9, 564, 600, 605, 704, 707–8, 855–6
—the Bear’s Son story 256, 281–2
—the children of Cain 185, 426, 877
—cup-stealing episode 173, 191, 372–3, 518, 533, 855–6
‘Beowulf Essay’ (‘Beowulf: The Monsters & the Critics’) xxxii, 336, 396, 526–7, 531–4, 536, 543–4
Beowulf’s Dragon 75, 450, 483–4, 531–4, 541, 543, 557, 560, 612 see also Clark Hall Beowulf.
Beren (husband of Lúthien)
—and Silmaril 63, 218, 413, 596, 598–600, 606, 608, 613, 616
—as spider-slayer 327, 330–1, 341
—overthrows Necromancer 20, 73, 83, 123; see also 218, 710.
—union with Lúthien 59, 122, 410, 415, 864
—war with dwarves 63, 412–13, 598, 653
*Bifur (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company) passim.
—largely silent 23, 809; speaks 34, 203, 322–3, 475, 481, 508, 774, 775.
—on watch with Bombur 659
—origin of name 867, 869
—plays clarinet 36, 54, 776
—relationship to Bofur and Bombur 313, 322–3, 508, 519
—Thorin’s honourguard 774, 808
Big Dipper (constellation) 18, 21
Bilbo Baggins: see Baggins, Bilbo.
Bilbo, Senator Theodore (American politician) 47
Bilbo-blade (sword) 47–48
Bilbo-catch (game) 48, 60
‘Bilbo’ as real-world family name 47
‘Bilbo’ as real-world place name 60
(Bilbo Cemetery, Louisiana; Bilbo Island, Albama; Bilboe’s Landing, Alabama; Lake Bilbo, Arkansas).
Bilbo’s Contract (see Frontispiece, plate two) 23, 88–9, 105–7, 110, 377, 495, 576, 662–4
‘Bilbo’s Last Song’ (poem by JRRT) 3
Bilbo’s Ring: see The Ring.
Bimble Bay (‘Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay’) 167, 187, 376–7, 463–4. 499, 529. See also ‘The Dragon’s Visit’, ‘Glip’, ‘Knocking at the Door’ (‘The Mewlips’), ‘Progress in Bimble Town’.
Birds: see Crows, Eagles, Owls, Ravens, Thrush.
The Black Mountain (earlier name for The Lonely Mountain) 9, 12–13, 15
Blackwelder, Richard xxxv, 25, 183, 292, 723, 849
Bladorion 53, 488, 493; see Dor-na-Fauglith.
Bladorthin the King 53, 482, 514, 525
Bladorthin the wizard 30–1, 48–52, & passim. See also Gandalf the Wizard.
—contrasted with Gandalf the Grey 51
—described 30, 48–49, 213, 770
—human or ‘wizard’ 49–50, 269, 877
—name change to ‘Gandalf’ xi, 11, 15, 293, 301, 476–7
—organizer of adventures/Bilbo not his first choice 30, 51–2, 61–2, 770
—origin of name 52–53, 62–63
—withdrawal foreseen 14, 230, 243, 246, 252, 300, 795, 806
‘The Bladorthin Typescript’ (Phase I) xxiv, 28–44 & passim.
Bladorwen (Yavanna) 52–53, 62. See also Yavanna.
Bláin (giant) 24, 866, 871; see Balin.
Blessing, Matt (archivist) xxxv, 357
Blue Mountains
—site of Nogrod and Belegost 80–1, 433
—site of Thorin Oakenshield’s Halls in Exile 81, 338, 432, 705–6, 805, 815, 819
Blue Wizards 273–274, 288, 697, 700
Bodleian Library (Oxford) xxxi, xxxv, 22, 26, 60, 149, 187, 194, 282, 462, 540, 702, 880
Bodruith (dwarvenking, lord of Belegost) 79
—origin of name 79
Boffin, Peregrin: see Trotter the halfling.
*Bofur (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company) passim.
—‘fought like mad’ 94
—largely silent 23, 809; speaks 34, 239, 774, 775
—on watch with Bombur 659
—origin of name 867, 869
—plays clarinet 36, 54, 776
—relationship to Bifur and Bombur 313, 322–3, 508, 519
—rescued from Smaug 508
—Thorin’s honourguard 774, 808
—tries to build fire 91, 98, 100
Boldog (Orc-Maiar) 138–9, 149, 218, 710–13
Bolg (goblin) 141, 218, 708–13, 854
—origin of name 141, 710 (Magol), 712–13 (Ivernian)
Bolger, Fatty (hobbit) 63
Bombadil 59, 168, 267, 326
—as genius loci 59, 267
*Bombur (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company) passim.
—carries Bilbo 134, 199–200, 204, 211, 213
—dreams of a faerie feast 146–7, 352, 353, 354, 397, 415
—‘fought like mad’ 94
—grumbler 134, 202, 204, 306, 349, 358, 360, 659, 661, 795, 806
—obese 54, 63, 236, 310, 349–50, 387, 437, 474, 649, 774, 794, 795, 800
—old (‘old Bombur’) 310, 312, 313, 649, 663–4, 800
—origin of name 784, 867, 869
—plays drum 36, 54, 776, 784
—relationship with Bifur and Bofur 313, 322–3, 508, 519
—rescued from Smaug 508
—Thorin’s honourguard 774, 808
—tricked by Bilbo 659–61, 664
—tries to light a fire 91, 98, 100
Bonsor, Ann: see BBC Radio Oxford.
Book of Job (Bible) 503, 517, 523–4, 559
The Book of Kells 220
The Book of Lost Tales (HME I & II) xxxii–xxxiii & passim.
see also ‘Ælfwine of England’, ‘Gilfanon’s Tale’, ‘The History of Eriol’, ‘The Nauglafring’, ‘The Tale of Tinúviel’, and ‘Turambar and the Foalókë’.
The Book of Mazarbul 23
‘The Bovadium Fragments’ (unpublished fable by JRRT) 462
Brandybuck, Marmaduke (hobbit) 60. Earlier name for Brandybuck, Merry.
Brandybuck, Merry (Bilbo’s third cousin) 60
Bratman, David (Inklings scholar) xxxv, 759
Bratt, Edith: see Tolkien, Edith.
Bree 18, 58, 140, 289, 451, 463, 792, 804–5, 810, 814–16, 819, 826, 829, 832
Breton legendry (Breton lay, Breton ballad) 26, 147, 281, 398–404, 423–6; see also ‘The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun’; ‘Lord Nann and the Korrigan’; Map, Walter; Marie de France; Sir Orfeo.
Briggs, Katharine (folklorist) 103, 109–10, 322, 325, 396–9, 403–4, 421–2, 426–7, 841, 847, 850, 852, 865
—her role in discovering Denham’s use of ‘hobbit’ 841
Broceliand/Broseliand 19–20, 26, 80; see also Beleriand.
The Brothers Grimm (authors) 43, 51, 61, 79, 110, 192, 377. See also Grimm, Jacob.
Browning, Robert (poet) 454, 463–4
Buckhurst, Helen 110, 881, 885
Bullroarer Took: see Took, Bullroarer.
Burchfield, Robert (lexicographer, student of JRRT) 849, 858–9
Burglar-mark on Bilbo’s door 8–9, 10, 31–2, 34, 39–40, 51, 71, 772, 774, 776–7
—found by Oin 9, 40
—translated 40, 776–7
Burin son of Balin (dwarf) 870–1
Burns, Marjorie xxxv, 110, 424, 425
Caedmon Records 58, 107, 187
Carpenter, Humphrey xv, xxxiv, 4, 19, 167, 342, 491, 524, 539, 636, 702, and passim.
—account of the 1960 Hobbit 765–6, 810
—HC’s account of book’s composition xvi, xxii–xxiv, xxv–xxvi, xli, 374
—HC’s theory of book’s abandonment xviii–xx, xxxviii, 554–5, 627, 633–4
Carroll, Lewis (pseud. of Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) 56–57, 64–65, 214, 368, 491, 544, 707, 837, 859
—Alice in Wonderland (compilation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass) 56, 64–5, 544, 837. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 56, 65, 837; Through the Looking-Glass 56, 65, 368, 837.
—Phantasmagoria and Other Poems 65
—poetry of 65. ‘Hiawatha’s Photographing’ 64–5; The Hunting of the Snark 837; ‘Jabberwocky’ 65, 368; ‘Little Birds’ (‘The Pig’s Tale’) 214, 660; ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter’ 65; and ‘What
Tottles Meant’ 65.
—Sylvie and Bruno & Sylvie and Bruno Concluded 65, 214, 660
The Catenian Association (lay Catholic fraternal organization) xli, 746
Cave Art (Altamira, Lascaux, Chauvet) 150, 255, 448
Cave Bear xviii, 186, 254–5
Caxton, Wm xii, 195–6
see also Arthurian legend.
Chalk Figures 528
Chambers, R. W. 3, 5, 526, 853, 881, 883
Chaucer, Geoffrey (author) 80, 108–9, 147, 226, 281, 758
—The Canterbury Tales 80, 108–9, 147, 758
—The Parliament of Fowls 147, 220, 226
Cherwell Edge (Rev. Mother St. Teresa Gale) xxxviii, 635
Chess 8–9, 16. See Golf.
Children of Ilúvatar (Elves & Men) 82, 273, 410, 536, 616, 721, 877. See also Two Kindreds.
—Dwarves as Children of Ilúvatar 721–2
Children of Morgoth (Children of Melko) 85, 136, 144, 218, 220, 221, 326
—bats as Children of Morgoth 675, 716–18
—giants as Children of Morgoth 144
—goblins as Children of Melko 136, 221
—wargs as Children of Morgoth 218
see also Children of Ungoliant.
Children of Ungoliant (Giant Spiders) 318, 326–34
Children of the Valar (Maiar) 269
China & the Chinese 9, 17, 40, 43
—Chinese dragons 541
Chrétien de Troyes (Yvain: The Knight of the Lion) 177–9, 181–2, 192, 390
Chrysophylax Dives (dragon) 75, 145, 486–7, 502, 527, 529–30, 541–2, 565, 612, 786
The Cirth (runes) 22, 602; see also Runes.
Clark Hall, John R. (Old English scholar) 217, 426, 535, 702
—Clark Hall Beowulf xl, 693–4, 882, 884; as Tolkien’s first known contact with Allen & Unwin ibid.
Classical Literature & Mythology 26, 100, 147, 151–2, 176–7, 182 193, 277, 285, 335–6, 343–4, 398, 428, 538, 559, 616, 841–2, 844, 852
Coghill, Nevill (Inkling) 109, 126, 151, 636, 702
Compass Rose 21–2
The Cottage of Lost Play (precursor to Rivendell) 62, 119, 147, 697
Coulter, Janice iv, xxxv, xxxvi, 186, 837
The County Round (earlier name for The Shire) 10, 16; replaced by The Country Round 70, 74; ultimately replaced by The Hobbiton Country 777
Crankshaw, Edward xxxix
Crockett, S. R. (The Black Douglas) 216–17, 224, 859
Crows 22, 266, 362, 478–9, 485, 569, 571, 583, 618–19, 623–4, 640, 642–3, 717
Cthulhu Mythos 64
Cuiviénen (the Elven Eden) 138, 410
D&D (roleplaying game): see Dungeons & Dragons.
Dagnall, Susan xxv, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxviii, xxxix, 152, 635, 693–4
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