Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 66

by Sheridan Anne

  “It was important when I needed to use it too,” I tell her.

  “Babe,” she says, trying to keep a straight face. “I was not going to let you use my lighter so you and Miller could set your farts on fire.”

  “It was important,” I repeat.

  She rolls her eyes and makes her way out of the bathroom. I follow behind and find my shirt laying in the middle of the hallway. I bend to pick it up when Sophie clears her throat behind me. I turn on her, “What?” I ask.

  “You lost a bet, big guy,” she reminds me. “You should be stripping not putting more clothes on.”

  “Seriously, babe?”

  “Yep,” she grins. “You made me follow through when I lost the bet, now it’s your turn.”

  With a sigh, I throw my shirt at her and watch as she gingerly pulls it over her head, covering up that sexy lingerie before I lose my jeans, which somehow managed to stay up during the whole screwing in the doorway thing. I stand before her in my birthday suit. “Better?” I ask.

  “Much,” she grins, clearly very proud of herself.

  With a sigh, I go about the kitchen, preparing everything I need for dinner. It’s still a bit early, but I may as well get on with it. I’m just finishing up when the intercom for the front gate signals someone is there. Sophie goes up and checks the little camera. “Oh, it’s a delivery,” she announces excitedly as she buzzes the driver on through.

  I double check that my shirt is properly covering all her bits before she makes her way to the door, but I should know better by now, my shirt practically falls beneath her knees. I hear her opening the door and she thanks the driver before the door is closed once again.

  I go about my business in the kitchen when I hear her entering the living room. “Babe, my pram came,” she announces with a clear smile in her voice.

  “Awesome,” I murmur as I bend down to get the dinner out of the oven.

  “Uh, where do you want this?” A very awkward male's voice asks.

  What. The. Fuck?

  I straighten up as fast as possible and dump the food on the top of the oven. I turn around, using the oven mitts to cover my junk only to find the delivery guy standing right in the center of my living room with a very happy Sophie right beside him. Great, I just mooned the delivery guy.

  My eyes narrow on Sophie who I quickly realize invited the guy in on purpose. Damn, that little hussy is going to pay for that one. “Just pop it down here,” she says.

  The delivery guy does just that as Sophie instantly starts ripping into the box. The guy has no other choice but to step forward towards me with his little tablet held out. “I need you to sign for it,” he says as he finally looks up at me. His eyes instantly go wide and I recognize the look immediately. Fuck me, the guy’s a fan. “Holy shit,” he gasps. “You’re Tank Meyers.”

  “Yep, that’s me,” I say as I take the tablet from his hand and awkwardly try to sign for the pram while still covering my junk.

  “Wow, oh my god. I’m one of your biggest fans, dude,” he says. “Can I get an autograph?”

  “Uh, well, I’m sort of still in the middle of the first one you wanted,” I grunt. Like seriously dude, can you not see I’m butt fucking naked right now. This is not a time for autographs.

  “Right, yeah,” he says dropping the autograph thing. “I went to all the games last year and I think you’ll make it as captain this season,” he tells me.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I say as he starts moving around the kitchen, unable to stand still in his excitement. Though the movement means I have to keep adjusting the oven mitt so the poor kid doesn’t get another eye full of my dick.

  “Yeah, no problem,” he says. “I actually applied for a position on the team a few weeks ago.”

  “Really?” I ask, though I wasn’t aware we had any openings.

  “Yeah, I really want to be a hockey player. I don’t skate yet, but I figured I’d be taught once I got the position,” he says. “I sent in my resume. Maybe you could give a good word for me.”

  He’s shitting me, right? Does he really think professional athletes just sent in their resume’s one day and crossed their fingers hoping they get a call back? Was he going to hire a pair of skates from skate rental or maybe he’d ask to borrow one of the boys? I look at Sophie who’s standing with a pram wheel in her hand, trying her hardest not to burst out laughing. ‘Is he for real?’ she mouths with a wicked grin.

  I give her a slight shrug and turn my attention back to the stranger in my kitchen. “Sorry, buddy. That’s not quite how the recruitment process works,” I tell him, hating to shoot down his dreams.

  “What do you mean?” he asks, suddenly stopping.

  “The guys on the team have all been skating since they were kids. Training day in and day out. All were drafted from their college hockey teams,” I inform him, though, I can’t believe I’m actually having this conversation in my kitchen right now.

  “Fuck,” he grunts, looking as though I’ve just deflated his whole world. “What am I going to do now? I practically told my girlfriend I was already on the team.”

  “Tough break, man,” I say with a tight smile. “But look, now’s not a great time,” I tell him as I hand the little tablet back to him.

  He takes it from me and slides it into his pocket before giving me a sad smile. “Right, well, it was great to meet you,” he says before turning his back and making his way to the door.

  Sophie follows and makes sure he actually leaves rather than taking a crap load of our shit to sell on eBay like the last obsessive fan who wandered into our house did. She sends him on his way before returning to me with a massive grin. “Can you believe that?” she asks as she bursts into laughter.

  “I know,” I grunt. “I kind of felt bad bursting his bubble like that.”

  “You did the right thing,” she says, walking up to me, wrapping her arms around my body and letting her hands rest on my naked ass.

  “Speaking of doing the right thing,” I say. “You brought him in here on purpose.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she grins.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” I warn her.

  “Really?” she asks as her nails dig into the flesh of my ass. “How so?”

  “You’ll find out,” I tell her with a grin, imagining the position I’ll be putting her in later. “But first you need to feed my son.”

  “Fine,” she says. “Can you help me put the pram together after that?”

  “Sure thing, babe,” I say as she reaches up on her tippy toes and plants the sweetest kiss on my lips.

  Together we go about the kitchen, dishing up dinner and flopping down into the couch to eat. I decide to get started on the pram as Sophie takes her sweet ass time with dinner. Apparently, now that the baby is taking up so much room, she has to eat slowly to avoid throwing it all back up again.


  Twenty minutes later, I finish with the pram just as Sophie finishes with her dinner. I collect her plate off the side of the couch and make my way into the kitchen. I rinse off the dishes and place them in the dishwasher with Sophie clinging to my back. I turn in her arms and lift her so I can easily kiss her.

  She wraps her legs around my waist as I place her down on the kitchen counter. “Thanks for dinner,” she murmurs against my lips.

  “My pleasure.”

  She pulls back slightly so we can have a decent conversation without our lips mushing together. “Should we go to bed?” she asks with hooded eyes, clearly having her own agenda for the night.

  “Nope,” I say with a shake of my head as my fingers grasp the bottom of my shirt and start pulling it over her head. She raises her arms and allows the shirt to come off before dropping it in a heap at my feet. “You owe me,” I remind her.

  “And what is it that you so desperately desire?” she asks with an excited gleam in her eye.

  I step back from her and take her in. Still in her lingerie from earlier, minus
the heels and looking as stunning as ever. I continue backing away from her until I’m leaning against the opposite counter. “Spread em,” I tell her.

  She does what she’s told, though extremely slowly. I feel the blood rushing to my dick as I watch her move. She shuffles back into the center of the counter to give herself some room as she spreads her legs as wide as possible. She places her feet up on the counter, making sure she gives me the best possible view.

  I take my dick in my hand and watch as her eyes zero in on the movement, flaming with desire. “What now?” she purrs in that velvety voice.

  “Remove your bra,” I order. Once again, she happily obliges and gives me what I want. Those perfect tits look back at me, desperate to be touched. She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth nearly driving me to the edge. “Touch yourself, baby,” I tell her. “I want to watch.”

  She grins at me as her hand comes up and cups her breast, squeezing it and rubbing her nipple between her fingers. Her eyes remain locked on mine, but my eyes are far too busy watching her body. She leans back as her hand starts travelling down her body. She moves the fabric of her thong out of the way before pressing two fingers to her exposed clit and making little circles.

  The view has my hand pumping faster on my dick, desperate for more. Sophie lets out a moan and her eyes close in satisfaction before she lowers her hand just a little further. Her eyes open and she watches me as those two same fingers push into her entrance, they come out glistening before making their way back in.

  Fuck, seeing her this turned on has me wanting to cross the kitchen and plunge deep inside her, but then I want to watch until the end. Her other hand comes up and starts caressing her breast once again as the moaning and grunting becomes more frequent in our quiet kitchen.

  Her hand becomes faster, but I know she needs more. “Please,” she begs from across the kitchen.

  I can’t say no.

  I make my way to her in two quick steps. I grab her ass and scoot her forward until she’s right on the edge of the counter, perfectly lined up with my dick. She pulls her fingers out and presses them back on her clit as I bury myself deep inside her.

  “Holy shit,” she pants. “This is so much better than what I had planned.”

  “Bet your sweet ass, it is,” I grunt as I slam into her one last time and come hard just as she detonates around me.

  Chapter 7


  The next morning, I make my way into the office bright and early. After all, I have a case to blow wide open.

  I head into the kitchen and boil the kettle while I wait for my computer to power up. I reach for the coffee and think better of it before grabbing a tea bag instead. I know I’ll need the caffeine today, but this little guy inside me doesn’t appreciate it.

  I go back to my office and close the door behind me. I don’t need any distractions today. I place my tea down on my desk and move absolutely every piece of paper that has nothing to do with the CEO’s onto the floor.

  Next, I make my way over to my cork board and take down everything from my previous investigation, making sure to put it all away in a folder, just in case any of my information is needed in court.

  So, first things first. I pull my phone out of my bag and attach it to the USB cable connected to my computer before selecting all the images I wish to transfer over. Seeing as there are so many, I start printing off images of all the people involved and attach them to my cork board, making sure to put a big red cross over the faces of the deceased because, well, that’s what they do in the movies.

  Ten minutes later, once I’ve finished my cork board, my computer beeps to notify me that the transfer is complete, so I make myself comfy and get started.

  A few hours and a headache later, I finally stumble upon something interesting. It seems that Mr. Baxter anonymously bought shares in all his competitor's companies, all with hidden clauses within the contracts stating that if the owner should pass, his or her remaining shares would go to Christian Baxter

  Hmm…. I wonder if the other guy knew the kind of contract he was signing.

  I keep digging into this whole shares thing and realize that with these CEO’s dead, Christian is now the anonymous major shareholder of each of these companies and making a shit load of money off it too.

  He also has the power to shut down these companies which would drive all potential clients his way or he could buy them out. Really, as the major shareholder he could do whatever he wants with it.

  Holy shit. I just found motive.

  My brain swirls with information and I know in my gut that he had something to do with these deaths… well, I guess deaths is the wrong word. They were murders, covered to look like natural causes.

  I print off the contracts and pin them to my cork board, making sure to highlight the evidence. I can’t find it in me to sit back down and I start pacing my office. How the hell am I going to prove that he did this or that he had something to do with it?

  Hmmm, I start wondering how I’m going to work out if he had an alibi for those days when I remember his PA’s planner that sat on her desk. She would have every tiny detail of Christian’s whereabouts in that thing. Only questions is; how the hell am I going to get my hands on it?

  I start working on my plan, knowing this means another trip out of the office that Tank isn’t going to approve of, but seriously, I need that planner.

  My phone ringing on my desk startles me out of my thoughts and I grin at the caller ID. Shit, he must know I’m planning something. I hit answer and hold the phone up to my ear.

  “Hey, big guy,” I smile.

  “Hey, babe. How’s your day going?” he asks. “Still at the office?”

  I roll my eyes, knowing that would have been his first thought. “Yes, I’m still at the office,” tell him. “My day’s been huge. I found motive.”

  “Seriously?” he questions. “What kind of motive?”

  I go through everything I’ve found today and even though I know Tank hates that I do this, he also won’t stop me from doing my part in putting someone behind bars, especially if that’s where they need to be.

  “That’s some pretty damning evidence, but it’s not enough to get him convicted of anything. It just proves he owns the majority of their companies,” he says.

  “I know,” I cringe. “Which is why I need to go back to his office.”

  “No, babe. I don’t want you going there,” he says. “Who knows what could happen if he finds out you’re digging. You don’t have a good enough reason to be there.”

  “Actually,” I say. “I think I might.”

  “Babe,” he warns.

  “It’s fine,” I promise. “I won’t even need to see him. I just need to hand something to his PA.”

  “You sure?”

  “Promise,” I say. “I’ll be in and out in no time. I won’t even need to escape down the fire stairs.”

  He lets out a huff and I know he’s finally given in.

  “How’s your day going?” I ask, hoping to change topics.

  “Good,” he says with excitement lacing that deep voice.

  “Spill it, buster,” I demand.

  I can practically hear the smile in his voice. “Coach Larsden has called a meeting for tomorrow. He has a few announcements.”

  “And you think this is when he will appoint you captain?”

  “Well, yeah, I’m kind of hoping,” he says a little bashfully.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to get that position and I know he feels that too. He just doesn’t want to get his hopes up. “You’ll be fine,” I tell him.

  “I know,” he replies, softly. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing, I was just thinking about getting lunch before I head out to Baxter Corporations,” I tell him.

  “Could you hold off for half an hour? I’ll swing by and take you out.”

  “Ooh, are you asking me out,” I tease.

  “Shut up,” he grunts. “I’ll be there soon.

  “K, love you.”

  “Love you too,” he murmurs before hanging up.

  I grin as I put my phone back down on my desk and get busy. With Tank arriving in half an hour, that gives me just enough time to put together a mock article that I can use to weasel my way towards Aimee’s desk.

  As usual, with my writing, I get carried away, so I practically jump right out of my seat when a knock sounds at my door.

  I look up to find the world’s largest man looming in my doorway, looking at sexy as ever. “You ready to go?” he asks with a smirk.

  I hit print on the article and rush around my office collecting all my crap. “Sure am,” I say as I pick up the paper from the printer.

  Tank makes his way inside and quickly looks over my cork board. “He’s a real fucking scum bag,” he comments before taking my hand and leading me out the door.

  “Sure is,” I agree.

  “How was training?” I ask, pressing the button for the parking lot as we step into the lift.

  “Good,” he says before pressing me into the wall of the elevator and kissing me deeply. His hands travel down my body and cup me between my legs. “I love it when you dress for the office,” he murmurs.

  “There’s cameras in here,” I remind him with a gasp, as honestly, it’s not the first time we’ve been sprung in this thing.

  “Damn,” he grunts as he pulls away, leaving me desperate for more.

  The elevator opens and he takes me by the hand as he leads me towards his truck. He helps me up into it like a gentleman, kisses my temple while his hand caresses my stomach, and closes the door.

  Fuck, I love this man.

  He takes me on our lunch date and all too soon, the bill is paid, and we’re getting back in his truck.

  “You heading back to the office?” he asks

  “Um… I don’t really need to. I have everything with me if you wanted to take me to Baxter Corporations. I’ll be like five minutes then we can go home,” I explain.

  “You don’t need your car?” he questions.

  “Nah, I’ll work from home tomorrow.”

  “Ok, I was going to hit the gym, but I can use the one at home,” he tells me.


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