Trust Him: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels of Sterling Prep Book 4)

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Trust Him: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels of Sterling Prep Book 4) Page 24

by Caitlyn Dare

  Wrapping my hand around her thigh, I hitch her leg up around my waist, sliding my palm down to her bare ass and grinding my length against her.

  “Cole,” she groans when I drop my lips to her neck, teasing her with almost kisses to her soft skin.

  “Fuck pay-per-view, this is cheaper.”

  Flipping him off over my shoulder, I continue until the elevator dings and the doors open.

  I pull her out and drag her down the hallway, away from our spectators.

  “Wait, this isn’t my floor.”

  “No, but it’s mine, and I want to grab my stuff before you distract me too much.”


  She stands in the doorway while I collect up everything I brought with me and stuff it none too carefully into my bag before turning my back on the room and gathering her up into my arms and allowing the door to close behind us.

  “Where are you?”

  “Up. Come on.”

  Knowing that I’m not going to be able to spend any more time in an elevator with her without doing something I’ll regret, or that others won’t want to see, I opt for the stairs.

  “Your room is on the top floor?” I ask once we’ve climbed way more flights than I was expecting.

  “I told you I had a surprise. Only the best for the state champion.” She winks, tapping the keycard to the little pad and pushing inside her room. Only, it’s not a room. It’s an entire fucking suite.

  “Whoa,” I breathe, walking into the room and dropping my bag to the floor. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

  “Impressive, right?”

  “Yeah, but how? You don’t have…” She steps up to me, her hands brushing around my sides and coming to rest on my stomach.

  “I had some help from someone else who wanted you to enjoy yourself.”

  “Oh?” I ask, spinning in her arms so that I can look at her.

  “Yeah, although I think my intentions for the room were probably different to his.”

  “Oh yeah? Tell me more,” I demand, walking her backward until she hits the wall.

  “I thought that we’d have some celebrating to do.”

  “You didn’t know we’d win.”

  “I was optimistic, but that wasn’t what I meant.”


  “I’m…” She swallows nervously.


  “I’m done fighting, Cole.” My fingers wrap around the back of her neck, my thumb brushing over her jaw. “I miss you so much. I need you. I need us. Can we—”

  I don’t let her finish her question. Instead I answer it with my lips against hers as I press her farther back into the wall so she can feel just how on board I am with everything she didn’t get to say.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Cole touches me like I’m fragile glass, ghosting his fingers over my jaw as if he’s scared I might disappear at any second.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper. “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  His hips pin my body against the wall, letting me feel his need for me, for this, but he doesn’t kiss me.

  “Cole,” I breathe.

  “Shh, I just want to appreciate this moment.” His eyes run over every inch of my face, dropping to the jersey covering my body. Without speaking, he dips his fingers beneath the material and finds the button of my skirt. The denim falls down my legs, and I kick it free.

  “Much better.” He grins, letting his hand trail up my thigh and over my lace panties. “Seeing you wear my number… it does all kinds of weird shit to me, Dove.”

  “It’s not your number anymore.” I bat my lashes. “You’re not a Seahawk now.”

  “It doesn’t make you any less mine though.” He finally leans in, capturing my lips in a bruising kiss, giving me what I need. Our tongues tangle together while Cole’s fingers paint lazy circles over my lace-covered pussy.

  “I’m going to spend every second of every day making it up to you.” He says the words between kisses. Dirty, wet kisses that have me grinding my body shamelessly against him. “I’ll never hurt you again, Dove, I promise.”

  “Never?” I press my head back into the wall to look him in the eye.

  His brows lift, and I smother a smirk. “Maybe,” he adds. “If you beg for it.”

  I whimper as his hand slides up my throat and squeezes gently. Cole leans in, nipping my bottom lip. “I love you, Hadley. I love you so fucking much it scares the shit out of me.”

  The air crackles with his confession.

  “We can be scared together,” I reply, pressing my hand to his cheeks. “I’m yours, Cole.”

  His hands go to the hem of my jersey, pulling it from my body. He dips his head, kissing the faint mark over the curve of my breast. His initial. His brand. I think I’ll have a tiny scar there, a permanent reminder that I belong to this beautiful, broken boy. But even if I didn’t, Cole’s name is carved on my bones and woven into the very fabric of my soul. I thought our love was unhealthy, toxic and dangerous, and maybe it was for a while, but we can learn to love together.

  He steps back, unbuttons his jeans, and pushes them down over his hips. My mouth waters at the sight of him. Thick and hard, the glistening ball through the tip. He palms himself roughly, yanking his t-shirt off with his other hand. I let my hand slide down to my panties and dip them inside.

  “God, Hadley, you look so fucking good.” He jacks himself harder, his jaw clenched with concentration. “Take them off for me, Dove. Let me see that pretty little pussy.”

  My stomach clenches violently at his dirty words. His hooded eyes burn into my skin as I hook my fingers into the elastic and push them off my hips. My skin is covered in gooseflesh, the anticipation so thick I can almost taste it.

  Cole dives at me like a man starved, kissing me... devouring me. Our teeth clash and tongues fight, licking and teasing.

  “I will never get enough of you, Dove.” He breathes the words into me like a promise.

  “Good,” I sass, “because I will never want anyone else except you.” My nails rake over his shoulders, pulling him closer.

  Dropping his hands to my ass, Cole lifts me against the wall. My legs lock around his waist as he pushes gently inside me.

  “Is this okay?” he asks, and I nod.

  “I need you, Cole.” I need him so much I feel like I’ll combust if he doesn’t—

  He goes deeper, stealing my breath, and we both cry out.

  “I’ll go slow,” he says, setting a torturous pace. “You feel like heaven, Dove.” Cole touches his brow to mine, forcing me to look at him as he rocks into me over and over. My body begins to tremble, overwhelmed by the feeling of him moving inside me, of the way he’s watching me. As if I’m the most important thing in the world and he’s been put on earth to love and protect me.

  “You and me, Hadley...” he groans, burying his face into my shoulder as his movements grow jerky.

  Cole’s fingers clamp around my hips, bouncing me on his cock, changing the angle until I’m crying his name.

  “Fuck, Dove... fuck...” he growls, and I know he’s close. But it’s too late. My world grows small and then shatters as pleasure crashes over me, and it’s all I can do but hold on and wait for him to follow.

  “Mine,” he whispers against my skin. “Mine... mine... mine.” Cole stills as he jerks inside of me.

  Cradling me against his body, he carries me over to the bed and lies me down.

  “We should get cleaned up,” I say.

  He smirks down at me and replies, “I’m not done with you. Not by a long shot.”

  It’s late, that quiet and still time between twilight and sunrise. I’m curled up against Cole’s body, exhausted and content. After making me come three times, he carried me into the shower and worshipped every inch of my skin all over again.

  Tonight will go down as one of the best nights of my life. There are still things we need to talk about, college, the future, the miscarriag
e… but for now, I’m happy reveling in the present.

  “This is nice,” I say.

  “Yeah.” He’s quiet.

  Too quiet.

  “Cole?” I peek up at him. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Something flickers in his eyes. “Wait here, okay?” He slides out from under me and climbs out of bed. I can’t help but watch as he pads across the room to his bag. It’s dark, only the sliver of moonlight illuminating his profile.

  When he returns, I sit up, noticing the bundle of things in his hands. “What is all this?”

  He places it on the bed to one side and beckons for me. “Come here.”

  I scooch to the edge of the bed and he pulls my legs over the side, nestling between them. He’s on his knees, his eyes almost at my eye level.

  “You’re kind of freaking me out,” I admit.

  “I didn’t know if you’d come today. Even though I really, really fucking wanted you too, I didn’t know if you would. But I brought this just in case.” He hands me the bundle of material and I stare down at it.

  “What is it?”

  “Take a look.”

  Carefully, I unfold it, my brows crinkling. “I don’t underst—” I suck in a sharp breath. It’s a Colton U jersey. “You got in.”

  Cole nods, swallowing hard. “Nothing is official yet, but the spot’s mine if I want it. And I do. I want it, Dove.”

  “Oh my God.” I launch myself at him. “This is amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

  “You didn’t look at the rest.” His hand curves around the back of my neck, pulling me away.

  I hadn’t even noticed the scroll. Pulling the ribbon free, I uncurl the paper. “It’s an application form.” My eyes scan the words.

  “Not just any application form. It’s your application form for Colton U.”

  I look up at Cole, but something catches my eyes, and it’s only then that I realize he’s down on one knee... holding a ring.


  “I know we’re young, and I know I’m fucked-up... but I love you, Hadley Dove Rexford. You make the world a better place. You make my world a better place, and I want a future with you. I want you by my side at Colton U. I want you in my bed at night. I want the first thing I see in the morning to be your face. I just want you, Dove.”

  “Cole...” I say again, because I don’t have words... I don’t have anything. He’s proposing. Cole Jagger is on his knees, asking me for forever.

  “This is crazy,” I breathe.

  “I want you to know I’m serious about this, Dove. I’m serious about you.”

  I slide off the mattress and push my body between his and the bed. Cupping my face in his hands, I smile despite the tears rolling down my cheeks. “Cole, this is huge.”

  His brows furrow. “I thought all girls want a ring.”

  “They do, when the time is right.”

  “And the time isn’t right?” He doesn’t sound angry, just confused.

  “We have so much to look forward to… graduation, college, moving to a new place. I don’t need a ring to know you love me, Cole.”

  “You don’t want to marry me?”

  “One day, maybe. But I don’t want you to give me a ring because it’s what you think you should do.”

  “I want you, Hadley,” he says with conviction.

  “And I want you, so much. But we have time.”

  “Huh.” Cole lets out a small breath. “I got the ring now,” he grabs my hands and pushes it onto my ring finger, “so you might as well wear it.”


  “It doesn’t mean anything. Not if you don’t want it to.”

  I glance down at my hand, and something inside me melts. The ring is perfect. Simple yet beautiful. A small diamond set in a white gold band. I love it. And I love that Cole is ready to take this step... but I don’t want us to rush into something we’re not ready for.

  “Cole, I’m not sure—”

  He presses a finger to my lips. “Just wear it for now, see how it feels.”

  Oh God. He’s not playing fair. He looks so happy, so at peace. I can’t take that away from him.

  “Okay, just for a little while,” I say, knowing full well the ring will still be there come tomorrow. “You really want this? Me and Colton U?” Brushing my nose along his jaw, I kiss the corner of his mouth. “You’re going to be a hotshot football player, and I’ll be—”

  “Mine. You’re mine, Hadley. I don’t want you there with me, I need you. It’s either you come with me or I come with you. But since you still haven’t made any real plans—”

  “Hey, I have plans.”

  He gives me a pointed look, and I poke my tongue out at him.

  “There’s something else,” Cole says. “We need to talk about your living situation.” His expression turns serious.

  “I thought you said James would cover the final semester?” I hate the idea of taking his money, but it’s either that or I’m out on the streets.

  “And he will.” Cole plucks his wallet off the nightstand and pulls out a key. “But I want you to have options.”

  “Options?” I gasp. “Please tell me that’s not what I think it is.”

  “A key to the house.” He folds it into my hand.

  “A ring and a key... Cole, this is a lot.” My heart gallops in my chest.

  “I’m a lot, Dove. Surely you know that by now.” He smirks. “I spoke to James and he agreed it made sense for you to be able to come and go as you please. We want you to feel part of the family because you are, Dove. I hope you know that.”

  “But I can still keep my dorm room?” Because God, this is a lot to get my head around.

  “Yeah,” he grumbles. “If I had my way, I’d move you into my room tomorrow. But I know you’ll probably want your own space. So this is a compromise. You take the key, I let you keep your room on campus.”

  “You’ll let me keep it, huh?” My brows quirks up and I fight a smile.

  “This is me trying, Hadley.” Cole’s eyes turn black, sending a bolt of lust through me. “But don’t make any mistake, Dove. You are mine. If you want to run, it’s too late. Because I will chase you to the ends of the Earth, and even then I’d never stop.”

  “Cole...” I stare down at the ring on my finger, the key in my hand.

  After the miscarriage, I thought I’d lost everything. My shot at happiness. At something to call my own. But Cole is offering me a future.

  A future we can build together.

  And even though it’s crazy and we’re young and we’ll probably make more mistakes along the way, I want it.

  I want it all.

  Because even the darkest souls deserve their moment to shine.

  Even the blackest of hearts deserve to love…

  And be loved in return.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “It’s Christmas!” a loud voice booms, dragging me from a peaceful slumber with my girl tucked against my body.

  I drift back off, thinking that was a dream, but then the bed starts moving.

  “Wake up, motherfuckers. It’s fucking Christmas.”

  Dragging my eyes open, I find Conner bouncing on our bed like he’s a fucking five-year-old with a beaming smile on his face.

  “Con, you fucking serious?”

  “As a fucking heart attack. It’s Christmas, we’re going to be eating actual food, not the tinned shit we used to, and we’ve got presents. Like actual wrapped-up fucking gifts with bows on top.”

  I can’t help his excitement seep into me a little. Glancing to my left, I find Hadley staring up at my idiotic brother with an equally wide smile on her face. That is, until his final comment registers and a little sadness finds its way in.

  “Wait, you didn’t have—”

  “It’s in the past, Dove,” I whisper as our guest continues bouncing. “Are you done yet?” I bark, equally as excited as I am pissed off with his intrusion. This isn’t exactly how I’d planned on start
ing our first holiday as a couple.

  “Nope, and I won’t be until you two don the Christmas sweaters I so thoughtfully bought you and get your asses downstairs.”

  Before I know what he’s doing, he’s bent down and is peeling the sheets back from the two of us.

  “Conner, what the fuck?” I shout, doing my best to cover up Hadley’s naked body.

  “What? I’ve seen the goods before. Nothing new there.” He winks at Hadley and my fists curl.

  “That was before. Now get the fuck out.”

  “And it’s not like I haven’t seen yours. I probably played with it more than mine when we were kids.”

  “What the utter fuck?” I balk at him. “That’s just fucking weird. Get the hell out.”

  “Fine,” he spits, his shoulders dropping slightly as he jumps from the bed and stalks to the door. “You’ve got ten minutes. And no calls for God, please, just because it’s his birthday.”

  “It’s not God’s birthday, you fucking idiot.”

  By the time he’s gone, and I look down at Hadley. Her entire body is shaking with laughter.

  “I’m glad someone finds him funny.”

  “He’s really something else. We need to find him a girlfriend, though. I feel kinda sorry for him now we’re together and Ace has Remi.”

  “Good luck with that,” I mutter, rolling out of bed to use the bathroom.

  “What’s that meant to mean?”

  “He’s still pining after a girl in the Heights. No one else stands a chance.”

  “How don’t I know about this?” she asks, following me and standing in the doorway.

  “He doesn’t talk about her.”

  “Who is she?”

  “Do you really want to talk about Conner, or are you going to come shower with me?”

  She rolls her eyes and steps into the room and then my arms as I back up toward the shower.

  “Shower, obviously,” she says with a smile. “I just worry about him.”

  “He’s a big boy, he can deal.”

  “I know but—” I cut her words off with my lips, plunging my tongue into her mouth so she can’t say any more on the subject. If she wants any more details, then she’s going to need to ask him. I’m not spilling any of his secrets.


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