Don't Tell a Soul

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Don't Tell a Soul Page 9

by Travis Szablewski

  "Well, you got out of your car on a deserted country road. There had to be a reason," Officer Warren said as he nodded. "People just don't get out of their cars for nothing. Did you have car trouble?" he added.

  "No... I just...I needed a moment," Harper said softly as she looked down at her lap.

  "A moment? Did something happen?" Officer Warren asked.

  "Just a little fight with this guy I've been seeing," Harper said. "He's the security guy at Tiger Lily Estates," she added.

  "Yes, I got his name, too. We'll be talking to Nicole, Patrick, and Kyle to verify all this," Officer Brent said.

  "I understand," Harper said softly. She watched as Officer Warren scribbled onto the notepad once more. "Can I ask you something?" Harper spat out.

  "Sure, anything," Officer Warren said as he looked up to Harper.

  "You said you're in charge of all ongoing investigations, right?" Harper asked.

  "Yes," Officer Warren nodded.

  "Do you remember anything about a girl that used to nanny for the Livingston's? Her name was Delilah. She's been missing for quite some time," Harper said.

  "I'm not really allowed to discuss open cases," Officer Warren said as he cocked his head.

  "So... it’s not solved?" Harper asked.

  "Technically, no... but...we found nothing to support any form of foul play was involved," Officer Warren said.

  "So, you searched the Livingston's house?" Harper asked as she sat forward.

  "Yes, every single inch. We found nothing inside that told us that anything terrible occurred there. Delilah...we assume...just ran off. No sign of her anywhere. No blood or anything," Officer Warren said.

  "Did you look in the basement? There's a red stain on the floor down there," Harper pushed.

  "We did...our lab tested it. It was deck stain. It's like a paint you use to stain decks," Officer Warren said.

  "Thanks, I know what deck stain is," Harper snapped. "Did you even check their cabin?" Harper asked.

  "Yes, we did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There was no loose soil. Nothing was out of place. Trust me, Miss. Van Der Bell, some of my best men were on that case. Her brother, Patrick, the one you're...seeing? He comes in every year to see if we've found anything. The case...the case is technically dead," Officer Warren said.

  "So, that's how you sleep at night? You just think she just ran off? You think she just dropped her entire life, her family...and disappeared off of the face of the Earth? Just like that?" Harper asked in shock.

  "Ma'am, trust me. I don't like lose ends, either. But you can't stay on a case that has a beginning but no end," Officer Warren said. "I don't like it as much as the next person," he added. "But I will tell you what I tell myself every time I think of that case; you can't chase a ghost. You can't make a case when there isn't one. You're chasing a ghost," he said softly as his kind eyes narrowed onto Harper.

  The interrogation went as well as possible. Harper answered the same old simple questions she had heard asked on all those crime T.V. shows she watches; what time was that? Who were you with? Where did you go? At last, it was all over and Harper could finally go home and try to push the image of Grayson's dead body out of her mind. As if that was possible...

  Harper slowly walked out of the interrogation room and into the waiting area right outside to see Patrick; leaned forward in his chair, biting his lip nervously.

  "What are you doing here?" Harper asked as Officer Warren walked out behind her.

  "Sir, I'll be with you in just a minute, alright?" Officer Warren said as he walked through the door and exited the waiting area. The waiting room was deserted...except for Harper and Patrick. Patrick slowly stood as he inched closer towards Harper.

  "Are you alright?" Patrick asked softly as he looked at her blood-stained hands.

  "As alright as I can be," Harper said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "I'm sorry...for how I acted," Patrick said. "I know...I know if you would have known Grayson was married, you never would have done what you did," Patrick said.

  "You're really going to talk about that right now? Grayson is dead, Patrick. This isn't about us anymore. There is a killer out there, Patrick. Grayson is gone. Rosie's father is dead. Elena's husband is dead," Harper snapped as she shook her head in shame and disgust.

  "You don't think I know that, Harper? My heart breaks for them, OK? It really does. But whoever did this...wants this to happen. He wants us to drift a part because we are weaker without each other. We have to stick together," Patrick said. "As friends or as lovers, I don't care. But I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, Harper. I can't lose you," he said softly as he ran his hands down the sides of her arms.

  As much as Harper hated Patrick for the way he acted earlier, he was right. This is exactly what this psycho wants. He wants them isolated. He wants them vulnerable.

  "I know, I'm just scared," Harper said as she could feel the tears in her eyes.

  "Don't be. Nothing is going to happen to you if I have anything to do with it," Patrick said. Harper nodded softly as Patrick wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

  "I want to see my husband! Where is he? Where the hell is my husband?" a loud, high pitched voice rang out behind Harper and Patrick. Harper quickly released Patrick and turned to see Elena through the glass window of the door leading into the main lobby of the police department.

  Harper watched through the glass as two officers tried to calm her down as she screamed and cried.

  "Where is he? I want to see him!" Elena sobbed. "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Elena screamed as the two officers tried to reason with her.

  Harper quickly rushed through the door and into the main lobby. Elena pushed through the two officers and to Harper.

  "What happened, Harper? What happened? Where is Grayson?" Elena asked mascara streams trickled down her cheeks.

  "Elena...he's...he's gone," Harper said as her voice quivered.

  "No...," Elena cried as she fell forward into Harper's arms. "No! No!" Elena cried out as Harper slowly sank down to the floor with Elena in her arms. Elena sobbed uncontrollably into Harper's chest as she held her tightly.

  "I'm so sorry, Elena. I'm so, so sorry," Harper cried as she ran her hand through Elena's hair, her head against Harper's chest. Harper had never seen Elena like this. She always seemed so strong; so powerful and unstoppable. Now, she was broken. And Harper was holding the pieces of her in her arms...and she knew that no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to put her back together again...

  Pushed Too Far

  Harper stared down into the vanilla latte sitting in front of her. She brought the steaming cup to her lips as the sweet aroma of vanilla and espresso circled through her nostrils. She closed her eyes and took a long sip. The Briar Grove Cafe was deserted which surprised Harper; it was only ten a.m. Harper had to have caffeine otherwise she would be useless for the rest of the day. All night, she had tossed and turned. And when she finally did fall asleep, the nightmares would consume her. She kept seeing Grayson's bloody face staring back at her. She couldn't push it out. It was burned inside of her head.

  Harper's heart was utterly broken for Elena, but especially for Rosie. It was hard enough for Harper when she lost her father, but Rosie was much younger. How could she even comprehend the terrible fate her father had endured? Harper could feel the tears coming as she imagined Elena explained the horrible situation to her daughter. It made her sick.

  Grayson was changing and that's what hurt Harper the most. He was going to change. He was going to be a better father, a better husband. Now, he was gone. He'd never have a chance to kiss his wife or tuck in his daughter ever again. It's was heart wrenching. Clearly, Kyle had kept her word about keeping her mouth shut. Kyle knew Harper was the one who saw Elena and Vera. Maybe Kyle really wouldn't tell. Or maybe Kyle was going to wait until after the funeral. Elena was already going through so much; maybe Kyle was just waiting for the right

  "I'm so, so sorry I'm late!" Nicole said, breathless, as she plopped down across from Harper in the booth. "Traffic is hell! I almost got hit, like, four times!" Nicole snapped as a waitress made her way to the table.

  "Welcome! Anything I can get you?" the waitress asked, holding her pad and pen tightly.

  "Just a black coffee would be amazing!" Nicole said, not taking her eyes off of Harper. The waitress rushed away and back towards the coffee bar as Nicole reached across the table and grabbed Harper's hand. "How are you? Are you OK?" Nicole asked softly.

  "I'm tired of people asking me that," Harper smirked as she shook her head and ran her hand through her long hair.

  "Well, I'd assume you're not A-OK after finding a dead fucking body in your trunk; the dead fucking body of your last hook-up at that," Nicole said. "God, you look horrible; did you sleep at all?" Nicole asked as the waitress sat her coffee onto the table.

  "Barely. I couldn't. I just keep seeing his face. I keep seeing the blood. I keep thinking about Rosie and how sad she must be; how lost she must feel," Harper said as she released Nicole's hands and wrapped her own around the warm cup in front of her.

  "How is Elena?" Nicole asked sadly.

  "She's a wreck. She's scared," Harper said as she took a sip of her latte.

  "Well, yeah, I would be too if my husband was just murdered," Nicole smirked sarcastically. "Do they have any idea who did it?" she asked.

  "Not a damn clue. I even asked the officer about Delilah. Did they talk to you?" Harper asked.

  "Yeah, Barney Fife grilled me for like an hour and a half. Where was I? Who was I with? I felt like a criminal," Nicole said as she took a careful sip of her steaming coffee. "Who knew going to lunch with me required an interrogation," Nicole smirked. Harper couldn't help but giggle along.

  "That's why I love you," Harper said softly.

  "Because I'm a bitch?" Nicole asked as she laughed.

  "No, because you make me laugh and you make me forget about all this messed up shit for a moment," Harper said. "I don't even know what to do anymore, Nicole. I don't know if I should quit or if I should stay," Harper said as she shrugged, lost in confusion.

  "Well, what do you think you should do?" Nicole asked.

  "I don't know. I mean, Elena said she needs more than ever now that Grayson is gone. I just...someone murdered Grayson. What if I'm next? Look what I've done. I've been digging into this Delilah thing and look where it's gotten me; look what's happened," Harper said as she wiped her watering eyes.

  "You didn't kill him, Harper. You are trying to find out the truth. That's all. Maybe you should a nanny. I know it's hard for you to not get involved. That's who you are. You care about people and you make their problems your own. But...this is a dangerous situation. Maybe you just need your job and not worry about anything else. Maybe this Delilah girl really did just want to disappear? Maybe she just wanted out of this town," Nicole said.

  "I know," Harper said softly.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" a high-pitched voice rang out above Nicole and Harper. Nicole and Harper both glanced up...and Harper's mouth dropped.

  Vera stood there beside their booth, hand on her hip. Vera looked amazing considering the cryptic circumstances circling the Tiger Lily Estates. She had a set of black Armani sunglasses on, a pair of tight skinny jeans, yellow stilettoes, and a gorgeous floral Versace yellow blouse that Harper had seen in her latest issue of Vogue.

  "I gotta get back to work anyways," Nicole said as she looked at Harper, concerned. Vera didn't even acknowledge Nicole as she slid out of the booth. Classic rich bitch syndrome. "Call me later, OK?" Nicole said as she pushed past Vera. Vera didn't move. She just stared down at Harper in the booth...her eyebrows arched and ridged. She was clearly pissed about something...

  "Do you want to sit down? Get a cup of coffee?" Harper asked as she let out a large yawn.

  "No, I don't want a fucking cup of coffee," Vera snapped as she sat down into the seat across from Harper. Vera ripped her sunglasses off and glared at Harper as she tapped her freshly painted nails along the table top.

  "Is everything alright?" Harper asked softly, trying not to push Vera any further. Did she come here to fight? She was tense...on edge. Something was up...something big.

  "Did you see me and Elena that night at the cabin?" Vera blurted out.

  "What? I don't know what you're talking about," Harper lied as she shook her head. She knew. Kyle must have told her. But why would Kyle tell her and not Elena? Does this mean that Elena now knows?

  "Bullshit, Harper. I bet you're just loving holding this over Elena's head, aren't you? Just think about what you're doing before you open that big mouth of yours? Elena just lost her husband. Sure, we're screwing around; but that was her husband...the man she was married to. So, before you sit there and judge us, why don't you take a long, hard look at yourself," Vera snapped as she stood up and darted from the booth. Harper quickly stood up and walked after Vera.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Harper snapped. Her blood, boiling inside of her.

  "I know you fucked Grayson," Vera growled as she spun around, her face inches from Harper's.

  "Who in the hell told you that?" Harper asked as she clenched her fists at her side.

  "Oh, please! I saw you guys at the cemetery the other day. I drive by and what do I see? You two in a loving embrace. How fucking romantic!" Vera said sarcastically. "You want to think I'm a whore? Well look at yourself," Vera said as she spun around and marched towards the door. Harper dashed after her, faster and faster...trying to keep up. Vera pushed the cafe door open and stomped down the sidewalk as Harper rushed after her.

  "We weren't doing anything! We were just hugging! We were just friends, Vera!" Harper yelled as she ran after her. Vera then spun around and inched toward Harper, her finger in Harper's face.

  "You're really fucked up in the head, aren't you? You sleep with your employer's husband and then you want to judge me and Elena? And then you want to play Nancy Drew and investigate Delilah's disappearance? You really think you're something special, don't you? Well, the games are over, Vera. I'm going to tell Elena about you and Grayson. She has every single right to know," Vera said.

  "Oh, and Grayson didn't have every right to know about you and his wife?" Harper snapped back.

  "We're in love. This isn't some stupid little hook-up. What me and Elena have is real. It's something you and him could never amount to. You're just a pathetic little girl who's living in the wrong world. Why don't you go back to the trailer park you crawled out of and do us all a favor and rot, bitch!" Vera growled as she threw her hands forward, shoving Harper. Harper stumbled back a few inches, the shove knocking the wind out of her.

  Harper couldn't hold it in anymore. This girl had gone too far. Who did she think she was? She was nothing. She was no better than her. Harper then lunged forward and shoved her hands out in front of her. Harper's palms slammed against Vera's chest...


  The right heel of Vera's yellow stiletto then snapped as Vera stumbled back from the harsh blow. Harper watched in shock...frozen in Vera slowly tumbled back...and off the sidewalk...and into the street.

  A car horn blared through the Harper looked to her see a car speeding towards Vera as she stumbled out into the center of the lane.

  The front of the speeding car then smashed into Vera's legs. Harper screamed in terror as Vera's frail, tiny body slammed onto the hood of the car...her head, smashing into the center of the windshield. The windshield glass cracked as a splatter of blood erupted from Vera's head and onto the splintered surface. The speeding car came to a screeching halt as Vera's body rolled over the top of the car, spun through the air, and slammed onto the hard, black pavement.

  Harper stood shock. She stared ahead at Vera's mangled body lying in the center of the road as a small puddle of blood appeared under her long, thick hair. What had she
done? She...she pushed her. She just killed Vera...

  Harper's vision grew hazy. Her legs felt like they were filled with sand. She could feel herself...growing heavier and heavier. Until her eyes rolled into the back of her head...and she collapsed onto the sidewalk.


  Harper stared blankly ahead at the Monet painting hug up along the wall of the Briar Grove Hospital waiting room. She bit at her nails, one by one, until she tasted blood. She tried to read a magazine. She tried to watch T.V. But nothing could put of the fire of guilt burning inside of her. She pushed Vera. She could have killed her. But luckily, she was alive.

  She didn't remember what happened after that. The medic said she had passed out and was lucky she didn't hit her head when she fell. Harper almost wished she had died. She wished she had hit her head, split her skull open, and died right there. After what she had done to Vera, that was the only proper punishment in her head. She deserved to die.

  It was an accident, though. A terrible accident. If Vera's heel had never snapped, maybe she wouldn't have fallen all the way into the road. But still, Harper had pushed her...onto oncoming traffic. She knew what could have happened...but in that moment of rage...she didn't care. Harper slowly tilted her head back and stared up at the blinding florescent light above her at it slowly flickered.

  Vera was taken into surgery nearly three hours ago. What if something went wrong? What if they couldn't stop the bleeding? She told Officer Warren what had happened when he arrived on the scene. But she didn't tell him about the push that sent her into the road. She simply said her heel broke...that she took a tumble. She had to save herself no matter how much she hated herself right now. She was terrible. Worse than Elena. Worse than Grayson. Worse than anyone she had ever known...

  "Miss. Van Der Bell?" a nurse said as Harper quickly stood up and rushed towards her.

  "Yes, that's me! Is she alright? Is she OK?" Harper asked as her chest heaved up and down.

  "She's fine. She just got out of surgery so she's a little out of it. Are you immediate family?" the nurse asked. "We tried contacting her mother and father but we couldn't get an answer," she continued.


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