The Women of the Rose

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The Women of the Rose Page 2

by Sara Estey

  “No, you are to come with us now, it is important,” one of the men demands.

  The group of three men are not smiling. They look more like bodyguards than holy men. Dressed in dark suits with large builds, they are a formidable greeting party.

  As David walks off with the group, he says he’ll call me as soon as he knows what this is about.

  Left standing with my luggage, I go outside and hail a cab to David’s home in Florence. Knowing that my daughter Sarah will be there, as well as Rob and Judy, I feel a bit better about sorting out what just happened to David.

  I breathe in the air, and look around me, as we drive to David’s country home. I do love Italy. There is something magical about it. Unlike London, even if the weather is cold, it radiates life and warmth.

  Sarah runs out of the house to greet me, as the cab pulls up to the large country home that belongs to David. Beautiful flowers and trees surround the estate. It is a serene place to work and is where we put together our final roll-out plans for the seminars we are now busy giving in cities around the world.

  “Hi Sarah,” I say, as I give her a big hug.

  Sarah starts telling me about the work they have been doing, as we go into the house. Judy is seated at the dining room table with an odd look on her face.

  “Hi love, everything okay?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure,” she says. “I just got a cryptic text from Rob that says he has been taken into the police station for questioning.”

  As I sit down, the cook brings us a pot of tea, and some wine. I have a cup of tea, as the others have a glass of wine. I tell them about what happened to David in the airport.

  “So, can we go to the police station to get Rob, or talk to him?” I ask Judy.

  “I’m not sure which station he is at. His text did not specify,” she says, as she calls our cook Raul into the dining area and asks him to start calling all the local police stations to find out which one Rob has been taken into for questioning.

  “Are you hungry, Mom?” Sarah asks.

  “Yes. But, let’s wait to eat dinner until we find out what is going on with Rob,” I say.

  We munch on some nuts as Raul calls the local police stations.

  “All seven stations say they do not have him in custody,” Raul informs us.

  “Are you sure it is a station in Florence?” I ask Judy.

  “I believe so,” she replies. “He had gone out late this morning to pick up some materials for the presentation tomorrow, and to meet up with one of our team in the city for lunch. His message just says he has been picked up for questioning, and that he has to go to the police station.”

  We look at each other not quite sure what to do. Rob is not answering his phone. David is not answering his, either.

  “I think that we may be in for some issues now in regards to our program,” I say.

  We had expected this. We have been presenting the program for six months and have not dealt with any interference until now. Initially, we thought we may be shut down, as soon as we started presenting the information.

  It is no surprise that both David and Rob have been taken in for questioning.

  We still have a presentation tomorrow in Florence, and, if the men aren’t released, we will still present. Judy and I start to make plans for the presentation.

  “Don’t forget, I can help too,” Sarah says.

  “Yes, of course you can, love,” Judy assures her. Why don’t you tell Raul that we will eat now, and hopefully we hear from the men tonight.”

  With still no word at 11 pm, we go to bed, knowing we have to be up early to present the next day.

  In the morning, as we drive to the Florence auditorium that we will be presenting at, my phone pings. David has messaged that he will be released later that day and will join us at the house by dinnertime, but that he will not be able to present.

  Going into the auditorium, Judy and I are prepared to do the ascension presentation in conjunction with a few of our team. The salt water pool has been set up on the stage. We have both done the presentation numerous times. Over three hundred people have come today to hear about activating their energy, and their DNA.

  Smiling, we go onto the stage and present our important work. We discuss how our DNA is purported to be 98 percent junk DNA. However, it is not. It has been altered and manipulated. We also have our Kundalini with a crystalline activation mechanism built into us. Through our studies and understandings, as well as scientifically backed up parts, we have determined that this is the case.

  It is an ancient practice of activation through salt water, low voltage electricity, and an Ankh, or metal rod, to help bring back some of what we have lost.

  The Flower of Life, which is the symbol for life, and found in most forms of life on our planet, is also part of the process of activating our dormant DNA, and the crystalline spinal fluid within our bodies.

  Afterwards, we have a reception in the lobby and mingle with our attendees. I notice one of the men from the dinner the other night is in the crowd: one of the financiers from London. As I go over to him to say hello, he walks out a side door. I think to myself that perhaps it was not, in fact, him.

  Finishing up, Judy and I walk out to our car to go back to the house. As we approach the car, the man who looked familiar comes towards us and introduces himself.

  “Hi Mary, we met the other night in London, I’m Mark,” he says.

  “Yes. Hi Mark,” I say.

  “You need to be careful, Mary. They are on to you, and you are not safe. Consider yourself warned,” he says, as he turns away and quickly walks off.

  “Ok, that was weird,” I say, telling Judy what happened. “I can’t wait to get back to see David at the house.”

  “Yes, and I pray Rob is also there. I’m getting concerned for his safety,” she says.

  As we drive up to the house, David greets us. He pours us a glass of wine, and has us sit in the parlor as he turns on his television set.

  We look on, wide eyed, as we see Rob’s picture on the news. “What is that?” Judy and I say in unison. Neither of us have yet mastered the Italian language.

  He is being accused of infecting the public with a New Age ring of false statements; and, via a water bath that infects people with Hepatitis A.

  “What?” I ask.

  David explains they are claiming the water is infected, and that several people who have attended have been infected with Hepatitis A.

  “That is ridiculous. No one has claimed that to us. Plus, they are not drinking the water, they are being submerged in it,” Judy says.

  “Yes, well we knew something like this would happen, didn’t we?” David replies.

  “Yes. However, they can’t hold him for that, can they?” I ask.

  As if on cue, we hear a car pull up, and Rob walks into the room. We all give him a big hug. He looks tired, and worn, like he was up all night. His clothes are wrinkled, and he has dark circles under his eyes.

  “I’m more hungry than tired,” Rob says. “I’m fine, really.”

  Sitting down to dinner, we discuss the latest developments, and our next steps.

  David tells us about his trip to the Vatican.

  “It was made clear that we are to stop the water purification treatment” he says. “It is linked too closely to baptisms. They are also aware, I believe, of the implications of this process: that we are able to tap into raising consciousness.”

  “Did they mention anything about the consciousness aspect of this?” I ask.

  “No, but they are aware of what it means. To raise one’s consciousness means that people awaken to their own power and potential,” David says. “However, I’m not sure that everyone in the Vatican would understand this concept. I do believe that the Pope and those in the higher offices would.”

  Articles have already been published and our work is now on various websites. People who have gone through the process are not only healing their own physical ailments, they are looking more v
ibrant. They are also feeling more at peace, and centered in the world. As a result, many have completely changed their lives in a short amount of time and feel abundant in the choices they are making.

  Though religions explain they are here to help one towards salvation, it is not always in a way that lets people understand their part in this salvation. With the water, Flower of Life, and a small electrical current, we are able to activate the dormant DNA in people, and they are able to reawaken to what had been lost to the human race thousands of years earlier. It seems such a simple concept really. But, in reality, it is outside the normal scope of knowing. So, until one is at least partially awakened, one has a hard time grasping the potential within themselves.

  The powers that be prefer humanity in the dark.

  “So, we are now being told by the Vatican, or through the Vatican, as I was never told it was direct Vatican orders, to stop the program,” David says. “Additionally, now the police are involved.”

  Rob tells us about his time at the police station. They kept him in isolation, he says, and had various people ask him questions about the program. One of the people was, in fact, a Reptilian shape shifter.

  “They just said that I will be under surveillance and that if there are any more reports of Hepatitis infections, I will be taken into custody. In other words, to put a stop to the program, as they were sure there would be more reports,” Rob says.

  “Okay, so it is time for Plan B,” David says.

  We all know what that means as we had prepared for this. Rob says he is fine sleeping in the van, and that it is best we leave tonight. So, we quickly pack and pile into the black van parked outside.

  “You know we are being followed?” Judy says.

  “Yes, we have a cross-point in Milan and we will switch cars, don’t worry, love,” Rob says. “Let me just get some sleep for a few hours now.”

  We are all tired. The slight bumping up and down of the drive soothes me, and I close my eyes, letting myself drift off.

  I’m in the middle of a tank of water and I am rising up out of it. I see the Flower of Life and then I see something else. A translucent being is above me, it is me. I have ascended, I am in a state of bliss. I am whole.

  “Mary, wake up.” David is shaking me gently. Groggily, I rub my eyes. We are in Milan, or outside the city, I suspect. It is dark, but it appears we are at a large hotel property.

  Rob has us all get out of the van, and we walk into the lobby of the hotel. The clock in the lobby confirms that it is one in the morning. Rob pays for our lodging and has us check into our rooms for the night. I note a few men coming in behind us asking about rooms as well.

  Going into my room, I see that we are staying in an old monastery which has been converted into a hotel. There is some information placed on the nightstand that covers the renovation the hotel has been through, and its more ancient past. I pour myself a glass of water as I read through the pamphlet.

  As I go to lie down, Rob messages me to bring my pack and meet him in Room 11 in one hour. His text says to make sure no one is following me and, if anyone is, to act as if I’m looking for food and then return to my room.

  Intrigued, my sleepiness vanishes, and in an hour’s time, I stealthily make my way down to Room 11, making sure that no one has followed me.

  The door to the room is unlocked, and I open it, walking into a dark space.

  “Mary?” Rob says quietly.

  “Ok, we are all here,” David says. “There is a tunnel that goes underground and will take us to an area that is further down the road. Mary, let me see your phone.”

  I give him my phone and he scans it with a scanner, and says it is clear. He tells me that both his phone, and Rob’s, had trackers placed in them. Their phones now remain in their rooms.

  David opens a floor panel. I see that there are steps which descend into the tunnel. We are all given headlamps and flashlights, and we start our descent.

  “This is fascinating,” I whisper as I follow behind David.

  “Yes, it was used as an escape route back in ancient times,” David says.

  Being rather dank and dusky, it is a bit hard to breathe in the depths of the tunnel. But, eventually, we start ascending and come to a grated door. As we open the grate, we are inside a small empty stone cottage. David leads us outside of the cottage, and I hear a stream running next to us. What looks like a forest is before us. I squeeze Sarah’s hand, letting her know it will be okay: a mother’s instinct, I suppose.

  “The car will be on the road just through those trees,” David says.

  Sure enough, another van awaits us, and we pile in, exhausted and elated that we have lost the men who were following us. With a long drive ahead of us, I immediately fall asleep as we bump along towards Mont Saint-Michel.


  Castle in the Sea

  The majestic spiral of a fairy castle rises up from the ocean. Clouds of mist dance next to the rock from which the castle is built. Rubbing my eyes, I make sure that, in fact, there is a castle, and it is not just a dream.

  “It is said that Archangel Michael came to a bishop in the 700s and told him to build an oratory here. It soon became a pilgrimage site and, in the year 966, a Benedictine abbey was built on the rock,” David says.

  “It is magical. Beautiful,” I say.

  “Yes, well, we are going to stay on the mainland in a friend’s home down the road a bit,” Rob says.

  As we continue driving, David tells us that the rock had already been known before the castle was built as a holy site. People used to bring the dead there to be taken to heaven. They had felt that the Archangel Michael helped with the transference of the soul, as well as determining if one would go to heaven, or not.

  David also mentions that, although it is not well known, some believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene also ended up here at one time, after the crucifixion. That story, of course, has been told as having happened in other parts of the globe as well.

  “I do feel a very holy bond to Jesus here, though,” David says. “There is something different about this place.

  After checking into David’s friend’s guest house, and eating, I go to my room to take a nap. Coming out a few hours later, I hear David, Rob, and Judy talking in the parlor.

  “I think we can pretty much call it quits on the seminars,” David says.

  “Hi. Any news?” I ask, as I walk into the room.

  “Yes, Rob is wanted for questioning again,” Judy says. “The authorities have contacted our main office saying they cannot locate him, and that there has been another complaint filed.”

  Rob and David are discussing if David should, in fact, go back to Florence for questioning. It is decided he will go back in a few days, after we formalize our next steps. Meanwhile, we will go visit the abbey, and David’s friend.

  Driving up to Mont Saint-Michel, I again marvel at its beauty. I have never seen anywhere quite so magical in appearance. Sarah is also impressed, and squeezes my hand. I’m happy to experience this with my daughter; though I am a little apprehensive about the circumstances.

  After driving into the parking area, we get out of our car and walk to the entrance. It is a steep climb up to the main abbey. Beautiful does not even begin to describe what we see as we walk up. The old buildings, that look to be cut into the rock, seem to tell stories of the ancients.

  Transported to times of old, we walk into the main abbey entrance which is just closing.

  “David, so good to see you,” a handsome man says, as he shakes David’s hand, and then gives him a hug.

  “This is George. He and I go way back and he has now retired on this island,” David says.

  “People actually live here?” Sarah asks.

  “Yes, a few of us,” George says as we follow him into the abbey for a private tour which is then to be followed by dinner.

  As we eat dinner, I look at George a bit inquisitively. He is handsome, with dark hair and rugged features. He appears to be about forty-f
ive years old.

  “How long have you known David?” I ask him.

  “We grew up together and attended the Seminary together,” George says.

  “I see, so you also have been practicing the water technique?” I ask.

  David explains that a few others who were in the Vatican had left around the same time he did, some forty years ago. George was one of them. The discoveries they had made about some of the history being changed, and how it had been altered and misrepresented, led several to leave. They had been allowed to leave with their knowings, on the condition they did not share what they knew with others.

  “That was over forty years ago,” George says. “It is time now.”

  George tells us that the water bath and regeneration method was discovered by David. This is not something that is widely known in the Vatican, or the church, if at all. The baptism as it is done now, is diluted from the original cloning process some 7000 years ago.

  “George, we all spent time together in Egypt,” David says. “Mary, and her daughter Sarah, channeled a lot of information about our origins on the planet. Or, should I say, our downfall some 7000 years ago.”

  “Yes, and Rob, Judy, and the Community also, have done much work on this over the past few years. I suppose we all came to the same realization through different means,” I say.

  “Yes, and destiny brought us together,” David adds.

  “Cheers to that.” Rob says, and we all toast to our camaraderie.

  “It has actually been shown now by science that aging does not need to happen as it does for humans,” Sarah says. “For example, a scientist, David Sinclair at Harvard, has been doing studies on aging and they are now calling aging a disease. They are showing scientifically how to reverse aging and studies have been done on mice.”

  “It is believed that Jesus may not have aged as we know it either: that his vibration may have been higher than ours,” George adds.


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