The Women of the Rose

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The Women of the Rose Page 12

by Sara Estey

  “I saw him under the tree up by the gardens early this morning, meditating,” says one of the ladies.

  The women break up into groups of two, and three, and go off in search of Phillip.

  “So, what will you do when you find him?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure; hopefully, the others will be here by then. He is from the monastery after all,” Maria says. “It is odd they have not arrived yet. If they are not back here soon, I may need to head out in search of them.”

  Sitting at the kitchen table, I drink some tea as we wait for the women to return with Phillip. After two hours of waiting, they still have not arrived back with him. It is getting towards dinner time. Brandon is hungry, and asks to go eat. I tell Maria I will take him down to the dining area.

  As we approach the dining area, a few women are there: the ones who prepared the meal, and a few others, as well as all the children. Sarah asks me what is going on and I explain about the cat, and the search for Phillip.

  “I wonder why they have not returned with him yet,” she says.

  The sun sets, as we finish our meal. A few of the women from the search party join us, telling us they had no luck finding Phillip.

  “That is odd,” I say. “Where in the world could he be?”

  Sarah and I decide to head back to Maria’s, and take Brandon with us. As we approach, we see that about twelve women are in Maria’s home, in a heated discussion.

  We hear someone say, “You should have never allowed any of them into the community.”

  “It is not all of them, and it was prophesied that all this would happen,” Maria says.

  As we walk into the house, the chatter stops as everyone looks our way.

  “You did not find Phillip?” I ask.

  “No, most of the property has been searched, and we have not found him. Also concerning, is that the others have not arrived,” Maria says.

  The women say goodnight, and leave the house.

  “I’m going to go into town at dawn to see what happened to everyone. They should have arrived back this morning,” Maria says.

  “Shall I go with you?” I ask.

  “Yes, not a bad idea. The others will be relieved if you come with me, I think,” Maria says. “Understandably, they are not sure who to trust from the outside now. What has happened here jeopardizes our very existence.”


  No Way Out

  As the road carries us toward the underground mountain tunnel, we see that it actually stops right at the mountain. I look at Maria, wondering if she made a wrong turn. We are both a bit distraught, over the recent events. However, I’m quite sure that she is driving the correct way. Jolting me out of my thoughts, Maria screeches the jeep to a halt in front of a solid mountain of dirt, and jungle foliage.

  “Where is the tunnel?” I ask.

  “Excellent question. It appears to have disappeared,” she says.

  We stare for a few minutes in wonder. What was once a stone tunnel that took us out into the world, is now just part of the mountain.

  “Now what?” I ask.

  “It appears this is more serious than we could have imagined,” Maria says as she backs up the jeep and starts driving back to the community. “I’m going to need the help of my sisters.”

  As we drive back, I look around and notice that things look a tad less bright. It could just be my own eyesight. I imagine, though, it is more likely the reality of this environment I am living in. I think to myself about the mysterious disappearance of Phillip, and I hope that the women have found him.

  Maria speeds into the community, screeching to a halt in front of her home. She jumps out of the jeep, running over to her porch to sound the bell. Within minutes, most of the women have materialized on her front lawn.

  Maria explains about the mountain and how we cannot drive out; or in, for that matter. We now know it is the likely reason the others have not reached us.

  “We could materialize a helicopter and fly over the mountain,” says one of the women.

  “How many helicopters would we need to get everyone back?” Maria asks.

  “I think the best plan would be to reopen the tunnel,” she continues. “However, that means that most of you will have to stay at the tunnel, providing we can open it, until I come back with the others. I take it Phillip has not been found?”

  “No. He has disappeared,” Lella says.

  “Okay Lella. Why don’t you and Sarah, and the cooks, stay here. Actually, I just need eight of you to come with me to help with the tunnel,” Maria says.

  “Why eight?” I ask.

  “It is the sacred number of divine magic,” Maria says as she instructs the eight who are coming to pile into a few cars, and follow us.

  I wonder as we approach the tunnel, if this time it will be open to drive through. That would make it easy for us. But, as we approach the mountain entrance, it is still closed.

  We park and pile out of our jeep and cars, staring at the mountain as if mesmerized by it. The women know what to do, and stand in a figure 8 shape as they chant, and move energy about. Based on what I saw at the housebuilding, I’m assuming that is what they are doing, at least. I’m drawn into their chants, and feel ‘out of body’ for a moment.

  I feel Maria tapping my shoulder, and I turn to look at her.

  “Come on then,” she says as she gets back into the jeep.

  As I turn to follow her, I see that the tunnel is back. We are now able to drive through the mountain to the other side. Just as I get into the jeep, and she goes to start the engine, we hear a rumbling from within the tunnel. We look at each other for a moment, as it registers that what we hear is the sound of a car.

  “Do you think that is them?” I ask.

  Maria doesn’t start the engine and, as we sit and listen, the sound gets louder. Within five minutes the bus and jeep are driving out of the tunnel, and onto the road we are on.

  The bus and jeep stop, and Joe gets out. He gives me a big hug. Then I see Rob and Judy, and I start crying. I am so happy they made it, and that they are safe. Hugging the three of them, I hear Maria talking to the women from the community who had driven into town.

  “We could not get through the mountain,” a lady tells her. “We were waiting for a whole day and then went back to town. We had an insight to try again, today. And, as we drove to the mountain, the tunnel was there. What happened?”

  “We have had some issues,” Maria says. “Let’s get back to the community, and I’ll fill you all in.”

  I see that the monks are sitting in the bus, and I wave to them. It has been a long trip for all, I’m sure. I feel bad for the monks, as their own community has been compromised. Of course, this community is now, as well.

  Maria doesn’t have anyone get water from the sacred river, as she normally does. We drive straight back, and she asks everyone to meet at the dining hall assembly area.

  “This place is beautiful,” Judy says as she follows me down the river bank to the dining hall.

  I squeeze her hand, looking forward to catching up soon. But first, I suppose that Maria thinks it will be easier to discuss everything as a group, not individually.

  We sit at the tables in the hall, and tea and juice is served. Maria welcomes everyone to the Community.

  “We thank you Maria. We thank you, and your group, for taking us in,” Monk Adam says.

  “You are most welcome, Adam,” Maria says. “We are pleased to have you all here. It was told to me by your Guru, some years back, that one day you may need to come here. We knew this day might come. In our prophecies, or stories, it has been told that a time may come where our energy field would be infiltrated. Unfortunately, this day has also come.”

  “Yes, the mountain’s closing, and not allowing us in,” Joe says.

  “It is more than that Joe,” I blurt out.

  “Yes, it is much more,” Maria says.

  Maria explains about the houses that were built for the group and how they disap
peared; also about the cat; and the change in frequency here in the past few days.

  “It sounds like what was happening at the monastery,” Adam says.

  “Yes. Only we don’t have the military on site,” Maria says.

  “Adam, what can you tell us of Phillip?” Lella asks.

  Adam looks puzzled.

  “Phillip, the monk who joined us,” Maria says.

  “Oh, I’m Phillip,” announces a man who has just come on the bus, as he stands up. “What do you want to know?”

  “Not you: the Phillip who joined us when Joe and Connie arrived,” Maria says.

  “We don’t have another Phillip,” Adam says.

  “So, Joe, who was with you then?” I ask.

  “I thought he was from the monastery. Oh dear, what have I done?” Joe asks. “I spoke on the phone with you, Adam, at the time. You had vouched for Phillip.”

  “I did not have that conversation with you, Joe,” Adam says.

  Everyone starts to speak at once.

  “Okay, okay!” Maria says loudly. “It would appear we were infiltrated. The good news is, we now know who is causing the issues in the community. The bad news is we don’t know where he is, or if he is still even here.”

  Judy squeezes my hand, as Maria continues.

  “Tonight, we are going to share our homes with you all. We will also set up tents for some of you to sleep in. Tomorrow I would ask that some of you help with the search for Phillip. Though I do have a feeling this may be futile. We will build a few homes ,and see if they stay put.”

  “And now, I invite you to eat, you must all be famished,” Lella says.

  Sitting at the table with my food, I ask Judy and Rob about their ordeal.

  “It was more than we had bargained for,” Judy says. “They almost killed Rob. We had to go into hiding.”

  “Why would they try to kill you, Rob? Was our mission that much of a threat to the establishment?” I ask.

  “We were definitely on to something with the healing and raising of consciousness. The World Order did not want us to continue. Simple as that,” he says.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through all this. And what of David? Are you certain he is dead?” I ask.

  “Nothing, as you can well imagine, is for certain anymore,” Rob says. “We are told he is dead. We hope he is alive.”

  “Yes, I truly hope it is a ruse. But, we would have heard from him; or, that he was alive, from someone, you would think. If he in fact is,” Judy says.

  “Dear David...” I sigh.

  “And, how are you finding this place?” Judy asks me.

  “It is way beyond anything that we were doing. The vibration they hold here, and their ways of healing, and being, are beyond what the monks do as well,” I say. “Honestly, what we were teaching, looks downright primitive to me now. I had thought we were teaching the ancient advanced ways. I now know the methods were just a part of the human cycle, to undo or heal, what had been done over time. The healing was to undo what had been done the last time, but was not the most advanced method to raise one’s vibration.”

  “Really?” Rob asks.

  “I’m intrigued,” Judy says.

  “Yes, I will share everything I’ve heard and learned here so far,” I say. “It includes energy and sounding methods beyond what Connie channeled in and taught us. Speaking of which, where is Connie? I have not seen her.”

  “She stayed back in town. There were a few monks who had not made it over yet. She decided she would wait there for them, and that we would do another trip back for them in a few days’ time,” Joe says.

  “I see, another mountain opening excursion,” Maria says, as she joins us. “I’d like to show you all to your rooms now, if that is okay. It has been a very long day for me, and I imagine all of you, as well.”

  “Yes, it has been a long few days, really,” I say, standing up and following her back up the hill.

  It is decided that Judy and Rob will stay in the house that Sarah and I are in. Joe offers to sleep on the couch in the living area. I smile, thinking it is probably time for him to stay with me in my room. But, perhaps the couch is a better choice for now: what with that monk who isn’t a monk lurking about in the night. Who the heck is Phillip? I wonder.

  Go away, leave me alone, I’m yelling in my dream. I know it is a dream, but I cannot find my way out of it. A giant Reptilian creature has made its way from behind a tree. Something in me tells me not to be afraid; to not run away and yell at the Reptilian, but to step towards the being. As I do, I ask, What do you want?

  The Reptilian growls and then goes silent. It looks towards me and tilts its head. I walk a step closer. As I reach out towards the Reptilian, it vanishes. I note my own arms are Reptilian. My feet look Reptilian. I look to the ground where the Reptilian was, and I see a phone. As I pick up the phone, my arms and feet return to their human form, and I awake.

  “So, what do you think my dream means?” I ask Judy and Joe, after telling it to them in the kitchen that morning.

  “I’m not sure what it means. But, do you think that Phillip had a phone? You know how there are no electronics in the community,” Joe says.

  Maria enters the kitchen and asks how we slept. I tell her about my dream also.

  “Interesting. We don’t have phones, or electronics, to avoid infiltration. We did not look at your items, as we trusted that you would not use your devices,” Maria says. “It is possible, probable really, that Phillip did have a phone and was conversing with his team, whoever they may be. Perhaps it is a way for them to stay in contact. However, it would be more of a possession, than an actual Reptilian, if the phone played a part.”

  “What do you mean by a possession?” I ask.

  “Well, it was a dream you had, of course,” Maria says. “But, you have had dream visions, so it is highly likely it was a vision, and a message. That being said, a Reptilian would not need a phone, or an electronic to go about its work. However, with AI, a being would.”

  “What is AI?” I ask.

  “Artificial Intelligence. It is a form of being that works through electronics,” Maria says. “This has been done in other places, not just on Earth. This intelligence uses the electronic waves to transport its agenda. It can actually take over a being. It is involved, of course, with the Reptilians as well.”

  “So, are you saying that Phillip may not actually be a Reptilian shape shifter, but a human that was possessed through AI?” Joe asks.

  “That is a possibility,” Maria says.

  “Wow! It seems there is so much to understand,” I say.

  “Yes, and for now I suggest that we go to the dining hall for a proper breakfast, and to regroup,” Maria says.

  As we walk down to eat, I wonder if there is a way to stop Phillip from continuing the destruction he has caused to the community.

  If we cut off his phone perhaps? But how do we do that? And also, why did I also appear as a Reptilian in my dream? Was it merely to show me that the electronics could also infiltrate me? Or was it something else?

  “So, we shall divide into groups, I think,” Maria says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  Sitting down in the dining hall with the others, I listen as Maria describes our next steps. She shares my dream and vision with the others. It is agreed that a group of the women will work on finding, and cutting off, the connectivity of any electronics that Phillip may have with him, or that he may have left behind in the community. They will accomplish this with a method similar to remote viewing. In meditation, they will transport themselves to the origin of the electronic device in question, and then they will cut it off.

  Everyone is asked to take any electronics they have in their possession to the women who will be deactivating this energy. They will also do a remote viewing of the entire community property for any rogue electronics.

  Another group of women will go to build a few houses. It is decided the monks can observe the children’s class, and also feel into th
e energy field here in this place, to see how it compares to the one they came from.

  “We already feel that the energy is at a higher vibration here, than it ever was in Kauai,” Adam says.

  “Yes, that is because we have no interference from the outside,” Mary says. “Also, because we come from a very ancient lineage that is fairly pure, and we practice the ancient ways. For example, we don’t meditate as you do. We live in a meditative space.”

  “Yes, we look forward to learning more about this,” Adam says.

  Sarah and I have decided to take Judy and Rob to the vegetable garden to see how the plants grow, and how they are harvested. Joe decides he will go with Maria and drive through the community one more time in search of Phillip.

  Walking to the vegetable garden with Judy, Rob, and Sarah, I point out to them the last place I saw Phillip, sitting under a large oak tree. We walk over to the tree and look out at the valley and river below. As we turn to leave, I see something glittering in the grass. When I go to pick it up, Rob grabs me by the arm and pulls me back, before I can touch what appears to be a cell phone.


  Divisively Done

  I watch as the women hover around the phone under the great oak tree. We are waiting for Maria to assist us, and Lella has left in search of her and Joe. Meanwhile, the women have materialized a crystal table upon which the phone now sits. Around this, they have also materialized a gel-like bubble that you can just make out the shape of.

  “Oh my, that was good work, Mary,” Maria says as she comes up behind me, with Lella and Joe.

  “I didn’t really do anything. Just remembered where I saw Phillip last, and then I saw the phone,” I say.

  “Yes, well, let’s have a look shall we,” Maria says

  “We are getting a very dark vibration from the device,” says one of the women who had made the bubble.

  “Yes, I feel it. It appears that the presence is still in the device. We need to deactivate it,” Maria says.

  “We were just waiting for you. We wanted to be sure it was okay, since you know,” the woman says.


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