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Temptation Page 36

by Brie Paisley

  “I want to believe you, I really do. But I don’t know how we move on from this.”

  “Let me prove it to you. I’ve told you before, I’ll remind you every day that you’re mine.” He uncrosses my arms and pulls me into his lap. I let him wanting him to touch me. I’ve missed him so much and his touch. “I’ll tell you all the time how much I love you, how much I need you. I hate when we’re not together and I’ve been just existing since you left. You are my everything Ava. Everything I do will be for you and Gabbie.” He takes both hands and caresses my face. I look into his eyes as he says, “Please Ava. Let me love you and show you how much I do. Let me make it up to you for the rest of our lives. I can’t promise it’ll be perfect, but I can promise you, I’ll never hurt you again. I’ll make damn sure you trust me again. Please, moya lyubov'. Let me show you.”

  I want to, so badly just to say yes to him, but instead of saying yes, I ask, “Have you been staying here since we left?” I think I already know what his answer will be, I just want to hear him tell me.

  “Yes. I couldn’t take being away from you, and somehow being here made the pain a little easier to handle. It’s been harder than I thought since I let Sebastian take over the club.”

  “What?” Surely I misunderstood him.

  “I let Sebastian have the club. I’m still the owner, but he’s going to run it now. I couldn’t do it anymore, Ava. Every night I walked in the club, all I saw was you. I ached to see you again, to see you on stage doing the one thing you loved to do. A part of me would break each time I went into work, and knowing you weren’t there.”

  I sigh, knowing I can’t fight it anymore. He’s always been the one temptation I haven’t wanted to fight even though I tried like hell to do so. I take his hands off my face, and I lean down and I kiss him. I hear him groan and I feel his hands touch my back. He pulls me closer to him as he deepens his kiss. Our kiss is full of passion, want, and need. Everything I’ve ever wanted. I slowly pull away and say, “There’s something more I need to tell you.”

  He places my hair behind my ear and says, “What is it, moya lyubov'? You can tell me anything.”

  I smile feeling my heart race. I’ve missed these feelings he brings out of me. “First, I want you to teach me Russian so I can understand you when you talk in Russian.”

  “I can do that.” He grins and says, “What else, moya lyubov'?”

  “Secondly, you can tell me what you just said means. Think of it as my first lesson.”

  He chuckles and kisses me again. When he pulls away he tells me, “Moya lyubov', means ‘My love’.”

  I frown for a second thinking about when the first time he called me that. “You’ve called me that for a long time.”

  “I have.”

  “I’m yours, Viktor?”

  “Yes, my love. You’re mine for as long as you’ll have me.” His head tilts to the side as he stares at me.


  “I don’t know. You look different somehow. I noticed when I first saw you, but I can’t figure out why.” I feel my face flush and I reach around to my back pocket. I slowly pull out the picture and I keep it hidden for a minute. “What is it?”

  “This is the last thing I promise.”

  “Okay, are you going to tell me or you going to leave me in the dark?”

  I bring the grainy picture of our little baby from behind my back and I hold it up for him to see. His face lights up as it dawns on him that he’s going to be a daddy. Not just because he forged a birth certificate, but because him and I made this tiny miracle together.

  “You’re pregnant?”


  He stands up, picking me up in the process. I hold on to him, not expecting him to get up so quickly. “You’re pregnant?” he asks again.

  I laugh and say, “Yes, Vik. We’re going to have a baby.”

  He kisses me and as he pulls away, I watch as he smiles that beautiful smile that reaches his eyes. I can tell he’s overjoyed right now. He spins me around, and we both laugh as he stops. “We’re having a baby! I can’t believe it! I love you, Ava.”

  “I love you too, Viktor.” My breath catches in my throat as he slowly sinks down to his knees. He gently pulls up my shirt, and touches my stomach. He says something in Russian, and I smile knowing he’s thrilled. Just like mom said he would be. He kisses me on my belly and rises up.

  He kisses me once more and as he pulls away he says, “I can’t believe this. We’re going to have a baby! Have you told Gabbie yet?”

  I laugh loving how excited he is about this. “No, not yet.”

  “Good. Let’s go get her and tell her together.”

  “Okay, Vik.” He holds out his hand and I place mine in his. We walk out the door together and we start the drive to get Gabbie.

  Things might not be perfect for us, but as long as I have Gabbie, Viktor, and our new baby coming, I think that’s pretty damn close to it. I never knew life could be this way, and I’m so glad I gave into the temptation.

  Into Viktor.

  Two years later

  I still can’t believe today’s the day. I stand in our backyard, by the oak tree, waiting for Ava to make her appearance. Today’s the day I make her my wife. I stand beside Sebastian and across from Trixie. Ava’s mother sits beside a few family and friends holding Nikolai. He’s a year and a half. He looks just like Ava and I. Sometimes he takes my breath away at how much he takes after Ava and Gabbie. I never thought it would be possible to love someone so much. Makes me so proud to know he’s such a good boy, and Gabbie loves him so much. I still remember the day I got Ava to give me another chance and she told me about the baby. It was the second happiest moment of my life.

  Today’s the first of course.

  I hear him ask Ella where his mommy is and I can’t help but laugh. He’s such a mama’s boy. I shift my weight back and forth and I feel Sebastian’s hand on my shoulder.

  “Calm down. It’s almost time.” I nod knowing he’s right and I’m just impatient to see Ava.

  I turn and tell him, “Thank you for being here. I’m glad I can share this moment with you brother.” I can tell me saying this to him this means a lot. I’m glad Ava pushed me so hard to talk to him and now we’re closer than ever. We still have a ways to go before all the old wounds are healed, but I know we’ll heal them together. We even have patched things up with our parents. I know they wanted to be here today, but we all understood why they couldn’t make it. I promised them tons of pictures.

  “Vsegda, brat. YA tak schastliv, chto vy nakonets-to devushka.” Always. brother. I am so happy you're finally getting the girl. He says to me. I couldn’t agree more.

  Ava fought me for a very long time before she finally said yes to marrying me. I know she battled the insecurities Malcolm gave her, but I’m a patient man. I asked probably every day and finally, I asked and she agreed. I know she didn’t want to marry me only because she had gotten pregnant. But, she should’ve known I’d never leave her. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I didn’t realize how much I was just existing until she came into my life.

  I couldn’t have planned it out any better the day she finally said yes to being mine forever. It was just like any other day. Ava and I were playing in the floor with Gabbie and Nikolai, and Ava had gotten up to use the restroom. I had called Gabbie over and I asked her to ask her mommy to marry me. Of course, she smiled and nodded her little head. I did have to hold her until Ava came back. I didn’t want Gabbie spoiling it too early for me. I had the ring in my pocket and when I let Gabbie go to Ava, I could hear Gabbie asking her. I smiled, seeing Ava gazing at me and I grabbed little Nikolai. I put the black velvet box in his hand, and told him to give it to his mommy. I watched in amazement as he clumsily walked to Ava and held it out to her. I could tell by the look in her eyes what she would say.

  The wedding march snaps me back to the present and my heart starts to race. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time it seems. I see
her dad walk out the back door first and I lose my breath when I see her. She looks absolutely stunning. She’s wearing nothing but a simple white dress and flip flops. Her curls hang loosely down her back, but she’s never been more beautiful. I see Gabbie run out from behind them in her matching white dress, trying to get to her place in front of her mom. It’s still amazes me how much she’s grown. She’ll be turning four in a few months, and I wish some days she’d stop growing so fast.

  I watch as Gabbie throws the fake rose petals and I’m so proud of her. We didn’t practice much with her, because she didn’t need it. She knows exactly what to do. It’s amazing how quickly she catches onto things. Ava and I signed her up for ballet classes and all her teachers tell us how she’s the best out of the class. Even when we watched her very first recital, she was the only one up there dancing like her teachers showed her. It made me so proud seeing her and in her cute costume.

  I watch as Ava comes closer to me and I can’t help but to grin at her. She shyly smiles back and her face turns that perfect shade of red I love. Doesn’t matter what I say sometimes, she always blushes for me.

  Her dad stops in front of me and the preacher asks, “Who gives the bride away?”

  “Her mother and I do,” her dad says then kisses her on the cheek.

  “Thanks, dad.” She turns to me and Jeff shakes my hand. I nod as he goes to sit down by Ella. I wish I could kiss her now. She’s so beautiful and I look down and touch her swollen belly. “Kak moy rebenok delayet?” How’s my baby doing?

  “On v poryadke. Dvigat'sya vokrug, kak sumasshedshiy . YA dumayu, chto on vzvolnovan o nas zhenyatsya.” He's fine. Moving around like crazy. I think he's excited about us getting married. She says to me and I can’t help but to love when she talks back me in Russian. I’ve been teaching her for a year and a half, and she’s a natural at it. I love the way the words sound, and hearing her speak my native tongue makes my dick hard every time.

  She knows it too. She blushes again, and I can’t stop myself from touching her. I take her hand in mine and I kiss the back of it. We turn to the preacher and he starts the ceremony. I have no idea what he’s saying until he clears his throat when it’s my turn to say what I need to. Ava laughs, knowing I’m so caught up staring at her I’m not paying attention to anything else. I do hear when Ava says, “I do,” and it’s the best feeling knowing she’s finally mine. Forever.

  Finally the preacher says, “You may now kiss your bride.” I place a hand behind her neck and one on her back. I pull her to me, loving the feel of her pregnant belly between us. I lean down and I kiss her tenderly on the lips. Her hands wrap around my waist and I have to pull away when she moans in my mouth. We both laugh, knowing what we both want to do right now. It doesn’t involve cutting the cake.

  I slide a hand down her arm and we turn to face the few family and friends as they clap and cheer for us. Nikolai claps his hands right along with everyone else, and I look down when I feel tugging on my pant leg.

  “What is it, baby?” I bend down and pick Gabbie up and kiss her on her cheek. I pull down her white dress and I wait for her to tell me what she wants.

  “Does this mean you’re my dad now?”

  Gabbie has the power to melt my heart and she just did. “Yes, baby. If you want that, I’d love to be your dad.”

  “Okay. Because I want you to be my dad.” She wraps her arms around my neck and I pull Ava in closer. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I lean down and kiss her forehead. Ella walks over with Nikolai, and Ava takes him out of her hands. “Me hugs too!” he says and I move over a bit so I can hug my little guy too.

  Life couldn’t get any better than this. I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted. I have a stunning wife, carrying my child. I have Nikolai that amazes me every single day, and I have Gabbie, the one for making me love Ava even more than I already do.

  “Thank you, moya lyubov'.”

  Ava looks up to me and asks, “For what, Vik?”

  I touch her cheek as I tell her, “For giving me this amazing family. For making me the happiest man alive. For everything.” She kisses my palm, and we walk back to the house. Together. As a family.

  “Vik, come on just tell me already.” I can’t help but laugh at Ava. She’s so impatient. We left the wedding almost an hour ago and I’m taking her to her wedding gifts. Yes, there’s more than one. Nothing but the best for my wife of course.

  “At least tell me there’s food wherever we’re going.”

  I rub her belly and say, “You just ate. Is my boy hungry?”

  “Yes. Seems he’s always hungry.” I laugh and I take her hand in mine. I drive a few more minutes before I park a block from where I want to take her.

  “Close your eyes, moya lyubov'.”

  “Why can’t you just tell me what it is?”

  “I want it to be a surprise. Now, close your eyes.”

  “Fine,” she says as she closes her eyes.

  “Keep them closed until I say open them.”

  “They’re closed, Vik,” she says with a huge grin.

  I pull into the driveway to our new home. It’s ten minutes from her parent’s house and ten from her other surprise. I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous about showing her the new house. I know how much she loved the one I bought her while she worked for me. I quickly get out of the car and I walk to her side and open her door. I guide her out of the car, and I shut the door. I lead her up the front porch steps and I make her stand still while I unlock the door. I really hope she loves this house as much as I do. The outside is a light gray color, and the porch is stained dark. The inside looks even better than the outside.

  I lead Ava inside and I tell her to stand still while I turn on the lights. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes! Can I open my eyes now?”

  I walk behind her and I kiss her on the neck. She leans back into me and I put both hands on her stomach. “Open your eyes, moya lyubov',” I whisper in her ear. I hear her gasp and she covers her mouth with her hand. I know what she’s seeing. This house is far better than the other one. And bigger.

  “Viktor, it’s gorgeous!” She turns around and asks, “Did you buy this for us?”

  I pull out the keys for her to see. “It’s all ours, if you want it.”

  She grabs the keys out of my hand and says, “Of course I want it. I love it already.”

  I grin as I follow her around as she looks at each room. I laugh when she touches everything, as if it’ll disappear if she doesn’t. After she looks the entire downstairs over, she does the exact same thing upstairs. Then the back yard. And the garage. “I take it you love it.”

  We’re walking back to the car, and she says, “I really do love it. Thank you, Viktor. I can’t wait to show the kids!”

  “We will later. I still have one more thing to show you.”

  “Another surprise? What did I do to get so lucky?” I grab her and I kiss her.

  “You gave into me and I did you. We were made for each other.” I hear her sigh in content and she kisses me.

  I chuckle and pull away. I have to show her this next surprise but if she keeps kissing me, I’m going to fuck her on the floor of our new house. “Come. Let me show you the next one.”

  I help her get into the car, and we’re off again. “I still can’t believe this. Vik, you bought a house right by my parents!”

  “I know how close you are with them and I know it will make you happy being closer. This way, they can come over anytime they want, and you can see them all the time.”

  She turns to me and says, “Thank you, Viktor.” She leans over and kisses my cheek and I place a hand on her leg. “I love you,” she says sweetly.

  “I love you too, moya lyubov'.”

  “Will you tell me where this next surprise is?”

  I shake my head and grin. “No way. You’ll just have to wait a few more minutes.”

  “You know I don’t like to wait.”

  “Oh trust me, I know that very we
ll.” I tell her to close her eyes again as we get closer to her next surprise, trying to keep my thoughts away from making love to her. I can’t wait to get her home so I can do all the things I know she loves.

  I park the car and help her out again. I back her up a few more feet so she can get the full effect of what I’m about to show her. This time, I stand across from her, wanting to get her full reaction. I’ve known for a long time she’s wanted this, but she never had the courage to do it. And this is my way of pushing her to reach her dreams.

  “Vik? Can I open my eyes now?”

  “Yes, open your eyes.”

  And this makes number three of the best things to happen to me today. Her eyes light up with joy as she sees the name on her new dance studio. She covers her hands over her mouth and I see she’s trying not to cry. She turns to me and jumps in my arms.

  “Thank you so much, Viktor. I can’t believe you did it! You actually bought me a studio!”

  “Anything for you, moya lyubov'.” She pulls her arms off my neck and I ask, “You like the name? It’s not too late to change it.”

  “No, I love it. Gabriella’s Dance Studio. It’s absolutely perfect.”

  She leans her head on my chest and I hold her close to me. We stand in the parking lot, just gazing at Ava’s dream finally coming to life. I’ve never felt more complete than I do in this moment. After everything she and I have been through, knowing we made it, fills me with so much joy sometimes it scares me. And there’s no one else I’d rather share these moments with, than Ava.

  Always, with Ava.

  Brie Paisley is a small town gal from Mississippi. She always wanted to write at a young age and was always filling journals with her thoughts and short stories. Brie started with the idea of Worshipped a year ago and with the encouragement of her husband and sister in law, she was able to write her first book. When she is not writing, you can find her reading a good book, painting, scrapbooking, or watching a good movie with her husband and her boxer.


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