Moonlight Kiss

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Moonlight Kiss Page 21

by LuAnn McLane

  Maggie reached over and touched the soft petals of a purple iris. She supposed that her mother’s desertion and her father’s lack of love and affection had something to do with her reluctance to seek a relationship. When you felt unloved it was difficult to put your heart on the line to take a beating.

  Maggie sat back in her chair, toying with a pen. Fear was such a powerful emotion and so tough to stifle. She inhaled a shaky breath. She needed to shake off the shackles of the past and conquer her fear of rejection. A trickle of fear slid down her spine, but then she sat up straight and tossed the pen down. She needed to stop being wishy-washy! She was attracted to Richard Rule and he obviously felt the same way. She needed to just go for it. Determination melted the cold ball of fear. After all, she and Richard were just two middle-aged people looking for companionship, and if it became more than that she needed to embrace it rather than run. This was her chance. She’d be crazy not to take it.

  After all, thoughts of Richard had occupied Maggie’s daydreams all week long. Lunch with him on Monday when he’d brought the paperwork to her only made her think of him more. Long conversations on the phone lasted into the night, creating an intense sensual longing that had her tossing and turning in her bed. The vision of him shirtless, however, plagued her the most.

  And the kiss … Oh, the kiss.

  Maggie heard a groan and then realized it had come from her own throat. She’d relived the sweet, sensual kiss over and over. That one kiss had the power to reach inside her heart and open something she’d kept locked tightly away for such a long time.


  “Oh, my … my.” The need to fan her face wasn’t from a hot flash.

  Maggie finally gave up and shut down her computer. She locked the door and flipped the OPEN sign to CLOSED. Instead of trying to work she might as well head on upstairs and take a long, hot bubble bath. She planned on exfoliating, shaving, plucking, smoothing, and primping. In anticipation of seeing Richard again she’d purchased some sexy lingerie. A trip to the cosmetic counter at Macy’s resulted in a sultry new fragrance and the knowledge of how to create a smoky eye. The eyeliner still proved tricky but she thought she’d finally gotten the method down. Blending, she had been instructed, was the key.

  Maggie had always prided herself in presenting herself well as a mother and real estate agent, but this getting-sexy thing was fun! She only hoped she could pull it off. But Richard had a laid-back way about him that put her at ease. At lunch he’d had her laughing and feeling more carefree than she could remember. He’d requested that she bring jeans and tennis shoes along in the event they wanted to walk, and a bathing suit if she wanted to lounge in the hot tub. Of course, purchasing a new bathing suit had taken hours of trying on dozens of styles. She’d finally selected a modest one-piece halter-top style in a deep shade of emerald green.

  The hot weather slipped into an evening warm enough for the baby-blue vintage scoop-neck sundress she’d bought at Violet’s. The sleeveless dress dipped low in the back, showing just enough skin to make her purchase a white, loosely knit sweater to wear over top. She’d remove it only if she mustered up the nerve. White wedge sandals and a matching purse rounded out the outfit.

  Maggie looked in the mirror and fluffed her hair. She added more lipstick and then a bit more blush with a fat brush. “Not too shabby,” she said, trying really hard not to be nervous. In the back of her mind—and she kept it there—was the knowledge that this night could lead to more than a lingering kiss. They were adults, after all.

  Maggie knew her body was far from perfect. Although she was no spring chicken, the sultry perfume, silky lingerie, and carefully applied makeup boosted her confidence. She gave herself one more once-over in the mirror and then looked at her watch. “Oh boy. Time to go …”

  On the way to the cabin Maggie turned up the radio loud and sang along, partly because of her good mood but mostly to keep her mind off of getting incredibly, uncontrollably nervous. Because Maggie had made the decision that she wanted to make love to Richard Rule. Tonight.

  But when she pulled into the lane leading to the cabin her heart started to pound. Okay, maybe not tonight, she thought, and then gripped the steering wheel harder. Maybe she should just shoot for another kiss in the moonlight?

  “Just go with the flow,” Maggie whispered to herself as she pulled up in front of the cabin. “Dinner, maybe a dance on the back deck. You don’t need to be thinking about … sex,” she grumbled.

  With that in mind she killed the engine, hefted her purse and tote bag over her shoulder, and then proceeded to walk with slightly shaky knees up to the front door. After taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and knocked.

  “Maggie!” Richard smiled as he held the door open for her. “Come in.”

  Apple and cinnamon wafted her way. “Oh, it smells heavenly in here.”

  “It’s the apple pie from last time.” He leaned close and kissed her on the cheek. “This day sure dragged while I waited impatiently for your arrival.”

  Maggie nodded since the touch of his warm lips against her skin interfered with her ability to articulate.

  “You look lovely, Maggie.” He took the canvas bag from her and of course their fingers had to brush, and she felt a tingle all the way to her toes. It didn’t help that he looked so super-handsome in khaki shorts and a short-sleeved pale blue shirt that made his eyes appear even bluer. His short-cropped black hair was getting longer, giving him a boyish charm that softened the pure masculine line of his jaw.

  “Thank you. And thank you for the flowers. They were beautiful and such a lovely surprise.”

  “I’m glad you liked them. Would you like a glass of wine out on the back deck?”

  “Oh, I meant to bring a bottle.”

  “No worries. I have quite the selection, if you recall.”

  Maggie smiled and fell into step with him toward the kitchen. She sat down on a stool by the large island.

  “I opened a Cabernet Sauvignon about an hour ago to breathe, but if you’d rather have white I have a Chardonnay in the fridge.”

  “Oh, the Cab sounds nice.”

  “I couldn’t find a decanter so I poured some into the wineglasses. I wanted the wine to soften.” He grinned as he handed her a glass. “The two glasses sitting there were a constant reminder that you were coming but weren’t here yet. It was like they were mocking me.”

  Maggie laughed. The fact that he was making no bones about how much he’d been looking forward to their dinner put her at ease.

  Richard sat down next to her and lifted his glass. “To a wonderful evening ahead.”

  Maggie tapped her glass to his and took a sip of the full-bodied wine.

  “Do you like it? Be honest, because I don’t mind opening another bottle. I knew this vineyard produced a wine a bit more fruit forward, with less of the earthy finish. I hoped you would enjoy it.”

  “I’m hardly an expert but I appreciate bold flavors. This is nice.”

  When he seemed relieved Maggie reached over and put her hand over his. “Don’t worry. I’m easily pleased but I won’t waste calories on something I don’t like.”

  “I know one thing. You’re easy to be around. I really enjoy your company, Maggie.”

  “I feel the same way,” she said.

  “I thought we’d have grilled salmon, a tossed salad, and wild rice? But if you’re not a salmon lover I have a couple of steaks in the fridge as well.”

  “Oh no, salmon is a favorite of mine. The menu sounds delicious. And you said you couldn’t cook?” She pointed to the apple pie cooling on the counter. “Browned to perfection. I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit, or maybe you were holding out on me.”

  Richard lifted one shoulder. “I have to admit that I’ve been surprising myself lately.”

  When he reached for his wineglass his tattoo caught her eye once more. He seemed so refined, so educated, and the unexpected tattoo gave him that edge that she found compelling … and so
damned sexy. “What does your tattoo say?”

  Richard turned his forearm over so she could see. “Work hard, play harder,” he said with a slight wince. “Not one of my best decisions.”

  “The tattoo?”

  “Yeah, well, maybe but I was referring to the motto. It should be the other way around, I think.”

  Maggie traced the script with the tip of her finger. “I don’t know. I spent most of my life working and not playing. Maybe you’re not as wrong as you might think. Any other tattoos?”

  Richard gave her a playful grin. “Want to find out?” he asked, and then put a hand over his face. “Pretend I didn’t say that. I didn’t mean to sound crass.”

  Maggie reached over and pulled his hand away. “It’s okay. I asked, remember? Let’s forget it and go outside with our wine.”

  “Okay.” He appeared relieved and Maggie wasn’t sure if it was because he regretted his playful remark or if he was embarrassed about other tattoos.

  Either way, Maggie remained curious not only about the tattoo but the rest of his life. After they sat down in the padded lawn chairs on the back deck he remained quiet, making Maggie wonder what was on his mind. “If you’re wondering, I find tattoos sexy.”

  He turned and gave her a slight grin. “I was wondering. Of course I’ve been wondering about a lot of things lately.”

  Again, Maggie sensed unease, as if something was troubling him. She wondered what he was hiding away from in the woods. “You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, Richard. If there’s something on your mind, you can speak it. I’m a good listener. And I’m here if you need a friend. I want to know everything about you.”

  “Thank you. True friends are hard to find,” he said, and then looked out over the river as if deep in thought. Maggie watched him take a sip of wine. He swallowed, licked his bottom lip, and turned to face her.


  Dancing in the Moonlight

  RICK WANTED TO TELL THIS LOVELY WOMAN EVERYTHING: who he was, why he was here, his past, his regrets, and the recent plans he’d been dreaming up lately. Most of all he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her.

  But what would she do if she knew all of those things?

  Right or wrong, and he admitted to himself that there was some wrong involved, he decided that Maggie needed to get to know the real man, not the image, the rumors, or who he’d been pretending to be for so many years. The past few weeks he’d felt as if he’d shed his skin and was ready to start fresh.

  “So, if I may ask, why are you really here in Cricket Creek?” Maggie asked quietly.

  Rick thought about how to answer. It was only fair that if she came out here and spent time with him she knew some of the truth, which, for now at least, was pretty much based on where he was going and not where he’d been. “I was at a dead end in my career and so I decided to come here and reflect on my life. Make some much-needed changes.”

  “Change can be difficult. Frightening. I hope you discover what you’re looking for.”

  “It’s a work in progress, but I’m getting there.” He was actually pretty excited about the idea that had suddenly come to him in the middle of a sleepless night. He wanted to share it with her so badly but now wasn’t the time.

  “I can relate.” She nodded but didn’t pry, even though he could see in her eyes that she wanted to know more.

  “But right now all I care about is spending the evening with a beautiful woman.”

  “Oh, are you expecting company?”

  Rick laughed. There was something so real and wonderful about her. “No, she’s already here.” Rick expected her to dip her head and blush or look away but instead she held his gaze.

  “Why, thank you.” The breeze caught her hair, blowing it across her face. She brushed the strands away, laughing as if life was simply wonderful.

  Something was different about her tonight, not just in the extra care she’d taken with her makeup, but a certain confidence that wasn’t present before. And he liked it. “Let’s get dinner started—what do you say?” When she nodded Rick stood up and offered his hand. She took it and it felt so good having her small hand in his firm grasp.

  “Is there something I can help you with in the kitchen?”

  “Nope, I want you to simply sit back and watch. I want to spoil you a little bit,” he said, and realized it was true. She’d been a hardworking single mom and deserved to be pampered. And he was just the man to do it.

  “Well, now.” Maggie slid onto a stool and folded her hands. “I won’t have any problem doing that.”

  “Sitting back?”

  “No. Watching you.”

  Rick looked at her and she held his gaze once more. He felt a strong pull of desire, and when she smiled it was all he could do not to walk over there and draw her into his arms. He found her slightly suggestive flirting much more stimulating than bold sexual moves. Anticipation was highly underrated. As he gathered the items he needed Rick could feel her eyes watching him with appreciation, putting an underlying sensual vibe in the room that felt almost tangible.

  “More?” Rick held up bottle of wine.

  “Please.” When she slid her glass across the smooth granite Rick reached for it but deliberately let his fingers linger on hers. After pouring he looked at her a beat longer than he needed to. When he saw the slight rise and fall of her chest he suspected she was feeling much of the same.

  Rick unwrapped the white butcher’s paper from the salmon. “Wild caught,” he told her, and she nodded.

  “Perfect. I detest when they add that artificial coloring to the farm-raised variety.”

  “I thought I’d make a dill sauce. Sound okay with you?”

  “Absolutely.” Maggie toyed with the stem of her glass. “Again, I’m impressed.”

  “It’s just Dijon mustard, mayo, and fresh dill. Easy but full of flavor.” Rick pointed to the box containing wild rice. “Easy as well, but I will say that I’ve discovered a love of cooking that I didn’t know I possessed. The rice will simmer while I grill the fish.” He grinned. “And the salad is from a bag again. Spring greens that I’ll toss with mandarin orange slices and almonds.” He turned away and located a wooden salad bowl. “I’ll get the salad tossed, put the rice on, and then we can go outside on the deck while I grill the fish.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh, and I bought a loaf of French bread from the bakery up on Main Street. Don’t let me forget it.”

  “This is such a guilty pleasure watching you work.”

  “There’s nothing to feel guilty about. I’m enjoying myself. Open up.” Rick leaned across the island and offered her a mandarin orange slice. God, the touch of her warm tongue against his fingers sent a hungry jolt of desire straight to his groin.

  “Mmmm … so good. May I have another?”

  “You sure can.” Rick slid a second slice into her mouth, nearly groaning when she sucked ever so slightly on his thumb.

  “That’s it.” Maggie shook her head. “I can’t stand it any longer.”

  Rick’s heart thudded and he looked at her expectantly.

  “I have to come over there and help.”

  Before he could find his voice to protest, Maggie stood beside him. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “That’s a loaded question.”

  She laughed. “How about if I slice the bread?”

  “I could think of other things, but okay.”

  “You’re being awfully frisky, Mr. Rule.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do …”

  Rick’s smiled but it felt a bit forced. He didn’t like not being honest with her but told himself it was necessary for now. “The bread is on the counter behind me.”

  Maggie nodded and made herself at home, finding the knife, cutting board, and bread basket. While he tossed the salad she sliced the bread. They stood close, nearly but not quite touching. Rick decided he needed to remedy that whole situation and reached from behind her to pick up the small bag of almonds. His arm
grazed against her arm that held the end of the loaf.

  “Would you cut me a thin slice? I didn’t realize how hungry I was until just now.”

  “Sure.” When she turned and handed him the bread he stepped closer.

  “Thanks. Oh, this tastes as good as it looks,” Rick said. “I wanted to hold off but just couldn’t stand it any longer.”

  “Sometimes you just have to try to find out,” she said holding his gaze. “Richard?”

  He swallowed the bread. “Yes?”

  “I do believe that my body is about ready to catch fire with the need to kiss you. Hot and bothered doesn’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling right about now. I’m ready for an appetizer and I don’t mean cheese and crackers.”

  “You don’t have to ask twice.” The wild and wonderful kiss exploded in his brain. Rick could not get enough. They stumbled backward, sideways, drunk on desire until somehow, either by accident or grand design, they ended up in the great room on the sofa, in front of the gas fireplace that he’d turned on low earlier.

  The waning light from the setting sun cast a soft glow through the windows.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Maggie.” He placed his hand over the wild beating of her heart. “From the inside out.”

  “A glass of wine and muted lighting helps,” Maggie joked, making him laugh. God, how he loved being with this woman. It occurred to him how much he’d missed out on over the years by not being in a relationship with someone close to his age. He’d been such an arrogant dumb-ass.

  And then he kissed her once more, a hot, sensual meeting of their mouths yet edged with tenderness. She threaded her fingers through his hair and then moved to his shoulders, his back, touching, massaging, exploring. “I do believe I could kiss you all night long.”

  “Mmmm, I like the sound of that.” Rick held Maggie close and kissed her neck, loving the taste of her skin and the light floral scent of her hair. Although he longed to make love to Maggie he didn’t want to rush them into anything. After so many years of fast living, he was finding that taking his time was even sweeter. It felt so good having her snuggled next to him, but he eventually summoned his willpower and asked, “Should we finish making dinner?”


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