One Night Standoff

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One Night Standoff Page 15

by Delores Fossen

  “I’m about to.” Well, he was about to go to bed, anyway. Clayton doubted that rest would come, with so much on his mind. “I’ll keep my phone right next to me. Call me if there’s any trouble.”

  “Will do,” Cutter assured him.

  “I’ll be out to relieve you at midnight,” Clayton added, and he hung up.

  He considered calling Harlan next, just in case there’d been some kind of breakthrough with the recording, but it would only interrupt whatever his brother was doing. Calling Declan was out, too, because hopefully both he and Wyatt were resting so they could also do relief duty at midnight.

  It was going to be a long night.

  Clayton cursed that as well, and he dropped back on the bed. His head had barely touched the mattress, however, when there was a sharp knock at the door. Just one rap, and it flew open. He automatically reached for his gun, but stopped when he saw it was Lenora.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, getting up. He hurried to the door and looked out into the hall. Empty. “Did you hear something?”

  She shook her head. “My answer is no.”

  It took him a moment to realize which question she was answering, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t did you hear something?


  This was about the badly worded, ill-timed marriage proposal. Clayton took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to fix things, but he didn’t get the chance. Lenora shut the door, and in the same motion she wound her arms around his neck and she kissed him.


  He sure hadn’t seen that coming, but Clayton went right along with it. He pulled her to him and he kissed her right back.

  The taste of her roared through him. Instant heat. And it got significantly hotter when they tried to get closer to each other. Body to body. Every part of her touching every part of him. Well, the important parts, anyway.

  “This doesn’t feel like a no,” he mumbled against her mouth.

  “No to the marriage proposal,” she clarified. “Yes to this.” But then she stopped, pulled back and looked him directly in the eyes. “You do want this, right?”

  “More than my next breath.” And he snapped her back to him to continue, and deepen, the kiss.

  He forced himself to remember to stay gentle. Not easy to do with the heat boiling into a fierce need that his body was already demanding he satisfy. It was that thought that had him pulling back and looking at her.

  “Is this okay?” And he hoped he didn’t have to explain that he was asking about sex during pregnancy.

  She was breathing through her mouth now, her breath gusting, and her face was flushed with arousal. “More than okay,” she assured him, and she pulled him back to her for round two.

  It was hard to stay gentle when Lenora lowered her hand to his chest. She unbuttoned his shirt and her wandering fingers were headed even lower, to the zipper of his jeans, when Clayton decided he had to get control of this situation. He couldn’t drag her to the floor and take her rough and hard. He had to put a leash on the fire, so he pinned her wrists to the back of the door.

  She made a small sound of protest but continued the scalding-hot kiss. And even though she could no longer unzip him, she kept touching him. With her body. Specifically, her breasts on his chest. She didn’t stop there, either. Lenora ground her sex against him and nearly made him forget his promise to keep this gentle.

  When Clayton got his eyes uncrossed, he scooped her up and took her to the bed. He eased her onto the mattress and took off his boots and the ankle holster that contained a small Smith & Wesson.

  But again Lenora sped things up. With her hands now free, she yanked off his holster and shirt. They landed somewhere on the floor, and her clever mouth landed on his chest.

  Then his stomach.

  Hell. He wasn’t just losing this battle, he was on the verge of surrendering.

  Since he obviously couldn’t slow things down, he went after her clothes. First her top, and then he peeled off her jeans. He froze when he saw her stomach. Not because it cooled the heat. Nothing could do that, but it was a reminder that it was the first time he’d seen her this naked.

  Or at least the first time he could remember.

  “I know. My body’s not very attractive,” she said in a breathy whisper.

  “You’re wrong. You’re incredibly attractive.” And that was a massive understatement. Every part of her was beautiful.

  He kissed the tops of her breasts and then opened the front-hook bra and rid her of that so he could kiss her breasts the way he wanted. She made a sound of pleasure, a low, sensual moan that vibrated through his body. She also lifted her hips.

  But that wasn’t all.

  She hooked her fingers around the tops of her panties and shimmied them off.

  Oh, man.

  He’d been crazy before that, but now he got a lot crazier, and he took his mouth from her breast so he could work his way down her body. To her stomach.

  To their child.

  Her baby bump probably shouldn’t have aroused him, but it did. Of course, at this point everything about her was arousing, and he wished the need wasn’t a raging fire so he could savor every inch of her. Later, he’d have to do better. Would have to spend more time just sampling and savoring. And despite the fact that this probably shouldn’t be happening, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t regret this.

  Just the opposite.

  His body was already planning a second round.

  While his mouth was occupied with kissing her stomach, she went after his zipper again, and this time she not only managed to get it down, she reached inside and touched him.

  That crossed his eyes again.

  And it upped the urgency.

  Thankfully, Lenora was on the same page of urgency with him, and she helped him get out of the jeans and boxers. Naked, he landed against her, and she wrapped her legs around him. All thoughts of gentleness and baby bumps flew right out of his head when he eased inside the heat of her body.

  A memory riffled through his head. Of another time, another bed.

  But the same woman.

  Yeah, he remembered that, and it only fired up his body even more—something he hadn’t thought possible.

  It was a first for him. He’d never had sex without a condom, and he probably should have asked Lenora if he needed to put one on. But then she moved again, and logical thoughts like that went straight out the window.

  “Finish this,” she muttered, pulling him even deeper inside her.

  Clayton couldn’t have said no even if he’d wanted. He moved inside her, falling into a frantic rhythm. The battle was there to keep things gentle, and he managed it. Somewhat. When he felt her close to the edge, he gathered her into his arms and gave her what she needed to finish.

  She made that sensual sound again when the climax racked through her body. And she tightened her grip on him. He didn’t need much to go over that edge with her, and that did it. Clayton pushed into her one last time and let himself fall right along with Lenora.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lenora barely had time to catch her breath before Clayton moved off her. She immediately felt the loss of his body heat.

  And his touch.

  She nearly pulled him right back on her, but then realized he’d likely moved for her own comfort and for the sake of the baby. But it hadn’t been uncomfortable. Just the opposite. Every part of her was still humming and slack from the pleasure of the climax.

  Clayton turned onto his side, facing her, and eased toward her so that the top of her head was tucked under his chin. It was definitely intimate, since they were butt naked and recovering from the aftermath of incredible sex.

  Well, it had been incredible for her, anyway.

  She’d wanted Clayton since the first time she’d laid eyes on him, and their other time together had been clouded with grief. This time there were clouds, too, but she’d had a hard time remembering them when he was inside her.

  But the clouds returned.
r />   So did the mental list of what they were facing. And no, another round of sex wasn’t on that list. Or at least it shouldn’t have been. Too bad there wasn’t a cure for Clayton Caldwell so she could concentrate on what had to be done.

  Yes, definitely clouds.

  They had to continue the investigation and also had to work out something on a personal level that didn’t involve a marriage of convenience. She wanted Clayton in their baby’s life. She was certain now that he wanted it, too, but Lenora was also afraid that once he fully recovered from his injuries, he might feel differently, that he might even resent being tied to a woman he didn’t love.

  And there had been no talk of love.

  Not even a hint, and despite the craziness going on, there had been a time or two when he could have said he was falling for her. Or maybe just that one day he might be able to fall for her.

  But nothing, other than that milquetoast proposal.

  “I remember,” he said.

  Even though he’d whispered it, his voice seemed to echo through the otherwise silent room. Lenora froze for a moment, processing that, and then she pulled back so she could meet his gaze.

  “How much do you remember?” she asked.

  Lenora didn’t know why she was afraid of the answer, but she was. Maybe because Clayton had realized that it had been nothing more than a one-night stand between them.

  And that’s what it had been.

  Two people in shock and filled with grief over a woman’s murder. Except Lenora had the sinking feeling that it had been more than that for her.

  A lot more.

  Despite her not seeing Clayton for two months after that, she hadn’t been able to forget him, and she was reasonably sure that the pregnancy was only a part of that. Even if she hadn’t become pregnant, she doubted she would have just been able to walk away and forget him. Even if that’s exactly what she should have done.

  “I remember you,” he said, as if choosing his words carefully. He slid his hand between them and over her stomach. “I remember that night.”

  She waited, but he didn’t add more. Certainly nothing about what he’d been feeling when they’d dragged each other off to bed.

  And nothing about what he was feeling now.

  “You should get some rest,” he said, kissing the top of her head. He would have gotten up from the bed if she hadn’t caught him by the arm.

  “Okay, what’s wrong? What did you remember?” Lenora demanded.

  He looked down at her, his gaze skirting over her naked body. “That you were anxious to get out of there afterward.”

  That was true. But it hadn’t been because she wanted to leave Clayton, but rather because she hadn’t wanted to fall apart in front of him. Hard to explain that to a man when they’d just had sex.

  “Leaving wasn’t about you,” Lenora settled for saying.

  He stared at her. Apparently it was her turn to add more, but she must have waited too long because Clayton made a slight sound of frustration, broke out of her grip and started getting dressed.

  “I have to relieve Cutter soon,” he said with his back to her. He pulled on his boxers and jeans.

  Enough of this. It was nearly two hours until he had to pull relief duty, and she wasn’t going to let him get away until she’d had a chance to explain.

  Lenora got to her feet, too, and whirled him around to face her. “I’m not used to relying on anyone, okay? And I left your bed that night because I was afraid of what I might say to you.”

  There. She’d bared her soul, but Lenora knew this wasn’t finished. No. Clayton wanted her to say the words that she’d been afraid she might blurt out that night. However, he didn’t have time to press her, because something else snagged his attention.

  A shout.

  It sent Clayton scrambling, first to turn off the lights, and then to the window. Since Lenora was still naked, she didn’t immediately follow him, but she did gather up her clothes so she could dress.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure, but some of the horses are loose. I think it was Cutter who shouted something.”

  Relief washed over her body. After everything else they’d been through, loose horses didn’t seem like much of an issue.


  “Do you see anyone out there?” Lenora quickly put on her clothes. “Someone who could have let them out?”

  He shook his head just as his phone buzzed. With his attention still fastened outside the window, he pulled his cell from his pocket and answered it.

  “Cutter,” he said. “What’s going on with the horses?”

  Lenora couldn’t hear what the ranch hand said, but she also didn’t see anything too extreme in Clayton’s reaction. Just the same concern that had been there since this entire ordeal started.

  “I’ll have a look,” Clayton told Cutter, and he ended the call.

  Now, that immediately upped Lenora’s concern. “You’re going out there?”

  He nodded, finished dressing. “Cutter and the other ranch hands haven’t seen anyone, but I need to find out why the horses have broken the fence. It might be nothing,” he quickly added. Probably because he saw the fear in her eyes.

  “It could be Johnny Lomax,” she reminded him just as quickly. “He could have come here to try to kill us.”

  Clayton brushed a kiss on her cheek. “If it’s Lomax, I need to find him.”

  He strapped on his holster and took another gun from the nightstand drawer. He handed it to her. “I want you to stay inside this room, away from the window. I’ll lock the downstairs door behind me and have one of my brothers rearm the security system. It’s not monitored by a company, but the alarm will alert us if anyone tries to break in.”

  Lenora was already shaking her head before he even finished. “You need to have one of your brothers go outside with you.”

  “I will,” he mumbled.

  But she wasn’t sure he was telling the truth. Still, she couldn’t stop him. Besides, if it was Lomax or some other hired gun, then he needed to be stopped before he could shoot into the house.

  “If I need to talk to you, I’ll call the landline.” He tipped his head to the phone on the nightstand. “Remember, stay put.”

  And with that warning, he was gone.

  Lenora shut the bedroom door and locked it, but pressed her ear against it, listening to the sound of Clayton’s footsteps. When she could no longer hear him, she went back across the room. Not in front of the window just in case someone did fire a shot, but off to the side so she could look out.

  There were at least a dozen horses on the driveway in front of the house and in the side yard. The animals weren’t just milling around, either. They were moving as if they’d been spooked, not really going anywhere, just running. Still, she held out hope that this would all turn out to be nothing. After all, horses probably got out on occasion, and maybe this was one of those benign occasions.

  She spotted Clayton in the backyard, and he wasn’t alone, thank God. Declan was with him. That meant Wyatt was no doubt inside and had rearmed the security. She guessed that he would stay with Kirby, Stella and the nurse. The housekeeper had already gone home, so that was one fewer person to be concerned about, if this did turn out to be something.

  Lenora had to remind herself to breathe when her lungs started to ache, and as if protesting at her suddenly tight muscles, the baby kicked hard. She slid her left hand over her stomach to try to soothe him or her, but she kept the gun ready in her right.

  Thanks to the security lights, she watched as Clayton and Declan made their way across the backyard and toward the fence that stretched out behind the barn. She remembered seeing horses in that part of the pasture when she and Clayton talked to Quentin, but she couldn’t see any back there now. Only the ones that were running free.

  Her breath stalled again when she saw Clayton and Declan pivot toward the front of the house. Both took aim. But then just as quickly, they lowered their guns when
Cutter came into view.


  Not only wasn’t it the threat that her body anticipated, but now Clayton had two people with him. She wished he had an entire army, because she had a very uneasy feeling about this.

  Was Johnny Lomax out there?

  The three men kept moving toward the back pasture. All stayed vigilant, with their gazes firing around them and their guns ready. It wasn’t long, however, before they disappeared from view. What little peace of mind she had disappeared, as well. It sent her heart racing to know that Clayton could have to face down a killer out there in the darkness.

  Lenora considered hurrying to another room with a rear-facing window so she could keep watch, but Clayton had told her to stay put, and that’s what she would do. Besides, her movements might alarm Wyatt, and she didn’t want to distract him, since he was likely keeping watch, too.

  Since she couldn’t see Clayton and the others, she tried to steady the heartbeat in her ears so she could hear what was going on. There were certainly no voices. No more shouts. Only the sound of the horses’ hooves chopping into the ground below her. The quiet didn’t lull her into a sense of safety, but she started to relax just a little.

  When the sound pierced through the room.

  But not just the room.

  The shrill noise blasted through the entire house. And it was a sound she definitely hadn’t wanted to hear. Not a shot. In some ways, this could be worse.

  Because someone had set off the security alarm.

  God, was the killer inside the house?

  * * *

  CLAYTON CURSED the moment he heard the alarm. The only way for it to be clanging like that was for someone to have opened a door or window. And since he’d warned all of them—Lenora, Kirby, Stella and Wyatt—not to leave, that meant one of them hadn’t listened.

  Or someone had broken in.

  Hell, Lenora and the others could be in danger.

  Clayton took out his cell and called the house phone, as he’d promised Lenora he would do. She answered on the first ring.

  “What’s going on?” Lenora immediately asked.

  She was alive, thank God, and from the sound of it, terrified. That wasn’t good, but he’d take terrified over wounded any day.


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