If Only for the Summer

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If Only for the Summer Page 6

by Alexandra Warren

  “Okay, big boy. I need you to go pick out your favorite pajamas and your favorite book for story time. Can you do that for me?”

  He shook his head so hard I just knew his little brain was scrambled. Then he hopped off his chair and dashed down the hallway to his summer bedroom, the whole exchange leaving me completely bewildered. I mean, it would’ve taken me a little more bribing, a few more exchanges, and it certainly wouldn’t have gone over that smoothly. But with her, Jaxson was a damn angel.

  Of course Nova wasn’t paying me any mind as she went back to the kitchen, stacking a few more dishes in the sink. Still, my eyes were locked on her as I tried to make sense of how dealing with my kid came so easy to her. But instead of coming at her with the boatload of questions that were lingering in my head, I simply told her, “Thank you.”

  “It’s no biggie,” she said with a wave of her hand, keeping her eyes on the sink as she filled it with soapy water. And I continued watching her as she dampened a dishrag before wiping down the counters; that simple motion causing her locs to swing, sweeping that ass again.

  “Guy, you can either help me clean up or go help your son. But sitting there and staring at my ass is not an option.”

  “Damn, how’d she know?” I thought to myself as I stood up from the dinner table to join her, making myself busy with the dishes as I told her, “I was actually looking at your hair which just so happens to land where? On top of your ass.”

  Her sarcasm was thick when she turned around to ask, “So you did notice it was there? Oh, okay. Good to know.” Then she rolled her eyes, turning back to put finishing touches on the counter.

  While it would’ve been easy for me to just let it go, I couldn’t help myself in taking the little inch she had gave whether she meant to or not, leaning against the counter when I told her, “Of course I noticed it. I mean, how can I not? That’s not even realistic if we’re keepin’ it a buck, especially with you in those damn leggings. You ever put on leggings and not have somebody look at your ass?”

  “Never not once,” she answered shortly as she blew past me towards the sink and began loading the dishwasher.

  I followed her, deciding to lend a helping hand by taking over the rinsing as I told her, “See what I mean. Might as well embrace your blessing. I know I am.”

  She snatched the plate from me with extra vigor, reaching to slide it into the rack when she replied, “Guy, you literally just met me today. Why do you feel so comfortable talking to me like this? Any other man would’ve already gotten his balls kicked in.”

  I shrugged, finding her little threat amusing. “Nova, we’re friends by association now. And considering my balls are still very much intact, I assume you’re not as bothered as you’re claiming to be. But if you want me to shut up about it, I’ll shut up.”

  “Perfect. You read my mind,” she said as she took the last plate, setting it in the rack before reaching under the sink to grab a soap pod. And it was almost as if she was doing it on purpose, giving me yet another perfect view of her ass when she bent over.

  “Okay, one more thing though. That little dimple in the right cheek is A1,” I rushed out just as she was shutting the dishwasher door.

  And once she realized what I had said, she let out an exasperated, “Oh my God.” Just as Jaxson appeared back in the kitchen to tell her, “Miss. Nova, look. Daddy bought me Cars jammies.”

  She gave him a smile, one I couldn’t tell was fake or not since just a few seconds before she was scowling at me. But instead of taking that anger out on him, she only gushed, “How kind of him.” Before continuing to ask, “Did you pick out your book too?”

  “Uhh…” he hummed before slipping back out of the kitchen, making me laugh since he had obviously forgotten. And Nova knew it too, shaking her head with a little chuckle of her own.

  Since she seemed to be back in a good mood, I tried to keep it that way when I said, “Thank you for making dinner, even though I’m already thinking about my midnight snack since Jaxson loved the food so much.”

  While my comment could’ve been taken one of two ways, she finally gave what I knew was a real smile as she teased, “It’s not my fault you tried to include yourself in a Nova and Jax situation.”

  “Oh, so y'all are a thing now? A partnership? A tandem of sorts?” I asked, my eyebrow piqued as I contemplated pouting about being left out.

  But the question only made her smile bloom into a laugh when she insisted, “You sound jealous.”

  “Shit, I am! He’s eating good, getting bathed and bedtime stories. I can’t even get a friendly hug or my own portion of food.”

  “Oh, so you want a hug, huh? That’s what this is all about?” she asked, her eyes twinkling in a way that surprised me since I didn’t expect her to even engage in that part of the conversation.

  But now that she had, I shrugged when I answered, “For starters, yeah.”

  She released a heavy sigh, biting her bottom lip to hold back what I knew was another one of her little grins before she agreed, “Fine. If that’s all you want, then give me a hug, Guy.”

  “You serious?” I asked, knowing the question was a risky one since I should’ve been taking the invite before she could rescind it. But I respected her physical boundaries enough to never cross them without permission, even if that meant cancelling out my own request.

  Surprisingly enough, she seemed to be enjoying the back and forth even more than me now, taking an obvious stab at my ego when she replied, “I’m already tired of you whining like a baby for unfair treatment. So bring it on.” Waving me in with wide arms.

  A grin spread on my face as I took the few short steps to get to her, swooping up under her to wrap my arms low around her waist as her arms went around my neck and giving enough of a squeeze that made her groan as she lifted onto her tippy-toes. With our height difference, my head almost landed on top of hers, the smell of chicken stir fry still lingering in her hair with a touch of… something else.

  A good something else.

  In fact, it was so good that it had me getting even more comfortable as my hands slipped from her waist down to…

  “If you don’t get your hands off of my ass…” she whispered between clenched teeth, making me chuckle as I snapped my hands back up to where they were supposed to stay.

  But even there, I was able to tighten my squeeze, playing dumb when I asked, “What? That’s how we do it where I’m from.”

  She stayed in my arms, but pulled her head back to meet my eyes so she could ask, “Do you grab your grandmama’s ass when you hug her too?”

  I shrugged. “Nah, just give her a little pat on her Depends to let her know I care.”

  “Ewwww,” she groaned with laugh as she fell back to flat feet, prompting me to let her go. And when I did, I couldn’t help but notice that her nipples were rock hard as if she had actually enjoyed being wrapped in my embrace, as if she had enjoyed the closeness as much I had. But apparently I had enjoyed it a little too much, Nova’s eyes going wide once she realized what she had caused down below and creating an awkward moment for the both of us. I mean, I hadn’t gotten hard off a simple ass hug since fuckin’ high school. But here I was, my basketball shorts giving a view of my dick that thankfully wasn’t at full attention.

  She did her best to turn away from it, though I caught her peeking down once again as she stammered, “I’m… gonna go… uh.... give Jaxson his bath.”

  And while I probably should’ve been a little embarrassed, her reaction was enough to put me at ease, letting me know I at least wasn’t in this alone.


  I was sure Jaxson was asleep but I was too afraid to check, thinking he’d pop right up the second I budged. I had been laying there for a solid fifteen minutes, his little head resting on my chest and the book I had read three times through still propped in front of us. And my forearms were aching as I tried to keep the book open just in case he just so happened to miraculously be awake. But the position was also enough to keep me
still so I could process what had gone down in the kitchen.

  It was supposed to be innocent. A friendly hug to have some fun and solidify the beginning of our summer long friendship. But the innocence was long gone once I groaned in response to the smell of his cologne, secretly enjoying the feel of his thick fingers on my ass even though I had told him to quit.

  The truth was, I needed him to quit, finding myself way too close to encouraging him to dig his fingers a little deeper to lift me onto the counter and have his way; dangerous ass territory. I was already planning on putting Trevante to use, but for some reason, it didn’t seem to compare to the dick print Guy had put on display by accident. Well… not exactly by accident. Just like I had reacted to the hug, he had to, in the most impressive way possible. And now I couldn’t stop thinking about it, thinking about him, as I tried to plan my grand exit of getting from up under his child.

  Maybe if I just take a peek...

  The door creaked open and I cringed, assuming that was all it took for him to wake up.

  “Damnit, Guy!” I shouted internally, my eyes tightening as he used his regular voice to assure, “It’s okay, Nova. Once he’s out, he’s out. You don’t have to sleep with him on the first night.”

  I rolled my eyes at what I could tell was another one of his sly jokes as I looked down to Jaxson and slowly slid from under him. He shuffled a little once his head hit the pillow, but quickly went back to a still slumber. Then I pulled the cover over him, giving him a proper tuck before I slid past his bigheaded father out of the room.

  “Hey, what about me?” he asked, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  The moment suddenly felt like deja vu of our initial meet-up as I slowly turned around, crossing my arms over my chest to ask, “What about you?”

  “Can you read me a bedtime story and tuck me in too? Can I fall asleep snuggled against those…”

  There was no use in holding back my smile as I cut him off. “You waste no time, do you?”

  He shrugged, his smile crooked as he stroked his beard. “I thought about it, but couldn’t find good reason to now that you’re pretty much stuck with me.”

  Even though I knew he was right for the most part, I couldn’t help but clarify, “I’m not really stuck with you. We’re just sleeping in the same place.”

  His eyebrow piqued as he leaned against the wall and asked, “Oh, we are? Where exactly is that place? My room or yours?”

  “Oh my God. Do you ever stop?” I asked, rolling my eyes while also being thoroughly entertained by his antics.

  And he only added to that when he shrugged again and replied, “Not ‘til the sun comes up.”


  “Shit, I am serious!” he shouted back, peeking into the room at Jaxson to make sure we hadn’t woke him up as we shared in a laugh before he continued, “Okay. I’m just messin’ with you, beautiful. I was just coming to relieve you of your duties. It’s only day one and I already appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. We appreciate you.”

  I brushed him off like it was nothing, quick to insist, “Jaxson makes it easy. He’s such a sweetheart.”

  Guy nodded to agree. “Yeah, he’s a good kid. But anyway, let me give you some space before you get tired of our asses already.”

  “You know… it’s actually nice to have some people around for a change. Multiple people to cook for, someone to look after. I’m so used to being by myself that having company is kind of… refreshing,” I admitted, the words leaving my lips before I could realize how lonely it probably made me sound. But it was the truth, especially with David being away and my family spread out all over the country meaning I only caught up with them on major holidays.

  Thankfully, Guy didn’t pick fun at my circumstances, choosing instead to reply, “It’s only refreshing until you come home from a long day at work and still gotta do all this same shit. The cooking, the cleaning, the bathing and bedtime stories. Then if you got a shorty you’re kickin’ it with, you gotta find a second wind to give up some dick. Shit is exhausting.”

  For whatever reason, that made me laugh as I told him, “I suppose I can imagine that.”

  “But… you do what you gotta do, even if that means letting her ride herself into an orgasm while you just lay back and watch like a lazy ass nigga,” he replied, licking his lips as if he was already imagining me doing just that.

  Or maybe it was me imagining it.

  Jesus, Trevante is about to get that work tonight!

  I gnawed at my lip, focusing on my toes as I ran them through the plush carpet while also picking up on the fact that, “This sounds like it’s a pretty routine thing for you.”

  Once again, he only shrugged. “Peak single fatherhood if you ask me.”

  Single fatherhood? So baby mama really is just baby mama?

  It was almost embarrassing how much that small tidbit of information made my heart race even if that hadn’t been what he said directly. And it didn’t even affect me no matter how much my nerves might’ve been thinking otherwise according to my body’s reaction. But since it wasn’t even appropriate for me to care to ask, I decided to excuse myself.

  “I’m... gonna get to bed. It’s been a long day,” I told him, thinking about faking a yawn to go along with my act.

  And maybe I really should’ve since he didn’t look convinced, taking a step towards me and completely dominating the space when he said, “Nova, it’s like 8:30. You can’t tell me you’re really about to go to bed already.”

  I had to tilt my head back to meet his eyes, finding them surprisingly soft, warm, as I said, “That’s exactly what I’m telling you, Guy. I’m… tired. From traveling all day and such.”

  His laugh caught me off-guard as he ran a hand along his mouth, pursing his lips together before he replied, “I can take a hint, Nova. You ain’t tryna kick it with your boy, get to know each other on some new homie shit. I got you.”

  For whatever reason, I jumped at the opportunity to defend, “It’s not that. I mean, you’re obviously an interesting person, but…”

  “Gotta go tell your boyfriend goodnight, right? I hear you, girl. Do your thing.”

  “It’s not that either…” I muttered more to myself than him, my annoyance growing as I thought about the fact that I hadn’t heard from David again.

  It almost seemed as if Guy knew it too, taking completely advantage of that fact when he offered, “So let’s chill. Have a little drink on the balcony or somethin’. Kick off the summer right with a toast.”

  I toyed with the idea in my head, knowing time spent with Guy more than likely meant my crush growing exponentially. But something about the kindness of his eyes along with his intentions of kicking off the summer right spoke to my heart, giving me the courage to agree, “One drink. That’s it.”

  “One drink, straight,” he tossed over his shoulder as he headed towards the kitchen.

  He was already digging through the liquor cabinet by the time I caught up to him and shouted, “No way! One drink straight is like three drinks mixed.”

  “Come on, lightweight. Time to roll with the big boys. Put a little hair on your chest,” he insisted with a grunt that made my nose flare.

  “First of all, that’s gross. Second of all, I have an early morning with Kaylin tomorrow. So one drink, mixed.”

  He nodded, but his expression read otherwise, as if he still wasn’t interested in taking my word. And since that was definitely something I’d have to keep an eye on, I watched closely as he pulled both dark and light liquor from the cabinet, lifting them in the air as if to ask me which one I wanted. But when I pointed to the light liquor, a bottle I assumed to be vodka or maybe even tequila, he put that one away and kept the dark liquor in his hand.


  He grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, filling them with ice before setting them down on the counter next to where I was standing. And as he filled one glass with straight liquor and put half liquor half apple juice in the other he said, �
�Alright, fine. But don’t ask for a sip of mine when you’re barely buzzin’ from your regular ass baby drink. Got me using Jaxson’s juice cause you can’t handle a real drink.”

  I tossed a hand his way as I screeched, “Shut up! But I promise I won’t. Drinking after strangers is disgusting.”

  “My mouth is as clean as a dogs, Miss. Nova,” he replied convincingly with a smile that had me taking a full gulp of the drink he had just slid my way to calm what shouldn’t have made me feel a way.

  But of course I felt a way.

  While I was sure the alcohol probably wouldn’t help my cause, I took another sip before finally telling him, “That only makes my point more valid.”

  “Yeah, you sayin’ that now…” he muttered, though everything about me heard him loud and clear.

  Still, I acted like I hadn’t when I grabbed my glass and followed him out onto the balcony, resting my elbows against the ledge as I looked out to the bay just as a ship was passing through. And once again, while I found myself observing the surroundings, I could feel Guy watching me intently as if he was already seeing beyond my outer layer. Then again, that also could’ve been the only thing he saw, even when I broke the silence to acknowledge, “It really is beautiful out here. A beautiful scenery, beautiful energy...”

  “Beautiful women,” he interjected.

  “And men,” I added quickly, mostly to challenge him.

  But somehow he managed to make me feel silly for saying anything at all when he let out a soft chuckle before stepping closer to me to say, “I don’t think your nigga would appreciate you checkin’ for other men out here, Nova.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes at the thought alone. But since I knew that would’ve only set off an alarm of something being wrong, an alarm I was far from ready to address, I only shrugged when I replied, “I can look at men without screwing any of ‘em. And let’s be real, I’m sure he does the same with women.”

  Out of my peripheral, I could see him nodding to agree as he matched my stance, leaning against the ledge and taking up more space than reasonable before he asked, “Why didn’t he come out here with you?”


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