Jingle This!

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Jingle This! Page 13

by Stephanie Rowe

  Excitement shivered through her, and she shoved his shirt over his shoulders. His muscles were bunched, like solid steel beneath her hands, flexing as he kissed his way down her neck and across her collarbone.

  “You taste like vanilla,” he whispered.

  “Scented body lotion,” she gasped, gripping his shoulders to keep her balance. “I didn’t know it had a flavor.”

  “It’s not the lotion.” He bit her collarbone light, and she gasped. “It’s you.” He raised his head, his eyes blazing. “And you taste incredible.”

  “Oh,” she managed, shocked by how badly she was craving more. “How come you gape at my breasts when they’re covered, but you ignore them when they’re yours for the taking?” Oh, God. Had she just said that?

  But Kyle just grinned wickedly. “Oh, I’ll get to them. Patience, my sweet.”

  The promise in those words had her hands trembling. “How about now? Why don’t you get to them now?”

  He picked her up instead, and she obligingly wrapped her legs around his waist. The feeling of his skin against her thigh was unbelievable. She so had to do that more often. Seriously—

  Kyle slid his hands over her hips to her bum, his fingers kneading at the flesh in an ungodly tempting manner. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “Here. Let’s stop here.” The bedroom was like twenty feet away. How was she supposed to keep her breasts waiting that long? Oh, sure, her bottom was getting its due, but it wasn’t enough. His hands should be everywhere, his lips—

  “On the floor?” He raised his brows, his expression so heated that she felt her insides begin to burn.

  “It’s carpeted,” she pointed to it. “Really soft.”

  “Rug burn’s a killer. I can’t promise I’m going to be gentle.”

  Oh… The promise in his eyes was too much. Too much. Anticipation danced through her as he caught her hair and kissed her, holding her head exactly where he wanted it while he claimed her. He carried her toward the bedroom, never breaking the kiss. Okay, so maybe this trip wouldn’t be such a long one. Definitely a good way to pass the time.

  He set her on the bed. Was it her bed? She didn’t even know. It was soft and squishy, but she couldn’t be bothered to look at what she was on. Not with her first view of his chest as he took a step back, giving her full view of the body she’d undressed. She traced his nipples with her thumbs. “They look lonely. Are they lonely?” She took care of the matter with some feisty attention from her mouth that had him making all sorts of delicious sounds that made her feel like quite the goddess. She tugged at his pants, desperate for more. “Too many clothes,” she whispered. “I want all of you.”

  “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” He showed his agreeable nature by helping her remove all his clothes in record time.

  She feasted her eyes on parts of him previously hidden, then blinked in surprise, suddenly nervous. “Whoa. I’m not so sure this is going to be a successful endeavor.” It was quite apparent he was enjoying himself and ready to do anything she requested, but hello! Geometry didn’t seem to be working in her favor. Kyle was… Dear God. He was more than she’d ever seen…

  He broke into a smoky grin that had her insides demanding a chance to prove nothing was impossible. “Then we’ll have to spend some time making sure you’re ready.”

  Oh, yes, yes! Spend some time!

  “Black lace panties, fishnet stockings and black high heels.” He lifted her foot to his chest and kissed her toes. “I never realized exactly how sexy that combo is.”

  Heaven help her, she’d never thought about how seductive it would be to have a man kiss his way down her foot, but she was thinking about it now. Oh, yes, she was.

  One finger trailed down her inner thigh while he slipped her shoes off. Oh wow. She was never going to be able to look at those shoes the same way. And to think she’d casually kicked them into the closet the last time she’d taken them off. This was way better!

  The shoes hit the deck, and then Kyle wound her stockings down her hips, over her thighs, knees, calves, ankles, heels, arches, toes. The fact that he followed their path with his lips was responsible for the sudden convergence in her belly of every drop of heat in her body, so that all the warmth was pooled just north of where his left hand was gripping her thigh.

  Travel north, young soldier! No, wait! You missed the turn! Go back! Go back—

  Kyle’s mouth finally met her breasts, and she gasped as he lightly bit down, sending spirals of heat rushing through her. “Is this what you were wanting?” he asked, his voice low and sexy.

  “Yes.” She almost laughed at how shaky her voice was. But what did she expect with that kind of sensual voice emanating from the vicinity of her very alert nipples? Frantic now for more, she palmed his chest, sliding her hand over his taut abs, and lower… She clasped her fingers around him—

  “Angie!” He croaked out a guttural groan and his body jerked above her.

  Empowerment rushed through her and she stroked him again. “You like that? I could do it again. Or what about this? If I did that…”

  He grabbed her hand and moved it. “I’m not made of stone, love. Wait a few minutes on that.”

  Love? He’d called her love? Fresh heat surged through her, an intense reaction that could never be coaxed by mere physical touch. I love you too, Kyle. Ack! What was that? When had she decided to admit her feelings? That was stupid, dangerous and…

  A foil packet dropped on her chest. “Want to help?”

  Yes, yes, yes. She did. “Is it jumbo sized? Because that’s what we’re going to need.” She grabbed the packet and tore it open. Faster, Angie, faster! Okay, so she maybe loved him. Did she? She knew she did. The emotions were rushing so intensely that she couldn’t think clearly. She could only feel. Exhilaration and liberation rushed through her, and she knew she’d never been in a more perfect place. He was everything she wanted, and he was hers.

  She had to have the man she loved, now. She pushed Kyle onto his back, then settled on his thighs while she took care of the condom.

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him, easing her onto him. He slid easily inside her, and she gasped at the sensation of their bodies coming together. After three years of wanting, it felt so incredible, so right, so perfect. “Okay, so I was wrong,” she whispered as she braced her hands on his chest. “We’re a good fit.”

  “A perfect one.” He settled her in place and began moving under her. His hips moved in a mesmerizing rhythm, and he gripped her hips, making her shift in response. “Let yourself go, love.”

  Love again? Love? Love? Then he thrust again, and the orgasm swept over her, tearing his name from her throat. Kyle shouted, and then every muscle in her body spontaneously burst as the orgasm took them both.

  Love. He’d called her love.


  She was never going to be the same.


  Angie reread the story she’d written. It was unbelievable. Incredible. The best she’d ever written. She and Kyle had stopped at Starbucks on the way to work and interviewed a darling young couple who were holding hands while burning their tongues on lattes. They’d been married for two years, and were so in love it was palpable.

  Just like how she felt about Kyle.

  They’d been two hours late for work this morning, because they hadn’t quite made it out of bed when the alarm went off. It had been just as amazing as the first time, and he’d called her “love” three more times.

  Oh, yes. He loved her. And soon he’d realize it. And her life would be perfect.

  Her door flung open and Heidi stuck her head in. “You busy?”

  “Come on in.” She couldn’t wait to tell Heidi. Or maybe not. Heidi would lecture her for making a mistake, for setting herself up to be burned again. Maybe it would be better to wait until she had proof of Kyle’s love. Not that she needed proof for herself, but it would make Heidi feel better.

  Heidi shut the door then sat down, and Angie realized he
r friend’s eyes were all red and puffy. “What’s wrong?”


  “Is he hurt?” Angie’s heart cranked to a stop, and her gut imploded. “What happened?”

  “I think I’m going to call off the wedding.”

  “Why?” So, he was okay. Relief poured through Angie. Wedding jitters she could help with.

  “Because he loves work more than me.”

  Angie frowned. “Since when?”

  “He hasn’t made it to one party this entire season. He’s always at work. We haven’t had sex in three weeks!”

  Oh… It was probably not a good time to tell Heidi why she’d been late to work. “You know he loves you. He’s just busy.”

  “Is he? Or is it something else? Like he’s had second thoughts and doesn’t know how to tell me, so he’s just avoiding me?” Heidi pulled the collar off her Mrs. Claus outfit and blew her nose. “Will you talk to him?”


  “Yes. Find out. If he doesn’t love me, I can’t hear it from him. You have to tell me. Go talk to him.” Heidi pointed to the phone. “Call him right now and set up lunch for today.”

  “Right.” Anything for her friend. Angie quickly dialed and made an appointment with Quinn’s admin. She set the phone down. “Wednesday.”

  “Wednesday? But it’s Monday! I can’t wait for two whole days, wondering if my life is going to fall apart and be ripped to shreds.” Heidi’s voice escalated to a wail that had the windows trembling.

  Distraction was in order. “I had sex with Kyle.”

  The wail stopped abruptly. “You did?”

  “Several times.” She wasn’t quite sure exactly how many. It was difficult to do math when her body was a quivering mass of sexual exhaustion.

  Heidi tossed the collar in the trash. “I knew there was a reason you wrote such an incredible story today. So, tell me all about it.”

  Angie frowned. “That’s not why I wrote a good story.”

  “Of course it is. Kyle’s your new muse.”

  “My professional success doesn’t depend on a man.”

  Heidi rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. You came into your own when you started dating Roger…”

  “Because I learned how to write, not because I was dating him.”

  “…And then when you were single, you sucked—pardon my French—and now that you’re with Kyle, you’re even more brilliant than before.”

  Angie felt a twinge of panic tighten in her chest. Did she really need a man’s love to be successful at her craft? That made her pathetic, and so dependent. So frightfully and terrifyingly dependent.

  Like there wasn’t enough at risk already with her heart. Her professional future was also in Kyle’s hands? “No. You’re wrong. You must be.”

  “Am I?”


  Kyle smiled to himself. What a weekend.

  And he didn’t regret a single minute of it. Had no idea what would happen next, but he was going to make dinner for Angie tonight at his place. Where it would go after that?

  He didn’t know.

  But he was going to find out.

  A light knock sounded on his door. Kyle looked up to find Roger standing in his office. His face was all twisted and there was a twitch in his cheek.

  Oh, hell. He forgot about Roger.

  Kyle leaned back in his chair, clasped his hands behind his head and tried to look relaxed. “What’s up?”

  “Make a choice. Now.”

  He almost flinched. Don’t make me do it. “What choice?”

  “The company or Angie.”

  Kyle’s hands balled into fists. “She’s not yours to claim. You’re with Sheila.”

  “The company or Angie.”

  “Why does it matter to you?”

  Roger’s face twisted even more. “Did you hear me? I don’t want this damned company anymore. I’m bored and I want to get out. You can have it, but only if you leave Angie alone.”

  Kyle slowly sat up. “You’re serious? You’ll sell me your half of the company?”

  “Yes. If you walk away from Angie.”

  The company. His. If he’ll give up Angie.

  A week ago, no problem.

  Today? He couldn’t do it. But there might be a loophole. “When do you want to close the deal?”

  “February tenth. That gives us almost two months to negotiate the details and get the paperwork drawn up.”

  So all he had to do was cool things with Angie until February tenth. Once he had the company, then there would be nothing Roger could do. In two months, he could have everything he wanted.

  Because he did want Angie. He knew that now. “It’s a deal.”

  Roger walked over and shook his hand. “I’ll make the call and get things moving. Good choice.”

  Kyle barely waited until Roger was out of sight, then he sprinted down the stairs to Angie’s office. The company was his! And after February tenth, he and Angie could be together! No more risk!

  He flung her door open, to find Heidi in Angie’s office wearing a Mrs. Claus outfit. He stifled his shout of victory that had been for Angie’s ears only. “Heidi, can you give us a moment?”

  She beamed at him. “You bet.” She nodded at Angie. “Don’t forget lunch on Wednesday.”

  “I won’t.”

  Kyle waited until Heidi was through the door, then he slammed it shut, vaulted over the desk and pulled Angie into his arms.

  A long, wet kiss later, he was ready to push everything off her desk and show he was spontaneous. As soon as he owned the company, he was ordering locks put on all the office doors. “Guess what?”

  She was laughing, her eyes dancing. “What?”

  “Roger is going to sell me New Age! It’s going to be mine!”

  “No way! That’s awesome!” She flung her arms around him and gave him a hug like he’d never had. Her ebullient response struck him deep inside his gut. She was so excited, for him, because she knew how much it meant to him. She understood him. And it felt good. Really good.

  “So, after February, we can be together all the time and don’t have to worry about anything.”

  She tensed and pulled back. “What do you mean, after February?”

  Anyone else, he’d worry about. But not Angie. She’d understand. “Roger said I had to choose between you and New Age. If I agree to stay away from you, I can have the company.”

  Her face became cold. “And you agreed?”

  “No, it’s not like that.” He grabbed her hands and pressed them to his chest. “I agreed, but once I own the company, he won’t be able to do anything about it. So we’ll just lay low for a couple months.” He grinned. “I can think of plenty of things we can do behind closed doors.” Then his elation dimmed slightly, extinguished by the look on Angie’s face. “Angie?”

  “No, thank you.” She pulled out of his grasp and walked to the door. “You can leave now. For good.” She opened the door and stood there.

  “But, Angie, it’s just temporary. You know how much New Age means to me.”

  “Unfortunately, I do. I’d forgotten. But I remember now.” She grabbed her purse and coat off the door. “If you won’t leave, I will. And don’t follow me.” She walked out and slammed the door behind her.

  Should he follow her? Or let her take time alone? He had no idea what to do, and a rising sense of panic clawed its way into his soul. It was the first time he’d ever cared about a woman walking out on him, and he had no idea what he was supposed to do.

  He was going after her. He couldn’t let her walk out, and if that wasn’t the right thing to do, then too bad. No way could he lose her.

  He jumped around the desk and sprinted to the door. When he yanked it open, Roger was standing there.


  “What are you doing in Angie’s office?”

  “I told her about our deal.” A deal he wasn’t feeling so sure about anymore.

  “No wonder she looked pissed. Excellent.” Roger clapped a hand on his
shoulder. “Let’s go to lunch and talk the details of the transfer.”

  Kyle glanced down the hall, but there was no sign of Angie. It’s only until February. He could make it work. He had to. He’d find Angie later and get her to understand.

  He had no idea how, but he knew he had to.

  Chapter Eleven

  Diamonds. Sigh.

  –Angie Miller, the converted

  The next afternoon Angie walked into Heidi’s office and sat down. “Well?”

  Heidi folded her hands across the desk. “It’s bad.”

  “I knew it.” Angie sighed. “I rewrote that story eight times already. It doesn’t work at all.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “What happened? I was finally back.” Angie groaned and put a reindeer blanket over her head, taking advantage of the fact Heidi happened to have one draped over her chair. “My article was so good. How can I revert again to horrible drivel?”

  “Did you have a fight with Kyle?”

  Angie was silent. That couldn’t be it.


  “I told him I never wanted to see him again.” What was up with the tears in her eyes? Didn’t they know that she’d done the right thing? Stupid emotions, always thinking they knew better than the brain.


  “Roger told him that if he stayed away from me, he’d sell him New Age.” That still burned her up. Where was the love?

  “And he agreed?” Heidi sounded so shocked, Angie decided to pull the blanket off her head and actually face her friend.


  “Even after the great sex?”

  “It must not have been that great.” No, it had been! There was no way she could have felt that kind of connection if he hadn’t been experiencing the same thing. But maybe that wasn’t enough for him. Maybe he could never put a woman before work. “But I’m glad to find it out now.” Be strong, Angie. “He’s already called me six times since then, and sent me forty emails.”

  “Has he changed his mind?”


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