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by William Shakespeare

  stern helm

  stew brothel

  stick stick out; stickle, scruple; pierce, kill

  stickler-like in the manner of a moderator, usher or umpire

  stigmatic someone criminal (branded) or deformed

  stigmatical deformed

  still adj. constant; adv. always, constantly; still an end = constantly

  stillitory apparatus used for distilling perfumes, etc.

  stilly quietly

  sting passionate urge

  stint stop

  stithy sb. smithy, forge; v. forge

  stoccado (in fencing) thrust with the swordpoint

  stock family; dowry; stocking; idiot; stoccado (see stoccado)

  stock-fish, stockfish dried cod, haddock, etc.

  stockish inanimate, insensible

  stole robe, sometimes of religious significance

  stomach sb. part of the body supposedly the seat ofpride, ambition and courage; appetite; inclination; v. feel indignant (at)

  stomacher piece of ladies’ clothing worn over the breast

  stone sb. testicle; thunderbolt; translucent stone used as a mirror; v. turn to stone

  stone-bow catapult

  stool-ball bat and ball game

  stoop bow, bend over; (of a bird of prey) swoop down upon prey

  stop (in horseriding) rapid switch from a gallop to a halt; point where the finger determines a note on a musical instrument

  store sb. plenty; v. fill up

  stoup flagon, tankard

  stout proud; courageous

  stoutness pride; courage

  stover winter food for cattle

  Strachy, The Lady of the (?) an unidentified lady of the day

  straight-pight standing straight, upright

  strain sb. inherited character; pitch, level; v. embrace; transgress; pervert; make no strain = do not doubt; strain courtesy = be unceremonious; hang back

  strait narrow; severe

  straited hard pushed

  strange alien, foreign, unfamiliar; remarkable

  strange-achieved (?) got by curious means; (?) got in distant lands

  strangely like a foreigner or stranger; remarkably

  strangeness aloofness

  strappado a form of torture that involves breaking the arms

  stratagem trick, plot; violent act

  stray men wandering aimlessly; make a stray = stray, deviate

  strength body of soldiers

  strewments strewed flowers

  stricture repression; strictness, rigour strike sb. quantity of bushels; v. strike (lower) sail; (of a planet) ruin with evil influence; fight; strike vessels = (?) chink cups, as in a toast; (?) tap casks

  strossers trousers

  stubborn hard, rigid

  stuck see stoccado

  stuffed congested; full (of qualities or accomplishments)

  stuprum rape (Lat.)

  Stygian of the Styx (see Styx)

  style appellation, title

  Styx a river of the underworld

  subduements men conquered

  subjection allegiance, as required of a subject

  submission confession

  subscribe sign; proclaim; agree; admit

  subscription support, allegiance

  substractors subtractors, Sir Toby’s word for ‘detractors’ (critics)

  subtle deceptive, false

  subtleties elaborate sugar sculptures

  succeed follow; proceed; inherit; pass by succession

  success outcome, upshot, result; succession

  successfully potentially successful

  succession that which follows; inheritors

  successive hereditary

  successively through succession or inheritance

  sue make a petition, ask; woo

  sufferance, suffrance suffering; patience, endurance; permission

  suffice feed, nourish; satisfy

  sufficient competent; prosperous, well off; qualified to act as a guarantor

  suggest tempt, woo, persuade (into sin or discontent)

  suggestion prompting; temptation; craftiness

  sumless countless

  summoner officer who cited people to appear in an ecclesiastical court

  sumpter horse used for carrying baggage

  superflux unnecessary luxuries

  supernal celestial, heavenly

  superscript superscription, address at the head of a letter

  super-serviceable anxious to do any kind of service

  superstitious loving, in the manner of a religious worshipper

  supervise sb. inspection, reading; v. look over, inspect

  suppliance filling-up, occupation

  supply military reinforcement

  supposal idea, notion

  suppose sb. notion, estimate; v. guess at

  supposition, in potential, unconfirmed

  surcease sb. end, hence death; v. cease

  sure safe; loyal; make sure = dispose of, kill; surer side = mother’s side

  surety sb. guarantor; guaranteeing; certainty; v. act as guarantor for

  sur-reined overworked, exhausted

  suspect suspicion

  suspiration sighing

  suspire respire, breath

  sutler seller of provisions

  Suum cuique ‘To each his own’ (Lat.)

  swabber sailor in charge of keeping the ship clean

  swaddling-clouts see swathing-clothes

  swagger act like a bragging ruffian

  swaggerer bragging ruffian

  swart swarthy, dark

  swarth see swath

  swashers swashbucklers, loud ruffians

  swashing swashbuckling, rough

  swath swathe, heap (of mown grass); see swathing-clothes

  swathing-clothes, swathling clothes baby clothes

  sway sb. rule, authority, control; v. rule, exert influence; control oneself

  swayed broken, deformed

  swear make swear, exact an oath from; swear out = give up; swear over = attempt to repudiate with oaths

  sweat sb. plague; v. use a sweating tub (see tub)

  sweet sb. scent; flower; adj. scented

  sweeting sweet apple, used as a term of affection

  swim sail

  swindg’d swinged (see swinge)

  swinge beat

  swinge-bucklers swashbucklers

  Swithold (?) St Withold

  swoopstake in the manner of a sweepstake (one who takes all the stakes in a game)

  sword-and-buckler swashbuckling, boisterous

  sworder soldier

  swounded fainted (cf. sound)

  ’Swounds (by God)’s wounds (an oath)

  sympathise, sympathize agree with or resemble (another) in some quality; share; represent accurately

  synod gathering, conference

  table sb. wooden board for painting on; writing-tablet; palm (of the hand); v. write down

  table-book book of writing-tablets

  tables backgammon

  tabor type of drum, usually played together with a pipe

  taborins military drums, similar to tabors

  tack about change direction (at sea)

  tackled stair rope-ladder on a ship

  taffeta, taffety type of silk

  tag common people

  tailor traditional exclamation when, upon going to sit down, one falls; (?) penis

  taint sb. fault; discredit; adj. tainted; v. lose freshness; speak badly of

  take take on (a role), feign; take fire; make an impression; encounter; enchant, possess; take head = rush away; take on = show anger; take out = copy; take the heat = show anger; act quickly

  taking sb. panic; infection; adj. noxious, infectious

  tale penis (cf. tailor); in a tale = agreed upon the same story

  talent ancient unit of currency; talon

  tall courageous; good-looking, dashing; tall stockings = long stockings

  tally stick notched to keep an accoun

  tamed exposed to the air

  tang clang forth, as a bell

  Tanta est erga te mentis integritas Regina serenissima ‘Such is the honesty of mind towards you, fairest queen’ (Lat.)

  Tantaene animis coelestibus irae? ‘Can heavenly spirits such great resentments feel?’ (Lat., Virgil)

  tar see tarre

  tardy off, come executed inadequately

  targe shield

  tarre urge (a dog) to fight

  tarriance waiting

  tarry await

  Tartar Tartarus, the deepest region of the underworld; Mongol, an archer warrior from the East

  task challenge; tax

  tasking challenging

  tassel-gentle see tercel

  tawdry-lace coloured neckcloth

  tax sb. charge; v. charge, reproach, condemn

  taxation critical attacks; requirement

  teem breed, esp. abundantly

  teen misery, pain

  tell count, count up to

  temper sb. character as defined by the humours (see humour); stability of character, as from a balance of the humours; v. mix, concoct; dilute

  Temperance a Christian name popular with Puritans

  temperate well-tempered, balanced, modest

  temporary temporal (rather than spiritual)

  tempt attempt, make trial of

  tenant someone dependent on a lord

  tend attend

  tendance attendance

  tender sb. offer, token; concern; v. attend to; offer, lay (down); cherish; treat;

  tender-hefted soft and gentle

  tent sb. probe for a wound; canopy over a bed; v. probe (a wound) to clean or explore it

  tercel male falcon

  Tereus see Philomel and Progne

  Termagant a blustering, villainous role in the Mystery plays

  terminations terms, language

  termless that defies the power of language (terms)

  Terras Astraea reliquit‘Astraea has left the earth’ (Lat., Ovid) (see Astraea)

  tester, testril small coin

  tetchy touchy, irritable

  tetter sb. disfiguring skin complaint; v. disfigure on the skin

  text motto; sermon; text B = ‘B’ in formal script

  Thane Scottish nobleman of middling rank

  thankful deserving thanks

  theoric (military) theory

  therefor for that

  Thessaly region of Greece terrorized by a fierce boar

  Thetis sea-goddess and mother of Achilles

  thews sinews, strength

  thick adj. dull; numerous; adv. in a hectic manner, hurriedly

  thills shafts of a cart or wagon

  thin-belly having a thin waist

  thing, a something

  think be gloomily introspective

  third achieve a third of

  thirdborough officer similar to a constable

  thought melancholy contemplation; with a thought = quick as a thought

  Thracian from Thrace; Thracian poet = Orpheus, killed by followers of Bacchus; Thracian tyrant = Polymestor, blinded by Hecuba for murdering her son

  thrasonical like Thraso, a braggart soldier in a comedy by the Roman dramatist Terence

  three-farthings coin featuring a rose behind the sovereign’s ear

  three-man song-men singers of music for three male voices

  three-nooked divided into three, as a map of the world divided into Asian, European and African segments

  three-pile thick, costly velvet

  Threne threnos (Gr.= ‘lament for the dead’)

  thrice-crowned queen the moon

  thrift profit

  thriftless unprofitable

  throe (of giving birth) pain

  thrum tuft of unwoven yarn

  thunder-stone thunderbolt, believed to be a stone

  thwart adj. churlish, obstreperous; adv. sideways; v. cross

  tickle adj. unsteady; v. flatter; entertain; tickle’t up = give sexual pleasure, bring to orgasm

  tick-tack board game involving pegs and holes

  tide full flood, chance for action; high tides = holidays

  tidy well-fed

  tight water-tight; skilful

  tike mongrel

  tile, washed a wasted time, as one would by washing an oven tile (proverbial)

  tilt spar, thrust

  timeless untimely; taking no time, speedy

  timely in good time, early

  tinct alchemists’ potion (see med’cine); colouring

  tincture colour, esp. in heraldry; scent

  tire sb. attire, esp. for the head; v. (of birds of prey) feed by pulling the flesh apart

  tiring-house attiring-house, green-room

  tisick phthisic, a cough associated with lung disease

  Titan the sun

  titely quickly, speedily

  tithe sb. a tenth of one’s produce or income paid to the church; v. take tithes

  tithing parish

  title entitlement, claim

  titlers claimants

  tittles little dots and dashes in writing

  to cry of encouragement

  toast fragment of toasted bread taken in wine

  toaze tease

  tod sb. unit of weight in wool- dealing; bush; v. amount to a tod of wool

  tofore before

  toge toga, gown

  toil sb. hunter’s snare or net; v. exercise, put to work

  tokens, the Lord’s skin blemishes caused by the plague

  toll for put up for sale

  tomboys harlots, whores

  tool blade; penis

  top sb. height; v. mount, have sex with (cf. tup); take time by the top see occasion

  topgallant platform on a ship’s mast

  topless supreme

  tortive contorted

  toss carry impaled on a pike; (of a book) (?) leaf through; (?) throw about

  tottering swaying; ragged

  touch sb. touchstone; brushstroke; facial feature; v. test, as a touchstone tests gold; refer to; keep touch = keep one’s promise

  touse dislocate

  toy something trivial or imaginary; take toy = be seized by a mad impulse

  trace succeed; attend, keep up with; roam

  tract track, route; trace

  trade traffic, business

  traded skilled

  trade-fallen out of work

  train sb. bait, snare; v. lure, as towards a trap

  traject an Italian ferry

  trammel up entangle, as in a net

  transfix pierce, impale; fix, imprint

  translate convert, metamorphose; explain

  transpose alter

  trash keep (an eager hound) in check

  travail, travel sb. labour; journey; v. labour

  traverse (in fencing) dodge and weave; march

  tray-trip a dice game (cf. trey)

  treatise words, account, story

  treble-dated long-living

  tremor cordis ‘trembling of the heart’ (Lat.), palpitations

  trench dig (a trench), gouge, cut

  trencher wooden plate

  trencher-friends friends won by feeding

  trenchering trenchers (see trencher)

  trencher-knight one who is brave only at the dinner table

  trey winning throw of three at dice

  tribunal platform for Roman magistrates; tribunal plebs = Clown’s mistake for ‘tribuni plebis’ (Lat.= ‘tribunes of the people’ (see tribune))

  tribune Roman magistrate representing the interests of ordinary citizens

  trick sb. trifle; knack; distinctive feature; v.(in heraldry) colour; dress

  tricking adornments

  Trigon triplicity, grouping of three zodiacal signs by element (e.g. fire)

  trill roll

  triple third

  triple-turned three times unfaithful

  tristful sorrowful

  triumph pageant of processions and

  triumphant of a triumph, triumphal

  triumphantly in the spirit of a triumph

  triumvirate a ruling coalition formed on two occasions in Roman history, first between Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, subsequently between Octavius, Antony and Lepidus

  triumviry see triumvirate

  Trojan lad, bloke

  troll sing heartily

  troll-my-dames game taken round fairs

  trophy monument, esp. of a battle; ornament; token

  tropically metaphorically

  trot crone, hag

  troth truth; faith

  trow suppose, believe; know; wish to know, wonder

  Troyan see Trojan

  truckle-bed small bed on wheels stored under a normal bed

  truepenny good lad

  trull whore

  truncheon baton, symbol of military command

  trundle-tail curly-tailed dog

  trunk sleave large, wide sleave

  try sb. test; v. test, prove; try with main-course = (of a ship) lie stationary

  tub pickling barrel; sweating tub, for the treatment of venereal disease

  tuck rapier; standing tuck = blade that has lost its resilience

  tucket trumpet-call

  tuition care

  Tully (Marcus Tullius) Cicero, Roman politician, orator and writer of books on oratory

  tun-dish type of funnel

  tup (of a ram) mount, penetrate

  turtle turtle dove, known for its faithfulness

  tushes tusks

  twiggen made of twigs, wicker- work

  twire twinkle, glint

  type mark, badge, title

  tyrannically fiercely

  tyranny violence, fierceness

  tyrant fierce; fowl of tyrant wing = bird of prey

  umber brown earth

  umbrage shadow

  unable powerless

  unaccommodated not provided with the usual clothes or comforts

  unacquainted unfamiliar

  unadvised adj. unintentional; adv. carelessly, without thinking

  unagreeable inappropriate

  unanel’d not anointed with the holy oil of the last rites

  unapproved false

  unaptness unwillingness

  unattainted not infected

  unattempted unassailed

  unavoided unable to be avoided, inevitable

  unbarbed uncovered

  unbated not blunted; lacking the protective ‘button’ normally used on the tip of a fencing weapon

  unbent not frowning; not prepared, as the slack bow of an archer

  unbid not asked for or invited

  unbitted unrestrained

  unblow’d cut before fully grown

  unbolt open up

  unbolted impure; (?) without a penis

  unbonneted without one’s hat; without having removed one’s hat

  unbookish ill-informed

  unbraided still in good condition


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