Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel

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Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel Page 10

by Natasha Thomas

“Abso-fucking-lutely. I’ve already called him. He said he’ll have that shit, and a set of divorce papers for you by lunch time tomorrow. Cost a fucking mint, but consider that shit my gift to you and my granddaughter. Divorce will still take six weeks to process, but after that you’re all good.”

  Taking the first deep breath I have taken in five years I hug the old guy again. “I’ve got the money dad. I don’t give a fuck what it costs either. I just want the cunt gone.”

  Looking more serious now, dad stare at me with his soul sucking grey eyes.

  “Fuck your money. Keep it. Buy Lexi something, but seriously boy, you think hard on your next move. I know what your end game is, and I don’t want you fucking with my other little girl in your quest to get there.” Growling at him I go to interrupt, but I don’t get the chance. “Shut the fuck up. I know you’re going to go after Kendall. Fuck boy. We all know that. I’m not saying you can’t, or even that you shouldn’t, but when you do, you do it smart. You get one shot at this shit. If you fuck it up I’ll tell that girl myself to cut you fucking loose.”

  What. The. Fuck? Cut me loose? Oh, hell fucking no.

  “You don’t get to make that choice old man. Fuck you.”

  Slapping me on the back of the head he stands. We’re eye to eye, but being nothing but honest the guy still scares the shit out of me sometimes. He’d never lay me out unless I really fucked up and deserved it, but his anger consumes all the oxygen around us.

  “Yeah boy I fucking do. I’m the only asshole around here who knows your whole fucking story. I don’t blame you for not sharing that shit, but I’ve got no problem personally sharing far and wide to protect that girl if I have too. Have you thought out what her dad’s going to say if you go after Kenny without knowing what we do about that sham fucking marriage you were in?” He waits for a beat before asking again. “Well did you?” Well, fuck me. No I hadn’t. Call me dumb, but I assumed when all this shit was over things would just come together for Kendall and I. I didn’t consider an alternative. There wasn’t one I’d be satisfied with anyway. “Son, I know you love her, and I’m not saying for one second you shouldn’t be with her. All I’m saying is ride this six weeks out. Tell Kenny the truth. The whole fucking truth, and let her decide while you’re waiting for that paperwork to become legal and binding. You know damn well that girl will choose you. If she’ll even look in your fucking direction after that shit you pulled years ago, and after knocking up some cunt, you don’t have any worries. Just think first son that’s all I ask.”

  He has a point. I don’t want Kendall thinking I’m just bed hopping with her, or that she’s a rebound after my relationship with Isabella. That’s not what I want her to believe because it’s so far removed from that it’s not funny. She deserves the truth, and I’m sure as fuck going to give it to her as soon as I get the chance. I’ll take dad’s advice. Let this shit with Isabella play out. Fuck. I’m pretty sure I haven’t heard the last of that bitch even after I gave her the offer of a lifetime tonight which she begrudgingly accepted. It all seems just a little too easy for my liking. While I have no doubt she’ll sign over Lexi for the twenty grand, I have a feeling, call it gut instinct, the divorce won’t go quite as smoothly. I’ve always been Isabella’s target of choice. Her human punching bag. Verbal sparring partner. Fucking doormat, and it’s just a little hard to believe that she’ll give that up easily. She’s been the bane of my existence for years, and if I know anything about how she works, it’s that she doesn’t do anything quiet or easy.

  “I hear you dad. I’ll get this shit signed, move her the fuck out of my house, and talk to Kendall. I think it’s about time she knows the score anyway.”

  Clapping me on the shoulder, he nods his ascent.

  “Past time for that son.” Giving me a shove in the shoulder he adds, “Now fuck off boy, and let me enjoy my piss warm beer in peace. I haven’t had pussy in for-fucking-ever and this is the only thing I’ve got to keep me company right now.” Before turning away to drown his sorrows, and the needs of his lonely dick in a bottle he asks, I’m surprised it took him this long actually, “Hey. Where’s my fucking granddaughter anyway? Tell me you’re not stupid enough to leave her with that fucking cunt?”

  Fuck me drama, and he’s not even a chick in which case it might be borderline acceptable. You’d also think I’m still a dumbass ten-year-old kid.

  “Fuck off. I’m not stupid. Lexi’s at Kendall’s. Isabella was too busy fucking John to bother getting her from nursery or I assume that was her plan because that’s what she was doing. I lined Kendall up this morning. Lexi was sleeping, so Kendall told me to leave her and she’ll have her ready to go to nursery tomorrow.”

  Nodding appeased by my answer dad replies with,

  “Fucking good woman that one. Be careful you don’t fuck it up son. There’s about fifteen odd brothers’ that’d be more than happy to make her their Ol lady.”

  I know what he’s doing, and so does he. Fuck if it doesn’t work every-motherfucking-time though. “Shut the fuck up. If any of those fucking guys lay a hand on Kendall I’ll put them to ground. It’s fucking common knowledge, and not anything I haven’t said before and I won’t say again, Kendall’s off-limits. To everyone that’s not me” Bastard just laughs at me. Well fuck him.

  Reaching for my own bottle of beer our most recent prospect is offering, I sit down and wait for the relief I know the end of this situation will bring. I don’t need alcohol to give me peace or escape anymore. Finally after years of suffering, biting my tongue, and relinquishing my own happiness, I’ve got a chance to make things right and take my slice of happy.



  “Oh my God. Seriously mom? Do you know what damn time it is?” My head is pounding. I woke up to my phone trilling and bouncing around on my bedside table at the ungodly hour of six-AM. Oh, precisely thirty seconds ago that would be. Why mom thinks I would ever be awake and willing to face the world this early is beyond me.

  “Watch your mouth young lady. I happen to know you have my grandbaby there, so you would have had to be up soon enough anyway.” How she knows that is again beyond me, but mom seems to know everything about everyone, so I don’t dwell on it. When I was a teenager I considered burning down ‘Hair Do’, the salon Lou manages, and mom get her hair done at. Every time she goes there she manages to score more gossip than most normal people do in a year. Sadly, some of it’s about me, hence the desire to burn it down.

  Sighing, I resign myself to the fact that she isn’t going to leave me in peace to get some more much needed sleep, so I ask,

  “What can I do for you this fine morning mom?”

  I hear her chuckle, and my dad who I can hear in the background is too.

  “Oh sarcastic one. I was going to tell you some all-important exciting news, but seeing as you want to sass me this morning I think you can wait until you hear it from the grapevine like every other townsperson.”

  Please, please, please do not tell me she called to tell me about some really icky sex toy she brought online again. Yes. I did say again! Last time mom woke me before seven AM, it was because she decided it was okay to go into explicit detail about this ‘fantastic, orgasm multiplying, rabbit vibrator thingy’, her words not mine, that she brought online from Pandora’s Box. Sure, after telling me she brought it there I must admit I checked it out. The stuff they sell on there is a definite head turner, and made me a little curious as to what you did with half the stuff. If that wasn’t gross enough, hearing my mother talk about vibrators and all, I heard my dad yelling in the background that there is in fact nothing wrong with his cock, and he’s going to burn the offending plastic dick for insulting his stamina and performance in the sack. Again, his words not mine.

  Anyone want to know what dry retching after not drinking to excess the night before feels like? I can tell you from experience. It’s nasty.

  “Mom am I going to have to find some sort of memory erasing time machine to remove this c
onversation after we have it? Because if I do can you at least let me find one before you start.”

  She giggles at me. I have no doubt she remembers the exact conversation I’m referring too.

  “Oh shush. Your dad burned that sucker the same day I told you about it. He cursed it out the whole time too. Stuff about dirty commercialisation of cocks and such. Why companies bother to manufacture plastic dicks when there are perfectly good, huge dicked men to satisfy us and all. He really was more than ridiculous about the whole thing.” Did I say oh my God yet?

  It is seriously too early in the morning for this shit.

  “Seriously mom is everything okay? I need to get up and shower quickly before I have to see to Lexi. Declan’s picking her up at eight and I need to sort her for nursery.”

  “Oh she’s such a sweet baby. Tell Dec to bring my grandbaby to see me soon. Better yet, let me have her for a bit now I’m home. I got back so late last night that even your dad was in bed before me.” Sucking in a quick breath I let her go on feeling relieved that she stopped that sentence where she did. It’s just easier sometimes to let her babble while I got about my business. Shuffling to my closet I throw the doors open and start searching for something to wear to work today. “Anyway, I’m calling to inform you, oh so ungracious daughter of mine, that Uncle Pipe called your dad last night and told him that Dec kicked that horrible woman out, and is making her sign custody of sweet Lexi over to him today.”

  Say. Fucking. What? I’m sure I didn’t hear her right. Honestly who cares if I did or not? I’m almost hyperventilating at the thought alone. I can barely manage to squeak out.

  “Oh mom. What happened? Poor Lexi.” I can hear her sigh on the end of the phone.

  Mom and dad have always been frustrated at my reactions to things like this. More often than not I tend to focus on others. I’ve found it easier than having to deal with my own emotions when I don’t know quite what to think or do with them.

  “Now you listen hear young lady.” Oh great. I only get the young lady business when she getting pissed. “That woman is a horrible mother. An awful wife, and has never been a good person. I don’t give a good God damn why Dec’s done what he has. He’s finally done it and that’s all that matters. I’ve only been waiting for years for him to come to his senses, so we’ll support his choices and help where we can. Do you hear me missy?” Yep. Loud and clear mam’.

  Not like I wouldn’t have supported Dec and Lexi anyway.

  “Yes mom. I didn’t mean that it wasn’t the right choice. Of course I know it is. Isabella’s never been cut out to be a mother or a wife. I’m just worried how Lexi’s going to cope and adjust.”

  Mom sounds determined now.

  “That’s just it sweetheart. She’ll adjust. It’s not like they’re moving and she’s losing all of her family or uncles. It’s simply that the dragon woman won’t be there to fill that poor child’s head with lies and filth. She still has us and we’ll be there to help her every step of the way.” It’s true. At one time or another Isabella has attempted to turn Lexi against all the men in the club, mom, me, even her granddad. I say attempted because it’s never worked. Dec stopped it all from going any further before it even had a chance to sink in to Lexi’s little head.

  Hearing my door squeak open I see the little cherub in question poke her head in. Her face is creased with little blanket lines. Her blonde curls hand in an unruly mess around her face. The one thing that’s the same no matter what time of day it is, is her gorgeous smile. Lexi always has the brightest, happiest smile on her face.

  “Hold on mom.”

  Putting the phone down on my bed I open my arms to her. As always Lexi runs right into them squeezing me tight.

  “Morning Princess Lexi. Did you sleep well?”

  Squeezing again she replies her voice still rough with sleep,

  “Yep Kenny. I did lots of sleeping. Did you sleep good?” Aw what a sweetheart. Lexi always asks if I slept ok. Not only that, she seems genuinely interested in the answer.

  “Sure did Doll Baby. Kenny has to finish talking to granma B quickly. You want to go see if Abel and Monty are awake yet?” One of Lexi’s favourite things to do is curl up next to Abel and tickle his belly until he wakes up, stretches big, and licks her face repeatedly.

  “Yes please.” Squealing, plus four and a half-year-old, plus before seven-AM, minus caffeine, equals God save me.

  Putting Lexi on her feet making sure she has cleared the hallway, I pick up the phone again.

  “Sorry mom. Lexi’s up. I’ve gotta go.”

  “Okay sweetheart. Ask Dec if he wants to come stay with us for a bit until that woman clears out. I’m sure Pipe is happy to have him, but he doesn’t come with food.”

  Laughing at her I totally agree with her assessment. If there’s one thing I know about Dec, it’s the man can totally pack the food away. Isabella is not a cook so he rarely gets a home cooked meal unless mom or I make it. Her suggestion will be more than appealing I’m sure.

  “I’ll make the offer mom. I’m sure he’ll let you know. Love you. Tell dad I love him too.”

  Yelling so I can hear dad says,

  “Love you baby girl. See you tomorrow for your birthday hog roast.”

  Oh fuck. I forgot all about that. I mean I know it’s my birthday tomorrow, but I forgot all about the hog roast mom and Aunt Sheila, Uncle Vic’s wife, have organised at the club. I’m not sure it’s still a good idea to go ahead with it after this shit with Dec and Isabella’s gone down?

  “Umm. About that?”

  “Shush missy. It’s all organised. I already know what you’re head is thinking. How do you think Dec will feel if he knows you cancelled because of his business? And Lexi sure won’t be impressed either. Now I love you sweetheart. Go feed my grandbaby.” She hangs up without waiting for me to argue back. Smart woman because she totally knows I would have.

  I manage to shower quickly, well quickly for me is ten minutes give or take, so hopefully Lexi hasn’t been left unattended for too long. Who know what she can get up to in the span of twenty minutes? I throw on my black Harley tank with wicked silver wings printed on the back. I brought it in Sturgis during the rally last year. I seriously freaking love this shirt. Pulling on my favourite well-worn jeans I add my thick black belt with stamped rivets and Harley branded buckle to complete this mornings’ ensemble. Socks and boots can wait. I hate wearing shoes on the best of days. If I have to its boots, boots, or who am I kidding, boots? My hair will have to wait too. Princess Lexi loves me doing her hair, so I’ll take care of hers at the same time I do mine. Time to check on the menagerie I suppose.

  As expected Lexi and Abel are busy smooching, and Monty’s chanting, ‘Kiss him, kiss him’. I laugh and head to the kitchen to start my much needed caffeine fix and sort out Lexi’s breakfast. After breakfast I begin the mammoth task of taming her almost style resistant curls finishing it off by adding a few butterfly clips to keep the strands of hair out of her eyes. Just as I finish fishtail braiding my hair Dec knocks on the door. The man has awesome timing as always. I decided somewhere between cleaning cheerio’s off Abel’s back, Lexi missed his mouth, (more than once), and clipping the last butterfly in her hair that I’ll wait for Dec to broach the subject of Isabella with me. If he doesn’t by the time he’s due to leave I’ll try to work it in to the conversation somehow. Discreetly, but I’ll get it in there either way. I’m sneaky like that.

  “Kenny. Can I open the door?” I’ve taught Lexi she always has to ask if she can open the door before just doing it. I mean it’s pretty safe around here, and everyone who’s lived on this street for more than five minutes knows who my dad is, but you can never be too careful with kids. It would kill me if anything happened to precious Lexi. Checking through the curtains of my bedroom I have a clear view of the front door.

  The only downside of this house is that the main bedroom is at the front, directly facing the street. Car lights at all hours, road noise, and doors opening and sla
mming too early in the morning do not a happy Kendall make. “Sure sweetie. Tell dad I’ll be just a minute.”

  I hear Abel’s single bark. It’s his way of greeting people, followed by Lexi’s excited voice. I know Dec’s swinging her around in his arms while listening to her recount of my hairdressing capabilities. I’ve seen him do exactly that every morning he comes to pick her up.

  “Morning Sweetheart.”

  Holy shit. I think I just peed myself a little.

  “Fuck Dec. You scared the shit out of me.” He’s standing leaning against of my bedroom doorframe looking sexy as hell. Damn him. Dressed in a plain light grey t-shirt that stretches across his huge defined chest and broad shoulders, topped with his Devil’s Spawn cut, he’s the epitome of the bikers portrayed in the trashy romance novels I didn’t say exist. Dec’s jeans hug his muscled thighs, and look like they may fall of his trim waist at any moment. The man exudes sex. Jesus Christ. Even the way Dec leans is sexy. God help me, but I think it’s definitely time to do something about this little virginity issue I have. It’s that or change my panties at least fifty million times when Dec’s around, and let’s be honest, that’s simply not practical. Not to mention I don’t have enough free cash lying around to visit Victoria’s Secret daily. Seriously, that bitch, (Victoria), doesn’t have any secrets any more so why pretend she does?

  Bringing my attention back to the sexy hunk of man meat standing in my doorway, I raise a brow prompting him to hurry this along. I can’t be in the same vicinity as him for long before getting flustered, so I hope he says what he needs to say and leaves quickly.


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