Nature of the Beast

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Nature of the Beast Page 12

by Girl, Breukelen

  Bg smiled broadly, unable to help herself. “Riding down the moon, why whatever do you mean?” she teased as they started walking to the open plan kitchen around the corner of the banister, towards the back of the condo.

  “Like you don’t know what it means to push the envelope of how long you can hold on, and be turned on, till right before a shift? You look rather angelic Miss Sommers, but I don’t think you’re that naive.” He said as they walked into the kitchen and he looked over at the fridge.

  Bg giggled.” You’re making me sound like a bad, bad, girl.”

  “Who said I liked nice girls anyway?” Paris asked opening the large stainless steel fridge door. “Would you like a drink or something to eat?”

  “You gonna whip me up a meal?”

  “If you call putting two pieces of bread and peanut butter and jelly together between the slices a meal, then yes, I was going to offer you gourmet sandwiches.”

  Bg ran her tongue around the bottom of her lip. “Actually, that sounds good.”

  “I think I have fresh coffee too, if you wanted to compliment the gourmet with a beverage.”

  “Only getting better.”

  “Oh but there’s even more,” he said as closing the fridge door. “I’ve had your bag of clothes dropped off here, from the other night. There’s a shower upstairs, at the far end of the corridor if you want to freshen up and guest room is on the right.

  “Where do you sleep?” She asked him.

  “In the only other bedroom up there.” He smiled back at her, pulling out a loaf of bread from a bread bin.

  “Then that’s where I’ll sleep tonight too.”

  Paris paused his sandwich making and looked at her. “You don’t have to do that, you know that right? We’re in no rush here.”

  “You might not be.” She chuckled lightly. “But if my werewolf is ever going to adjust to a Manhattan Maen werewolf, then she’s got to start getting used to him sometime. I’m thinking, while I’ve managed to get you alone for the first time in three days.” She grinned back at him. “So is that gourmet sandwich come with bedside service?”

  “You’re a bad, bad, girl.” he murmured with delight.

  “Only when I want to be.”

  He chuckled at her and pointed towards upstairs at her as she laughed and made her way back out to the staircase.


  Paris walked in to the guest room and noted Bg’s bag of clothing was still on the bed, seemingly untouched. He put the plate with her sandwich down on the bed and the Coffee by her bedside table. He heard the shower running.

  Bg wasn’t the only one fighting tiredness over such activity and emotional upheaval in the past few days.

  Paris walked into his room, unbuttoning his shirt quickly. Suddenly the thought of warm water running over his skin, clearing his mind, was a desperate thought that was driving him towards his own bathroom. He stopped inside his room and froze.

  Bg was standing beside his bed, looking back at him, in nothing but a terry towel. “Did you get lost on the way to the other bathroom?” he asked coolly, slowly walking towards her. “The room right next to the guest room.” She shook her head slowly.” Are you trying to seduce me Ms Sommers?”Bg smiled up at him and nodded her head again. “It’s working.” He murmured, running his fingers along the top of the towel, that covered her breasts. “Opps.” Paris uttered, as he flicked the top part of the towel and it fell apart, sliding down her body, pooling at her feet.

  “Oh now look what you’ve done.” She replied softly with a bold smile.

  “I’m looking, I’m looking.” Paris grinned, taking in her nakedness. His hands slowly running over her hips and sides, up to her breasts. The feel of her smooth skin under it.

  “What does it take for a girl to get a kiss out of you?” She asked softly as his face came within an inch of hers, as he lifted his head to look at her.

  “Why are you so eager to rush me?” He replied, enjoying the feel of her in his hands.

  “One word – frustration.”

  His eyes roamed over her breasts and up her neck, as he slowly raised his eyes to look at her. “Where would you like your kiss?” he replied heatedly.

  “You do know the shower is running,”

  “Well that answers the first part of our where, question.” He replied smiling at her and undoing his belt buckle and pants. Bg flashed him a smile and walked into the bathroom swinging her hips as she went. Paris groaned at the site of her cute derrière moving away from him. “But not quite everything.”


  Bg’s back shoulders pressed against the titled shower wall as the warm water ran down her breasts. She cupped them tweaking her own nipples with delight. Paris’s left hand, alternated between gripping her hip, and digging his fingers into the tender flesh of her behind. The other, he used to keep her folds parted, as he rubbed her clit, so his mouth could eagerly lap between her thighs, making her cry out softly with each increasing sensation he built within her.

  Her hips lifted up to meet his mouth and she grabbed his head by its hair tightly in excitement. It was an exquisite feeling of pressure that was building between her thighs and looking at him on his knees, before her, turned her on even more. To know she had a powerful, alpha male, like Paris literally on his knees for her. Wanting her. Tasting her, drinking her in.

  It was the third night of the lunar week and Bg knew, how long she had with Paris before she would be required to shape shift, yet again. It seemed to her that she was losing more and more time with the man, than she was gaining and it made her wonder if the forces at play around her, were trying to tell her something. But she was choosing to ignore whatever the message was for the time being. Because she was there with Paris and he was with her.

  When she came hard into his mouth, bucking upwards, he caught her. Moaning back into her with delight as he tasted her on his tongue. Slowly he kissed a trail, alternating between licking rivulets of water off her, as he made his way, up towards her breasts. Sucking down on her stiff nipples hard, as he lifted her up, and Bg wrapped her legs eagerly around his hips.

  She sat just above him, feeling his rock hardness underneath her moist lips, she started to move lightly against him, rubbing herself sensitively on him. As he pressed her to the back shower wall as he consumed her mouth in a deep heated kiss of need. His tongue sought her out, as he felt her soft feel of her body, finally against his own harder contoured body heating his own skin. Making the shower water by comparison, cooler.

  Paris pulled back, breaking for air with her. “We need to be careful about this.” He said, resting his forehead against hers. “You’re body temp is already quite warm. We have to be sure you’re not going to, have another episode like before.” He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, holding her gaze.

  Bg noted the restraint in his eyes. The control in his manner all of a sudden. He still wanted her, like she wanted him. “You’re not going to make me sick.” She said softly with half a smile at him.

  Paris tilted his head slightly. “We don’t know that. Yet.”

  “It’s official, I’m beginning to get frustrated.” Bg remarked as he chuckled at her. “And you don’t think it’s just the shower heating me up?” Bg replied unhooking her legs from him and sliding back down, reluctantly. “So you’re slowing us down again, mister control freak.”

  Paris raised an eyebrow at her. “What did you just call me?”

  Bg grinned at him, her arms still wrapped around his neck so they were chest to chest as her feet touched the shower floor. “A control freak, are you going to deny it?” She said cheekily.

  “I don’t think anyone has ever been game enough to say that to my face before now.” He said wiping water off the side of her face.

  “You mean brave enough?” Bg smirked sliding her arms down his sides and feeling his body underneath her hands with glee.

  “Where is this new attitude coming from?” He asked stepping back into the shower spray and tilting his head back

  “New attitude? I thought you liked me because of my attitude.” Bg replied watching him start to soap himself up.

  Paris smiled at her and let his eyes drop as they slowly worked their way back up her body. “Well, it’s one of the reasons.” He smirked at her, as she leaned back against the shower cubicle’s wall and looked at him dangerously.

  “So does this mean, you’re not going to touch me, at all?” She asked, playfully, running her hands over her breasts and squeezing them lightly for him to see.

  Paris stilled, letting the soapy suds run down his body, without further thought. “Does this mean, I’m going to have to, touch, myself?” She asked him, watching as he watched her hands roam over her abdomen, slowly going lower, till they met the neat patch of dark hair, between her thighs. Bg opened up her leg stance a little as she continued to lean back on the wall.

  Paris’s mouth dropped open and Bg smirked as his eyes darkened watching her fingers, as they plunged into herself. “Cause I could do this for a good while yet.” She said in a light voice at him.

  The water kept hitting the back of Paris’s broad shoulders as he stood rigid and panting in the shower that was beginning to steam up around them. His right hand moved to his own cock, as he began to slowly move his hand along it, mimicking her own rhythm.

  Paris glanced up at Bg and leaned forward suddenly, his left hand landing above her shoulder and pressing down on the wall, as he leant towards her on an angle.

  “I’d like to see that.” He husked, still masturbating himself as he leaned, closer to her, above her own body, yet not touching her in any way.

  She looked down at his hand and he looked down at her fingers. Bg began to rock herself on two fingers. The sound of her slickness, causing Paris to groan deep in the back of his throat. “That should be me,” He grunted in frustration, picking up speed on his own cock. “Me and you together.” He husked, watching her masturbate herself faster, matching his speed.

  “You and me together, fucking each other’s brains out under a full moon, can you see it?” Bg said breathlessly, biting her bottom lip. Paris lifted his head and stared at her hard.

  “You mean…”

  “Somewhere outside, under a clear night sky, when the moon is full, just before we have to shape shift,” she said still plunging into herself as he kept pace with her, whilst looking at her face. “And you’re sitting on your knees, and I slid down onto you, my back to you, as you grip my breasts, pulling me onto you, helping me ride you, as you bite the back of my neck. And just when we think we can’t take anymore, when it’s too much and coming feels like we’re going to trigger the shift, we both throw our heads back up at the moon and howl together, as one.”

  Paris dove at her mouth hard, biting her bottom lip as he kissed her, fighting for control of her with his tongue as his hand sped up, and he felt the building pressure of his orgasm rip through his body.

  “Ahhh.” He muffled in the sound of her mouth, slowly parting for air as he buried his head in her shoulder, while his body jerked, all he had, out of him. Bg grinned as he breathed heavily into her shoulder, his head turned away from her. She ran her fingers through the back of it lightly. “You want me to claim you?” He asked softly, his lips moving across her wet skin as he asked.

  “Don’t you?” She asked him in return, cautiously. Paris lifted his head and looked at her, getting his panting back under control again.

  “Hell yes. I’m selfish like that Bg, I want you all to myself.” Paris said leaning into her ear. “I want you.”

  He pulled his head back and looked at her. “And I don’t want to just ravage you like the wild animal inside me might. I want to soak in every bit of you scent. Lick every bead of sweat, and taste you on my tongue, again and again. I want to take my time with you. And one date, just isn’t going to cover that. Especially since I’m going to be good about it, and restrain myself from making any moves on you tonight.”

  Bg’s mouth opened and she felt her lips dry as she blinked slowly at him. “You are?”

  Paris nodded his head watching the sudden disappointment cross her pretty face. “Even after this?” She asked curiously. He nodded his head again.

  “That night I met you at Hotel Le Bleu, I thought we were connecting but you seemed, I don’t know..”


  “Distracted, is what I was going to say.”

  “Plus horny.” Bg replied making him smile.

  “Just when I thought, Paris just ask her out or kiss her, you bolted off and Conall turned up. I thought he was just another friend of Bookers, until he asked about you. I noticed him slipped into the ladies right after you. I hung around for a good five minutes longer after that. Kept watching the way to the ladies. Waiting for him or you to emerge. I downed more drinks that I should have, fast. I didn’t want to know what was going on in there, so I left.”

  “But you don’t have to wait now, you don’t have to second guess. You can take, what I’m offering.” Bg flirted with him. Something she said made Paris frown and he stood up and reached past her, turning off the shower’s water spray suddenly.

  “Bg?” He asked looking in her eyes, searching for something.

  “Yes Paris.”

  “How do you feel?” He glanced down and noted she was now only rubbing herself lightly.

  “Horny. Very horny.”

  He nodded his head. “Like lunar week horny or more than that?” He searched her eyes again and waited as they went wide.

  Bg’s mouth dropped open. “Rise in temperature, extra horny, coming on like a slut… Shit, fuck , damn.” She muttered to herself looking away from him.

  “I think you’re in heat.” He said with a small smirk.

  “Great! Just great! I’m in heat during a lunar week! And tonight’s full moon.” She muttered hitting her head back against the tiles and closing her eyes. She worked her hand faster on her clit, as Paris continued to watch on.

  “So you’ve never been in heat before?”

  “Not during a lunar week. Ever!”

  “So how long has it lasted previously?” He asked her.

  “Twenty four to forty eight hours.”

  Paris chuckled lightly. “Oh this is going to be a hell of a night.”

  She cracked an eye open and looked back at him. “Well you could just fu..” He put a finger up to her lips silencing them. Bg whimpered softly and started licking his finger, Paris move it, so it was angled on her lips more. Bg sucked it into her mouth, all the way past the knuckle.

  “Oh so that’s how you’re going to play this?” He asked teasing her. “You want to see who comes undone first and gives in?”

  Bg nodded her head and he removed his finger from her mouth. “If it means you’ll claim me, then yes, Ante up.” Bg said breathlessly her mouth dropping open as she cried out in orgasm.


  “So I said, think of something to do, to keep you distracted, not attracted.” He said as they walked down the street together. “And you’re best two options for what to do tonight are find a sex shop and buy a vibrator or go to a strip club and possibly buy lap dances all night?” Bg nodded her head grinning back at him. “You are now officially, the hottest woman on the planet that I have ever had the pleasure of dating.”

  “Does this mean our first date is actually now, a success?”

  “Like a huge success.” Paris smiled at her. “My god Bg.” He muttered. “What are you trying to do to me?” Paris joked as they came across a sex shop and stopped. They stood outside it, looking at the black shop front and the neon lighting.

  “Wanna go in?” Bg asked turning to him.

  “Are you daring me?” He replied opening the door for her. They walked into the shop and started looking around the dimly lit interior. “So you’ve used a vibrator before?” Paris asked her curiously as Bg looked around for where the vibrator section of the shop was.

  “Uh huh.” Bg replied distracted by the various sex toy items on display.

/>   Paris chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. “And you want another one?”

  “Uh huh.” Bg replied finding a wall display of various types of vibrators. They both stood in front of the colourful wall of plastic packaging and long shaped items.

  “So they all do the same thing, so how do you know which one to get?”

  “Some of them are different.” Bg stated her eyes roaming over them freely.

  “This one has 600 different speeds,”

  “No offense but after about faster, faster, wouldn’t they all be about the same?” Paris asked curiously amused. “Or can you uh, keep up with it?”

  Bg shrugged her shoulders. “ Look at this one, travel size,” she pointed to various other ones signalling them out for him. “Silicone, glass, G spot tickler, Jack Rabbit, waterproof, that one’s actually a dildo in the wrong section,” Paris chuckled at her.

  “Clitoral stimulation only, realistic looking, ooh, cherry scented, Oscillates,” She said waving her hand from side to side, “Strap on Vibrator,” Bg said picking that one up “No that looks like too much work really. Not something you want to get wrong when you’re desperately out of your mind with need.” Bg said turning to smile at Paris.

  “Are you getting desperate yet cause I think I might be.” Paris murmured at her with a grin.

  “Can’t handle the girl shopping huh?”

  “Can’t handle the shop talk by the girl.” He replied leaning forward and kissing her heavily on the mouth before breaking away quickly.

  “Discreet, maybe we should get that one and then you can discreetly do lots of bad things to me in that club we’re going to after here.” Paris groaned and jammed his hands in his pockets as she continued to assess the merchandise.

  “Slim line, gotta tell you if I’m getting a vibrator, I don’t want nothing about it to be slimline. Want to feel all of it in there.” Bg said looking at Paris. “Pushing and pulsing inside of me.”

  He growled at her and started to shift his weight from foot to foot. “You want to wait out front for me?” She asked with a chuckle.


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