The Possibility of Trey (A Hellion MC Novel)

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The Possibility of Trey (A Hellion MC Novel) Page 22

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  "How you feeling, honey?" he asked, standing way too close.

  "Okay, I guess. Still no feeling but the end of my fingers are pink, not purple." I held my hands up so he could see. After his nod, I went back to the bed.

  "Did you get someone to do the massage like the doctor said?" Trey sat on the far side of the queen-sized mattress, his back to the low playing TV.

  "Mom did it for me."

  "When's the next one due?" he questioned, pulling out his cellphone.

  I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "In a half-hour." I heard some beeps as he pushed buttons. Was he setting his cell's alarm?

  His eyes came back to me as if to search my face but I dropped mine to prevent me from getting ensnared in his lethal gaze. I picked at a loose thread on the blanket as I waited for him to speak again. But instead of his voice, I heard the thud of a boot hitting the carpet. Why was he taking off his boots?

  As soon as his socks were off, he stood and whipped his t-shirt away and then reached for the waistband of his jeans.

  "What the hell are you doing?" I asked incredulously.

  He paused to shoot me a glance. "Making fucking spaghetti. What the hell does it look like I'm doing?" He stripped down to his boxers and then pulled back the covers on his side of the bed to slide between them, bunching the pillows as he leaned against the headboard.

  "You are not sleeping here!" I hissed, very aware my parents were just on the other side of the wall.

  "Why? Where are we moving to?" The bastard yawned, actually yawned, after he spoke.

  "For your information, we broke up. People that are no longer together do not sleep in the same damn bed!"

  "Aren't you tired, Dallas? You've had a helluva day." He turned the lamp off on his side before rolling over and reaching for the one on mine. He was more on me than not and I waited for the light to extinguish and him to go back to his designated area of the mattress.

  But he didn't. He stayed in position, his arm poised on the nightstand and his chest pressed against me. We were so close I could feel his breath against my cheek.

  My heart started beating wildly and was felt in some very private places.

  Traitor!, my mind yelled.

  Don't you ever shut up?, my heart questioned.

  His head slid down until his mouth was next to my ear as the light went out and his hand came to rest next to my head on the pillow.

  "I know your still pissed, my Dallas. But it's been eleven days. Eleven long-assed motherfucking days without you. Which was ten days and twenty-two goddamn hours too long for us not to be together."

  His mouth moved to kiss that sensitive patch just below and behind my ear. Luckily I was able to swallow my moan.

  "You have shit to say, that you're gonna have to get out so we can get over this and get on with what we were doing, what we were building. But it's late, pretty girl. I'm wiped and you're tired. We start now we may say shit we don't mean but can't take back."

  The man had a point.

  "So just kiss me, honey. We'll work it out tomorrow and then we can get on with our regularly scheduled romance."

  "We're having a romance?"

  "Stop being cute and give me that sexy mouth, Dallas." His voice had changed from a deep purr to an erotic demanding growl.

  Our mouth play led to him touching me in places that almost sobbed at the renewed feel of his hand and fingers. And then progressed to him reaching for his jeans to pull a condom out of his wallet.

  "Stowing gloves when you need your ice cream to go?"

  "Shut it, pretty girl. Unless it's your normal sexy talk, I don't want to hear it." He was stroking on the condom and I almost missed what he said so caught up was I in the vision before me outlined in the blue TV screen light.

  "I don't talk during sex!"

  His voice went up an octave. "Faster, harder, oh Trey, right there, it's so good, don't stop, et cetera, et cetera. Sound familiar?" His dimples were in evidence as he stretched out on top of me. "But my fucking favorite is the way you scream my name when you hit it. Bar fucking none, honey, that's the best!"

  I figured kissing was the better part of valor and raised my mouth to his again.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Trey made a fast-food breakfast run they shared with her folks.

  She'd explained her injuries as having been so shocked to see him, her ankles had caught on a tree root and caused her to fall. As lies went, it was pretty good in Trey's opinion.

  When he was finished eating, Trey asked for permission to have Drake obtain his GED so he could enroll in the HC apprenticeship program. Which both Mary and Miller whole-heartedly gave. Trey then went on to describe the one bedroom condo next to the medical center available and the older couple seemed excited about having a place that would be just for the two of them. As well as relieved to not have to go back to their former home.

  "Where will Dallas be?" Mary asked.

  "At my house, which is only three blocks from the condo in the other direction," Trey caught Dallas's head shake which started only two words into his answer. He raised his eyebrows at her and she stopped right on cue although he was sure it cost her. But he knew she would hesitate to throw a hissy fit in front of her parents especially after all her fibs to them on why he hadn't been around.

  They were in her room, in the bathroom where he was trying to give his girl a sponge bath in order to keep her dressings dry when he started the conversation. "I didn't know you were around or I wouldn't have let Bambi…"

  "Is that her name? Bammbbeee?" Trey could've cut the sarcasm in her voice with a knife. When he didn't go on, Dallas's mouth continued. "So it was okay to do as long as I didn't damn well see it. Is that what you're saying?"

  "No. That's not what I'm saying. I mean that's what came out of my mouth but that's not what I meant."

  "Then goddamn say what you mean, Trey!"

  He swallowed. She was gonna let him to hang himself with his own words so he decided to cut through the fucking shit and just get to it. "You work for the Hellions, but you don't know shit about HMC. It's a club, Dallas. A fucking biker club. Most rumors you've heard about the bed hopping and the partner swapping are true. I've been a biker all my life and have lived it by Hellion rules. When it comes to fucking, Hellions do what we want, with the pussy we want, whenever we want."

  He glanced up from washing her arm and saw devastation in her beautiful face. But it couldn't be helped. If they were going to have a future together, she needed to understand the whole of it.

  "Hellions fucking love to fuck! A bed and a closed door can be good but those back rooms fill up fast especially late at night or during parties. Some brothers can't wait. Others like watching or being watched. No one blinks or says shit when it goes down because everybody knows they can get in on the action if that's their pleasure." Trey moved to her other arm. "This is my life, Dallas. My way of living since I was thirteen. My way of using pussy when I had a need or the urge. And was all I knew until a brother gave me info about the civilian way of fucking with its lies, manipulations and petty jealousies."

  He did another glance and found her face was pointed down. But he couldn't miss the tears which were rolling down her cheeks and how she'd tucked her lips between her teeth.

  "But you, Dallas. You blew my shit out of the water from the first. You're different than any girl I've ever met and I find I like that difference. Have tried to describe it but can't other than with words like real, true. No matter what we're doing, talking or fucking, I know when I'm with you, I'm getting the authentic you. That's more than I've ever had before, more than I could've imagined or dreamed of having, 'cause to me, all pussy plays games. Not you, though. Christ! Sometimes you're so upfront it's scary."

  He paused to gather his thoughts before moving to clean her chest and stomach. Luckily their conversation prevented him from getting caught up in what body part he was washing. "I treasured it, honey. Valued you for being just the way you are and how you make me feel
. Just didn't know I could destroy it by not being the same, not changing my ways. Didn't think I had to, if you want to know the truth."

  "Because you're the big dog?" she asked on a sniff.

  "Maybe. Or because I'd been doing the same shit all my life. Fuck! I don't know, Dallas. But I know when I got it, when I knew it was time to alter some shit in my head." He stopped his movements and made sure she was looking at him before he continued.

  "If I'd seen you in a fucking lip-locked, body clench with another man, brother or not, I would've killed the motherfucker. Straight up and no shit. He would've been dead."

  "Why the double standard then?" her voice was whisper quiet and held the sounds of her tears.

  "Don't know. Seems I carry one fucking set of rules for you and an opposite set as a Hellion. Shit, I even tried to tell myself that it was okay because I didn't fuck Bambi. But that shit doesn't fly in the face of real and true."

  "I can't be with you if you…"

  "You think I didn't figure that out PD-fucking-Q? Message came through pretty fucking loud and clear, pretty girl! But that's my fault. We should've had this talk a long time ago. As a civilian, I needed to let you know what was doing and how." Trey's heart was thumping like he'd run a four minute mile but he didn't know if it was from their talk or because she'd spread her legs so he could wash between them.

  She finally raised her face to his and he saw the hurt and anger in her eyes. "I wouldn't have had sex with you if you had told me this before."

  Trey flinched at her words. "You wouldn't have?"

  "Oh hell, no. I don't share, Trey, which is something I've heard Mr. Kettering say the Hellions don't do either. If you want to be with me, it means only me until, like you said, we both fucking decide it's over."

  He swallowed deeply, appreciating her honesty but hating that they were coming from such dissimilar places. He rinsed the washcloth and moved on to her legs.

  "I don't care what the excuse is, if you get with another girl even if it is with only a kiss, I'm gone. I'm not a jealous person nor do I have a need to control my man. I am, however, loyal and expect the same from whatever man I'm with." She cocked her head and looked at him with narrowed, red-rimmed eyes. "Think you can do that?"

  He stared up at her from his crouch on the floor for a long moment, all other thoughts and movement stilling. "Abso-fucking-lutely. Are you forgiving me?"

  "A little bit. It might take a while for the rest."

  "Will you be able to forget it?"

  She closed her eyes at his question and he gave her time to consider his question. "I don't think I can. Sorry. But I'll put some effort in to putting it behind me."

  "That's good enough for me." Trey took his first deep breath since the conversation started and finished washing her legs. "I have a meeting with my council this morning, and I think it's important for you to meet the Honeys."

  "Why? Oh, Trey, please no. I can stay here or you can even take me to your place."

  "I need to claim you, Dallas. To let them know I'm taken and the only way they're gonna accept it is if I present you to them." Christ! Now she was fucking scared. He hadn't intended to put her through the emotional wringer but that's what his big mouth had done ever since he'd tried to explain!

  She started to wring her poor hands until Trey reached up and placed his hand over them to get her to still.

  "I'm not a parrot. I don't want to be and don't think I can be." Her voice attested to her stress.

  "A what?" He was lost at what she was saying.

  "You know like those bright multi-colored birds from South America? That's what the Honeys are. I'm a crow and don't know how to be a parrot." Her voice was almost a soft wail. Even when her mom had one of her episodes and been put in the hospital, Trey had never seen his girl so upset.

  And even though he knew it was wrong on so many different levels, Trey couldn't help his laughter at her description of both herself and the Honeys.

  Which continued until he got an elbow in the solar plexus hard enough to take his breath away.


  I felt like he was leading me into the bowels of hell as he opened the clubhouse door and used a hand on the small of my back to guide me inside. Although the interior of my own personal Hades looked like nothing but a big bar with tables and barstools. There were a few guys scattered here and there and only a couple of girls in evidence, one of whom was dancing on a tabletop to the music that was blaring.

  I could handle a couple of parrots.

  Mr. Kettering stood and walked towards us closely followed by Mr. Jovanovic. I saw Mr. Carter without his sling and the good looking biker that had taken my brother away that first day. Then Mr. Bastian, the IT manager, came out from the double doors I assumed was a kitchen.

  "I know you know of her but I want to formally introduce you to Dallas Sheridan, my girl. She'll be moving in with me this afternoon," Trey announced with what I read as pride and all six pairs eyes came to me. Without thinking, I shoved my hands in my back pockets. In my opinion, me living with him was still up for discussion but I didn't want to argue with Trey in front of his men.

  "Tex, I know you know them by their HC names but on this side of the forecourt, my brothers go by different ones." He quickly ran through their biker names and I caught smiles of welcome or a 'pleased to meet you' from each one of them. I tried to smile and respond back but I felt the heat in my face bloom with all their attention.

  I let my eyes again roam the bar as the men began to talk back and forth trying like hell to calm down. Until I saw who was standing still on her tabletop and shooting me daggers with her eyes as her pretty mouth twisted into an ugly sneer.


  I quickly moved my gaze away as I shifted from foot to foot but my mind couldn't help noting her in her red barely-there halter, black mini-skirt, fishnets and boots. I looked down at what, I considered my girlie jeans, peasant top and boots. Crow wear, I decided.

  "Let me get her settled in the kitchen and then we'll talk," Trey advised and I felt the warmth of his hand on my lower back again. He leaned down and murmured, "now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

  I guessed he hadn't seen Bambi and her take on his news.

  The industrial kitted out kitchen was a hive of activity and I finally understood how the women of the club might've gotten their name.

  Trey stopped just a couple of feet inside the doors and pulled me so my back was to his front as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

  "Ladies, this is my Dallas. Dallas Sheridan." He squeezed my waist and I tilted my head up so I could see his face. His dimples were on full display and his eyes were twinkling as he continued. "And she's the latest Hell Honey."

  A wave of goosebumps hit me at the same time my temper flared. He knew the Honeys scared me and he'd also figured out I wasn't gonna argue with him at the club! I narrowed my eyes at him before wiping all emotion from my face except for a small grin as I turned back to the women.

  Unlike the men, though, the women had a completely different reaction to Trey's news.

  I saw a tall redhead and another girl with brown hair (tipped in crayon red and cut in the strangest hairstyle) glance at each other and smile huge until they were laughing. The large-busted dark haired woman standing at the stove stirring something raised her eyebrows but her grin was seemed contagious, not deadly.

  It was the two younger girls standing by the sink, one with almost platinum hair and the other with dark blonde teased out to there that looked sullen, almost challenging.

  I shoved my hands in my back pockets at their open animosity.

  "Hiya," I offered and forced my grin into a smile. Trey patted my back and walked back out the doors. I wanted to throw myself after him. To beg him not to leave me alone with the flock of pretty birds.

  "Roll call!" the chesty dark-haired woman announced.

  "Hi, I'm Carly and I'm Huff's wife." The redhead smiled, holding out her hand. I had no choice but to slide my hand out of my poc
ket to take it.

  "Reese and I'm married to Brand," the brown-hair-with-red-parts girl said also with a smile of not only mouth but eyes. Her voice was deeper and rougher than I thought it would be. "Welcome."

  "I'm Dee and I don't have a Hellion anymore. But they let me stick around to brighten up the goddamn place," the buxom woman called as she struck a 40's pinup pose that had all of us laughing. "Nice to meetcha, Dallas."

  "Likewise, Dee," I called back starting to loosen up. That is until the platinum blonde started talking.

  "I'm Jilly and I'm with Snake," she told her stripper shoes in a coarse low voice.

  "Try again, baby girl," Dee instructed firmly, eyes zeroing in on the beautiful young woman.

  "I said, my name is Jilly and I'm with Snake." Her face was wreathed in the most fake, insincere smile I think I'd ever seen. "It's very nice to meet you although I've never heard of you before. Have you been with Trey long?"

  "Jilly!" Reese admonished on what was almost a shocked gasp.

  "A couple of weeks or so," I answered, trying to be nice but keep my distance from the claws that were showing.

  It was the dark blonde girl's turn and I saw her perform the up and down eye roam with a sneer. "I'm Carmi and I'm a free agent. You really Rinse's sister?"

  Rinse? What the hell kind of nickname was Rinse?

  "If you mean Drake then yeah I am." The hostility was pouring off her in waves and hit me at a gut level. That flight or fight hormone began pouring in my system.

  She propped a manicured hand against a shapely denim-shorts covered hip as she considered me. "How'd you get your mitts into the Prez?"

  "I work for Mr. Ketter…uhm, Silo." I said slowly, not knowing where her question and answer thing was going.

  "You're a fucking plumber? A plumber?! For Christ's sakes, she's a dyke!" Carmi yelled, laughing her very firm and very rounded ass off on an ugly note. I honestly didn't know what she found so funny about my career.

  "Wow. I didn't know job titles came with built in sexual preferences," I drawled, allowing my own eyes to do a slow roam over her as I, in turn, smirked. "Heard that a lot of street walkers prefer women partners in their home life. What's the name of the girl you have stashed back at your place?"


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