His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2)

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His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2) Page 14

by Maya Carnage

  I take one hand from her bottom and slip underneath the leggings that cling tightly to her derriere. When my fingers come in contact with her wetness, I groan. She presses herself more firmly down on my hand. I slip two fingers into her. I thrust my fingers gently in and out of her, her body clings tightly to them, not letting go as I pull out.

  She rocks her hips against my hand.

  I lose sight of where we are at. My focus entirely on my needy mate. She is all that I can think of at the moment. The smell of her arousal permeates the air around us.

  My cock hardens inside my leggings, begging to be let out. I hitch Tracy up onto my lap. Her cunt presses against my cock, easing some of the discomforts.

  Anyone can come by and see what we are doing, but it doesn't matter.

  Tracy picks up speed, riding my stiff cock. My fingers thrust faster into her wet heat, bringing her to her climax.

  Her face drops into my shoulder, and she groans my name. Her cunt spasms around my hand. When she is done, she sits up and looks down at my lap. "Do you want any help with that?" she said with a smirk.

  As much as I would like to say yes, I don't. "I need to be going." I set her down, and stand up. When I turn to leave, she grabs my arm, stopping me.

  "What was that about?" She gives me an annoyed look. "You say you're fine with being friends, and then this happens. What gives?"

  "I don't want you to feel that I'm rushing you," I said.

  She grips my hand. "I don't think that, not even a little. Honestly, Lorth, I'm tired of being your friend. I want us to go back to what we were. I'm ready to start the last trial, that is if you're ready. You said that you were enjoying this time apart, that you felt closer to me, and I don't want to ruin that for you. So if you want to wait, we can."

  A smile spreads across my face. I've been patient for the last two weeks, for those words to fall from her lips. I've never been more anxious in my whole life like I have while waiting for Tracy to say she's ready for the last trial. Before the week is done, we'll be a mated pair.

  "Nothing would make me happier, than to be with you again," I pull her into my arms. She laughs at my enthusiasm.

  "When did you want to do this?" she asked.

  I press my forehead to hers. "As soon as you want to."

  She touches her lips softly to mine, and whispers, "How about now?"

  The third trial is the easiest and quickest to complete. It will take us a short amount of time to prepare, all we have to is pick a partner for our mates. The trial is about how much you know your mate.

  Tracy and I will do fine.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Kenan sits down across from me. I tap my fingers nervously on my thigh. Lorth left a while ago to find Havrick, and I stayed here with Lorth's father. Lorth's father hasn't said a word to me, yet. It doesn't seem like him. The last time I saw him, he had as much to say as his sons. And we know they never lack in talking.

  "I bet you're happy having Lucia help Exxil," I said.

  He grunts.

  Okay, this is beginning to get awkward.

  Maybe he's mad that I called off the trials. Lorth is his son, and he worries a lot about his kids, so that could be it. I mean, if I had a son and some bitch broke his heart by asking for a break, I would be pissed, too.

  Damn it! I pissed off Kenan. This isn't good. The in-laws don't like me, and Lorth and I aren't even mated. I have to fix this, whatever this is.

  "Is everything okay between us?" I asked.

  "I need you to be truthful with me," said Kenan. "Do you care for my son?"

  I don't hesitate.

  "Absolutely. I love him," and I mean it. Lorth's the reason I'm able to keep going sometimes. None of this would have been easy to deal with on my own. I couldn't imagine not having Lorth, and even though we've known each other for a short period of time, I'm in love with him.

  "That's good to hear," he said. "Would you like to hear about the first time I met Farris?"

  I nod.

  "I met Farris when we were both young. I was just starting out as a blacksmith, and she was helping her father with fishing. He father would spend days down at the river catching fish. He would trade it to the tribesmen here. He never sold a fish the whole time. He refused to. He would take whatever the tribesmen had to offer, even if it was a small bag of grain.

  "Farris's mother died when she was four, she was raised by her father. He sent her to my shop to trade some fish for a new fishing hook. Now, before this meeting, I never met Farris. I had seen her walking through the village or trading with the tribe, but I never was brave enough to talk to her. She was very beautiful," he said, smiling at the memory. "That day she came up to the shop, her long black hair was loose, trailing all the way down to her hips, and her eyes were sparkling. When I opened my mouth to speak, nothing but gibberish came out. I was embarrassed, but it made her laugh. She told me what her father wanted and said that he'll trade three fishes for them. I said that they can keep the fish and I'll still give him the hooks. She looked confused, but went along with it. A few days later, she came back to the shop. I was in the middle of repairing a hunter’s ax, but I put it aside when I saw her. She wanted to know why I didn't take the fish. I told her it was because I didn't want my mate's father to think badly of me. She said that we weren't mates, but if I wanted to spend some time together she would like that. It wasn't even a whole season later, when we completed the trials." Kenan sits back in his seat, and links his fingers together across his stomach.

  "She sounds like an exceptional woman," I said.

  "She was."

  I can tell that Kenan was very much in love with his late mate. His eyes brightened with pure happiness when he spoke about Farris. He was with her for a long time, and I can't imagine how much pain he felt when he lost her. How much it still hurts today. I don't think you can ever truly get over the lost of a loved one, Lorth said that it still hurts as much today as it did all those years ago. I'm now beginning to feel the same way.

  Its been over six months since I last saw my mom, Tommy, and Gran. I can't even put it into words how much pain I feel in their absence. Sometimes it's hard to breathe when I remember I'll never see them again. And I think it will always be like that. There will be good days and bad, but the pain will always be there.

  "I hope Lorth and I have something like that," I said.

  "I don't," said Kenan. "I want you two to have something that is all your own, and that you love each other with every breath you take. That when you argue, and you will, you scream and rage, but it doesn't lessen the love between you. I want you and my son to have something special."


  When Lorth got back with Havrick, I left to go find Kate. Usually, at this time of day she isn't home, she's gone to wherever it is she disappears too. And I have no idea where that is. I try Helencia's place, but she isn't there.

  "You know, Jessa might have an idea where she is. They've been getting closer the last few weeks with you busy with Lorth, and Karen training, she started spending a lot of time with Jessa," Helencia said. She leans against her door jamb in a silken robe. I'm going to have to remember to ask her where she got it, but there's the possibility that she made it herself. From behind her, a naked Gallan walks out of the bedroom. He nods when he sees me.

  I give him an awkward salute.

  I haven't seen a naked man in a while, except for Lorth. It feels wrong to be staring at a male's body that isn't his. Averting my eyes, I ask Helencia where I can find Jessa.

  "Do you remember where we came out from the woods when we first arrived?" she asked. "That's where she hangs out, sometimes the women of the tribe sit out there to trade and sell the things they make and grow."

  I leave Helencia's.

  By tonight, Lorth and I will have completed the trials. Tomorrow or the next day our mating ceremony will begin. Now that everything is happening and it feels real, I'm getting nervous. And usually, I'm not easily upset over th
ings like this, though I guess anyone would be anxious on their wedding day.

  It helps to know that Lorth is probably just as nervous. Then again, he might be as cool as a cucumber. This is something he has been looking forward to since he first met me.

  The area where we came out of the woods at, is empty. No one is in sight. I look around for Jessa and Kate, but I don't find either of them.

  What the hell am I going to do if I can't find her? She's practically my maid of honor. I can't do this without her.

  It was just Kate and me in the ship when we were first abducted. At that moment, when I was first taken, I was terrified, but Kate helped me get a hold of myself. Once we were with the other group of abductees, we went our own ways. I won't forget that when I needed someone the most, she was there. Even when we first taken by the pirates, she offered a calmness that I didn't have. I was good at hiding it, but on the inside, I was shaken.

  Right when I'm about to give up and look for Lucia, Kate comes out of the woods with Jessa. They are covered in sweat and dirt. They look tired.

  I wonder why they were out in the woods? By the way they appear, they had to be out there for hours, since early this morning.

  "I've been looking everywhere for you," I said.

  Kate and Jessa come up to me. Their chests heave with exhaustion.

  "We felt like taking a hike," said Kate. "Why were you looking for me?"

  I grab her arms, smiling. "Lorth and I are completing the final trial! I need to pick a partner for him, someone who knows me well, and I want that person to be you."

  Jessa slaps Kate on the back. "Have fun with that. Congrats, Tracy." She leaves, taking the path that will lead back to her house.

  "So what do you say?" Kate and I begin walking home.

  She pushes her short brown hair out of her eyes, where it was sticking to her face because of the sweat. "All right, I'll do it. When is it?"


  Kate stays at the house to bathe, and I leave to look for Lorth to tell him the good news.

  Even though I'm happy about starting this new chapter in my life, I can't help but be sad that none of my family is here. I've come to accept this new life, and I know that I'll always miss them, but some moment will be harder than the last. This is going to be one of those moments.

  I'm just glad that I have Lorth by my side.

  With the trials almost done, I can now start thinking about the mating ceremony and the rest of my life with Lorth. From what I've heard, the mating ceremony is the equivalent of a wedding back on Earth. I'll have to wear a fancy dress. I don't even know where to get one of those around her. Helencia probably will, so I'll have to ask her. There will be guests, food, and celebrating.

  It will be something we'll never forget. Lorth and I will be telling our grandkids about it when we are old and grey.

  Now that Lorth and I are going to be mated, where will we live? I love Kate and Karen, but that place isn't big enough for four people. And I don't want to live with Lorth's father, that would be uncomfortable.

  Damned, now we'll have to find a house, and I'll have to go through the process of decorating it again. That was too much work, so I think I'll let Lorth handle it this time.

  Lorth decided to choose Havrick as my partner, even though he and Exxil are closer in age, Havrick and Lorth are very close.

  He's sitting on a stool in the blacksmith shop talking to Havrick. Havrick workes on shaping a sword, beating at it with a hammer. Havrick looks up often at Lorth, listening to what he is saying. I stand in the doorway, watching them. Havrick has already come close to hitting his own hand twice now, and I wince with each bang of the hammer.

  I hope Lorth is more careful when he is doing that kind of work.

  Lorth's face brightens when he sees me. "Did you find Kate?"

  I nod. "Everything's ready to go."

  Havrick drops the hammer, and looks closely at the sword, inspecting it. When he is done, having found it to his satisfaction, he lays it down on a rack to cool. Havrick walks out of the shop, around the corner of the building to where the well sits. He comes back in with a large mug. He chugs it down and then takes a seat next to Lorth. "This should prove to you how much I love you, Lorth. I canceled my plans tonight for you, and I was meeting with one of my favorite bedmates," said Havrick.

  Lorth grins at his brother's antics, shaking his head.

  "So Kate and Havrick has been picked, what's left for us to do?" I asked. I don't know what else we can do. It seems like a very straightforward event. I'm assuming that we are done, and I kind of hope we are, too. I'm tired of running around. It would be nice to just relax the rest of the day, until tonight.

  "That's it. We'll have it at Pops tonight, and then we'll start planning the ceremony," said Lorth.

  "All this seems like a lot of work. I don't think I'm going to bother with the trials when I take a mate," said Havrick. He stretches out and links his fingers behind his head. "All you need is the ceremony, and sometimes not even that."

  Lorth knocks his brother's hands loose. "Pops will never allow that, but if you want to try, then go ahead. It will be funny to watch Pops beat you."

  I take Lorth's hand and gesture at the door.

  "I'll see you later, and don't be late!" Lorth and I leave the shop.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I swallow around the thick lump in my throat. Pops stands in front of us, explaining the last trial to Tracy and I. Havrick stands by her side and Kate's next to me. My mate sends me a small smile, letting me know that she is right next to me, though maybe not as nervous.

  I've waited a very long time for this moment. The last trial. It signals that the mating ceremony is ahead. It is an exciting time for any younger hunter. When I first saw Tracy on Graviel's ship, I knew she was the one. All the patience I had up until that moment disappeared.

  Since then, I've only ever pictured her standing next to me. Now that the time has come, I feel like my hearts are going to beat out of my chest. It isn't a pleasant feeling. Tracy looks serene from her spot next to me, and I know that the perspiration dotting my brow is visible for everyone in the room to see.

  Maybe they will think it is from the heat. That's what I hope anyway.

  "You two understand that?" Pops asked, staring at us.

  Tracy nods.

  "Yes," I said.

  "Okay, then you shall begin," said Pops.

  Tracy tops me with a hand on the forearm. "You okay? You looked a little pale there for a second?"

  Well, there goes my hope of it being unnoticed.

  I nod. "Anxious, but I'm fine." Once the trial actually begins, and I'm talking with Kate, I'll start feeling calmer.

  Tracy leaves with Havrick, and they go outside. Pops makes himself a cup of tea and sits down at the table. Kate claps me on the shoulder, "Let's do this." We go into the living area. I sit down on one chair, and she takes the one across from me. She sits back, crosses one knee over the other, and gives me a serious look.

  It's not helping my nerves calm down. It's doing the opposite. I've never had the chance to talk privately with Kate, and from what I've seen she is very stern and strongminded. To be leveled by her gaze is offputting, it can't be for a good reason.

  "Tracy told me about your father's third degree yesterday," said Kate.

  I stare at her puzzled. I do not know what this third degree is. It sounds like one of those human phrases Tracy and the others are so fond of saying. "What do you mean?"

  "He wanted to know what her feelings and intentions were with you. I want to know the same. Tracy has been under a lot of stress with grieving her family, and I don't think she realizes that we are each others family now. And we would like to know that she will be happy with you. So, can you look me in the eyes and tell me that this isn't some short-term thing, that you love her and will always love her?" Kate asked.

  "Tracy is the one for me," I said. "I'll always love her even if she stops loving me."

  Kate nods. "That's good to hear."

  Some loves last a lifetime, and others only a mere moment. I don't know which will be mine and Tracy's. I would love for it to be the former, but even if it is the latter, I'll be okay with that. To have had Tracy's love for only a short time is more than I could ever ask for. If the time ever comes when I have to let her go, I will do so, but my love for her will never diminish. It is too strong for that.

  "I'm ready for the trial," I said.

  For the next few hours, Kate asks me question after question, and by the time she comes to the last one I am exhausted. The trial is set up to make sure you're familiar with your potential mate’s personality and character. The questions range from easy ones like what their favorite food is too hard ones, like how they would react if they were given the ultimatum of choosing one person to die or having the whole tribe die.

  I believe I know Tracy well enough to have answered all of them correctly, but I will have to wait until she is done with Havrick.

  Kate excuses herself, saying she's going to let Helencia know that we are almost done. Helencia is going to make dinner for us, celebrating the completion of the trials. Pops, Exxil, the children, and Havrick are all invited. When we are done here, we will be heading over to her house. Kate said that she has to let Helencia know when we're almost done because she has to make sure the food will be ready to serve by the time we get there.

  Pops comes over at sits in Kate's vacated seat. "You're almost done, son. How are you feeling?"

  In the last few hours, most of my nerves have dissipated, except for slight anxiety, I'm feeling better than I did early. When it comes time for the ceremony, I hope I'm not as anxious as I was today, but there is a big possibility of me feeling the same if not more. "I'm more nervous than I thought I would be. Through all of this, asking Tracy to go do the trials with me and completing the first two, I was okay, but now that it's getting closer to the mating ceremony, I can't help but be worried, " I said.

  Tracy has been unhappy here, she has tried finding peace in calling this place home, but it will never be like what she once had. She lost her life and her family, and that won't be easy for her to move on from. I've been doing all I can to make her feel at home here. I don't want to fail her as a mate. She said that she accepted what happened and is ready to move forward. Which can be true, but I want to make sure she is comfortable here and that Ghegion really does start to feel like her home.


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