‘Ok, so this version of you is bound here and any copy you make now is bound by the same limitations as you. What I want to know is, if there was a copy of you from before you were bound here wouldn’t that have your full power and abilities?’ Tahir asked as he reached out to what he thought was the copy and pinched its arm gently.
‘Ouch.’ The original Hebro squeaked softly as she looked at Marissa and smiled.
‘Here’s a thought, is it possible this version of Hebro is a copy of the original?’ Tahir asked quietly as he let go of the Hebro copy immediately in front of him.
‘I don’t see how.’ Katla replied softly as she turned to look at her mother intently.
‘It’s just a thought, bear with me on this. Hebronicleus was one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How hard would it be for her to split herself at the time Bhan was taken down, the copy then left here in the role we all know and love while the original still roams the cosmos.’ Tahir said seriously as he turned to Bhan who’d suddenly developed a concerned look.
‘Hebro, please come here.’ Bhan said as green energy flashed between his eyes and down his body.
‘My Lord I assure you I am myself.’ Hebro hissed softly as blue energy flashed between her own eyes.
‘I don’t doubt you believe it Hebro, Tahir does have a valid point and I’d like to know for sure.’ Bhan replied quietly as the two copies of Hebro disappeared and a single version stood in the middle of the stream.
‘What can you do old man?’ Hebro growled softly her eyes looking down when Bhan’s turned to green suns.
‘Don’t move.’ Bhan whispered as a bolt of energy left his body and impacted Hebro square in the chest.
‘No.’ Hebro screamed as if in mortal agony.
‘Father please.’ Katla pleaded as she tried to move forward but couldn’t.
‘I’m sorry but it had to be done.’ Bhan growled softly as Hebro dissolved into the water.
‘What happened?’ Marissa cried as she raced into the stream where Hebro had stood. ‘What is it?’ She asked as she turned to see the look on Tahir’s face.
‘Something’s coming and it I don’t know if anyone can stop it.’ Tahir replied as he lowered his head.
‘For this there will be a reckoning.’ Katla bellowed as she looked up at the sky, her eyes flashed and turned to two suns of near black energy.
‘Daughter you should calm yourself.’ Hebro replied softly as her form emerged from the stream behind Marissa.
‘Is it really you mother?’ Katla asked as she raced into the stream.
‘Yes, it’s me.’ Hebro chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Katla and squeezed.
‘What happened?’ Tahir asked quietly as he turned to Bhan who was stood with a bemused look upon his ancient face.
‘I’m the first to admit I thought your theory about Hebronicleus being a copy was sound, it would’ve fitted with what I knew to be true. But, when I broke down the frequency Hebro was emanating it broke down as I expected and she returned to us exactly as we knew her so she is the original.’ Bhan replied as the ground beneath them began to shake.
‘Time to go.’ Katla roared as a ring of energy surrounded the little group and paradise dissolved.
‘What just happened?’ Marissa asked as she checked the ground underneath her.
‘Father can only maintain the illusion he shows for so long, when it becomes too taxing it can get messy.’ Katla replied softly as she rubbed her hand down her arm.
‘What’s wrong?’ Tahir asked as he noted the action.
‘I just got a strange sensation running down my arm.’ Katla replied as she turned to Hebro who shook her head slightly.
‘You’re not susceptible to a heart attack, are you?’ Tahir asked as he moved forward and placed the back of his hand on Katla’s forehead.
‘What you doing?’ Katla asked curiously as she reached her hand up to touch Tahir’s.
‘For some reason I wanted to see if you were showing a human frailty.’ Tahir replied as he pulled back his hand and looked at his fingertips intently.
‘What can you see in your fingers Tahir?’ Hebro asked as she moved to stand just in front of him.
‘Normally when you touch someone they’re warm, even when I’ve caught one of you ascended types by accident you’ve been warm to the touch, now Katla’s nothing.’ Tahir replied slowly as he looked up at Katla and tilted his head to the side. ‘It’s as if she isn’t really there.’
‘Come off it, we can see her quite clearly.’ Marissa chuckled as she moved forward and reached out her hand.
Both Marissa and Tahir’s mouths fell open as Marissa’s hand passed through Katla as if she wasn’t there.
‘Ok, that’s a very good trick.’ Katla said shock evident across her own face. ‘What’s happening?’
‘I don’t know daughter.’ Hebro replied seriously as she moved forward slowly. When she was within touching distance there seemed to be a meeting of energy and the air between mother and daughter began to shimmer slightly.
‘Hebbie step back.’ Marissa said urgently as the air seemed to grow even hotter.
‘Yes, I think that might be a good idea.’ Hebro whispered as she started to flex her fingers.
‘What’s happening mother?’ Katla asked as the air became still again.
‘I’ve never seen anything like this.’ Hebro replied seriously as her eyes flashed into two suns of blue energy.
‘Don’t look at me.’ Tahir whispered hoarsely as he took another purposeful step backwards.
‘You scared?’ Marissa asked as she noticed the movement.
‘Terrified, I thought I’d got these ascended types worked out. But no, they have to do something new just at the wrong time.’ Tahir replied slowly as he started to flex his own hand.
‘Now that can’t be a coincidence.’ Katla whispered as she noticed both Tahir and Hebro were performing the same unconscious action.
‘Were we doing something?’ Hebro asked as she shot furtive glances between Tahir and Katla.
‘You both stood there and began to flex your hands, you first mother then Tahir.’ Katla replied slowly as she turned to Marissa who rolled her fingers against her palms.
‘Where are we anyway?’ Tahir asked as he turned to look out over the surrounding area.
‘The Grand Canyon.’ Katla replied without missing a beat. ‘Don’t try and change the subject either.’ She finished looking at Marissa who rolled her fingers along her palm once again.
‘Were we talking about something else?’ Tahir asked as his fingers flexed again.
‘Ok, you need to stop doing that.’ Katla whispered as she turned on the spot and looked up at the sky.
‘Doing what?’ Tahir asked absently, his fingers splayed out.
‘You can’t help them.’ Paneous whispered in her ear.
‘Lord Paneous what’s happening?’ Katla asked as she turned back to see the imposing figure materialise in front of her.
Chapter 3
Grand Canyon Arizona.
‘Lord Paneous, please answer me, why can’t I help them?’ Katla asked as she turned back to look at Marissa, Tahir and Hebro who all seemed stuck in a moment of time.
‘For the next part of your journey you must sacrifice a piece of yourself and they can’t be party to it.’ Paneous replied softly as he moved forward, a staff of golden energy formed in his hand.
‘Is that a piece of my father?’ Katla asked as her eyes traced the spear end to end.
‘No, this is a piece of me.’ Paneous replied warmly as golden energy danced between his eyes before racing down his arm to merge with the spear.
‘Why do the others ascended by father fear you?’ Katla asked as she realised she had bowed her head slightly.
‘While you were guests of the universe it was revealed ascended beings can split themselves, each as knowledgeable and powerful as the original but still a copy. Your father created me billions of years ago to ensure none of his children wou
ld challenge him, I’m a copy of a piece of the universe, that’s why they fear me. I belong to the universe and I’m not beholden to any creature in it.’ Paneous replied a broad smile spreading across his face.
‘Hang on, you’re a copy of father, with all the knowledge and power of the universe?’ Katla asked shaking her head trying to believe what she was being told.
‘The second thought Bhaniwdral Chrimocer had when he gained sentience was to create me, another like him so he’d have someone to communicate with.’ Paneous replied with a chuckle.
‘You’re not making sense Lord Paneous, if you’re the second thought what was the first? Are you a piece of father or a poor imitation?’ Katla asked as she looked down at her own hands, shocked to see golden energy flash between her fingers.
‘Poor imitation would be more accurate.’ Paneous replied softly as the spear in his hand dissolved and a small golden dagger appeared in its place.
‘What are you going to do with that?’ Katla asked eyeing the dagger suspiciously.
‘Not hurt you or your friends if that’s what you’re thinking.’ Paneous replied as he slipped the dagger inside his clothes.
‘You’ll forgive me but it’s been a very confusing day.’ Katla growled softly as she looked across at Marissa who was stood motionless. ‘You have fathers power to stop time I see.’
‘Barring one minor facet I’m an exact copy of the universe made manifest.’ Paneous replied with another deeper chuckle.
‘And what’s the minor facet?’ Katla asked curiosity getting the better of her now.
‘The power of the universe itself.’ Paneous replied before ‘only the universe can bestow that gift.’
‘I don’t get it Lord Paneous, I’ve seen you do things father could and with as little effort, are you saying there’s things father can do you can’t?’ Katla asked as she looked across to see a golden thread coming from Paneous’s chest towards her. ‘What’s that?’
‘The power of the universe is something one can only understand once you’ve opened yourself to the possibilities of existence.’ Paneous replied softly as the golden thread of energy changed course before connecting with Hebro who began to glow ominously.
‘What are you doing?’ Katla asked as she looked across at Hebro who was starting to lift off the ground.
‘Lord Bhaniwdral believed this incarnation of Hebro to be a copy. He channelled all the power he could muster in his current state, to try and force a return of the original, he failed and I was instructed to try and complete the task.’ Paneous replied coldly as Hebro began to distort before their eyes.
‘And if that’s the original version of my mother you know I’ll never forgive you.’ Katla growled as gold and green energy coursed around her body and formed into shaft in her left hand.
‘Despite what you’re thinking Katla, even at your most powerful you could never best me.’ Paneous hissed as he turned his head sharply to look at Katla, his eyes turning from their normal bright blue to golden suns, energy racing between them.
‘It will make me feel so much better though.’ Katla growled as she pointed the shaft at Paneous. Shock spread across her face as a bolt of power loosed from the end struck him square in the chest, severing the strand connecting him with Hebro.
‘You foolish child.’ Paneous bellowed as the spear of power returned to his hand, he didn’t even have to point it at Katla and a beam of energy flew from where his hand held the spear and raced to Katla. As she raised her hands to protect her face a shield of pure gold formed across her face and the bolt of energy slammed into it. The deep Bong as the beam impacted shook the very ground they were standing on pushing her back slightly. ‘Be warned child this is a fight you cannot hope to win.’ He growled as another beam of energy formed in his hand and began to trace to where Katla stood.
‘She might not, but I might.’ Marineus growled from behind. Dark green trails of energy surrounding her the very earth she stood on was whipped up into a cloud of dust.
‘The daughters of Bhaniwdral, joined together?’ Paneous asked shaking his head slightly as he looked between the two.
‘You’d be surprised what a common enemy can do.’ Marineus roared as she lifted her hand and a dark green bolt of power formed.
‘You cannot hope to win, either of you.’ Paneous growled as he closed his eyes. Beneath him the ground began to shake.
‘Separately you’re right Lord Paneous.’ Marineus chuckled as a grin spread across her face. ‘But, we’re the two daughters of the universe made manifest. We’ve been given that little spark you wish you could have.’ She continued as Paneous began to dissolve into his natural state.
‘Neither of you possess the power of the universe, I’ve only seen it in Lord Bhaniwdral, not even your brothers can claim to have been blessed with the power.’ Paneous chuckled from the centre of the storm of power in front of them.
‘You don’t possess it either Paneous.’ Marineus scoffed as she reverted to her natural state and charged at Paneous.
‘I don’t need to possess it girl.’ Paneous hissed as he dissolved to allow Marineus to pass right through where he stood.
‘Face me coward.’ Marineus growled as she reformed into human form.
‘When will you learn, it isn’t the form you take, it’s how you interact with the universe around you.’ Paneous laughed manically as a bolt of blue energy appeared from nowhere and flew at where Marissa and Tahir were stood.
‘No.’ Katla screamed as she threw herself in front of the bolt, allowing it to strike her square in the chest as she landed on the ground in a heap.
‘Paneous, that was your first mistake.’ Bhan’s voice growled from nowhere.
‘You can’t stop me you old fool.’ Paneous gloated from where his storm of energy stood.
‘I never said I was the one who was going to stop you.’ Bhan whispered as a strange golden glow began to surround Katla as she laid on the floor.
‘Sister.’ Marineus screamed as she raced to where Katla laid.
‘You cannot help her.’ Paneous scoffed as he reverted to his human form.
‘She doesn’t need to.’ Bhan’s voice chuckled as the form of an old man appeared at the side of Katla and placed a hand delicately on her shoulder.
‘Father no.’ Marineus roared as she watched the old man revert to a faint flash of energy before disappearing into Katla’s mouth and nose.
‘Pitiful.’ Paneous chuckled as he turned to face Hebro and extended his hand, a small strand of energy began to trace a path towards her. As it connected to Hebro Katla leapt into the air and seemed to be suspended by her shoulders.
‘Really Paneous, I’d have thought you’d have been a bit more understanding if you’re supposed to possess all the knowledge of the universe.’ Bhan whispered as he reappeared in the centre of the little group.
‘I might be a copy old man, but you’ve been locked away for millions of years. Things have moved on since you left and I’ve grown with it.’ Paneous growled softly as Katla lowered to the ground and opened her eyes.
‘Father, where are you?’ Katla croaked as the ground beneath her began to shake violently.
‘Daughter you don’t need me.’ Bhan whispered as he faded out of sight.
‘Father I do.’ Katla screamed as golden energy flashed between her eyes before snaking down her arm.
‘Sister I’m here.’ Marineus whispered as she moved to stand beside Katla.
‘Marineus don’t interfere.’ Bhan whispered from nowhere.
‘Paneous you really shouldn’t have threatened those I care about.’ Katla growled softly as bolts of energy raced between her eyes and around her body.
‘You really think I fear anything you and that pitiful old fool could do?’ Paneous scoffed as a shield of energy formed in his hand.
‘I think you don’t know as much as you make out.’ Katla whispered softly as she cocked her head slightly, blinked her eyes and a bolt of energy raced from nowhere and struck the shield.
‘How?’ Paneous screamed as he was pushed back several meters.
‘Being willing to sacrifice yourself for a friend or loved one gives you power in this universe beyond anything you could ever understand Paneous.’ Bhan’s voice whispered gently on the breeze.
‘She can’t possess the power of the universe, can she?’ Paneous screamed as he looked to the sky before a bolt of golden energy formed in his hand and loosed at Katla.
Katla just blinked her eyes and the bolt vanished from existence.
‘No!’ Paneous bellowed as he raised both arms and multiple bolts of power raced towards where Katla stood.
‘You cannot win Paneous, withdraw now and I’ll show you mercy.’ Katla breathed softly as she took a single step forward.
‘I’ll not seek mercy from the likes of you.’ Paneous hissed as he took a step back to mirror Katla.
‘Then you’re a bigger fool than I gave you credit for.’ Bhan’s voice chuckled on the breeze.
‘Enough.’ Paneous growled as he drew himself up to his full height and closed his eyes. After a few seconds the ground beneath him began to shake violently and the skies above him turned from clear blue to grey and overcast.
‘Don’t do it Paneous, you cannot win.’ Marineus pleaded as she moved to stand between Paneous and Marissa and Tahir.
‘Paneous you’re blinded to the obvious.’ Hebro said as her eyes opened and blue sparks of energy flowed between them.
‘We will see.’ Paneous shouted as a bolt of energy unlike anything he’d fired before appeared immediately in front of him and launched itself towards where Katla stood.
Katla did nothing more than blink her eyes and the beam vanished without a trace. ‘Paneous, please forgive me.’ She whispered as bolts of gold and green energy formed into a ball just in front of her. As she lifted her head to look at Paneous the ball of energy raced to where he stood and surrounded him. Pain and terror were written across the ancient face as the skies erupted in lightning. Slowly the ball began to shrink and Paneous along with it, soon the ball was no bigger than a football before it vanished into nothing.
Spear of Heaven: The Fallen Page 5