The Heart of The Beast

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The Heart of The Beast Page 24

by Susan Kohler

  “Hurry about it, then,” Wolford sneered, “and I may just let you and your babe live.”

  Wolford had made one seriously grave blunder. He failed to realize how close the Beast kept to Beauty. To his mind a real man would be down in the great hall, drinking and fondling one of the maids, not waiting nearby while his wife nursed a baby. He never knew the Beast had heard Beauty’s short scream. Beauty turned to leave, to fetch the coins and jewels that would buy her precious babe’s life, although leaving him in the room with Wolford was the hardest thing she had ever done. She walked out the door filled with dread.

  As soon as Beauty left the room, Wolford put the babe down; it was a fatal error. The Beast had indeed heard the aborted scream and instinctively went into action; he had sent a servant to quickly fetch his sword and waited right outside the chamber door, listening as Wolford ordered Beauty to bring him her jewels. When Beauty passed him in the hall he motioned her to be silent, and despite her fear she obeyed, trusting her husband.

  He knew he had to chance a rescue, whatever the risk, because he knew Wolford. The man would not leave either Beauty or the babe alive. He would kill them both, the Beast was sure of it. The only question to the Beast’s mind was if he would take the time to rape Beauty before killing her.

  There was a crack where Beauty had failed to completely close the door, and through it the Beast saw Wolford drop the infant carelessly back into the crib, as though the infant was of no import. Immediately he rushed through the doorway, his sword in hand. He moved so quickly and silently that he caught Wolford by surprise. He put himself firmly between the infant and Wolford. Beauty rushed in behind her husband and grabbed the babe, taking him to safety.

  “Give up now, Wolford,” the Beast said. “You have already lost all.”

  Wolford was a coward at heart. Seeing the Beast speed towards him sword in hand with only a dagger in his own hand, he knew he could not win. He also knew what the Beast had done to Gerrin, so he offered little resistance.

  Tom and a few of the men came rushing up the stairs in time to see the Beast run Wolford through. As the man dropped to the floor, bleeding badly but not mortally wounded, they grabbed him up.

  “Take that piece of trash and drop him from the castle wall,” the Beast ordered, “into the pigsty.”

  The men carried Wolford out to his fate. They never saw the one sight that would have astonished them to the core. They never saw the Beast’s knees buckle or the tears running down his face. They never saw Beauty and the Beast clinging to each other long into the night, taking solace in the presence of the babe and comfort from each other.

  By morn, the Beast and Beauty had both regained their normal demeanours, joyful that their babe had been spared. As well, there was no trace of the bloody, broken body in the pigsty near the foot of the castle wall.

  A few days later Beauty and her mother sat by the fire holding their infants and planning the future they’d like the infants to have. They gently teased Gwyneth about the baby she had coming. The month moved slowly along, especially for Gwyneth and Henry. The two women, well pleased with their infants, were eager for Gwyneth to have hers too.

  “Just think Gwyneth, only a short time more and you won’t be able to sleep a whole night through,” Beauty teased the former maid.

  “I thought it was failing to sleep the whole night through that got me into this situation,” Gwyneth shot back with a smile.

  Finally, just over three weeks after the birth of Lady Alaina, Gwyneth felt her pains begin. The by-now familiar ritual was repeated. The women, Beauty and Lady Margarite, tended to Gwyneth, the woman who was their maid and so much more. The men, the Beast, Seth, Tom and Henry sat by the fire downstairs, paced and drank ale. Both groups thought their tasks were highly important, although the men were hard pressed to explain of exactly what import getting the father-to-be very drunk actually was. Gwyneth gave birth to a son, a boy she named Hank, for her husband. She was the only one of the three women to have ever lost a child to death, so the others really couldn’t understand why she wept, in spite of her joy.

  About a week later, the three women sat with their babies in the great hall. Gwyneth was nursing Hank, Lady Margarite was changing Alaina, and little James was asleep on the fur rug spread in front of the fire. The men joined them, sitting next to their wives and watching the children that had become the central focus of their lives.

  Their quiet days were about to come to an end. They knew it as soon as a messenger came running in, breathing heavily. He caught his breath as soon as possible and gave the Beast his message.

  “M’lord, there is a large group of riders coming this way. It appears to be an enormous group, almost an army. I could not be sure who they were, whether they be friend or foe. I left another guard to keep watch for further details but I felt it important to get the message to you as soon as possible.” The man drank deeply and gratefully from the tankard of ale the Beast pressed into his hand.

  “Finish the ale then alert the men,” the Beast ordered, “and have them ready themselves.”

  In a short while, the second messenger came in from his outpost. “M’lord, I believe it’s the King coming here.”

  The castle was thrown into an instant uproar. Servants were put to work polishing and cleaning everything in sight. The upstairs bedrooms were aired and cleaned, with fresh crisp linen put onto the beds. Henry headed for the kitchen where he set about cooking a feast fit for the King and his men.

  Claire and a servant lass were given charge of the babies as Gwyneth, Lady Margarite and Beauty made sure all was in readiness before they quickly dressed in their finest clothes and got ready for the King’s arrival.

  The Beast went to the men’s quarters to warn the guards to put on their best chainmail and clean tunics. He also ordered them to make sure their shields and swords were highly polished. Nate stayed by Claire’s side, helping her care for the babies.

  Tom merely waited, silently watching and hoping that the King had brought Sir Richard with him. Sir Richard and his men, including one who was no man at all, but a small, pretty, female soldier who held his heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Beauty and the Beast had been together just over a year when the King finally came for his long-awaited visit. It was about one year and three months to the day from the fateful spring afternoon when Beauty had offered herself to the Beast to save her brother’s life. It had been a spring of turmoil and tears, followed by a summer of passion and strife. By the fall, the strife had ended and a lifetime of love and passion stretched out ahead of the couple, happiness just waiting to be grasped. By the time of the King’s visit, Beauty and the Beast had grasped that happiness and begun to claim it as their own and to spread their joy to others. The infant, James, was barely over four months old.

  There were still many conflicts, as there always will be when two such differing people come together. The couple always resolved their small disputes with passion and love; of course, sometimes they also added a little yelling and threw the occasional tankard.

  Beauty and the Beast both worked hard to maintain their passion and to nurture their love. Because of their effort, their love continued to grow. The infant, James, was raised with great affection and tenderness by both his parents. The natural way the Beast took to fatherhood was something that Beauty considered a minor miracle, especially when she considered the cruel and heartless manner in which he himself had been raised.

  When the King arrived for his visit, he was greeted with honour and love. There was great feasting and celebration. Since the King had announced his intention to visit during the summer, the castle staff had worked very hard all winter to keep everything around the castle in top shape, ready for his arrival.

  This time, the King had time to stay for a real visit. He had brought his full retinue of knights and men at arms, including Sir Richard and his men. Seeing Sir Richard beside the King, Tom scanned the soldiers very carefully. He failed to see the one who held
his interest. He took a second look at the riders beside the King, this time scanning the women.

  Finally he saw Lady Althea riding beside the King. She was dressed in a dark blue velvet riding gown trimmed with gold, and a high pointed headpiece draped with sheer light blue silk. She looked wonderful. To Tom, the day seemed to take on a brighter shade as though the sun were shining with extra brilliance. He quickly donned his best attire and joined the rest of the family waiting in the castle courtyard to greet the King.

  The King and his men rode up and dismounted. Servants of the Beast showed the King’s soldiers where to stable their horses, and then invited them into the great hall where there were tankards of ale waiting to wash the dirt of the road from their throats. The Beast’s family and his closest, most honoured servants stood at the castle doorway and knelt before the King.

  “Rise, please,” the King gestured to the small group assembled there. “All of you.”

  The King then greeted the family one by one. He hugged the Beast with great affection in front of everyone. He kissed Beauty’s hand and then her cheek.

  “So tell me, Milady Beauty, is your child a boy or a girl?” the King smiled, looking around. “I’m most anxious to see the infant.”

  “Tis a lad, sire. We’ve named him James,” Beauty smiled back at the King. “He is the pride of our lives.”

  “Where is the lad?” the King asked with a trace of eagerness in his voice.

  “It seemed a bit brisk outside today, Majesty. I thought it best to keep the baby inside,” Beauty told him softly.

  The King next bowed and kissed Lady Margarite’s hand and winked at her.

  “How goes it, Milady?” the King asked with humour. “How is your new husband? Are you happy? And are you kept busy watching over your infant grandson? He must be a great joy to you.”

  “My husband is wonderful, Majesty, he makes me very happy. Truly M’lord, ‘tis hard to say which gives me greater pride and joy, my grandson James, or my own new daughter, Alaina,” Lady Margarite said proudly, surprising the King.

  “You have been busy, indeed!” the King exclaimed. “You have my heartiest congratulations, Milady.”

  “Seth, you have a lovely wife. I can’t wait to meet your daughter.” The King greeted the former servant warmly.

  “I have been blessed, your Majesty,” Seth said with his usual quiet dignity. “I have two beautiful women to love and a wonderful daughter-in-law.”

  The King next turned to Gwyneth. “And how do you fare, my dear friend? Does your marriage agree with you or shall I remove the knave’s head from his shoulders?”

  “I’m most happy, M’lord. Beauty and Lady Margarite are not the only ones who have been busy it seems, Majesty,” Gwyneth spoke up excitedly. “It seemed to be a trend, a most joyous trend. I also have a new baby, a boy named Hank.”

  “You suffered so much tragedy at so young an age, my dear Gwyneth. The Lord above should have seen fit to gift you with a loving husband and a child long ago, but He must have known how badly my Sebastian needed you, and how much I needed you for him,” the King whispered softly to her. “I’m truly happy for you Gwyneth. Tis no more than you deserve.”

  “Thank you, Majesty,” the maid blushed. “Henry would be out here to greet you also but he’s busy in the kitchen cooking. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for the feast we’re having in your honour.”

  “I’m sure I’ll appreciate his efforts,” the King laughed. “He’s a superb chef as I recall, isn’t he?”

  “I think so, Majesty,” Gwyneth said.

  “Nate, how are you?” The King turned around and greeted Beauty’s younger brother. “You seem to have been working with the guards and have gained considerable muscle since I was here last.”

  “Your Majesty, thank you.” Nate grinned and boasted, “Tis true I am training daily with the guards. In fact, I beat all but four of them in the last archery contest.”

  “How’s your swordsmanship?” the King asked severely.

  “The Beast seems to think it’s coming along well,” Nate grinned, “but my brother, Tom, is never pleased.”

  “That’s the way of older brothers, it seems,” the King grinned.

  “Claire, you look wonderful.” The King kissed the young girl’s slender hand. “I trust the Beast is taking good care of you?”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” the girl blushed shyly.

  The King turned to Beauty’s other brother. Although his face was impassive, his eyes narrowed and he seemed to be weighing something as he greeted Tom.

  “Thomas, how have you fared?” the King asked with a trace of wariness in his voice.

  “I have been well, M’lord,” Tom replied shortly, tension showing in his stiff posture.

  Everyone watching noticed the slight chill in the air as the two men spoke to each other.

  The family also greeted both Sir Richard and Lady Althea very warmly before entering the great hall of the castle. The King, Sir Richard and Lady Althea, all three, forgot the adults as soon as they saw the trio of infants. They admired and fussed over all three. Tiny Hank was very small and cried very loudly. Little Alaina promptly spit up on Sir Richard’s best tunic. Of the three, little James was the clear favourite. He seemed to know that he was the centre of attention. He was busy crawling on the soft fur rug.

  Before dinner was served, the three mothers discretely took the infants and left the room. Soon all the babies were fed and put down for a nap under the watchful eyes of the servants, and the adults settled down to a feast of roasted lamb and began to visit with each other.

  The King looked at the Beast and was struck once again by the changes in the man. The ruthless young knight had indeed grown up. He was now a man of wisdom and maturity. He was now a man who knew how to love, and he valued life. He even valued the lives of his serfs. He also honoured his wife and child.

  The King was very pleased. When Beauty was with the King, he saw much more than the perfection of her shape and the exceptional beauty of her features. He saw the beauty of her nature and her love for the Beast and baby James. Her love shone openly in every glance and gesture she made towards the Beast. Her love warmed the room every time she touched and nurtured the baby. They spent a long evening sitting in the great hall, talking and watching baby James as he played on a rug in front of the fire. Later that evening, the King and the Beast talked privately in the nursery.

  The King held the baby boy in his arms and looked at the Beast with amusement. “You certainly hurry to please your King, Sebastian. ’Twas only eight months ago, in September, that I told you to marry. I, myself, attended the wedding in October. Almost seven months ago. Unless I’m mistaken, this babe is at least four months old.”

  The Beast smiled ruefully, “Some tasks are easier to accomplish than others, Sire, when my desires match your orders so perfectly.”

  “Lady Isabella pleases you then?” the King asked gently. “You are truly happy?”

  “I am very happy, Sire. Lady Isabella holds my very soul in her soft hands,” the Beast replied. “She’s taught me how to love and filled me with passion. Not just passion for sex, although that’s certainly a great part of it, but the passion for life and all its miracles.”

  “Tis good. You have found both love and passion in your mate.” The King paused and gently placed the babe in his cradle. “I took far too long to learn about the difference between love and passion. My first wife and I shared passion but there was no love. There was no respect, no concern for each other or for our children. Only our wealth and prestige were considered important.”

  “Sire... ” the Beast began.

  “Tis true,” the King interrupted, “and our children suffered greatly for it. We raised them to be warriors and kings but we forgot to raise them to be simple human beings. Things were no better when my wife died, for the children were already gone to their foster homes and I was at war.”

  “But then you found your second wife,” the Beast prompted, “
and had more children.”

  “I thank God for Lady Alice,” the King smiled sadly. “I will miss her always. Before she died she gave me two beautiful children and taught me how to truly love with all my heart and soul.”

  “As Beauty has taught me how to love,” the Beast murmured.

  “Lady Isabella has fire, passion, tenderness and a beautiful soul. What more can a father want for his son?” the King murmured, ignoring Beauty’s gasp of surprise as she entered the nursery.

  “M’lord Beast,” she said ominously, looking from the King to the Beast. “Have you been keeping a secret from me?”

  She finally noticed the resemblance between the two men. Once she knew to look for it, their family relationship was undeniable. The two men’s faces were very similar. There were subtle differences, however. The King had lighter hair and it was streaked with grey. He was fit but his figure was still thicker and stockier than the Beast’s.

  The King’s eyes were the most different however, as they were a soft brown and filled with both quiet contentment and immense sadness. The King’s eyes reflected a life lived hard, filled with great tragedy and even greater love.

  “’Tis naught, Beauty,” the Beast hastened to explain. “I mean, ’tis true he is my father, but I have an older brother who’s very good at siring male children. I am not next in line for the crown. I’m somewhere around fifth.”

  “‘Tis true, but your brother should have another heir presented to him in about a month, his fourth, so you’ll move down the list again,” the King told the Beast, smiling broadly. “Unless ‘tis a girl. You and Beauty have a lot of work to do if you want to catch up.”

  “Loving Beauty is not work, M’lord, tis the easiest thing I’ve ever done,” Sebastian smiled. “Tis living with her that’s so difficult.”

  “You Beast!” Beauty shrieked, pummelling his chest.

  Over her head, the Beast met his father’s eyes with a broad grin, “See what I mean, Sire?”

  The King made no reply. Smiling, he merely left the room, locking the door on his way out.


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