Intrigued Out of the Office

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Intrigued Out of the Office Page 5

by Nicole Edwards

  Getting to my feet, I felt a little self-conscious as I opened the box and stared at all of the greenery that was smashed inside.

  Master and Sir both chuckled and I looked up to see that they were watching me. It was clear I had no idea what I was doing, but I was bound and determined to give it my best shot.

  Half an hour later, I had managed to drag all the pieces out of the box. It hadn’t been easy because it was one of those trees that only had a few sections. They would all be pieced together to make one tall tree and the lights were already attached.

  According to the box, it should’ve been easy, but it wasn’t.

  “All right, boys,” King said gruffly. “Stop makin’ the poor girl work so hard. Get on up there and help her.”

  Master and Sir joined me, and within minutes, they had it put together. It had to have been at least twelve feet tall and I laughed when I saw the monstrosity that filled a good portion of the living room. No way would I have been able to do that myself.

  “Your turn,” Master said, cupping my face and kissing my lips. “All that greenery has to be fluffed.”

  My eyes widened as I stared over at the tree. That was going to take hours.


  By the time dinner was ready, I’d managed to get at least half the tree to look relatively decent. Mel had helped, which made it all the more embarrassing. Clearly, we weren’t cut out for this sort of thing.

  “Come on, ladies,” King called out. “That’s enough for one day.”

  Mel and I washed up in the kitchen, then joined the men on the back patio. Dinner consisted of pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and baby onions, along with honey cornbread. I had to wonder if the chef was responsible for this, or if it was a dish that Mel had made. It wasn’t something I’d ever tried, but it smelled heavenly.

  The conversation revolved mostly around Laura, Master and Sir’s sister, as well as Laura’s four kids. Apparently, once Mel and King left the island on Christmas Day, they would be flying to Kentucky to spend the rest of the week with them.

  After the food was consumed, I offered to help Mel clean up the kitchen and we worked diligently to get it all taken care of. Shortly thereafter, King retired to the bedroom with Mel in tow, leaving me alone with Master and Sir.

  For a few minutes, we sat on the sofa and stared at the Christmas tree.

  “It looks terrible, huh?” I asked, smiling to myself.

  “It’s definitely not gonna win any awards,” Sir confirmed.

  “I only have a small tabletop tree at my apartment,” I admitted. “And I only bought that when I was at the mall yesterday.” Had it really only been yesterday? It felt as though it’d been a month since then.

  No one said anything for the longest time, and finally, Sir got to his feet and held out his hand to me.

  “Come on, let’s get you up to bed.”

  Getting to my feet, I allowed Sir to lead me up the stairs while Master followed us. Once in the bedroom, Master closed the door while Sir opened the balcony doors, letting in the warm breeze coming off the ocean.

  I had no idea what to expect, but when Master and Sir came over and sandwiched me between them, I knew it was going to be a good night.

  Surprisingly, they didn’t ask me to strip; instead, they handled that part themselves. While their mouths trailed warmth all over my neck and shoulders, they easily removed my clothes, along with their own. I could do nothing more than hold on to them, basking in the warmth of their skin against mine.

  There were no commands issued, yet they dominated my every move, positioning me how they wanted me as they kissed and licked every inch of my body. I took the rare opportunity to touch them, my hands roaming, seeking. Every now and then, I would elicit a moan from one or both of them.

  “Come here, sweetness,” Sir urged, pulling me on top of him.

  Within seconds, he was seated deep inside me, his mouth brushing mine. I kissed him like a woman starved. This was what I needed, being with both of them at the same time. Although I enjoyed them separately, it was this moment when I knew I was complete. It felt right to me, as though I was exactly where I belonged.

  While I rocked my hips, Sir’s thick cock lodged deep inside my pussy, Master moved behind me. I knew what they were going to do and I welcomed it. I wanted to feel them both at the same time. Especially like this. They weren’t in a rush, didn’t seem to be desperate to make me lose my mind. We were simply three people existing in that moment.

  Several minutes later, Master’s cock was tunneling deep inside my ass. I groaned as the pain lanced me. They were patient, taking their time as they filled me to capacity.

  My heart squeezed in my chest. There was something different about them tonight. This wasn’t merely domination and submission. This was…more.

  “Sit up,” Sir instructed, urging my chest off of his.

  I couldn’t move far because I was sandwiched between them, but I did as he requested.

  “Put your hands behind your back, pet,” Master commanded.

  He then took my wrists in his hand and held me there, effectively restraining me with my arms behind me.

  Sir cupped my breasts in his big hands, holding me up as they began to thrust into me, picking up their speed, rocking me between them.

  I moaned in earnest, loving the way they handled me.

  “You’re beautiful, Luci,” Sir whispered, his eyes locked with mine.

  Master’s lips pressed against my neck. “So fucking beautiful,” he echoed.

  And then they were fucking me, driving in deep, retreating. They had a rhythm of their own and it was perfect. As though the three of us were made for each other. It didn’t take long before they detonated my orgasm, sending me flying higher and higher as they continued to impale me over and over.

  “Another,” Sir insisted. “Come for us again.”

  I was so lost in the sensation, I didn’t think it was possible, but they didn’t let up. I was inherently aware of the way Master gripped my wrists tightly, pulling me closer to him as he slammed into my ass, while Sir firmly kneaded my tits, squeezing and pinching my nipples.

  “Come for us,” Master growled. “Right now.”

  As though they had a finger on the button, another orgasm rocketed through me, making the hair on my body stand on end. It was exquisitely brutal, slamming through me at the same time they both stilled. Our combined grunts and groans echoed in the space as they came with me, filling me at the same time.

  As I drifted off to sleep a short time later, wrapped securely in their arms, I knew without a doubt that I was falling in love with these two men.

  Sure, I was probably a glutton for punishment, because I knew that my love was not what they were seeking, but it didn’t matter.

  It was no longer my choice.

  I was giving it to them freely.

  Expecting nothing in return.


  THE NEXT DAY, I WOKE up in the arms of the two men I’d fallen asleep with.

  I was surprised to find them still in bed, but I was thankful all the same. While they slept, I watched them, admiring their beauty and the peace they obviously found in sleep.

  They must’ve sensed me watching, because it wasn’t long before they were both awake, using their fingers to drive me right over the edge as a form of punishment for waking before they did. If that was how they were going to handle things, I vowed to always wake up before them.

  The rest of the day was spent outside. Master took me for a walk on the beach after lunch. Then Sir spent a couple of hours with me down by the water. I enjoyed spending time with them separately, knowing that the other was nearby. And surprisingly, it hadn’t been awkward having their parents there with us. In fact, Melanie and I spent plenty of time chatting.

  All in all, it was one of the best Christmas Eves I could remember having.

  Later that evening, I ended up stuffing myself full of a traditional Christmas dinner complete with turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, g
reen bean casserole, and even pecan pie. Whoever was responsible for the meal had done a fabulous job. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had such fantastic food on any given holiday. Like I’d said, my mother wasn’t into the festivities, but this helped to make it feel more like a holiday for me.

  After dinner, Melanie and I were dismissed to the living room, where she regaled me with tales of her boys when they were younger. She mentioned that Master had always been the more serious one, taking after his father. And Sir was very similar to her in regard to their sense of humor.

  It was interesting because I saw so much of both Master and Sir in their parents. They were a perfect blend of both. And despite the fact that I’d been ridiculously nervous, the weekend had turned out to be much better than I’d thought it would. Then again, that was partially due to the fact that I got to spend so much time feeling as though I had a family. No, I wasn’t getting too wrapped up in it, being mindful of the fact that it was only temporary, but I did allow myself time to enjoy.

  If it were up to me, I would never leave this place or these people.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Melanie said, her hand going to her heart. “I remember the first time Langston found one of King’s paddles…” She chuckled softly. “My stern little boy hadn’t been happy about it, accusing King of being mean to me.”

  I grinned. “How old was he?”

  “Four.” She giggled. “He had no idea what it even was, but King sat him down and informed him that sometimes people did things that required them to be disciplined.” She waved her hand dismissively. “We never used corporal punishment on any of the kids, so he had no clue what King was talking about.”

  “So, was it…difficult raising children while living as Master and slave?”

  Melanie beamed. “As with anything in life, if you want something, there’s always going to be compromise. Sure, when our daughter was born, we had to change some of the things we did when it came to play. We could no longer have parties at the house because we didn’t want her to stumble upon something she was too young to see. Instead, we started spending our date nights at the club when it was possible. So, when the boys came along, we’d already adjusted quite well.”

  “But you live the life twenty-four seven, correct?”

  “I do. I’ve willingly given my master complete and total control over me, including my decisions.”

  Except when it came to work, I knew. She was a truly independent woman in that regard.

  I frowned. I was sure Mel had encountered many people who couldn’t grasp the idea of what it meant to be so totally devoted to someone else. When I thought about those who had been cruelly enslaved—not by choice—I couldn’t help but shudder. The hell they had endured was not something anyone should ever face. Granted, I knew the kink world had a different definition, but still.

  “The key there, honey, is I was willing. I wasn’t forced. It was a choice and one that I thought long and hard about. In the end, it was necessary for me to be happy.”

  Some of it I understood, sure. I mean, I was willingly offering up my body and my trust to these men, believing wholeheartedly that they would care for me and keep me safe.

  Melanie smiled. “And I’m sure all three of our kids realized early on that I wasn’t like other mothers out there. But I was their mother and they knew that King and I loved them unconditionally. I expected they would ask questions eventually.”

  “Did they?”

  “Of course. And we explained it to them the best we could using terms they would understand. I think our daughter realized, but chose to pretend otherwise. I think she was embarrassed by our choices. Then, when the boys were teenagers, they started to figure things out on their own, knew that their parents were definitely different from their friends’ parents. So, when they turned fifteen, King sat them down and explained everything.”

  Oh, God. I could only imagine what I would’ve done if my parents had shared that sort of information with me. As it was, I did not want to think about my mom and Jim having… Yeah. I didn’t want to think about it.

  “One thing to understand, Luci, is that communication is the most important part of a relationship. Whether it’s in the vanilla world, D/s, or M/s. It doesn’t matter. Without communication, you have nothing. We felt it was important for the boys to know so they could make their own decisions.”

  “Were you surprised when you found out they’d taken after King?”

  She smiled widely. “No. Not at all. And I feel as though they’re better Doms than King was at their age.”

  “Because they had him as a mentor?”


  I was curious about Master’s and Sir’s take on growing up in a household like that. I bet it was interesting.

  “Kitten. Girl.”

  I looked up at the sound of King’s booming voice. I found it oddly endearing that he’d given me the pet name girl and had used it whenever he spoke to me.

  “I think it’s time for this old man to hit the hay,” King announced when he joined us in the living room.

  Melanie reached over and squeezed my hand. “Looks like I’m being summoned.”

  “Thank you for today and yesterday, Mel. It’s been a pleasure meeting you. And thank you for sharing your stories with me.”

  “Oh, honey, the pleasure’s all mine. I’ll see you in the morning. King and I will be around before the others arrive, but then we’ll be heading back. As much fun as those things are, there’s only so much a mother can do when her sons are in the same place.”

  I giggled, understanding completely.

  I got up and hugged her. “Good night.”

  “Good night, honey.”

  I watched as Melanie walked into King’s arms before retreating to the downstairs bedroom at the back of the house.

  Easing back onto the sofa, I stared at the space they had occupied. I couldn’t remember a time I’d had so much fun simply talking to someone. I secretly wished my mother and I could have conversations like that. Well, maybe not exactly like that. Unfortunately, my mother was too opinionated and I’d become too standoffish for that to ever happen.

  Something else I’d enjoyed about the last two days was seeing how people who were immersed deeply within the lifestyle interacted. It was no different than in the vanilla world. Mostly. There was the fact that Mel asked permission or King gave it freely before she did just about anything. It seemed she needed his direction in order to be content. And he didn’t seem to mind giving it. But for the most part, they were normal, everyday people.

  I wasn’t sure how my expectations had been skewed or why I thought it would be drastically different, but I had.

  It was definitely easier to relax when your expectations were set. Knowing that Master and Sir would command me in the event they wanted something specific, my only responsibility, as in any relationship, was to be attentive to them.

  “What’s on your mind, pet?” Master asked when he joined me in the living room.

  I smiled up at him. “Just thinking how great today was.”

  “It was nice, wasn’t it?”

  “Absolutely. Your parents are wonderful. It was an honor to meet them.”

  “Funny, my mother said the same about you.”

  He took a seat beside me, balancing his drink on his knee.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  Master nodded.

  “Was it weird growing up in a house knowing that your parents were in a…nontraditional relationship?”

  He stared at the tree. “Until I was a teenager, I didn’t recognize there was really a difference. They were my parents and I wasn’t familiar with things being done any other way.”

  Well, that made sense. “But once King told you?”

  He smiled. “Sure, it was weird. I don’t think there’s a kid out there who wants to know what their parents do in the bedroom. Hell, I still don’t want to know.” Master chuckled. “However, my father laid it out for us in technical terms
and he managed to relay the information in a way that didn’t make us uncomfortable. Not too much anyway.”

  “Did you know you wanted to be like your dad in that regard?”

  Master shook his head. “It made sense to me as I got older. But it wasn’t something I questioned.”

  “So, did you look to him for answers?”

  “On some things, sure. I was able to get information from him on discipline and such.”

  So, they really did use King as a mentor.

  We sat like that for several minutes before Master got to his feet. He held out his hand and I instantly took it, allowing him to help me up. He led me out to the balcony that overlooked the water. Sir joined us a few minutes later.

  Both men set their drinks on a small table near the cushioned chairs, then turned to face me.

  I swallowed hard, seeing the intent in their eyes. Whatever they were thinking was likely going to result in me being naked and probably enjoying an orgasm or two.

  “Slowly remove the top,” Sir instructed, referring to the bikini top I’d kept on when we returned from the beach, with a skirt over the bottoms. “As though you’re unwrapping a gift just for us.”

  I would never tire of him saying things like that. The command in his tone alone was enough to have my heart rate increasing and my thighs trembling.

  I leaned my back against the railing, then reached behind my head and untied the string. Rather than free my breasts instantly, I slowly ran my fingers over my shoulders, down my chest, keeping the ties firmly in my hands. When the fabric dipped just below my nipples, I lifted it slightly, watching them as I did. I could tell they were enjoying the show, so I revealed one breast, allowing my fingers to play over my nipple, making it pebble. I then did the same with the other before reaching behind my back and releasing the bottom clasp.

  Neither man moved and I waited with bated breath for what they instructed me to do next.


  I COULD FEEL MY ANTICIPATION growing as my two masters stared back at me, heat making their hazel eyes sparkle.


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