Intrigued Out of the Office

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Intrigued Out of the Office Page 27

by Nicole Edwards


  When I made it back to my office, I found a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my desk. The large vase was full of delicate white roses; the outer edges of the petals were a fascinating shade of blue. I’d never seen anything like it. In a word, they were stunning. The card tucked into them had my name scrolled on the front, so I quickly pulled it out and flipped it open.


  I’m looking forward to our time together. In the interest of showing your acceptance, please put your apartment key in my top desk drawer. You will find mine in your desk. At five thirty, I expect you to go straight to my apartment, strip, and wait by the door until I arrive.


  Merely reading the note had me giddy about the prospect of being Justin’s submissive for the next two weeks. I guess I needed to get used to calling him Master Parker for the time being. It would likely make things easier.

  After opening my top drawer to find the key Master Parker had referred to, along with a tag with the number fifty-seven on it, I then took my apartment key and placed it in his top drawer. I was taking my seat at my desk when Ben returned from lunch. After asking if he needed me to make afternoon coffee and being told he was good, I got to work going through emails. My inbox was flooded with messages from team members answering questions about the next quarterly meeting. The main request I received was that the bosses include all the team members for at least one session, not only managers. It was a great idea, but I would have to consider the costs before I presented it to my bosses.

  For some reason, I was rejuvenated now that I had something to focus on, which had me putting forth a little more effort in everything I did. Rather than passing the random questions over to one of my bosses, I started seeking answers on my own. Sure, some of them I couldn’t answer, so I forwarded them to the appropriate person. However, I was able to field a lot more than usual, making calls to get more details and offering my assistance as needed.


  At five thirty, I quickly packed up my things and headed up to Master Parker’s apartment. Using the key he gave me, I let myself in. The second I stepped inside, I was overwhelmed with curiosity, wanting to know more about him by getting a peek into his private space.

  Having to hold back that part of myself was far more difficult than I thought. I had to read and reread his note over and over again to keep from getting up from my kneeling position in front of the door. I wanted to traipse through his space, to know how he functioned, what he liked, what he ate. I had no idea why I was so overwhelmed with this need.

  However, I was happy that I did manage to remain where I was, naked and kneeling by the door. When I heard the key in the lock, my heart skipped a beat or two. I managed to perfect my position when he stepped inside and breathed a sigh of relief when he placed his hand on my head and asked me to stand and greet him.

  “Princess,” he said, sliding his thumb over my lips. “I’m impressed.”

  It was as though he knew what was rattling around in my brain.

  “Thank you, Master Parker.”

  He placed a suitcase down near the door. I glanced at it and it finally registered that it was my suitcase. I smiled to myself, realizing that was the reason he’d asked for my apartment key. The same key he passed over to me with a smirk on his face.

  “Are you hungry?”

  I nodded. “Would you like me to make something?”

  Master Parker began undoing his tie as he walked toward the kitchen. “Unnecessary, but thank you for offering. However, you’re welcome to join me while I cook.”

  Smiling, I followed him into the kitchen, trying not to be modest about my nakedness, although it wasn’t easy.

  “Wow,” I said in awe. “This is…really nice.”

  The kitchen was state of the art with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. The cabinets were dark cherry Shaker and modern in design. It was similar to the design of his office.

  While he rolled up his sleeves, Master Parker peered into the refrigerator. I took a seat at the island bar, watching him intently.

  “Any allergies?” he asked, glancing back at me over his shoulder.



  He proceeded to pull out several ingredients: chicken, broccoli, snap peas, baby corn, and a few other things I couldn’t identify.

  “So, tell me what you thought of your visit to the island,” he prompted, glancing up at me every so often as he worked.

  Wow. The island. That seemed like such a long time ago. However, it was still fresh in my mind, so I didn’t mind discussing it.

  “It was interesting. A little awkward at first. Meeting Master and Sir’s parents and all.”

  Master Parker grinned. “Good people, though, huh?”

  “Absolutely,” I said with a matching smile. “They made me feel welcome. Have you met them?”

  “Of course.” He smiled. “Many times. They’re also members of the club.”

  The same club Master and Sir were members of? That seemed like it could get a little awkward at times. Perhaps they exchanged schedules? Made sure they weren’t there when their parents were? That was what I would’ve done anyway.

  “And what about the festivities?” Master Parker continued. “What’d you think of those?”


  Another smile tilted his perfect mouth.

  “And the club? What were your thoughts on it?”

  “I liked it. A little more intense than I think I’d expected.”

  “No, more like the island was more subdued,” he clarified.

  “There was certainly a stark difference in play,” I admitted. “But I did enjoy the club. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to go back there one day.”

  “So, you’re going to pursue this submissive thing?”

  I knew what he was saying without saying it. He meant, if I was no longer with the four of them, would I still be interested.

  “Yes. It’s something that makes me happy. I feel complete for the first time in my life.”

  He nodded, as though that was an acceptable response.

  While he worked, tossing everything into a wok, the conversation continued. We chatted about everything from college to our first jobs, even a little about his relationship with Ben; however, I could tell he was holding back where that topic was concerned.

  “We actually met at a club,” he informed me. “It wasn’t long after his divorce and he was following his desires, something his ex hadn’t been interested in.”

  “Was he a Dominant when you met him?”

  “He’s always been a switch, but I’d never officially topped a man before him. Sure, I’d had some casual encounters with men, having accepted my bisexuality in my mid-twenties. But nothing in the D/s realm.” Master Parker smiled. “He was my first and only.”

  Aww. That was so sweet.

  “When did things get serious between you two?”

  Master Parker paused what he was doing to look at me.

  Figuring I’d overstepped by asking something so personal, I was about to apologize when he smiled. “It wasn’t until recently that we began pursuing things on a more consistent level.”

  I waited, hoping he would continue. Unfortunately, he didn’t.

  “While I finish this up, why don’t you put your clothes on and set the table.”

  Feeling as though he didn’t want to continue sharing with me, my heart lurched, but I managed a pleasant, “Yes, Master Parker,” before doing as he asked.

  When I returned, he was finishing up with the meal, so I set the table as he’d requested. Several minutes later, we sat down at the table. We ate in comfortable silence, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d said something wrong.

  After placing my fork down, I waited until he looked at me before I spoke. “I’m sorry if I offended you in some way.”

  Master Parker frowned. “You didn’t offend me.”

  “I…I was just cur
ious about your life with Ben. The two of you seem happy. I didn’t mean to overstep.”

  He stared at me for a moment, then pointed at my plate. “Finish eating. Then we’ll take a bath. It’s getting late and we both have to be up early.”

  I still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was trying to buy some time, but I grabbed my fork and did as he requested.


  OKAY, SO MY TIME WITH Master Parker wasn’t going quite the way I’d anticipated.

  Last night, after we finished dinner, he sent me into the bathroom to start the bath. While I did that, he cleaned up the kitchen, then joined me. We soaked for what felt like hours, talking about very little. I was too hesitant to ask the real questions, so we kept things superficial, mostly about work. Any time I tried to venture down a more personal path—such as his parents or where he grew up—I was met with a stony resolve. Eventually I gave up.

  After that, he took me to his bed, curled up around me, and we went to sleep.

  That was it.

  It was weird but somewhat comforting. I was used to Master Parker wanting sex from me during most of our interactions. I guess that was what threw me off balance. I wondered if it was strange since I’d spent the past two weeks with Sir. I didn’t know, but it sort of made sense.

  Of course, I knew I wasn’t going to get any answers unless I asked questions; however, I was confused. It wasn’t that I only wanted him for sex, anyway. I simply thought that was what the arrangement was.

  If I was being honest, I did crave his friendship. I wanted to know more about him, what he enjoyed doing, his favorite foods, movies. The typical things one friend wants to know about the other. However, it appeared that we weren’t going to go that route and I wasn’t sure how to change the direction we were headed.

  This morning, I woke up alone in his bed. There was a note letting me know he had an early meeting and he would see me in the office later. There were no instructions, so I had no idea what to expect. I showered, then got ready and made my way down to the office at seven fifteen. Jordan hadn’t arrived yet, so I went to my desk and got to work.

  Part of me was hesitant to face Master Parker. The other part was anxious for some sort of sign.


  The day went by quickly. It seemed as though the workload was doubled for everyone in the office with Sir gone. The other three were bouncing from one meeting to the next, conference call after conference call, while Ben still tried to clean up the mess with his client.

  They were in and out throughout the day and I found myself adding more and more meetings to their calendars as people began demanding their time. Not that I could complain. It was a good thing for the company that we were busy, and bringing on new clients was the name of the game.

  It was during my interactions with some of the team members that I learned there were satellite offices across the world. I’d realized there were team members, but I hadn’t understood that they had actual offices they went to. Apparently, they were all remote, but they did have a location to go to when they wanted to.

  While I’d mistakenly believed that my four bosses managed the majority of their clients by utilizing their teams, I’d been schooled on that, too. Due to the sheer size of the company and the high volume of clients they had, there were managers across the globe who were responsible for keeping my bosses up to date, plus Ben, Justin, Landon, and Langston had their own client lists. In fact, my bosses handled the highest-profile clients and a few who had insisted they would only work directly with them.

  It was enlightening to say the least. Plus, it made me truly believe that a meeting with all the staff members was necessary. I’d been there for coming up on four months and had no idea the sheer complexity that made up a company of that size. I wanted to learn more, and if I did, I was sure there were others who did, too.

  My phone rang at five fifteen and I answered with a cheerful greeting.

  “I’m calling to let you know that you have been summoned,” Jordan said, his tone filled with amusement.


  “Yep. So, pack up all your stuff and get your cute little ass up here.”

  “But it’s not five thirty,” I said in a hushed tone.

  Jordan’s tone was just as quiet when he replied, “And I’m sure that’s not a problem since Justin is the one summoning you.”

  “Oh.” I glanced at all the closed office doors. “Okay. I’ll be there in two minutes.”

  “Hurry up, sweet cheeks. You don’t want to keep the big bad Dom waiting.”

  After hanging up the phone, I grabbed my purse and my cell phone. I paused momentarily, wondering if I should tell Ben or Langston that I was leaving. I decided not to since they knew that I belonged to Master Parker for the time being. I certainly didn’t want to undermine his authority.

  I hurried to the front and was greeted by Jordan’s wide smile and an envelope he was holding out to me.

  “Now scoot,” he said, shooing me toward the elevator.

  The note on the front of the envelope read: DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE ELEVATOR GOING UP TO MY APARTMENT.

  Feeling slightly giddy, I punched the button for the elevator and waited, doing my best not to bounce as my impatience grew. When the elevator arrived, I was glad to see that it was empty. As soon as I stepped inside, I ripped the envelope open and read the note.

  Dear Miss Wagner,

  It’s come to my attention that you are past due for your yearly checkup. It’s imperative that you come in at your earliest convenience. I’ve scheduled you an appointment for five thirty this afternoon. Don’t be late.

  Dr. J. Parker

  *I expect you to be in character upon your arrival. Punishment will be in order if you disobey.

  I was overwhelmed by excitement at the idea of role playing with Master Parker. Jordan had mentioned that Master Parker was prone to this type of play and, well, it looked as though the doctor was in.

  Admittedly, I’d never had any sexual thoughts about my doctor or any of my visits. It always felt clinical to me, sometimes even embarrassing, so I was interested to see Master Parker’s take on an office visit.

  When the elevator opened on his floor, I stepped out and glanced down the hall. Remembering the night they’d fulfilled my fantasy on the beach, I decided I would get right into character. After all, punishment was not what I was in the mood for. However, I would never turn down an orgasm or two.

  I hefted my purse up on my shoulder, tilted my shoulders back, and walked toward his apartment door with purpose. Figuring I wouldn’t have a key to a doctor’s office, I tried the knob to see if it would open.

  It did.

  I stepped inside to find Ben sitting on the sofa. I wasn’t sure what to think at first, but I noticed he only gave me a cursory glance before he went back to reading the magazine he was holding. It honestly felt like I was arriving for an appointment and Ben was a bored patient waiting to go in as well.

  Since there wasn’t a receptionist to check in with, I assumed I was to take a seat, so I did. I sat in the chair opposite the sofa and reached for another magazine that had been set out on the table. Crossing my legs at the knee, I leaned back and settled in to wait, flipping through the pages.

  A solid ten minutes passed before I heard a door open behind me. I didn’t turn to look, merely continued my perusal of the magazine.

  “Miss Wagner?”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Master Parker in full doctor mode, white coat and all.

  “Yes?” I responded politely.

  He checked a clipboard. “If you’ll follow me, please.”

  Getting to my feet, I offered Ben a polite smile, then went in the direction of my role-playing doctor.

  “How are you doing today?” he asked as he led me into a room.

  I hadn’t been in this room yesterday, and as I stepped inside, I realized why. This was obviously Master Parker’s playroom. Although it was decked out with many interesting items, I n
oticed there was a mock patient room set up in the corner. Well, technically there were two set up and a curtain that separated them. More like a hospital than a doctor’s office, but it intrigued me.

  “I’m doing well, thank you.” I set my purse on a chair near the examination table.

  He turned toward a counter and set down the clipboard. Without looking back at me, he instructed me to remove my clothes and put on the patient gown.

  “It ties in the front,” he added.

  If this were real, I would be more than a little uncomfortable changing in front of my doctor, so in order to preserve the scene, I didn’t immediately start to remove my clothes. A couple of minutes later, Master Parker turned to face me.

  “Is there a problem, Miss Wagner?”

  I shrugged shyly. “It’s just…” I dropped my gaze to the floor. “I’m a little embarrassed to change with you in the room.”

  He observed me as though gauging whether I was telling the truth or not, then nodded. “Very well.” Grabbing his chart, he headed for the door. “I’ll be back in two minutes. Remove all clothing, including your underwear.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Parker.”

  He nodded, then slipped out of the room.

  As though I was at a real doctor’s office, I hurriedly removed my clothing, then put the gown on, tying it in the front as he’d instructed. My butt had just settled on the paper-lined examination table when there was a soft knock on the door before he returned.

  Those ocean-blue eyes grazed me momentarily as he set the chart back down on the counter.

  “I’m going to do a full physical exam on you today,” he informed me, his eyes dropping back to the chart. “It’s been quite a while since you’ve been in.”

  “It has,” I admitted, playing along. “I’ve been…busy.”

  I sat with my legs together and my hand firmly on the front of the gown, careful to keep it closed as he stepped around the table. I had to hold back a giggle when he pulled out a blood pressure cuff. The man certainly knew how to get into character. It made the entire interaction that much more stimulating.

  After he took my blood pressure, then my temperature with one of those thermometers that rolls across your forehead, he went and noted something in the chart.


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