Intrigued Out of the Office

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Intrigued Out of the Office Page 35

by Nicole Edwards


  That night, Master surprised us all by cooking dinner. He said it was his Valentine’s gift to me. Granted, they’d had six dozen red roses and three boxes of chocolates delivered to the office, so I think they’d already come through for this holiday.

  As for my gift to them… Well, I had taken my limits list and removed all of my hard limits. I knew that Master and Sir would take care of me. I knew they knew my own limits. When I gave it to them, they had both kissed me senseless, letting me know that my gift of submission was all they ever needed. No matter what they said, I could tell they were moved by the fact that I’d given them my ultimate trust.

  “Are you staring at me again?” Master grumbled.

  I think I’d finally managed to get on his very last nerve when I plopped my butt on the island and watched him work.

  “There’s a reason I don’t cook.” If he had been attempting to hide his irritation, he didn’t succeed.

  “Why’s that?” I knew he’d said he didn’t like to be in the kitchen, but other than that, I didn’t know his reasons.

  “Because…I hate to show up my brother.”

  Sir overheard and laughed. It was a hearty sound that made me chuckle.

  “Show me up, huh?”

  “Yes,” Master said, trying to sound serious, but his smile gave him away.

  He looked happy. Happier than I’d ever seen him. It felt good to know that I was partially the reason for that.

  Things had certainly gotten off track at the office in recent weeks. I think we’d all known what was going on, but no one did anything about it. There had been a lack of communication, although the three of us knew it was key to making things work. We were all at fault.

  But now that they’d collared me and we’d taken the next step, there was significantly less stress.

  “Well, if it’s any consolation,” I told him. “You cook, I’ll clean.”

  Master turned to look my way, his eyes darting over to Sir’s.

  “Naked,” he said absently.

  Sir agreed. “I think that’s a great idea. From here on out, she’s required to clean naked.”

  “Well, I was thinking more along the lines of she should always be naked.”

  “Always?” I pouted.

  “I think we’ll need to work on a few additional rules,” Master noted as he turned around and tended to whatever it was he was making.

  “What’s today?” Sir asked.

  “Wednesday,” I provided helpfully.

  “Right. Well, then on Wednesdays, you’ll be required to be topless in the kitchen while dinner’s being prepared.”

  Ever the helpful one, Sir came around and pulled my shirt up and over my head. He then released the clasp on my bra and tossed it onto the table.

  “There,” Sir said as he stepped back and admired my naked torso.


  By the time dinner was on the table, I was slowly going out of my mind. Turned out that when I was topless, both Master and Sir had wandering hands. Not that I minded, except when they didn’t follow through with their teasing.

  “I think we should talk about our plans for the weekend,” Master tossed out as we were eating.

  “What plans?” I asked, suddenly excited to hear what they had in store for me.

  “I have the movers scheduled for Monday,” Sir stated. “Which means we’ll need to get any of your valuables moved before then. They’ll handle packing and moving the rest. For the time being, we’ll have her stuff stored in your room,” he said to Langston. “That way she can figure out what she wants where.”

  Master nodded as he chewed.

  “Okay,” I said, trying to keep up. “So we’re partially moving this weekend. Check.”

  “We’ll be going to Dichotomy on Saturday night,” Master added. “I’ll plan to reserve a spot for a scene.” He looked at Sir. “We’ll have to come up with something to test our little sub’s limits.”


  They looked at one another and I swear something passed between them.

  “What? What’s that little thing you do?” I motioned between them. “That silent-speaking thing you just did. What aren’t you telling me?”

  They both turned to look at me.

  “At some point this weekend, we’d like for you to introduce us to your mother and stepfather.”

  I dropped my fork. Words wouldn’t form.

  Master said my name firmly, my attention shooting over to him.

  I shook my head. “I… What… I…” I couldn’t even get the words out.

  Sir leaned forward. “Luci, if we’re going to move forward, it’s important that we meet your parents.”

  “Both of you?” I blurted.

  That was obviously not the right thing to say.

  “Last I checked, you weren’t with just one of us,” Master stated coldly.

  I reached for his wrist. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I…” I dropped my eyes to my plate and released him. “It’s just that my mother is extremely opinionated and she has never approved of anything I’ve done before. I can only imagine how she’s going to react.”

  “We can handle your mother,” Master said reassuringly.

  I hoped that was true. More importantly, I hoped that by meeting my mother, they didn’t suddenly think that I wasn’t worth it. After all, my mother rarely had anything good to say about me.

  Then again, for all I knew, she could be ecstatic about the news. Someone to take me off her hands so she would never have to worry about me again.

  I frowned, but I managed to look at them. “I’ll call her tomorrow, set up a time for us to go over there. I’ll have to find out what day Jim’s off.”

  They seemed content with that answer.

  Master motioned toward my plate. “Now finish eating so we can watch you clean naked.”

  Well, at least I had something to look forward to.



  Holy crap.

  Holy crap.

  That was the only thing that I could think as we walked from Sir’s truck up to my mother’s front door on Friday evening.

  It wasn’t the best way to start the weekend in my mind, but my mother had informed me that Jim was working all day Saturday and would likely be sleeping on Sunday, so if I wanted to visit, it would have to be Friday night.

  And here we were.

  “Relax, pet,” Master said, gently squeezing my shoulders.

  “You haven’t met her,” I mumbled under my breath as we made our way up the stairs. If he had, he would know that relaxing wasn’t an option.

  I knocked on the door and I could feel Master and Sir staring down at me. I figured when they went to visit their own parents, they probably had a key to the house or perhaps Mel and Jeremy would merely have the door unlocked to welcome them.

  Not my mother.

  She did not want me having a key to her house and not once since I’d moved out at seventeen had the door ever been unlocked when I came over for a visit. Scheduled or not.

  A few minutes later, the door finally opened and Jim stood there. His eyes instantly widened as he glanced between Master and Sir.

  “Luci? Is everything okay?” He sounded concerned.

  “It’s great,” I said, putting on my best smile.

  When he pushed open the screen door, I stepped inside.

  “I’d like you to meet…Landon and Langston.” I motioned toward my stepfather. “This is Jim Wagner.”

  Master and Sir both held out their hands to greet Jim. My stepfather looked dumbfounded, but he had the decency to shake their hands.

  “And how do you know Luci?” Jim asked them directly.

  “I met them at work,” I tossed out, not quite ready to announce that they were…whatever it was they were to me.

  “Your mother’s in the living room,” Jim announced, his gaze bouncing between the three of us. Clearly, he did not know what to think.

  We followed Jim
through the small dining room and into the living room at the back of the house. My mother was sitting in her chair watching television, seemingly unfazed that I had arrived. I could tell she hadn’t been home long, probably settling in for the evening.

  “Mother.” I said her name loud enough to get her attention.

  She turned her head, but then jerked upright. “Luci? What’s wrong?”

  Geez. Why did they keep asking that? It wasn’t like Master and Sir looked like serial killers.

  I glanced back at them.

  Okay, fine. They were intimidating, sure. But harmless.

  “Did something happen?” she asked, clearly wanting me to answer.

  “No, Mom. Everything’s fine.” I peered over my shoulder at Master and Sir. “I just wanted to introduce you to my... This is Landon and this is Langston.” I turned back and motioned in her direction. “And this is my mother, Terri Wagner.”

  They both moved toward her, offering their hands. She shook them hesitantly, her eyes never leaving their faces. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Her brows were pinched and she was frowning.

  “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” Sir said politely.

  I noticed that Master didn’t say anything at all.

  “Please, have a seat,” she said, motioning to the sofa.

  Reluctantly I sat down, Master and Sir sitting on either side of me. It was incredibly awkward and I didn’t know what to do with my hands, so I fidgeted for a few seconds before Master reached over and grabbed my fingers, pulling one of my hands into his lap. Of course, my mother noticed and followed the action before peering up at me.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” Jim offered.

  “No, thank you,” Sir told him. “We actually have dinner reservations in a bit. However, we thought it would be appropriate to stop by and officially meet Luci’s parents.”

  I could tell my mother was trying to figure out the punchline. It wasn’t every day that I brought a boyfriend home with me, much less two. In fact, I had never brought a boy home to meet my mother. Even now that I was sitting in front of her, the idea terrified me.

  “And how exactly do you know Luci?” My mother looked confused.

  Master and Sir both looked at me. I knew they were waiting to see if I would admit to our relationship.

  “Landon and Langston are…my boyfriends,” I blurted, shocked and slightly proud of myself.

  There was a deep groove in my mother’s forehead as she stared at the three of us for a moment. Then, surprisingly, she started laughing.

  Now I was the one who was confused. “What’s so funny?”

  “Your…boyfriends? Plural?” She laughed even harder.

  Granted, her chuckles died a quick death when Sir reached for my other hand, linking our fingers together.

  “Oh, my God. You’re serious.” My mother’s face turned a bright red. “Luci, this is absolutely unacceptable.”

  And there it was. I knew that this was a bad idea.

  “Actually, Mrs. Wagner, we didn’t come to get your approval.” Master’s tone was rigid yet civil.

  That threw my mother for a loop.

  “We simply felt that it was important to officially meet you,” he continued. “And to let you know that Luci will be moving in with us.”

  “Both of you?” My mother’s mouth hung open a little.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sir confirmed.

  “How long have you been dating…them?” she asked, her eyes narrowed on me.

  “Three months,” I admitted.

  “Three months! And you’re moving in with them?” Her voice was reaching a fever pitch.

  Sir glanced over at me and Master. “Would you mind waiting out in the truck? I’d like to have a conversation with your mother.”

  “No,” my mother snapped. “That’s not necessary. I don’t even want to know what depravity Luciana is a part of. I take absolutely no responsibility for her…ridiculous decisions.”

  Before I could plan a counterattack, Master pulled me up from the sofa and led me toward the front door. I pulled on his hand once, but he held firm, forcing me to follow him.

  “Come on, pet,” he said softly. “Let Landon handle this. The man’s quite adept at dealing with unruly people.”

  I was so embarrassed I started to cry. I couldn’t believe my mother would react like that. It wasn’t like I hadn’t suspected what she would say or do, but that…

  She called me depraved and it…it hurt.

  When we got to the truck, Master opened the back passenger door but he didn’t urge me inside. He turned me to face him, cupping my head in his big hands.

  “Look at me, Luci,” he insisted.

  I opened my eyes and tried to focus through the watery haze of tears.

  “I know it didn’t go the way you wanted it to,” he said softly. “But it was imperative that we meet them. I think you’ll find that, in the future, you’ll have a chance to repair the relationship with your mother.”

  “You’re wrong,” I said on a sob. “It’s a lost cause.”

  “It’s not,” he assured me. “However, if she would’ve found out that you moved in with us and you didn’t bother to tell her about the relationship, she would’ve been just as angry.”

  It was true. She would have. And then it would’ve been my fault.

  Master tilted my head back a little more, locking eyes with me. “One thing you need to know about me and Landon…we’re not embarrassed about what we want.” He fingered my collar. “We’ve waited our entire lives for you, Luci. And we’re not ashamed to admit it. If that’s not something you want, then you need to tell us now.”

  I grabbed his wrists. “I’m not ashamed either,” I said, praying he would believe me. “I’m not embarrassed about being with the two of you. In fact, I’m proud of that. I’m just…I’m embarrassed that my mother doesn’t love me.”

  Master leaned down and pressed his lips against my forehead. “Your mother loves you in her own way. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have let you come over today. A strained relationship is still better than no relationship at all.” He pulled back so I could see his face again. “Luci, your mother’s selfish. She thinks about herself first and foremost. Nobody’s perfect. But that’s on her, not you.”

  I had never thought of it that way.

  I heard the front door open and I turned to see Sir walking out. He shook Jim’s hand and then sauntered down the steps to the truck.

  “Come on,” Master urged. “Let’s go have dinner. We’ll talk more when we get there.”

  I agreed, although I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what my mother had to say when I wasn’t there.


  They took me to a fancy restaurant. I wasn’t quite dressed for the occasion, but no one seemed to mind. We were led to a private table in the back corner, away from most of the other patrons. While the waiter bustled about, bringing water, then wine, and finally taking our order, I sat patiently, wondering if Landon was going to tell me what happened.

  And then when he finally did, I wished he hadn’t.

  “She’ll come around,” Landon said, holding my hand in his. “She doesn’t know how to feel, Luci. You’ve admitted that you didn’t have a close relationship with her. This is her way of dealing.”

  I fought the tears back because he was right. My mother rarely had anything to do with me. There was no reason I should care that she didn’t want to talk to me.

  “It’s fine,” I finally said, knowing they were trying to comfort me. “I don’t care.”

  And that was mostly true. I didn’t want to care. It wasn’t like I needed her blessing. I was going to be with Master and Sir regardless of whether she approved or not. I guess somewhere inside was still a little girl who had hoped her mother would show at least a little affection toward her.

  I drank a little more wine than I was used to, but it helped to ease some of the pain. I even managed to make it through dinner with
out bringing the subject up again. Master and Sir carried the conversation, obviously knowing I was still hurting, but respecting my need to pretend it hadn’t happened.

  “Would you care for dessert?” the waiter offered after clearing our plates away.

  “We would,” Master said, surprising me. He wasn’t the dessert type.

  The waiter disappeared, then returned a moment later with a tray full of various sweets. He pointed them out with a brief description of each.

  “I’ll have the chocolate mousse,” I told him.

  “Very well.” He looked between Master and Sir. “Anything for you?”

  “No, we have other plans for dessert,” Sir stated, his tone serious. “However, we will have coffee.”

  I couldn’t help it, I chuckled. The waiter’s ears turned red and he forced a smile before heading back to put in the order.

  “Other plans for dessert, huh?” I teased.

  Both men turned their wicked gazes on me and I felt the full brunt of their sexiness. Perhaps it was the wine, or maybe it was merely them. I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I was just happy to be there, to have them beside me.

  I felt one warm hand travel up my left thigh. Another hand moved up my right. At the same time, they forced my legs apart, hooking their feet in front of my ankles to keep me from closing my legs. Thank God there was a tablecloth.

  “We’re going to see how well you can behave,” Master whispered, his mouth against my ear. “While we tease that pretty pussy.”

  A lightning bolt of heat shot straight up my spine.

  “Now, remember where you are,” Sir said, his hand trailing higher on my right thigh. “There are plenty of people in this restaurant, a few probably watching you right now.”

  My eyes scanned the room, trying to figure out who could possibly be watching me.

  Warm fingers teased my pussy, casually grazing my clit. I swallowed hard, doing my best not to moan. That would draw attention to myself.

  Master repositioned my leg so that my knee was hooked over his thigh. Sir did the same so that I was forced to inch my butt forward, giving them better access.

  The waiter returned to pour the coffee, and while he was standing there, someone pushed a finger deep into me. I jerked but forced a smile as the waiter looked at me.


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