CHOPPER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 11)

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CHOPPER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 11) Page 15

by Jessie Cooke

  Dax looked at Chopper and raised an eyebrow. He was giving him the option to tell her. Chopper wanted to wimp out and let Dax do it, but he knew he had to man up. He nodded slightly at Dax and said, “Chelsea, you don’t remember ever meeting him in person, do you?”

  She looked like she was thinking about it, but she was shaking her head. “I mean…like I said, his face used to be on TV all the time and now he’s all over the city…so yeah, he looks familiar, but what Wayne told you…there’s no way…”

  “You’re sure?” Chopper asked. He fucking hated this. He could see her shaking from where he sat. He wanted to hold her and make it all go away. This was killing him.

  “What did Wayne say…exactly?”

  “He said that he was sterile, and there’s no way that Reed can be his son. And then he said that Walton was the father and he would do anything to keep that from coming out. He has a lot to lose, Chelsea. He has a wife, four kids, a huge following, and now he’s running for office. If that DNA test proves Wayne is not Reeds father, Walton is afraid you might either know it’s him, or go looking for the father and find a trail back to him. I got the feeling that Walton has already reached out to Wayne, maybe paid him off…”

  “Fuck. That motherfucker!” The room was completely silent when she finished cursing. Angel reached over and put her hand softly on Chelsea’s arm. Chopper was grateful for that; it seemed to soothe Chelsea some. She was staring down at her hands and finally she looked up at Chopper and then at Dax and she said, “Wayne let the men who could afford to pay more…do me, without a condom. If I remember correctly he used to say it was two hundred an hour for anything they wanted covered, and a thousand for bareback and ‘fucking freaky.’ I was a whore.” Tears were running down her face. Chopper felt like his chest was going to explode. They were tearing down all of her walls and staring at her naked soul. “I didn’t care what he wanted me to do as long as he kept feeding me pills and alcohol. I was not just a whore, I was a cheap one. He made a thousand bucks and I got ten dollars worth of smack.”


  “No, Chopper, don’t. I don’t need you to tell me not to call myself names or get down on myself. I’ve come a long way since then and I know it. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. But what I just said was a fact back then and no amount of sugarcoating will change that. Honest truth? Walton could be my son’s father and I wouldn’t know it. Wayne knows more about that than I do. But Wayne is also a fucking liar…so, I guess it’s all in what you choose to believe. I doubt that Bart Walton is going to volunteer his DNA for a test.”

  Dax smiled then, softly, but his blue eyes were steely as he said, “We’re not going to ask him to volunteer.” Chopper watched Chelsea swallow hard and Angel squeezed her arm.

  “Chelsea, there’s something else. I don’t think Dizzy is the one that broke into your apartment and trashed it, I think that was someone working for Wayne.”

  “Why? What the hell does he want? I’ve given that bastard everything—he should know I have nothing left.”

  “He wants a picture you drew. He said that he ‘knows now’ that you gave it to the tattoo artist, David. It’s a skull with…”

  “Roses—shit! I went by there today. Some guy in a suit was coming out, yelling on his phone. When I went inside David said he was trying to get a copy or buy the drawing. I have it,” She reached into her purse and pulled it out. She held it out and Chopper took it. She pulled her hand back before it touched his, like she was afraid his touch would burn her. His heart hurt again. He sucked it up and looked down at the drawing. It was a charcoal sketch of a skull; roses came out of the eye sockets and wrapped around the back of the skull. It was good; she was good. He could totally picture it as a tattoo. “I don’t know if it has anything to do with why he wants it, but look really closely at the roses, in the center.”

  Chopper squinted at the center of the biggest rose. There was a lot of light-and-dark shading and fine lines. He held it back slightly and Dax looked over his shoulder. “You have a magnifying glass?” he asked Dax. Dax didn’t answer him, but he took the drawing out of his hand and stared at it for a few seconds before handing it to Angel and saying:

  “What do you see there, baby?” Angel looked closely at it and after a few seconds she said:

  “Numbers. There are numbers written in there. They blend in with the other lines.”

  “Yeah,” Chelsea said. “I noticed them today when I was trying to figure out why that guy would be so interested in the sketch and I saw them.”

  “You don’t know what they mean?”

  “No. I don’t remember putting them in the drawing either. But if Wayne knew they were there, he’s probably the one that wrote them in. He never paid that much attention to anything I drew.”

  “Fifteen, twenty-six, forty-two,” Angel said, reading the numbers. “A combination, maybe?”

  Dax pursed his lips and then he pulled out his phone. Tapping a number, he waited several seconds and then said, “I need you to get a text to Dorsey.” Dorsey was a Skull, an old guy that had been in prison for over sixteen years. He was doing time for a double murder. Chopper didn’t know the details, but he’d been sent to see Dorsey on visiting day to put money on his books and take him care packages more than once. He seemed like a nice old guy to him. “Tell him to find Wayne Borba first thing in the morning. He works in the chow hall. I want to know what fifteen, twenty-seven, and forty-two mean. He’ll know what he’s talking about.” Dax paused and looked like he was listening and then he said, “No…we need him to keep breathing, for now.”

  Chelsea tried to insist she go home that night, but by the time she and Chopper left Dax and Angel’s house, it was almost midnight. If she refused to stay at the ranch, he planned on following her home and sitting outside all night, so he was relieved when she finally gave in. She made it clear, however, that they wouldn’t be sleeping together. He hadn’t expected that, but hearing it out loud still hurt nonetheless.

  When they got to the clubhouse he saw Jigsaw’s old lady, Kimber. There were a few of the brothers sitting up at the bar and Kimber was serving them a plate of something from the kitchen. They must have just gotten back from a run, and with Jigsaw out of town this week, Kimber spent a lot of time working up at the clubhouse to stay busy. She was a sweet, gentle little thing and Chopper found himself happy that she was there. The rest of the place had cleared out. It was a weekday and they all had jobs to go to in the morning.

  “Hey, Kimber, this is Chelsea. Could you show her to one of the empty rooms and give her the rundown on where to find anything she might need?”

  “Of course. Hi, Chelsea.” Kimber smiled at her and Chelsea smiled back. Her smile looked tight and her eyes were still red and swollen from crying. Chopper physically ached to hold her. She said hello to Kimber and started to follow her toward the stairs. She stopped before she got there and turned to look at Chopper. He stupidly was hoping for an invitation to go with her but what he got was almost as good.

  “Thank you, Chopper, for everything.” He smiled and nodded at her and wondered if how much it was killing him to not be able to touch her was reflected on his face. He watched her disappear up the stairs with Kimber and then went around behind the bar and grabbed a beer. As he twisted off the top, Tank, the oldest biker on the ranch, came out of the kitchen. He took one look at Chopper and said, “Whose pussy got you all twisted?” Chopper laughed. People say cops have great instincts. Those people should meet an old biker…instincts didn’t get any better than theirs.


  Chelsea took a shower after Kimber brought her clean towels, toiletries, and a robe. She was a sweet lady and she went out of her way to make Chelsea feel comfortable. Angel had done the same thing. Chelsea had always wondered why the community had become so accepting of this huge motorcycle club that used to be some of the baddest outlaws in the state. Now that she’d met a few of them, she could see why. They might not live completely on the right side of
the law, but they were goodhearted people and they seemed to be doing their best with what life had given them.

  She thought about Chopper. The one thing he loved most in the world had been stolen from him and burned…forever ruined. That had all been because of her. Not for a second did he blame her. She told him she was a junkie and a whore in her past life, and that didn’t faze him. She told him that she had a kid and now he knew that Reed’s paternity was in question…and still, he looked at her with a light in his eyes that she’d never seen before. These people weren’t brought up to believe that the law, or anything in life, was black and white, and it dawned on her that was exactly what made them such good people. They didn’t judge people by their past, or even their present. Even Dax, and beautiful Angel, hadn’t looked at her like she was the trash she felt like when she talked about the old days. They’d looked at her with genuine concern and warmth in their eyes, and they were going out of their way to help her any way they could. Suddenly she realized something…she wouldn’t stop fighting for her son, ever…but these were the kind of people she wanted her son to know. She wanted him to grow up with a sense of loyalty, and the belief that family came above all else. How was Celia’s taking him away to that fake, plastic world she lived in going to make him a better person? How was knowing his aunt was the one that took him away from his mother going to teach him about family? No…she stood up off the bed and pulled the robe tightly around her, tying it at the waist. She wasn’t going to stop fighting for Reed, but she also wasn’t going to turn her back on the best people…the best person…that she’d ever had in her life to satisfy a bunch of bureaucrats and a soccer mom from Rhode Island who was about to have empty nest syndrome and wanted to amuse herself by raising someone else’s kid. No way. No fucking way.

  Chelsea had no idea where Chopper’s room was, or if he even had one there. But she knew that he would be close by. Her room was the first one at the top of the stairs. She knocked on the second one. At the same time that door was pulled open, so was the one right next to it. A little guy in his underpants…muscular, but only about five-foot tall…stared out at her from the first door, and Chopper, dressed in nothing but his low-slung jeans, stood in the second.

  “I got it, Bink.” Bink looked Chelsea over again and Chopper shot him a look. That got him to step back and close the door. “You okay?” Chelsea had so much to say, but she didn’t want to say any of it just then. What she wanted was to be in his arms. She threw herself at him and almost knocked him backwards. He started to talk but she wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her hands up in his hair, pulling his face down so their lips could meet. They both parted their lips at the same time, and the kiss was explosive. She finally felt his strong arms around her, just where she wanted them, and she felt him walk her backward slightly so he could reach the door and close it. He pressed her back into it and pressed his body into hers, molding them together as they kissed greedily. No words were said or needed.

  Chelsea let her hands run across his shoulders and upper back and then down his chest and across his hard abs. She grasped the button of his jeans and pulled it open and then unzipped them. He was arching his hips into her and his hands were running up and down her back, pulling at the tips of her hair. She moaned into him when her hand ran down into the front of his jeans and across the soft cotton of his underpants. He was already rock-hard, and his cock twitched when she touched it. He reached around and untied the belt of the robe she was wearing and pushed it back off her shoulders. It fell to the floor behind her, exposing her to him completely. She was pushing at his jeans, but he impeded her progress by leaning down to take one of her breasts into his mouth. He used his hand to pinch and pull at the nipple of the other one, and his lips and tongue continued to devour the first. She put her hands up on the back of his head and pressed him into her chest. He sucked and licked her like he couldn’t get enough and then he switched to the other breast and it got the same sexy treatment. She felt moisture running down between her legs and she moved her legs apart. Chopper reached down and let his fingers run along the inner part of her thighs, playing in the thick, creamy moisture there and driving her crazy by just getting close to her pussy, but not touching it.

  He moved his head back up to her lips and kissed her again, hard, as he walked backwards toward the bed. When they reached it, he lay back and pulled her up on top of him. They continued to kiss, and his hands explored every curve of her body. He ran them over her back and waist and hips, grabbing two handfuls of her round ass and squeezing it when he reached it. Their tongues were tangled up and they were both gasping for a full breath but neither of them seemed in a hurry to break the kiss.

  Chopper rolled her over onto her back and let his hands explore the front of her as he held himself up on his knees, only bending slightly at the waist to kiss and suck at her lips. Her hands went back to his jeans and she pushed them down again, this time getting them to the tops of his thighs. She grabbed his boxers then and pushed them down, and she broke the kiss so that she could watch his hot, sexy, hard cock pop out. She wanted to taste him so badly that she could hardly stand it. She brought her mouth to his neck and began to kiss her way down to his chest. Once there she slowly wiggled lower with each kiss, sucking at his hot skin and making him groan. When she finally reached his cock, he lifted up so that he was straight up on his knees and she slipped the tip of it into her mouth. She ran her tongue all the way around the head of it and then sucked on it, loving the sounds he was making and the way his hands were pulling at her hair.

  Chelsea lifted her head so she could take more of him into her mouth, sucking and licking the shaft until it finally hit the back of her throat. He cried out her name when it did and his grip on her hair tightened. He used that grip to move her head in time with his hips and while she slurped and sucked, he fucked her thick lips. She opened her eyes every so often to look up at his gorgeous face. He was looking down at her, his eyes hooded and filled with lust. Chelsea ran her hands around behind him and used her fingernails to scratch at the skin of his lower back and across his tight glutes. Chopper had his eyes closed now and he was saying her name over and over. She could feel his body tense and tighten up, and then she’d feel him pull back and control it. When he had finally taken all that he could, he pulled out of her mouth and like a wild animal, he began to devour her body.

  He kissed, sucked, licked, and bit her neck, her breasts, her belly, and then at last he buried his face between her legs. He hadn’t shaved and the way the rough stubble felt on the insides of her thighs was almost as sexy as his tongue lapping at her warm, wet folds. He rubbed his face into her as he snaked his tongue up inside of her. She felt her muscles clamp down around it and she sighed out his name as he began to move it in and out. He did that for a long time. Chelsea was moving her hips up and down and she could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. When he finally pulled his tongue out of her and brought it up to press into her overstimulated clit, that was when she reached her peak. She pulled at his hair and pressed him into her pussy again, hard, as she came. She rocked her pussy back and forth against his lips and nose until she’d finished and then she let her body relax, and her legs began to shake.

  Chopper stood up then and finally took his pants all the way off. Chelsea used her arms to push herself up on the bed and when Chopper was gloriously naked, looking like some sexy Roman statue or something, she thought, he lowered himself back down on top of her. He slid one hand under her ass and the other under her shoulders and lifted her up before letting his cock line up with her opening and thrusting into her. It was a new experience for her, and the feeling of him holding her like that while he plunged in and pulled out was explosive. He was kissing her at the same time, along the side of her face and then across her lips and down her neck. He slammed into her over and over again, rocking the bed into the wall. Bink must not have been getting any sleep, but hopefully he was at least enjoying the audio. Chelsea dug her fingernails into
him again as another orgasm threatened to rock her world, and Chopper let out a long, loud grunt just before he gripped onto her body so tightly that there was a fine line between how good it felt, and a little bit of pain. She felt him swell and get even harder just as her own orgasm began to boil up from her core, and just before he exploded inside of her, she thought she heard him say:

  “Chelsea, I love you.” He was breathless, and it was partially a grunt and a whisper. She was probably hearing things. At least that was what she told herself until he caught his breath and said it again. “I’m sorry. I know it’s soon, but I am so in love with you.” Talk about rocking her world. That was a better feeling than any orgasm she’d ever had, even with him. The tickle in her core caused her body to quiver and she could hear it in her own voice as she said:

  “Oh my god, Chopper…I love you too.”


  Chopper woke up the morning after he and Chelsea admitted that they loved each other and as he looked down at her, asleep in the crook of his arm, he suddenly wondered how long it had been since she’d just simply had fun. Most of his life had been about having fun. Not that he didn’t know how to work when he had to. His parents taught him from an early age that anything worth having was worth working for, and of course Dax expected his crew to do their part to earn their keep. But, in the grand scheme of things, once the work was done, he was all about enjoying life. It was what he worked for. He wasn’t quite twenty-seven years old and he’d already been to every state in the US as well as Mexico and Canada, both several times. He had been boating and rock climbing, parasailing, skydiving, zip-lining, and bungee jumping. He was an adrenaline junkie and in as many years as he’d been trying new things, nothing really bad had ever happened either.


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