Board Stiff (Xanth)

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Board Stiff (Xanth) Page 26

by Anthony, Piers

  Ease ran to the left and Astrid ran to the right. Pewter, Mitch, and Tiara spread out between them, radiating into the corn field.

  But they were too late. There was a crash before Ease, and a foot-shaped section of corn went flat. He had to stop.

  The others were being herded similarly. It seemed there was more than one invisible giant. They all had to retreat toward the open gate.

  “We don’t want to go in there,” Pewter said.

  Then an unseen foot stomped down right behind them, barely missing them. As one, they bolted through the gate.

  The gate swung closed behind them.

  “Bleep,” Pewter repeated.

  “What is going on?” Tiara asked.

  “It seems that we have just become zoo specimens,” Mitch answered grimly.

  Then Mitch rose into the air, flailing. “Something’s picking me up!” he cried. “And removing my clothes.” Indeed, his clothes detached themselves and floated away.

  Then Tiara rose up, screaming. Her clothing too came off and moved away.

  “It seems there are several invisible giants processing us,” Pewter said as he too rose up. “They want us to be in what they deem our natural state.”

  Astrid and Ease followed. Kandy could see nothing, but at one point felt the surface of a giant invisible hand as it stripped Ease. He automatically gripped the board, and was allowed to keep it. That was a relief; Kandy didn’t want to be separated from the Quest.

  Soon all five were standing on the ground again, mutually naked. The giants departed. They could tell by the sounds of their feet, which were no longer crashing down but could not move completely silently.

  Tiara was sobbing into Mitch’s shoulder. “What now?” he asked.

  “There will be facilities,” Pewter said. “Zoo specimens are normally well treated.”

  “But they can’t leave the zoo,” Astrid said.


  “Aren’t zoo animals for people to look at?” Mitch asked. “I don’t see anyone looking.”

  “This is evidently the capture area,” Pewter said. “The display area will be elsewhere.”

  “Maybe we can avoid it,” Ease said.

  “I doubt it. These appear to be experienced collectors.”

  “What now?” Mitch repeated.

  “There is a path,” Astrid said. “We should follow it before we get driven along it.”

  They followed the path. It led to a simple open house. It was well appointed with a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and a bathroom. There was food in the pantry, and water in the tap. There were closets, and their clothes were neatly displayed there. It was a serviceable house, except for two things: the closets were locked, and all the rooms had a transparent glass wall in front.

  “So not only are we naked,” Astrid said. “We are exposed in the house too. Anything we do here can be seen from outside.”

  “That is the nature of a display,” Pewter agreed.

  “Display for whom?”

  “For them.”

  They looked out. Another glass wall had appeared, parallel to the glass face of the house. Behind it was a family of large purple snails with intricately coiled green shells. Their yellow eye stalks were eagerly perusing the all-too-visible contents of the house.

  “I have seen nothing like that in Xanth,” Mitch murmured.

  “My guess is that they are alien visitors from another planet,” Pewter said.

  “You mean we’re an exhibit in an interplanetary zoo?” Tiara asked, horrified anew.

  “So it seems,” Pewter said.

  “We have to get out of here!”

  “I suspect we will have trouble finding food or alternate clothing,” Astrid said. “Let alone escaping the zoo compound.”

  “We should at least try,” Tiara said.

  Astrid shrugged. “We can explore.”

  They left the house. The eye stalks of the snails followed them, curious as to what the exhibits were up to. They followed a path continuing beyond the house. It wound through a copse of neatly kept trees that served as a kind of barrier between exhibits but not between exhibits and the alien viewers.

  And there, beyond a formidable wire fence, was a family of dragons. One of them saw the humans and sent a blast of fire-breath their way, but it bounced off the fence. It seemed that one exhibit could not interfere with another.

  Meanwhile the snail family lost interest in them and gazed at the dragons, surely a more exciting exhibit. Beyond the dragons they could see another fence, beyond which were centaurs.

  “This is one comprehensive zoo,” Mitch remarked.

  “And we were fed into it,” Astrid said. “There must be a reason.”

  They walked on. The path curved around, leading to a transparent goblin mound where the goblins could be seen wherever they were. “Fresh meat!” one called, and waved one finger at them. They were typically rude goblins, happy to insult anyone in the vicinity. The far side had another glass wall, with insect-like aliens gawking, marveling at the gestures of the local life forms.

  The path moved on to an exhibit of harpies perching in a spreading tree. “Go away, you skug rats!” one screeched at their party.

  “What is a skug rat?” Tiara asked.

  “Anyone they don’t like,” Mitch said.

  “But harpies don’t like anyone.”

  “There are many skug rats in Xanth,” Astrid said, smiling.

  “Also in the universe,” Mitch agreed, glancing at the glass wall beyond the harpy tree, where tentacular aliens gawked.

  Ease paused, glancing at a square tile similar to the one he had seen in the maze, then moved on without commenting, because Kandy squelched it. That was another service access, she realized. Now she understood its slide surface beneath: the caretakers might be snails.

  The path finally led back to their own house. Their spot tour was complete. “Dragons, goblins, harpies, people: one wing of the zoo,” Mitch said, summing it up. “Each of similar interest.”

  “So how do we escape?”

  “There may be a way,” Astrid said. “We can discuss it when we have some semblance of privacy.”

  They entered the house and made use of its facilities. Tiara was skittish about using the glass toilet in plain view, but had no choice, so closed her eyes. She was in luck: no aliens were watching at the moment.

  As night came they chose rooms and beds. Even the blankets were transparent. Kandy was not surprised to see that Tiara chose to sleep separate from Mitch; she simply could not stand to have any interaction between them visible to the universe. Pewter took another bedroom. Astrid chose to share a room with Ease.

  Ease, encouraged by Kandy, promptly slept. Kandy appeared.

  “If you do not move they should not see you,” Astrid said without looking at her. “They’re not expecting ghosts.”

  “Or hear me, I hope,” Kandy said.

  “I saw Ease looking at that square manhole cover. That was you?”

  “Yes. We saw a similar one in the corn maze. I think they are service accesses. This zoo doesn’t just maintain itself.”

  “Would a person fit in one?”

  “Yes. But he would have to crawl. It’s designed for snails or something similar.”

  “I could do it. I’m used to crawling.”

  “You would leave your dress behind?”

  “Oh, bleep! I can’t do that. You know why.”

  “Yes. Maybe have just one person slip out, and he can find a way to free the others.”

  “You are thinking of Ease.”

  “Yes. Neither Mitch nor Tiara would go without the other.”

  “You have thought it through.”

  “I do have time for thinking,” Kandy agreed ruefully.

  “Okay, let’s try it. I’ll wake Ease and explain it to him.”

  “Do that,” Kandy agreed.

  Astrid crossed to the bed and touched Ease’s shoulder. “Wake,” she said quietly.

  He woke. “H
uh? What do you want?”

  “Fear not. I am not getting romantic. I think you should go to that access hole and crawl through it to escape the zoo and find some way to rescue the rest of us. Can you do that?”

  “Sure I can do it,” he agreed. “That’s the kind of thing that’s easy for me. I don’t like being in a zoo.”

  “Move quietly in the dark so as not to attract attention. With luck they won’t even miss you until morning.”

  He nodded, gazing at her faint outline in the dark. “You’re sure it’s not romantic?”

  “Ease, I can’t stay close to you without putting you to sleep, and worse beyond that. You know that.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed regretfully. “I’ll be on my way, then.”

  “Good luck.”

  Kandy really appreciated that not only did Astrid politely deflect Ease’s interest, she did it without mentioning her underlying reason: that she was reserving him for Kandy, at such time as Kandy could claim him. Astrid was a true friend.

  Ease made his way out of the house and walked to the access panel. He used the board to pry at the square. He lifted it up, then got down into it, sitting on the slide below. There was enough room to sit up, but not enough to stand. He lowered the lid above him. There was a bit of a glow that sowed only when the passage was closed. He put his hands down and scooted into the depths, not at all claustrophobic, keeping the board on his lap.

  The surface was not slippery, but neither was it abrasive. Ease was able to move along at a fair clip, considering his position. He continued until he saw another access above. He stopped beneath it, put up his hands, and pushed the lid up and clear. He climbed out and stood on the ground, looking around in the gloom.

  “Where am I?” he murmured rhetorically.

  There was a high-pitched roar. Something charged toward him.

  DRAGON! Kandy thought. That was the sound of the young one.

  Ease dived back into the hole and pulled the cover back in place just before the dragon got there. The creature growled in frustration, but did not understand the mechanism of the access hole. It stood on the panel, searching for the prey.

  So they had gone from one section of the zoo to another. WE NEED TO GET ALL THE WAY OUT OF THE ZOO, Kandy thought.

  “All the way out,” Ease echoed. He scrambled along the tunnel, following it wherever it went. But when he tried another access, it was the goblin section.

  Then they heard a sinister sound. Something was moving in the tunnel, sounding like a metal cable scraping through it. The aliens must have realized that something was in there, and were sending a hook or something to fish it out.


  Ease obeyed, scooting along at top speed. But the scraping sound was gaining. Then they came to an access. Ease pushed up and jumped out just as something like a metal snake shoved through. He dropped the panel back in place and stood on it, preventing the thing below from emerging.

  After a moment and a half the scraping stopped. The thing was retreating whence it came. But that did not mean they were safe. It might mean the aliens were satisfied that they had located the intruder.


  Ease hardly needed the urging. He ran into the brush, pushing aside stalks.

  Stalks? They were in the corn field! That was outside the zoo!


  Ease, taking this for his own sensible thinking, did so. He found a nook and paused, listening.

  Before long something came to the access. Kandy could not see it, but heard it. She recognized the sound. A GIANT.

  The giant checked the access. There was a loud stiff. The giant smelled Ease! But couldn’t locate him. Soon it went away. They had escaped!

  What now? LET’S FIND A SAFE PLACE AND REST, Kandy thought, knowing it was probably safer to remain still than to move around. Moving made noise, and noise could be tracked.

  “This is safe enough,” Ease decided, and settled on the ground where he was. “I wish I had my dream girl here with me.”

  He wanted the dream girl. How sweet. Kandy was touched. SHE IS ALWAYS NEAR YOU, she projected. SOMEDAY YOU WILL FIND HER.

  “Someday I’ll find her,” he said, and drifted off to sleep.

  Kandy animated. She made herself comfortable lying beside him. “I like you, Ease,” she told him. “Someday I’ll be with you, and let you do this.” She took his hand and set it on her bottom. “And this.” She kissed him.

  In his sleep, he smiled. He was definitely dreaming of her.

  But what were they to do now? Ease was out of the zoo, but the invisible giant knew he was near. That meant that the alien proprietors knew too. That was dangerous. Regardless, how was Ease to free the others? The simple plan seemed less feasible now that it was in process.

  Ease woke before dawn, hungry. He got up and looked around. “Maybe some corn,” he said. He checked the nearby stalks, and found some ears of ripe corn. They were not shaped like human or animal ears, because they had been de-punned, but they were edible in their fashion. He chewed on them carefully. It wasn’t enough, but it took the edge off.

  They watched dawn come to the zoo. The other members of the quest got up in the transparent house as if accustomed to this existence. They were pretending, knowing that Ease was out, giving him time to do whatever he could. The alien proprietors had to know he had escaped, and how; those service accesses would no longer be safe to approach.

  A giant came, carrying something. He set it down outside the gate and walked away. Ease peered at it from the cover of the corn stalks.

  It was a table set with a sumptuous meal. There was an array of fruits, breads, pastries, main courses, and beverages.

  IT’S A TRAP! Kandy thought. DON’T GO THERE!

  “It’s a trap,” Ease muttered. “Bleep, I’m still hungry.”


  Ease reluctantly walked away from the table, his stomach growling. Kandy felt for him. How long would he be able to hold out eating raw corn?

  Ease hesitated, turning back toward the table. DON’T DO IT!

  He paused in place, warring with what he thought were his own thoughts. He stood in the shadow of the tall stalks, peering out, unable to move until he got his thoughts settled.

  Meanwhile Kandy looked around. She saw that beside the big swinging gate was a small shed, the gatehouse, where the mechanism was to crank it open or closed. An invisible giant must have been cranking it when the gate opened before, and when it closed, shutting them into the zoo. The shed was open on the side away from the gate, where the giant could put in a hand to turn the crank. Too bad they hadn’t caught on to that mechanism before it was too late.

  There was the sound of tramping giant feet. The table lifted up and floated away, carried by the invisible giant. It tilted slightly and a loaf of fruitcake fell off. It bounced on the ground and lay there as the table retreated into the distance. The giant had not seen it.

  Ease launched himself forward before Kandy could stop him. He swept up the cake and ran back to the cover of the corn.

  DON’T EAT IT! Kandy warned. IT’LL BE SPIKED. She was sure that the loss of the cake had been no accident. Even if it was, probably all the food was spiked. But again she was too late; Ease was already biting off chunks and gobbling them.

  What could she do? There might be only seconds before he lost consciousness. Then they would sniff him out and recapture him. They knew he would not be far away.

  Kandy got an inspiration. THE GATE HOUSE! GO THERE!

  Ease walked toward the gate house, still cramming in fruitcake. He never questioned the source of the thought, distracted by the joy of the eating. He stumbled as he approached it, caught himself, and stumbled again. The knockout medicine was taking effect.


  Ease fell, but reached the shed on hands and knees. He crawled under the man-sized handle, and went to sleep, one foot sticking out of the shed.r />
  Kandy assumed her human form. She reached for his leg and pulled it in so that he was curled up entirely within the shed. Then she spread herself on top of him, facing up. There was barely room for her under the handle. The beauty of this was that the group of them including Ease had already been through the gate, so the smell was already here; the giant would not find it remarkable. She waited.

  The tramping resumed. The giant was coming back. He knew the cake would be taken and eaten, and that the body would be close by. The corn stalks swished as the invisible hand brushed them aside, but of course there was no human body to be found.

  The tramping proceeded across the area as the giant searched, frustrated. He knew the quarry had to be here, but where? Then he came to the shed. He lifted up the roof and peered down.

  Oops. They were exposed. It had not occurred to her that the roof would be hinged, though it made sense for servicing. But Kandy was ready. She waved a hand up toward the invisible face. “Hi there, big boy! Can’t a nymph have some privacy when she sleeps?” She moved her hands as if to try to cover her nakedness. She knew she was giving him a nice eyeful, but of course there was nothing he could do with such a tiny girl.

  “Sorry,” the giant boomed, and lowered the lid. Soon the tramping departed.

  She had done it! She had covered Ease’s body with her own, and fooled the giant, who might have seen Ease beneath her had he not been distracted by her bareness. Men were pretty similar in this respect, whatever their size; she was actually coming to appreciate their wandering eyes. She had, on the spur of the moment, found the perfect hiding place, right where no one would ever suspect: right by the gate itself. The irony was that it never would have worked had Ease been conscious. Or if the giant had been female.

  Ease slept for an hour: time enough to be found and captured, had the zoo-keepers’ plan worked. But now she needed to get him out of here, lest the gate be re-checked.


  Ease obeyed. Soon he was hiding again at the fringe, watching the gate and its vicinity. Fortunately the solid fruitcake had fed him so that he was no longer hungry. That incident had worked out better than they might have expected.

  The giant came again, carrying a cage. He set it down before the gate and departed. A cage? Did they think Ease would get into such an obvious trap?


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