The Exile

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The Exile Page 82

by Adrian Levy

  reexamining data from Al Qaeda detainees, here

  rivalry with FBI, here, here

  search for OBL, here

  on Shakai raid by ISI, here

  tasked with finding Musharraf’s attacker, here

  Tenet, et. al, meet with Haq of ISI, here

  tracking Zubaydah, here

  See also drones; Grenier, Robert; tortured in CIA black camps/detention facilities

  CIA Detention Site Blue, Stare Kiejkuty, Poland, here, here

  CIA Detention Site Bright Light, Bucharest, Romania, here, here

  CIA Detention Site Cobalt, Kabul, here, here, here

  CIA Detention Site Green, Thailand, here, here, here

  CIA Detention Site Orange, Afghanistan, here

  CIA Detention Site Cobalt holding area “the Salt Pit,” here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Program, here, here, here, here, here. See also torture; tortured in CIA black camps/detention facilities; Mitchell, James; Jessen, Bruce

  CIA’s Latin America division, here

  CIA’s Rabat detention center, Morocco, here

  CIA’s Strawberry Fields detention center, Cuba, here, here

  Clapper, James, here, here

  Clinton, Hillary, here, here, here

  Commander, the. See Masri, Abu Hafs al-

  “confinement” torture technique, here, here, here, here

  Conflict Records Research Center, National Defense University, Washington, D.C., here

  conspiracy theories post-Abbottabad raid, here

  Counterterrorism Center (CTC), Langley AFB

  overview, here

  on Abbottabad, here, here

  Martin announces a contact with Mokhtar, here

  Mitchell hired to torture prisoners, here

  on Powell’s use of Zarqawi to make Al Qaeda–Saddam connection, here

  and Zarqawi siting in northern Iraq, here

  See also FBI

  Crocker, Ryan, here, here, here

  Cross in the Sky of Qandahar (Abu Walid al-Masri), here

  Cyprus Group (Afghan exiles), here

  Damadola, Pakistan, here, here, here, here

  Damascus, Syria, here

  Daood. See Hallabi, Abu Abdallah al- (Daood)

  Davis, Raymond, here, here

  Defense Housing Authority (DHA) raid, Pakistan, here, here

  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), here

  Denbeaux, Mark, here, here

  Din Zengi, Nur al-, here

  Dobbins, James, here

  Doha, Qatar, here

  Donilon, Thomas, here


  anti-drone technology, here, here

  Atiyah and family killed by, here

  attack on Omar, here

  blitzkrieg of 44 non-Al Qaeda tribal elders, here

  CIA asks Pakistan to allow fly overs, here, here

  CIA expansion of program, Pakistan wants it to end, here

  Damadola, Pakistan, attack, here

  and Daood, here, here

  Ghul’s death, here

  Kashmiri’s coordinates provided by ISI, here

  Musharraf concealing CIA use of drones, here

  on Pakistan-Afghanistan border, here

  Saad bin Laden as bystander victim, here

  Zai-ul Uloom Taleemal Qu’ran Seminary, FATA, here

  and Zardari replacing Musharraf, here

  Egyptian Islamic Jihad, here, here

  Emwazi, Mohammed “Jihadi John,” here, here

  Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Faisal, Prince Turki al-, here

  Faisalabad, Pakistan, raid on Zubaydah’s residence, here

  Al Farouk training camp, Khost, Afghanistan, here

  fatwa (1998) against “the Americans and their allies,” here, here

  FBI, here, here, here, here. See also Counterterrorism Center

  Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan

  overview, here

  armed tribal groups coalition, here

  Government Degree College jirga, North Waziristan, here

  Saad wandering in, finds Daood, here

  success of drone strikes, here

  and Taliban, here

  U.S. missile attacks in, here

  Waziristan peace agreements, here, here, here

  Flynn, Michael T., here, here

  Fouda, Yosri, here, here, here

  Franks, Tommy, here, here

  “freezing showers” torture technique, here, here

  Gadahn, Adam (Sahab) “Azzam the American,” here

  Gaddafi, Muammar, here

  Gates, Robert, here

  General Headquarters (GHQ), Pakistan Army, here

  Geneva, Switzerland, meetings, here

  Ghaith, Sulaiman Abu

  on 9/11, here

  background, here, here, here, here

  in Iran, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here, here, here, here

  leaving Iranian prison, arrested by U.S., here, here

  marriage to Fatima in Iranian prison, here

  and OBL’s messages to the United States, here, here, here

  OBL’s recruitment of, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  at Tora Bora for U.S. attack, here

  Ghamdi, Saeed al- (9/11 hijacker), here

  Ghani, Shafiq, here

  Ghazi, Maulana Abdul Aziz, here

  Ghazi, Maulana Abdul Rashid, here

  Ghazni, Afghanistan, here, here

  Ghilzai tribesmen and OBL, here

  El Ghriba Synagogue hit by gas truck, Djerba, Tunisia, here, here, here

  Ghul, Hassan

  as Asset Imtiaz for CIA, here, here

  background, here, here

  in Bucharest detention center, here

  capture by CIA, here

  death by airstrike, here

  interrogation by CIA, here

  message from OBL to Mokhtar, here

  torture of, here, here

  Zubaydah talking with Soufan about, here

  Gilani, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Shah, here

  Gilani, Yousaf Raza, here

  Goss, Porter, here

  Government Degree College jirga, North Waziristan, Pakistan, here

  Great Britain and Irish Republican Army, here

  Grenier, Robert, CIA Station, Islamabad

  attack on Omar and Taliban, here

  background, here

  on Bush and decree that Taliban would not fight the Pakistan Army, here

  and deficiencies at CIA Station, here

  and ISI Clubhouse, here, here, here

  and Javed Alam Khan, here, here, here

  reassignment to Iraq, here

  search for OBL, here

  and Taliban, here

  U.S. progress against Al Qaeda, here

  and U.S. plan to catch OBL at Tora Bora, here, here, here, here, here

  war in Afghanistan attack plans, here

  and Zubaydah, here

  Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, Cuba

  overview, here, here, here, here, here

  high-level detainees being sent to, here, here

  suicide attempts, here

  Zubaydah’s request to be released, here

  Guantánamo Diary (Slahi), here, here

  Gul, Awal, here

  Gul, Hamid, here, here, here, here, here

  Guldimann, Tim, here

  Haines, David, here

  Hakim, Mohammed Bakr al-, here

  Hallabi, Abu Abdallah al- (Daood)

  background, here

  close call with drone strike, here

  death of, here

  escorting the bin Laden family to Iran, here

  and Khadija’s death in childbirth, here, here

  Khairiah and Hamzah staying with after release from Iranian prison, here

  Al Qaeda duties, here, here

  relocation to Abbottabad cancelled, here

  and S
aad bin Laden, here

  Hallabi, Sarah, here

  Hamdan, Salim, here, here, here

  Haq, Amin al-, here, here, here

  Haq, Ehsan ul-, here, here, here, here, here

  Haqqani, Husain, here, here, here, here

  Haqqani, Jalaluddin, here, here, here

  Haqqani network, here, here, here

  “hard takedown” torture technique, here

  Harkat ul-Jihad al-Islami (HUJI), here

  Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, here

  Hasan, Ali, here

  Hasan, Wajid Shamsul, here

  Hassan Faruqi, Shams ul-, here

  Hawsawi, Mustafa Ahmad al-, here, here, here, here

  Hayden, Michael, here, here, here

  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin

  background, here, here

  and Bush’s Axis of Evil speech, here

  in CIA Detention Site the Salt Pit, Kabul, here

  and OBL, here

  and Al Qaeda refugees in Iran, here, here

  son-in-law tortured for information about him, here

  Herat training camp, Afghanistan, here

  Holder, Eric, here

  House of the Martyrs, Kandahar, Pakistan, here

  House of the Pomegranates, here, here, here

  Howeyzeh Hotel, Tehran, Iran, here

  Hubayshi, Khalid al-, here

  Hurt Locker, The (film), here, here

  Hussein, Saddam, here, here

  accused of aiding Al Qaeda in 2003, here

  beginning of U.S. war in Iraq, here

  Bush administration attempts to link to Al Qaeda, here, here, here

  captured, here

  Colin Powell’s 2003 UN speech, here

  Nada Bakos failed to provide link to Al Qaeda, here

  refused Al Qaeda overtures in 1995, here

  Ibn El Waleed, Mahfouz (Abu Hafs the Mauritanian)

  on 9/11, here

  and Abu Hafs’s death, here, here

  on additional Muslims held in Pakistan, here

  asylum in Mauritania, here

  background, here, here, here

  discussing Al Qaeda’s future cooperation with senior Iranian officials, here

  as Dr. Abdullah in Iran, here, here, here

  evacuating his family to Pakistan, here, here

  in Evin Prison, Tehran, here

  and Ghaith’s arrest, here

  Internet access in Iran, here

  interview with Al Jazeera correspondent, here

  in Iran, arrested, released, fleeing, and recaptured, here, here

  Iran as safe haven, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here, here, here, here

  meeting with delegation from U.S. embassy, here

  news of his family’s safety, here

  news report on death of, here

  and OBL, here, here

  and OBL’s family, here

  opposition to Planes Operation, here, here, here, here, here

  and Panjwai Bridge massacre, here

  plans to leave/escape from Iranian prison, here

  reflections about OBL, here

  resignation from Al Qaeda, here

  and Taliban, here, here

  thumb drive with critique of OBL given to Iman, here, here

  and U.S. bombing in Kandahar, here, here

  on U.S. attack strategy, here

  warning about Iran, here

  and Younsei, here, here, here, here

  and Zarqawi, here

  and Zawahiri, here, here

  Ignatius, David, here, here

  Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran, here. See Tourist Complex; Quds Force Training Facility

  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), here

  Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Pakistan, here, here, here

  In the Line of Fire (Musharraf), here

  Iqbal, Saeed, here, here


  border with Pakistan, here

  and Bush’s 2002 Axis of Evil speech, here, here, here, here, here

  and Mahfouz, discussing Al Qaeda’s future cooperation, here

  Mahfouz’s plan to move OBL’s family to, here, here

  post-9/11 meetings in Geneva, here

  pressure to deport Al Qaeda prisoners, here

  proposing trade of bin Laden’s family for Mujahedin-e Khalq members, here

  Al Qaeda exodus to, after Bush’s Axis of Evil speech, here, here

  Al Qaeda prisoners in, here, here, here, here

  support for Assad, here, here

  at U.N. conference on Afghanistan’s future, here

  U.S. pressure to act against Al Qaeda in, here

  U.S.-brokered nuclear deal, here

  Younsei, Ali, here, here, here, here, here

  Zarif, Mohammad Javad, here, here, here, here, here

  See also Suleimani, Qassem; Khalilzad, Zalmay


  and Bush’s 2002 Axis of Evil speech, here

  elections (2005), here

  Grenier’s assignment to, here

  Iranian support for Iraq vs. Islamic State, here

  al-Masri/Abu Hamza murders thousands, here

  Al Qaeda buildup in Sunni Triangle, here

  Zarqawi’s plan to declare an Islamic state in, here

  Zarqawi’s terrorist attacks in, here

  Iraqi, Abdul Hadi al-, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom), here, here, here, here

  Irish Republican Army, here

  ISI Clubhouse, here, here, here

  ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence directorate), Pakistan

  Abbottabad raid story by, here

  and Afridi, here

  apprehending Bali bomber, here

  assisting Taliban during war in Afghanistan, here

  CIA accused of removing bodies from a drone attack site, here

  CIA/ISI joint raids and arrests, here, here, here, here, here

  and CIA plans to attack Abbottabad compound, here

  and CIA’s renewed search for OBL via al-Kuwaiti, here, here

  cleanup post-Abbottabad raid, here

  commissioning Operation Geronimo, here

  creating smokescreen for OBL, here

  decree that Taliban would not fight the Pakistan Army, here

  and Haqqani terrorist network, here

  and jihad splinter groups, here, here, here

  and Fazlur Rehman Khalil, here

  and kidnapping of Iranian commercial attaché, here, here

  and Lashkar operatives killed by an American, here

  no presence in Abbottabad, here

  and Pakistan politics, here

  plausible deniability for chief, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here, here

  raids looking for Ghul, Shibh, or Mokhtar, here, here

  statement on Abbottabad raid, here

  S-Wing, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Taliban, here, here

  U.S. accusations of disloyalty, here

  and U.S. template for raids, here

  See also Jaish-e-Mohammed; Lashkar-e-Taiba; S-Wing branch of ISI

  Islam, Zahir ul-, here

  Islamabad, Pakistan, here, here, here, here

  Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), here

  Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), here

  Islamic State (IS)

  overview, here

  al-Baghdadi’s declaration of caliphate, here

  condemned by al-Maqdisi, here

  executions of Western civilians, here

  expelled from Al Qaeda, here

  and Julani, here, here, here, here

  Middle East takeover, here

  post-Abbottabad terrorist attacks, here

  territory and manpower losses, here

  Zawahiri attempts to mediate between Nusra Front/ISIL, here

  See also Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-; Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-; Syria

  Jabhat al-Nusra (the Nusra Front; renamed Jabhat Fateh
al-Sham in 2016), here, here, here

  Jaish-e-Mohammed (Army of Mohammed), here, here, here, here

  Jalalabad, Afghanistan, here

  Jamaat-e-Islami, here

  Jamali, Dr., here

  Jandal, Abu (Nasser al-Bahri), here, here, here, here, here

  Jarrad, Yassin, here

  Jay (SEAL team leader), here, here, here

  Al Jazeera

  Abbottabad Commission report leaked to, here

  Fouda’s “interview” with Mokhtar and Shibh, here

  the Mahfouz interview with, here

  and OBL, here, here

  OBL provides a new video, here

  picture of OBL seen by Maryam and Bushra, here

  tape of OBL delivered to Zaidan, here

  Jessen, Bruce

  claiming success for torture techniques, here, here

  financial reward for managing the CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Program, here

  recommended by James Mitchell, here

  torture techniques used on Baheer and Rahman, here

  torture techniques used on Zubaydah, here

  See also Mitchell, James


  Ghaith on, here

  ISI and jihad splinter groups, here, here, here

  morphing post-Abbottabad raid, here

  Musharraf’s ban of homegrown militant groups, here, here

  and OBL, here

  OBL’s obsession with, here, here

  Zawahiri calling for, after battle of police and Taliban at Lal Masjid, here

  See also terrorist attacks; specific terrorist groups

  “Jihadi John” (Mohammed Emwazi), here, here

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), here, here, here. See also Red Squadron, SEAL Team Six

  Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate (GID), here, here

  Julani, Abu Mohammad al-, here, here, here, here

  Kandahar, Afghanistan, here, here, here

  Karima (prospective wife for Khalid bin Laden), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Karzai, Hamid, here, here

  Kasasbeh, Muath al-, here

  Kashmiri, Ilyas, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Kassig, Peter, here

  Kayani, Ashfaq Parvez, here, here, here, here

  background, here, here

  and Pasha, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  silence on day after OBL’s death, here, here

  statement on Abbottabad raid, here

  and White House report on insurgency in Pakistan, here

  Keenan, Jennifer, here, here, here

  Kelton, Mark, here, here

  Kember, Norman, here

  Kerry, John, here, here

  Khaldan mujahideen training camp, Afghanistan, here, here, here, here, here, here. See also commander Ibn Sheikh al-Libi

  Khalid, Abed al-, here, here, here, here

  Khalid, Yusuf al-, here, here, here, here

  Khalil, Fazlur Rehman, here, here, here, here

  Khalilzad, Zalmay

  as Iraq war advisor, here


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