Business is Business PT 5

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Business is Business PT 5 Page 6

by Silk White

  “A group of Italian men ran down on me and Cherokee and attacked us with baseball bats,” Jimmy shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. His head was wrapped in bandages and his eyes were black and blue.

  “Why you ain’t call me?”

  “I must have lost my phone during the fight,” Jimmy shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “I’ll be out of action for about a week or two but as soon as I’m back I’ll definitely be paying those Italian fucks a visit.”

  “Don’t even worry about it, big bro. I’ll take care of those fucks for you,” Murder volunteered. It hurt him to see Jimmy laid up in the bed all beat up.

  “Do what you gotta do. Just make sure you save some action for me,” Jimmy smiled.

  “No doubt,” Murder smiled as he turned and made his exit.


  Millie Mason

  “So, we looking good?” Millie asked with her iPhone pressed up against her ear. She sat in the passenger seat of her black Yukon. “Listen, I don’t care about all that. Tell him I need to use his crib as a stash point. Blank. Period.” Millie growled. “Listen, tell him if I have to come up there it’s not going to be pretty,” she hung up in the caller’s ear.

  “Everything alright?” Knuckles asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Pull over right here,” Millie ordered. Once the SUV came to a stop, Millie stepped out of the truck and entered the bodega that sat on the corner with Knuckles close on her heels. Millie stepped in the store and waited patiently for the last customer to leave before she headed to the counter. “Mike, I’ve been calling. Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?”

  “Oh hey, Millie,” Mike said with a nervous look in his eyes. “My bad, I been so busy. How you been? You looking good.”

  “Mike, you’re making a lot of money out of this store and I need in,” Millie said getting straight to the point. “I have some pure A-1 uncut shit and I need you to pump it for me.”

  “Sorry, Millie but I’m kind of working with someone else,” Mike said nervously.


  “Some cat named Maniac,” Mike answered. “When you left he came in and flooded the city with coke.”

  “Well, he must not be doing too much because I never heard of him,” Millie said.

  “I would love to work for you, Millie. Besides, you’ve always been fair with the pay. This guy, Maniac, pays all of his workers peanuts,” Mike said. “I just don’t want any problems with Maniac so if you could maybe talk to him and let him know that I’ll be working for you from now on that would be great.”

  “Don’t worry about Maniac. I’ll take care of him,” Millie replied. “You know where I can find him?”

  Mike quickly scribbled an address down on a sheet of paper then slid it over to Millie. “Here’s where you can find him.”

  Millie took the paper and handed it to Knuckles. “I’ll call you first thing in the morning,” she yelled over her shoulder as her and Knuckles exited the bodega.

  Back in the truck, Knuckles merged onto the highway then glared over at Millie. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “We going to go over there and talk to Maniac and make him an offer he can’t refuse,” Millie answered. “Have you heard of anything from this Maniac?”

  “Yeah, I heard he’s an OG and one of the leaders of the Bloods organization,” Knuckles said. “He has an army of young stupid Bloods ready to kill for him at a drop of a hat.”

  “He’d be perfect if we could recruit him and get him on our team,” Millie thought aloud. With a guy like Maniac on the team, Millie knew that the sky was the limit.

  “I don’t know. I heard that Maniac is a real loose cannon and very disrespectful,” Knuckles added. “I never met him in person but I’ve heard stories.”

  Knuckles pulled up in front of a project building and placed the gear in park. “This is the address.”

  Millie stepped out the truck and entered the projects. It was a fairly nice night out so the projects were alive and full of movement. Millie and Knuckles strolled through the projects looking for the building number that was scribbled down on the paper that Mike had given them.

  “I think that’s him over there,” Knuckles nodded over towards a crowd of men huddled up by the flagpole rolling dice. Millie approached the men who were all dressed in some kind of red attire.

  “Hey. I’m looking for Maniac,” Millie said loud enough for the group of men to hear her.

  At the sound of her voice, all the men quickly spun around to see whom the voice belonged to. “Who the fuck is this bitch?” one of the men spat ignorantly.

  “I said I’m looking for Maniac,” Millie repeated in a firm tone. A slim muscular cat with a lot of tattoos stepped forward.

  “Look bitch,” he barked. “You in the wrong neighborhood asking the wrong questions so I suggest you get the fuck up out of here before something bad happens to you,” he said coldly.

  “And who am I speaking with?” Millie asked politely.

  “Big Blood!” the man said as he pounded on his chest for extra emphasis.

  “Well listen, Big Blood,” Millie said making air quotes with her fingers. “My name is Millie Mason and I ain’t going nowhere until I speak to Maniac!”

  Big Blood slowly removed his shirt and tossed it over on the bench. “Look, bitch!” he growled with a finger pointed in Millie’s face. “I just told you to get up out of here before you and your retarded friend here gets fucked up!”

  As soon as Knuckles heard the word “retard,” he snapped. With the swiftness of a cat and the power of a lion, he swung a powerful hook. Big Blood ducked the punch just in time and watched as the powerful punch connected with the jaw of the man standing next to him instantly putting him to sleep. Big Blood and the rest of the Bloods quickly jumped on Knuckles like a pack of alley cats. It took about twenty men to finally get Knuckles off his feet. Millie removed a small knife from her purse, ran over, and stabbed a few of the Blood members before she was blindsided from behind and knocked out cold.



  Eric sat in his office sipping on a cup of coffee as he paced back and forth. It had been forty-eight hours since he’d last heard from his mother and he was beginning to think the worst. “Still no word from her?” Eric asked when Pistol Pete entered the office.

  “Not yet. I got Nicole out looking for her now,” Pistol Pete replied.

  “Yeah, I just spoke to Nicole and she hasn’t heard anything either,” Eric huffed. At the moment, the only thing good going for the Mason family was that the streets were buzzing about the new product that Brady provided them with.

  “Brady came through with that fire,” Pistol Pete said. “Streets been loving this shit.”

  “Facts,” Eric replied quickly. “Any word on the Black Dragon?”

  “Nah, it’s been real quiet.”

  Eric knew that just because the Black Dragon hadn’t shown his face in a while, it didn’t mean that their beef over and he wasn’t about to let his guard down. Eric sat on the edge of his desk when he heard his cell phone vibrating across the desk. “Yo,” he answered.

  “Hey, baby. It’s me,” Nicole’s voice sounded a little nervous.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Eric asked sensing that something was wrong.

  “I tracked your mother’s phone like you asked me to do and it led me to some raggedy looking warehouse,” Nicole said, as she scoped the place out from her car. “From the looks of it, this seems to be one of the Bloods meeting spots because there’s about a million of them out here.”

  “So, you think my mother is in there?”

  “It’s definitely possible,” Nicole countered as she noticed a red Range Rover pull up in front of the warehouse. Out stepped a tall handsome dark skin man who wore all black with a pair of red Converse on his feet. Hanging out of the man’s right back pocket rested a crisp red bandana. Nicole didn’t know who the man was but whoever he was, she knew he was important from how
all of the other Blood members suddenly got in line when he showed up. “I don’t know what’s going on but I’m about to go and check it out.”

  “No, wait until your back up gets there,” Eric demanded.

  “No time. I’m going in.” Nicole ended the call.

  “Shit!” Eric cursed as he grabbed his keys and ran out the door.

  * * *

  Millie woke up in some sort of dirty warehouse. On the floor next to her was Knuckles. He laid on the floor next to her badly beaten and all bruised up. “You alright, baby,” she whispered as she reached out and rubbed his head. Knuckles wasn’t able to speak due to the broken jaw he received so all he could do was nod his head. “Don’t worry. I’m going to get us out of this,” Millie said then slowly stood to her feet. She was immediately met by Big Blood.

  “Where am I?” Millie asked. She looked around the warehouse looking for an escape route. Without warning, Big Blood slapped the shit out of her.

  “You don’t speak unless you’re spoken to!” Big Blood growled.

  “What the fuck is going on in here!” a voice boomed and immediately everything stopped. Maniac stepped in the warehouse flanked by four rough-faced goons. “What have we here?” Maniac said as he approached the battered and bruised woman.

  “This bitch came to the block talking about she wanted to speak with you,” Big Blood explain. “I told her to bounce and her big goofy friend here swung on me.”

  “Speak your peace,” Maniac said, looking Millie up and down.

  “My name is Millie Mason and I came here to talk business with you,” Millie explained. “Me and my family used to control all the real estate out here on these streets but when I went away on a little vacation things changed,” she said. “But now I’m back and I have a smoking product and I’m willing to give you prices you can’t refuse.”

  “I appreciate you coming here to talk business with me,” Maniac said politely. “And I apologize about what happened to your friend here,” he nodded towards Knuckles. “But I already have a solid connect.”

  “Listen, Maniac. I really need you as a partner because I need my real estate back and I’d rather partner with you instead of going to war with you,” Millie stated plainly. “We can both walk away winners and no one has to get hurt.”

  Maniac smiled. “I’ve heard a lot of wild stories about you and the Mason family when I was younger. I always wanted to work for your family.”

  “Well, now is your chance.” Millie smiled. “Work with me and I’ll forget about all this nonsense that has taken place.”

  “I would love to work with you but unfortunately I can’t,” Maniac said. “I already have an agreement with my connect. But I would like to make this up to you so we don’t have any bad blood.” Maniac knew that going to war with the Mason family would be horrible for business so if there was a way for him to squash any differences they had between one another, that’s what he planned on doing.

  “I like how you handled this so there won’t be no hard feelings. I’ll just chalk this up as a misunderstanding,” Millie extended her hand. She liked how he had handled the situation and respected his straightforwardness. Maniac smiled and reached out to shake Millie’s hand when a bullet exploded in his shoulder dropping him instantly.

  Big Blood looked on in shock as he watched several members from his organization drop like flies. He and the rest of his team quickly took cover and opened fire in the direction of the gunman.

  * * *

  Nicole held a two handed grip on her gun as she dropped four of the gang members with headshots. She moved through the warehouse like a ghost hiding behind the shadows using her pinpoint accuracy to kill as many gang members as possible.

  Once Millie saw the gang members start to drop like flies, she quickly grabbed Knuckles and made a dash towards the exit. Millie didn’t see Nicole but she knew that this was definitely her work. Once Nicole saw that Millie was out of the warehouse safely she tossed a smoke bomb towards the middle of the warehouse then took off in a sprint as the sound of multiple guns being fired at the same time went off loudly. Nicole made it around the corner just as several bullets ricocheted loudly off the wall.

  Outside, Millie and Knuckles ran until a black Range Rover came to a screeching stop in front of them. The driver window rolled down and Eric stuck his head out. “Come on! Come on! Come on!” Millie and Knuckles quickly piled up in the back seat.

  “Where’s Nicole?” Eric asked in a panic.

  “I don’t know but we gotta go!” Millie said only thinking about herself. Eric got ready to pull off when he saw Nicole burst around the corner in a full sprint. Her chest heaved up and down as her arms and legs worked overtime. Millie opened the back door and Nicole dove into the backseat. Once Eric was sure that everyone was in the truck safely, he stomped down on the gas pedal. The tires burnt rubber as the sound of bullets pinging loudly off the truck could be heard. Eric made sure to keep his head down until he finally made it to the highway.


  Derrick Mason

  Derrick Mason sat in the day room playing chess with his cellmate, a big muscular man that went by the name Butter. During their chess game, Butter was filling Derrick in on what was going on out in the streets. “Yeah, I heard it’s an all-out war going on out in the streets between the Mason family and the Bloods,” Butter said, as he made his move on the chessboard. “Heard Millie shot one of the big homies. Some OG named Maniac.”

  “Are you serious?” Derrick asked with his face crumbled up. It seemed like every other week the Mason family was beefing with a powerful organization. All Derrick could do was shake his head. While he was home and in charge the Mason family never had this many problems. “My wife is a problem magnet.”

  “Yeah, well, if shit jumps off in here just know I got your back,” Butter said strongly. “We brothers so whatever they do to you they gon have to do to me first!” he roared.

  “You mean that?”

  “No doubt!” Butter answered.

  “Good, because there’s four of them headed in our direction right now,” Derrick said looking down at the chessboard trying to make it seem like he hadn’t noticed them coming.

  “Wha…what? Right now?” Butter stuttered, his tough guy persona now gone. The tough look on his face was now replaced with one of fear. Derrick reached down in his shoe and removed the four-inch blade that he had been sharpening for occasions just like this.

  “Just be cool and follow my lead,” Derrick said in a calm tone. The four Blood members reached the table and stood over both Derrick and Butter. Derrick slowly looked up from the chessboard. “Something I can help you gentlemen with?”

  “Yeah, what’s poppin. We need to have a quick word with you,” the leader of the pack spoke with venom in his tone.

  “I would love to speak with you all but right now I’m in the middle of a game,” Derrick nodded down at the chessboard. Butter sat there quietly. He looked as if at any second he was going to shit himself.

  “Nigga, fuck this game!” the leader of the pack barked as he slapped all the chess pieces on the floor. “I said I need to talk to you right now, motherfucker!”

  – THE END –

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