Sloane: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Novel

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Sloane: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Novel Page 8

by Zoe Davis

  I moved him to the bed and held his head against my chest, stroking through his thick black hair. I thought of Jared and wondered if he had even left the car. I wanted to see his face more than ever.

  Ethan lifted his head, pulled on my chin with his hand, and kissed me. It was tender and grateful and I felt all the power of that day above the city.

  He moved his hand behind my head and cradled it as we kissed. I felt protected by Ethan for the first time. He was no longer violent or dangerous. He was delicate and breakable. I placed a palm on his chest and felt his heart beat racing below it. I was full of love for Ethan, Jared, and the strangers downstairs. I wanted them to all be mine and I theirs. I wanted an affair with the world that would never end.

  Ethan’s heart pulsed into my hand and I felt mine sync with him. He pulled from my lips and flashed a pair of youthful eyes.

  “I love you, Vanessa,” he said in a tone I’d never heard before. It was confident and cool but shaking with vulnerability. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Confusion swept over me. He didn’t want to see me get hurt? Really?

  “You could’ve fooled me,” I replied. I wanted to reciprocate his love, but he had put me through so much and I couldn’t let it go. I saw his eyes grow wide with disappointment and his face relaxed.

  “I’m sorry.” He seemed to be apologizing to himself more than to me. I didn’t know how to respond so I let a silence grow between us. He shifted on the bed and appeared uncomfortable.

  My ears tuned into the music from the floor below. It slid up the stairs and under our door like a fog and I imagined it would carry me away.

  “I promise,” he said finally, “I will find a way to make it up to you. I can’t lose you Vanessa.” My husband’s voice rang in my ears, I can’t lose you. Ethan placed a hand on my thigh jolting my thoughts back to him.

  Suddenly there was a light in his eyes and his passion was renewed. He held my shoulders in his hands and became wild with excitement.

  “Leave your husband, Vanessa. Run away with me,” he pleaded. My head was spinning. Leave Jared?

  “I can’t,” I replied. “I love you, Ethan. I even need you. But I love him too.” Before I knew it I was crying. I wanted separate worlds, one for Ethan and one for Jared. I needed both of them in my life.

  I could see Ethan’s defeat consume him. He looked tired and aged. He shook his head of whatever he was thinking and held me in his arms.

  “It’s ok, Vanessa. I understand,” he assured me. He kissed my forehead and held me in his arms. I felt safe and started realizing how tired I was. It had been a long week and a long night and I remembered that I hadn’t slept the night before.

  The fog of sleep rolled in and slowed my breath, and I hardly remember laying on the bed in Ethan’s arms.

  My dream of the bull returned, but Ethan wasn’t there to shoot an arrow through it. I saw Jared in the stands cheering me on and I let the bull come for me. It ran toward me in slow motion, its black fur glistening in the sun, showcasing every strand. I didn’t bother running and I wasn’t afraid. I remember knowing that he attacked me, but I didn’t feel any pain and I didn’t fight back.

  I choked on my breath as I died in the dream and my eyes burst open to see a gold room where the red one was. The sun poured through the windows, stripping the room of its primal color and I saw how elegant it was.

  There were crystal lamps sparkling on glaze wood tables between the armchairs that sat in the corners. The wallpaper had specks of gold that reflected the sun, nearly blinding me. The air sneaking through the cracks in the window had lost its chill. I was sweating and the bed dazzled beneath my skin. I saw that I was alone in it. I was alone in the entire room.

  I got dressed and peered curiously out the window. They faced the front of the house and I saw Jared’s car still parked outside. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten about him and wondered if he ever came inside.

  I slid the straps of my dress on my shoulder, careful not to rub the fabric against my nipples which still hurt from the night before. I looked down and cherished the bite marks. I looked behind me as I left the mysterious red room, now basking in rich daylight.

  The dark hallway outside had brightened to a dim grey and I could at least see my own feet. I slowly neared the stairs, part of me afraid of what I’d find and part of me afraid for what I wouldn’t.

  The house was quiet enough that I could hear the floorboards shift beneath my feet. I wondered if there was anyone else around to hear me coming. If they were, they didn’t show themselves.

  The foyer had a rosy shine when I finally reached the main floor as if it were blushing from the heat. I put my hand to my cheeks and felt that they were warm.

  I pushed open the doors to the ballroom and saw that it was dark and empty. The only light shining through was what filtered in behind me, and I watched a long shadow stretch across the floor.

  Everything was clean and in order, you could never tell what happened the night before. Most of the furniture was removed and the bar was shut down. I started to question whether it had all been a dream, but the pain in my jaw wouldn’t let me forget.

  “Mrs. Banks?” I turned quickly to face Ethan but it was only an usher. “Do you need anything before heading home? Mr. Sloane made it clear to let you stay as long as you like.”

  “Where is he?” I asked him.

  “I’m not sure, Mrs. Banks. I don’t ask about his business.” He flashed a look of pity before collecting himself.

  “I’m ready to go then,” and he showed me to the door.

  The sun seared my skin but the humidity rescued me. I could hear a thousand creatures stirring and birds greeting me as I walked toward the car, desperate to finally see Jared.

  I peered through the window to see an empty driver’s seat reclined with a jacket bunched into a pillow. I whipped my head around to see where he had gone. I don’t know why I didn’t call for him. I guess I didn’t want to disturb the pleasant atmosphere.

  I walked up the road and took in the scenery. The trees reached out and the sun warmed me. I thought I could stay here forever and then remembered that Ethan had asked me to run away with him. Part of me was second guessing my decision when the other part of me heard Jared calling.

  “Vanessa!” his tired voice cried out. I turned around and saw him waving by the car with his long arms and disheveled appearance. His shirt was tucked in part of the way and his hair scattered over his head. I felt an overwhelming joy at his display and ran to him.

  When I was finally in his arms I raised my hands to his face to keep him close and kissed him wildly. He wrapped his long arms around me and held me tightly. Despite not knowing Ethan’s whereabouts I felt complete.

  I apologized to Jared for leaving him in the car and falling asleep but he didn’t seem concerned. I peered into his eyes and determined he was too good for me. Jared opened my door and ushered me in.

  He sat behind the wheel, raised his seat, and looked more rejuvenated by the second. I could tell he was desperate and excited to return home. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling through the pain in my jaw.

  The road home was different than the road we took to the swinger’s party. It was no longer pitch black and I could see the deer through the trees. I rolled down my window and let the woodsy scent devour me. I held Jared’s hand as he drove and closed my eyes to think of Ethan. I considered the many places he could be; other cities or countries and I imagined myself beside him.


  Jared and I spent Sunday in close contact. We spoke less this time and embraced instead. We shared a brunch together and never stopped smiling. I loved him now more than I ever had.

  Going to work the following Monday was less strange than I expected. I almost forgot that Ethan Sloane was CEO and remembered my early days on the job. I felt stable and like I could handle anything.

  I didn’t hear from Ethan all morning, but my curiosity got the best of me. During my lunch break I headed u
pstairs to his office to see if he was even there, but he wasn’t.

  “He’s out of the country on business,” the receptionist informed me. “He’ll be gone for a while, supposedly.”

  I wasn’t surprised by the news. I would have been more shocked to see him behind his desk. I finished lunch in the cafeteria with Sasha who was happy to see me feeling better. I was happy for it too.

  When I checked my email for the last time that day, I saw a message from a strange recipient, but with the word Sloane attached. I eagerly opened it.

  Mrs. Banks,

  I’m away on business, but I haven’t stopped thinking of you and the intense night we shared. Sorry I left you so abruptly. I’m pretending you said “yes,” and that you’re here next to me.



  Attached with the email was a photo of the Eiffel Tower, and I knew better than to believe it was a business trip. I responded simply with, “I am always next to you,” before grabbing my things and heading home to Jared.


  Stepbrother Surrender

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and places are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  He's arrogant. He's a jerk. But he's smoking hot.

  He's the prick who used to make my life a living hell and I never thought I would have to see him again. Brandon. My stepbrother. Now he's back and he's all grown up, six pack and all. He's dangerous. He's sexy. And I hate how much he turns me on. There's no way I can let this can happen...

  STEPBROTHER SURRENDER is a stand-alone with a guaranteed HEA and no cheating!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Our gazes locked. He began to slowly lean in toward my lips.

  My mind was in disbelief as he approached me. My heart was pounding. I held my breath as his lips neared mine.

  Brandon suddenly didn’t feel like a brother to me anymore.

  I closed my eyes. I felt Brandon’s breath on my mouth. His warm lips pressed onto mine and a shudder rocketed throughout my body.

  And then suddenly it was cold again.

  Brandon pulled away fast. I saw him for the first time since he’d, looking embarrassed and ashamed.

  Chapter One

  He was a first class jerk who took one look at me and deemed me his target of choice. I remember it like it was yesterday. The first words out of his mouth were “wow, what a nerd.” I remember my cheeks flaring red and my heart shaking in my chest.

  I first met Brandon when I was thirteen and he was seventeen. My dad married his mom so quick, that the home we’d shared by ourselves suddenly felt crowded and chaotic. I tried to keep my space like I did at school but Brandon always came looking for me. He just couldn’t seem to entertain himself any other way.

  “Hey dork,” he’d say while leaning in my doorway.

  I’d keep my nose buried in pages and pretend like I didn’t hear him only to feel a wad of paper thrown at the back of my head. Or a banana peel. Or a rubber band. He was infuriating but I only had one year with him before he would hopefully find his own place. I laughed off the idea of him ever going to college.

  I loved the way things were before Brandon. Well, maybe I didn’t love them, being the nerdy virgin bookworm daughter of a single Dad, but the house was often quiet and I had my own space. I didn’t have any siblings and Dad would work until six, so I got the house to myself after school and read to my heart’s content. But that all changed when my Dad met Brandon’s mom.

  I expected, like any two strangers especially at that age, that we’d be shy toward each other at first. I was the shy one while Brandon had no issue opening his mouth around me.

  We hardly spoke, but when we did, it was only because he’d been teasing me, scoffing at practically everything I enjoyed, and usually for no other reason but to get under my skin. You would have thought it was his extracurricular to poke fun at me; to make me feel terrible about myself.

  “Hey you got a lot of zits you know that?” he’d tease. His jabs were never original, and he often repeated the same lines in rotation throughout the week. It almost got to where I could predict which one was coming.

  Brandon had perfect skin that infuriated kids like me, especially when he’d comment on my zits. Nothing seemed to ever irritate him, but he made it his sole purpose to bother me.

  I was absolutely dreading the upcoming freshman year of high school. I had already been nervous but now with a senior step brother who hated my guts I was sure it’d be the worst start to high school I could ask for.

  Brandon came from a totally different world, though and I knew he wasn’t happy to suddenly be thrust into mine. Not that I let this excuse his behavior for a minute, but I guess I could empathize with his frustration. After all, I wasn’t happy he was here either, but at least I didn’t have to move and completely change lives senior year.

  However, he was an athletic jock with football being his only concern, so he made friends pretty easily at his new school. In fact, he collected friends faster than I could even get a word out to someone new. I envied his sudden popularity and wondered how so many people could love a total jerk.

  Even Dad seemed to be giving him preferential treatment. When Brandon showed up, I was no longer dad’s sole priority. I felt more isolated than ever.

  For instance, when Dad drove me to school, he had always played my favorite music in the car. But when Brandon showed up and joined our carpool, he acted as if it was torture to listen to my favorite songs. He’d plug his ears and complain a lot, making Dad and I feel uncomfortable. Dad shot me a look of apology before taking Brandon’s side for the millionth time.

  “Sorry sweetie but we’re going back to my talk radio since you two can’t agree on anything” he said, handing my cd back to me.

  Brandon turned to me, smug and satisfied, and I felt like curling into a ball of defeat.

  And while it was bad enough he’d continually pester me into a fury, the worst part was when he’d bring home some of the most popular girls in school. I avoided these girls like the plague, knowing I’d never be accepted by them. I was content skating through high school with them never learning my name.

  Sometimes they’d even be popular freshman girls who were hanging around him. Girls I had class with hopelessly tethered to the star athlete in an effort to win his attention. They started approaching me in class with wrinkled noses as if in disgust to have to talk with me.

  “So, like, is your brother going to be home later?” one would ask. I’d only reply by correcting her with “stepbrother,” before hiding my face behind another book.

  “I can’t believe you two are related,” said another. “You guys look nothing alike.” I only sighed in reply.

  All the girls wanted to know about my stepbrother, but he didn’t care about them. In fact, he seemed to only be interested in the freshman girls because it would annoy me.

  “Wow I’ve never seen you before, are you a new student too?” Another would often ask me with her doe-eyed expression. Never mind that I’d gone to school with her for years and I knew who she was. I was a complete stranger to her, and Brandon thought it was hilarious.

  I was surprised when two long years later Brandon left for college on the other side of the country. I didn’t miss him at all. I definitely wasn’t expecting him to even be looking into college much less getting any acceptance letters, but I was grateful to have him finally out of our house.

  In fact, it kind of stung me that he got into one of the best schools in California after watching him goof off all senior year. After all, I worked like a madman on my schoolwork and always kept a high G.P.A. It didn’t seem right to me that someone like Brandon could be viable competition for someone like me.

  When he came back after his first semester, he ac
ted like a totally different person. He was tall and handsome and almost a little mature. Of course, I didn’t buy it. I kept my distance so I wouldn’t incur any more of his jokes or criticism. My self-esteem had started to improve ever since the day he left, and I felt like I was finally learning how to come into my own. I’d be damned before I’d let him make me feel like that again.


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