Her Fearless Warrior: A SciFi Alien Romance (Lunarian Warriors Book 6)

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Her Fearless Warrior: A SciFi Alien Romance (Lunarian Warriors Book 6) Page 10

by Roxie Ray

  I smiled up at him. “Now who’s scared?”

  “Mm.” Gallix closed his eyes and took his knocks. “Water everything you hoped it would be?”

  “The water’s nice, but, um…” I shifted my hips slightly as I felt something hot and…stiff brush against my thigh. “Gallix…”

  “Er. Yeah.” Gallix hooked his fingers beneath my thighs and lifted me a little higher up. “Sorry. Water’s warm and you’re, ah…”

  “I’m what?” I searched his face for a blush but didn’t find one. For all his apologies, he was shameless. And I wasn’t sure that I minded that, actually.

  “You know how you look, Eve.” Gallix chuckled and held my gaze. “And this nightgown you’re in isn’t exactly, ah…subtle either.”

  I blinked as I realized what he meant. The rest of my clothes from the ship had been ruined in the fire, and the nightgown that I’d been wearing when we crashed was ripped all the way up to my hip.

  There weren’t exactly…panties that went under it, either.

  My pussy was pressed against Gallix’s stomach. As his legs kicked, treading water beneath us, sometimes his body shifted us even closer together.


  It seemed that the water around us wasn’t the only thing that was wet.

  “I…sorry. Sorry.” I tried to pull away, but Gallix didn’t let me. With one arm around my waist, he held me steady. Near. Close.

  “You can’t swim, Eve.” Gallix looked to the shore. “But if you want to keep your distance…you want to get out?”

  “Um…” I followed his gaze, but the dewy grass on the shore didn’t seem nearly as appealing as the warmth of the water—or the heat of Gallix’s skin, for that matter. “No. No, I’m fine, it’s just…”

  “You’ve seen me noticing you.” Gallix’s thumb ran down my spine, just once. A stolen touch. “And now you’ve felt…well, you know what you felt. Do you mind?”

  I licked my lips and swallowed. Hard.

  I might have been a virgin, but given the number of times I’d read the romance novel I’d left stashed beneath my mattress back in Sector Five…

  I knew this moment.

  I knew what it meant.

  “I don’t mind.” I cast my eyes down and stared at Gallix’s chest—not that it was any help. If anything, it only made my skin burn hotter and my heart pound even stronger. “But…”

  “But what?”

  “My contract.” I closed my eyes. Staring at Gallix’s chest…it was too much right now. “When we get back to Lunaria…if we even can…”

  “You’re worried they won’t want you anymore.” When I opened my eyes, Gallix was staring at me with concern. “But Eve…was that ever what you wanted? Really? Going to be impregnated, maybe even mated with against your will…”

  “I just wanted a better life for myself, Gallix.” I bit my lip as I met his gaze again. “If…mating with someone was the only way to get it… I don’t know if I could have gone through with it. But I knew I had to try.”

  “But now…”

  “But now, things are different.” I sighed, then pulled myself a little closer to him. “I don’t know that we’re even going to be able to get to Lunaria now, Gallix.”

  “And if we do?” He leaned in slightly, mirroring me.

  “We don’t know what we’ll find when we get there.” I didn’t like thinking about that, but it was true.

  “And if we don’t?”

  His lips were close now. Insanely close. Almost unbearably close.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” I admitted. “I’ve been alone for so much of my life…I don’t want to be alone here, too.”

  “Do you feel alone right now, Eve?”

  “You know I don’t,” I told him.

  There wasn’t anything more to say in that moment—and even if there had been, my lips were suddenly busy as Gallix crushed them beneath his.

  The first thing I noticed when Gallix’s tongue slipped into my mouth was that it was forked. When he ran the edge of my tongue between the two prongs, I could feel something rhythmic and pulsating in the valley of the V—his heartbeat.

  I gasped as something started pulsating within me too. Immediately, I broke the kiss and pulled away.

  “Something wrong?” Gallix smoothed a soaked lock of hair away from my forehead and furrowed his brow with concern.

  “No! No, not at all.” I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, a little desperately. “I was just…”

  Oh, no. That kiss was one thing. Indulgent. Passionate. Everything I could have hoped for and more than I’d ever dared to dream. But Gallix’s tongue throbbing against mine…

  That was another. Another thing entirely.

  My pussy clenched like it was already trying to pull him inside me. It wasn’t something conscious—I didn’t have anything to be conscious about.

  I’d never done anything with a man before. I’d never even kissed a man before this moment right now.

  This was something native. Something natural and intrinsic. Something that I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. My pussy was hot and dripping even wetter than the water all around us.

  And beneath it, I could feel Gallix’s cock stiff against my thigh as well.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, vringna.” Gallix slurred the word in his accent, something that didn’t quite translate.

  It only made me burn even hotter for him.

  “I’ve never…” I sighed. I couldn’t even say the words.

  “Never been kissed?” Gallix chuckled. “Looking like you do, I find that hard to believe.”

  “No. I mean, I haven’t ever been kissed either, but…” I smoothed my fingers down Gallix’s chest. He had a tattoo on his pec, right over his heart, that looked like claw marks. His muscles were firm and smooth beneath my touch. “Have you ever wanted something and known it was a bad idea?”

  “The second I saw you, vringna.” As I blinked, stunned, Gallix took advantage of the moment and kissed me again. His lips tasted dark and sweet, like the fruit from Edon’s trees. “What is it that you want?”

  “When I felt your tongue against mine…” I was blushing. Hard. I didn’t want to admit what it had made me think of—but then again, I couldn’t not say it at this point. The want was just way too bad. “It. Um. It made me wonder what it would feel like if you put your tongue, um, other places.”

  I saw the idea catch in Gallix’s eyes and take root. They’d been a purple-blue just a moment before. Now, they were deep, dark navy, sparkling with wickedness.

  “You don’t say.” Gallix pulled me to him tight and claimed my mouth again. When he pulled back, he looked triumphant. “You don’t gotta ask me twice.”

  “I didn’t ask for—Gallix!” I yelped as I was left scrambling in the water again as Gallix slipped his hands down my body and disappeared beneath the water’s surface. My legs kicked wildly for a moment—then kicked even harder when I felt Gallix give me another kiss. A lower kiss. Much lower, beneath the water, on a much lower set of lips.

  The heat radiating from my pussy flared to full life. But Gallix didn’t just stop at a kiss. His tongue pushed between my folds and licked me from the wetness at my entrance all the way up to—

  I swallowed hard, then let out a gasp of surprise, then another of pure pleasure.

  My clit. Just like I’d imagined, Gallix’s tongue throbbed against the sensitive bud. Heat, rogue and wild, coursed up through my entire body with his every heartbeat. I could feel it in my chest, a burst of sunlight. It was fluttering in my belly and tingling at my fingertips.

  I’d read plenty about this in my book before, but to feel it—to actually know that a Lunarian warrior was between my thighs, lapping at my cunt…

  Nothing I’d ever read could have prepared me for this.

  Gallix came up for air just as the sensation was becoming almost unbearably good. He grinned like he’d just won some kind of prize and cupped my ass to pull me close to him. My pussy was still soaked—but th
is time, when my legs wrapped around his waist, I could feel my honey slipping against his cock instead.

  “How was that?” Gallix’s cock twitched against my entrance. The tip of it was so huge, I couldn’t imagine how it could possibly fit inside me—but as I got even wetter, suddenly that was all I could imagine.

  “Wow,” I breathed. It wasn’t the right word for how impossibly good that had felt, but then again, I wasn’t sure there was a word to express that.

  “Mm. Good.” Gallix leaned in close. I could smell myself on his lips, earthy and sweet. “Now. Taste yourself on me, vringna. You oughta know how damn perfect you taste.”

  He kissed me again. His tongue was slick with my honey. I tasted saltier than I smelled. Fresh and light. And beneath the taste of my cunt on his tongue, I could taste him. The fruitiness from before was still there, but beneath that he was rich, almost like iron now.

  I never wanted to taste anything else ever again.

  “Promise you liked it?” he asked when he finally pulled away.

  “Of course I did.” My body was shaking, but somehow, I wasn’t at all cold. “That was…unlike anything else I’ve ever felt.”

  “Want me to do it again?”

  My eyes grew wide. I bit my lip, then nodded and smiled. “Yes. Please, yes.”

  Gallix smirked, then dove down again. This time, he hooked my thighs over his shoulders as he made out with my cunt. I could feel his feet kicking somewhere beneath us. He pushed my body forward and swam us toward the waterfall. Just before the water began to hit my head, he pulled me under. The waterfall churned over me with a low, muffled roar. Meanwhile, beneath me, Gallix licked and sucked my clit, teasing pleasure from every inch of the small, swollen bud.

  He pushed me back up to the surface just in time for me to cry out. I couldn’t hold it back any longer. The feelings he was creating inside me were so intense, it felt only right to scream.

  When I opened my mouth, I was screaming his name.

  “Gallix!” I panted, gasping as something exploded inside me. If it hadn’t been for the way my entire mind was focused on the place where his lips were wrapped around my clit, I felt like my soul could have risen up out of my body and floated away. “Gallix!”

  Gallix resurfaced with a gasp just in time to hear me. “That’s right, Eve. Say my name. Say my damned name.”

  He pulled me to the smooth wall of rock behind the waterfall. Behind us, the water separated us from camp like a thin, booming veil.

  “You’re so damn gorgeous when you come, Eve.” Gallix claimed kiss after kiss from my lips. The water clung to his lashes like diamonds beaded on chains of dark gold. “So damn gorgeous, I think I’d like to see it again.”

  He pushed my back against the rock of the cliff. It was cool and slippery against my shoulders. Gallix held me up, my thighs hooked over his shoulders once again.

  “There,” he purred at my pussy, which was just at the surface of the water now. Beneath us, I could feel his feet find firm ground to stand on. “Gonna be able to do that for so much longer now that I don’t have to manage my breath.”

  “I don’t know that I can take it for much longer than you’ve already given it to me.”

  “Yeah, well…” Gallix winked up at me. “You’ll have to try.”

  He dove back between my thighs, lashing my clit with his tongue and nipping at it gently with his teeth. When his fangs brushed against my pussy lips, it should have scared me. All of this should have scared me.

  But I wasn’t afraid. As Gallix flooded my body with pleasure, there was no space left in me for fear.

  He moved his fingers to my clit and pressed his tongue lower. It slipped inside me, hotter than anything I’d ever felt. With his other hand, he clutched my ass like he owned it. My whole body, he treated like a possession. Something that, even if only for just this moment, was his and his alone.

  I came over and over again as his fingers rolled my clit in little circles and his tongue slid in and out of me. He fucked me with it, tasting and thrashing and devouring. Every orgasm hit me even harder than the last, until pleasure started to blur together with pain. I gripped at the rock behind me, trying to find something to hold onto, but there was nothing there to grab.

  Finally, I wound my fingers in his dark yellow hair and pulled his mouth away from my pussy with a final, desperate gasp.

  “Something wrong?” Gallix asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No.” I let out a tired laugh. “At least, I don’t think so. But…I’m not sure that my body can take any more.”

  “Mm. Worn you out already, huh?” Gallix shifted his shoulders and let my thighs slip back down into the water. He held me to him still, which I was grateful for. Even when my feet brushed against the solid ground beneath us, my knees were weak, and I was in the water all the way up to my neck.

  “I do feel…exhausted,” I admitted. “Is that normal?”

  “If I’ve done a good job…yes.” Gallix kissed the top of my head and hugged me tight. “You’re all right, bright eyes. I’ve got you.”

  “Don’t let go.” It felt pathetic to beg, but here I was, begging anyway. It felt like if he stopped holding me, my entire body was going to burst into stardust then and there.

  “Never, darling heart.” Gallix’s cock throbbed against my ribs, and I felt something slick and warm trail across my skin. “Come on. I’ll swim us back and you can get some rest.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to…” Tentatively, I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. Gallix tensed immediately and let out a low growl.

  It was easily the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.

  But before I could decide what to do with his cock now that I had hold of it, he took my hand and pulled my fingers away.

  “If I was even a touch greedier than I am, I’d make you take my big, thick cock between those pretty lips of yours and use them the way I’ve been wanting to ever since I first saw your face, vringna,” Gallix admitted. He smiled down at me, gentle despite the roughness of his words. “But tonight…I think you’ve had your fill.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair, though…” I only had about half an idea of what I was doing with Gallix’s cock, and even then, it was only from an ancient romance novel where such things were referred to exclusively as throbbing manhoods—but if Gallix was up for it, it only seemed right to try.

  Gallix slipped down into the water and kissed me again, long and passionate.

  “Tonight, I’m just happy I had the chance to get you off.” His eyes were so blue, I felt like I could drown in them. But I couldn’t quite manage to tear my gaze away. “But that’s not to say I won’t be greedier if you ever put me in a position like this again.”

  My clit, sore and sensitive, twitched mercilessly at that thought. Gallix, greedy and unhinged, taking whatever he wanted from me.

  Oh, no. I liked that.

  I liked that idea a lot.

  But before I could insist, Gallix wrapped my arms around his neck and dove beneath the waterfall again. I clung to him as he swam us back to the edge of the pool. He lifted me up and set me back on the grass before he pulled himself out.

  Immediately, I was staring. It was impossible not to stare at a man who looked like him.

  The water dripped from his body in the moonlight. It trailed down his muscles in little rivulets and trickled from the shaft of his cock, which was so big and thick it made me gasp just to see it up close.

  “Mm. Yeah. You’re cute when you stare at me like that.” He took my hand and pulled me to my feet. “For that…you might just have to put me in a position like this again.”

  We lay next to the fire together on a bed of moss and leaves Gallix pulled over to protect us from the rocks and dirt of the ground. He held me tight and pulled his jacket and shirt up over us. When he turned his head to kiss me, he didn’t stop. Even when my eyelids were too heavy to keep open anymore. Even when I felt myself slipping—against my will—off to sleep.

en in my dreams, he kissed me still—his lips warm and wet from the water, and the salt of my cunt still lingering on his tongue.

  “Oh, you dirty, dirty slut.”

  I squinted as I opened my eyes. It was light out, and Gallix’s chest was pleasantly warm beneath my cheek. Unfortunately, it wasn’t his voice that had woken me, though.

  I held up a hand to shield my eyes from the sun and saw Marisa standing over us. She was glaring down at me like I was something disgusting she’d just had the displeasure of stepping in.

  “I can’t say I’m surprised, Eve, but I did think you’d have more restraint than this.” Marisa sneered as she spoke. It was a shame—she was pretty when she didn’t have her lips curled in disdain, but that was quickly becoming her default expression. “How was it, then? I hope you’re pleased with yourself, you pathetic little whore.”

  “Hey. That’s a pretty sharp word. What’s going on here?” Gallix grimaced as he opened his eyes and sat up. He kept his arm around me as he stared at Marisa, holding me tight against his chest despite the way Marisa was glaring. “Ah. You. Figures.”

  “Me.” Marisa crossed her arms over her ribs and smirked nastily. “As for my word choice, I’m just calling it like I see it. Takes a whore to know one, right?”

  “Careful,” Gallix warned in a low growl.

  “Marisa, don’t be cruel.” There’d been rumors back in the camp that prostitution was what Marisa had been arrested for. It didn’t surprise me to hear her confirm them. But even though I’d never had problems with the idea of women who had sex for money—or rations, for that matter—it made me feel dirty, hearing her crown me with that title as well.

  Whore. Was I one now? Gallix hadn’t paid me for what we did last night. When he slipped between my thighs and parted the lips of my pussy, it had been the best I’d ever felt in my entire life.

  But now…

  I blushed and turned away from Marisa as she let out a laugh, clutching Gallix’s jacket tight against my chest.

  “I’m not being cruel. I’m being honest.” She turned to Gallix. “Is this how it’s going to be, then? You fuck this little slut, Pax fucks Ora, and I’m left out here in the cold?”


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