CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6) Page 1

by Aimee-Louise Foster


  Book 6 - Aces MC Series

  By Aimee-Louise Foster

  Text copyright © 2016 Aimee-Louise Foster

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is dedicated to my two partners in crime, Tab and Chrissy.

  Love you to the moon and back xx

  G.I. Joe xx

  Table of contents

  Character List


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Cade - Aces MC Series Book 5.5

  Character List

  Club Members

  Mitchell 'Duke' Groves - President

  Ethan 'Diesel' Stokes - Vice President

  Andy 'Bear' Harper - Sergeant at Arms

  Daryl 'Justice' Hayes - Treasurer

  Frank 'Hound' Watson - Secretary

  Mark 'Woods' Davies - Road Captain

  Connor 'Spike' Stokes

  Jake 'Locke' Dixon - Deceased

  Caleb 'CJ' Jones

  Paul 'Rex' Regus

  Charlie 'Stoney' Henderson

  Jacob 'Skinner' Burns

  Tyler 'Whip' Watson

  Blake 'Recon' Washington

  Elijah 'Lyric' Grey






  Amy Stokes - Diesel's sister

  Lauren Davies - Woods' sister

  Harlow 'Ink' Webb - Diesel's old lady

  Taylor 'Ash' Miller - Duke's old lady

  Maggie Watson - Hound's old lady

  Louise 'Angel' Walker - Spike's old lady

  Keira 'Irish' O'Flaherty

  Declan O'Flaherty - Keira's brother

  Chloe Watson - Salon worker

  Paige Watson - Stripper

  James Hudson - Doctor

  Jayden Watson - Hang around

  Satan's Wrath Club Members

  Onyx - President

  Slick - Vice President

  Hustler - Sergeant at Arms

  Poet- Treasurer

  Fix - Secretary

  Sketch - Road Captain





  "I don't give a shit if you're ill, your legs are falling off or you're dying, you don't disrespect the family name by forfeiting a fight. Now get your arse out there." Dad pointed to the window clearly infuriated by the situation.

  "But dad Caleb's got chickenpox, he's too weak to fight." I swung my legs from the bed and placed them onto the carpet as I let out a loud sigh listening to Fallon trying to defend me.

  "I don't give a shit, the Smiths will be here in half an hour so you better be up and ready to fight."

  I simply nodded letting him know that I understood, there was no point in arguing with him because I'd never win. He turned on his heels and stomped from my bedroom leaving an atmosphere in his wake.

  I ran my hand up and down my arm trying to relieve some of the itching sensation but it was no use, as soon as I released the pressure the irritation returned.

  "Stop it you'll make it worse and they'll scar," Fallon sat beside me on the bed holding a bottle of Calamine lotion. "You'll need to put some of this on Caleb, it'll ease the urge to scratch." Fallon quickly unscrewed the lid and tipped the bottle allowing the pink liquid to cover a cotton wool pad before she dabbed a few spots on my arm with the lotion.

  I smiled, "Thank you." Since Mum had died, Fallon had taken on a mothering role to look after the home and us. At fourteen, she would now be expected to start courting someone from the community but we weren't allowing her to get with any little scrote, just to follow tradition. They broke the mould when they made her so there was no way that the family would just allow her to settle.

  "I'm sorry that I couldn't get him to cancel the fight, you know what he's like when he has a bee in his bonnet." Fallon moved to my other arm to dab the spots with the lotion.

  "You're such a sweetheart Twizz," she put our happiness before her own every time, which made me love her even more.

  "I'm just doing what any other sister would do," Fallon smiled as she stood and assessed my arms and face checking to see if she'd covered the majority of the spots. She quickly leaned closer and dabbed her cotton pad in the crease of my nose giving me a cheeky wink.

  "Right, I think he's had enough fussing, CJ has a fight to get to." Fallon frowned and stepped back, giving me an opportunity to glance in the direction of the archway to see Finn glaring at me.

  "I'm coming, just give me a minute to get my shorts on." I stood and raised my arms high to stretch, I'd been in bed now for over twelve hours as I was trying to stay out of everyone's way through fear of them catching the virus but the rest hadn't done me any good as I was still shattered and was feeling weak. Fallon had given me something to eat to keep my strength up earlier this morning but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light again.

  I grabbed for my shorts from the floor and stepped into them feeling a little uneasy on my feet. I was in the best physical shape possible for this fight due to my fitness regime but this virus had knocked me for six and could now well hinder my ability to fight at my best.

  I knew there was a lot riding on this fight, this would determine whether we lived like kings or ate like paupers for the next month. It was this pressure that made me fight to my best and want to win but I hated this existence, this wasn't the life I wanted as I didn't enjoy the uncertainty of it all. I knew that if I ever had children, I'd want them raised within a stable environment knowing that they'd always be provided for and given the love and affection needed. I knew that it wasn't dads fault that mum had passed but life was no different when she was alive. We lived cap in hand and with so many mouths to feed things were tough, it was just a godsend that we could all fight as this was the only thing that was keeping a roof over our heads and food in our tummies.

  "Come on you need to warm up before the fight begins." Eli poked his head into the room and nodded in the direction of the yard. I knew everyone would now be congregating over the field where we held our fights and the tummy flutters of excitement and nerves started to kick in.

  "I'll be out shortly," I stood in the middle of my bedroom swinging my arms back and forth warming up the muscles as I waited for everyone to leave. I needed a minute by myself to process everything that was buzzing around my head and deal with the emotions that I was now feeling. One thing I knew for sure is that I needed out of this shit, I was sick of being poor and I couldn't wait until I joined the army in 551 days and counting.

  Chapter 1


  I didn't come here often, I didn't need to sit beside a grave to talk to him. Locke was with me more than I knew, in my thoughts, in my memories and in my heart. It had now been a couple of months since he was taken from us but it hadn't got any easier. He wasn't blood but I was the closest he had to family, our bond was strong and our connection ran deep.

  We'd formed this close friendship shortly after we met, it was one of those encounters where things could've turned out completely different but I was pleased that they didn't.

  I'd finally plucked up the courage to attend an open event at the clubhouse. They'd invited local supporters and hang arounds of the club to see who may have the attributes to become a Prospect. I'd considered it for some time before I left the army as I knew that I would need a sense of belonging from somewhere else.

  "Oi you little
fucker!" I heard someone yell in the distance. As I glanced from my newspaper, I noticed a young lad wearing a light grey tracksuit and baseball cap running towards me with a guy in his twenties taking chase. The guy chasing was a member of the Aces, highly recognisable because of the colours he was wearing and he looked pissed off. He was a big guy but had some speed on him and was making up ground quickly.

  As the young lad passed me I out stretched my legs and clipped his foot, it stopped his momentum and I watched as he stumbled before crashing hard and skidding across the ground. He eventually came to a standstill and groaned as he held his side from the impact.

  The guy from the Aces brought back his leg and kicked the teenager hard in his stomach, he screamed in pain, trying to roll onto his side and scramble to his feet but the bloke bent down and grabbed the material of his t-shirt around his neck firmly, "Give me the fucking drugs back or the money."

  "Okay okay, I've got the drugs," the bloke tightened his grip twisting the material around the lad's neck. He scrambled in his pocket and pulled out a large transparent bag, I could see the tiny wraps of white powder as the guy snatched it aggressively.

  I turned my head towards the sound a siren. "Fuck!" The Aces member shouted looking at the bag of drugs in his hand.

  "Throw it here mate," he glanced in my direction and narrowed his eyes before he threw it to me as he didn't have many options.

  I crossed my legs concealing the bag between my thighs and opened my newspaper distancing myself from the two men in front of me.

  "Let him go now," the order came from the officer as he stepped onto the pavement releasing his batten.

  The Aces member released the lads t-shirt and stood tall holding his arms out to his sides. "Good morning O'Neil, it's been a while how are you?"

  "Don't talk to me you piece of shit, spread your legs!" The officer stepped forward and patted him down, while the other officer searched his pockets. "Have you got anything on you that you shouldn't?"

  "Nah man I'm clean," he allowed the police officers to search him seeming accustomed to the routine they were performing.

  "He's clean O'Neil," the officer rolled his eyes clearly annoyed that they hadn't found anything on him.

  "Stay there you're not free to go yet," the officer that he referred to as O'Neil stated boldly.

  Both officers then turned their attention to the lad getting up from the ground. "Do you have anything on you that you shouldn't?" he was asked as he was approached.

  "No!" He held his arms out wide and was patted down by the younger officer.

  "So what do we have here?" the young lad rolled his eyes as a clear bag was pulled from his pocket containing what looked to be weed.

  "I am arresting you for possession of a class B drug. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The officer forcefully moved the lads arms behind his back and cuffed him before walking him over to the police car.

  O'Neil turned to the bloke wearing the Aces patch and pointed, "I'll get you, just you wait I'll get you."

  "Yeah good luck with that mate," the guy smiled and stood with his hands on his waist as the young lad was put into the back of the police car. He removed his hand and waved as the police car drove past trying to further wind them up knowing that there was nothing they could do. "Fucking mugs," he said aloud before turning his attention to me. "Cheers mate I owe you for that," he walked towards me and joined me on the bench.

  "Not a problem," I uncrossed my legs to free the bag and handed it over to him.

  "Thank you," he took it and unfastened his cut so that he could stuff the bag firmly inside. "I'm Locke and you are?"

  "Caleb Jones!"

  He extended his hand for me to shake, "Well CJ, it's nice to meet you."

  I remembered that day as if it were yesterday, in fact that day pretty much cemented our friendship. He knew that he could trust me and that was the basis of his mentoring over the next year as he sponsored me into the club. We'd had our ups and downs during that time, we'd probably had more downs then ups because he was such a moody bastard but he was one of those friends that you didn't have to see every day to know that they had your back and would drop everything to help you out.

  "Right it's that time we've been waiting for mate." I pulled my jacket sleeve up and glanced at my watch, "I leave in half an hour." I let out a sigh and instinctively took Locke's blade from the sheaf attached to my belt and twirled it in my hand.

  "Everything is in place, a few of the guys are coming with me for support but ultimately it's my shout. I've told Duke I'm in charge although I'll report everything back to him." I sniggered, "You can imagine how that went down but fuck him, you were my mate not his." I let out a loud sigh, "The real reason I came here was to say that I promise you one thing Locke, I will get the revenge you sought even if it's the last thing I do." I touched the headstone with his blade and smiled before returning it to its sheaf. I now had a long drive ahead of me but surprisingly I had a clear head because for the first time in months I had a plan and knew that within the next 10 days this plan would fall into place and right the wrongs I so desperately needed.

  Chapter 2


  "Okay well this is home for the next couple of weeks," I said aloud as I kicked the door shut. Strolling into the room, I glanced around my surrounding and placed my bags on the dresser. It didn't have much in the way of mod cons but the room would serve its purpose and give me a place to crash.

  I moved my cuff to look at my watch knowing that I didn't have long before I had to meet with Damian. Woods and Recon had tirelessly read the information that Locke had put together during his undercover operation. This had given us an understanding of the mindset of all the club members. Knowledge on their strengths, weaknesses, family life and connections were paramount in order for this operation to run smoothly and because of this extensive investigation, we were able to identify a possible weak spot at the club and his name was Damian. He was a new prospect but a couple of weeks before Locke's death he'd built up a friendship with him. There was also a long standing hang around named Wes and one of the patched members called Poet that looked hopeful but they were proving harder to infiltrate.

  "You need to chill," I stood in the empty warehouse and glanced in the same direction as Damian was before he returned his attention back to me. "If you did what you normally did there'd be no way that the club would've followed you." He was always nervous when we met but today he was worse than normal, he seemed agitated and a little freaked out about something.

  "I'm sure I haven't been followed but I have so much to lose." I rolled my eyes at his words, he wasn't the only one that had a lot riding on this. Damian placed his hand inside his jacket and I immediately pulled out my blade. "Whoa, what the fuck you doing man?" he screamed placing his hands where they could be seen.

  "Slowly, you know the fucking drill." Damian sighed heavily and slowly reached into the inside pocket of his jacket as I kept a watchful eye. His eyes never left mine but I noticed them widen when he reached his goal before he quickly regained his composure and brought his hand from his jacket holding a photograph.

  Damian held it out towards me, "Who's this?" I asked taking the photo from him.

  "That's Lynx, he's the big boss man. You'll probably see him at the drugs deal as he's expressed an interest in being there."

  "That's great thanks for this. We've only previously had grainy photos so this will come in handy." I placed it into a concealed pocket inside my jacket as I didn't want it falling into the wrong hands. "Have you got anything else for me?" I asked glancing at my watch conscious of time.

  "No, the meeting is still going ahead as planned as per the information I gave your club last week."

  "Okay and what about the information on Locke? Is it still in the office?" I asked knowing that if it remained in there we'd struggle to get it ou
t without causing a fuss.

  "Yeah it's still in there but like I say, I never have access to that office on my own so I can't get it for you."

  "That's fine, we'll sort something out but do you know if they have security cameras in the corridor or office?"

  Damian shook his head, "They have camera's all over the joint but to my knowledge they don't work."

  "And what about the Costello family? Are you sure that they're completely out of the picture?" I knew that the Satan's had bought and distributed some drugs for them in the past and I just wanted to make sure that we wouldn't be messing with them also.

  "No that deal ran cold after a while but Onyx still talks to them to keep his hand in should he need to call upon them."

  "Okay well this has been useful." I folded my arms across my chest and assessed the young lad.

  "Okay are you done with me?" he asked still looking uneasy as his eyes swept the warehouse.

  "Yeah, fuck off you're doing my head in." I saw the relief on his face as I dismissed him and he scurried away into the shadows pleased to get out of here and away.

  The photograph he'd given me wasn't too important but it would give us a head's up to who was who at the meet that was due to take place next week. It wasn't the Rogue's I was after but it would give us some advantage because they wouldn't be expecting us to join the party.

  I gave Damian a head start and took a slow walk through the warehouse as I reached the main door I made sure that there was no one around before strolling down the alley towards the industrial estate. My phone startled me by vibrating in my pocket indicating that I'd received a message, I removed it from my jeans and saw that I had another message from Keira.

  I need to speak to you, Keira

  Well if she needed to fucking speak to me, why wasn't she calling rather than sending messages. I rolled my eyes, I always preferred the more direct approach and most certainly didn't do drama. I pressed the phone icon beside her name knowing that she'd pester me until I'd actually spoken to her.


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