CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6) Page 9

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Oh here she is," Slick lifted his arm and placed it around Charity's shoulder as she joined the group. I glanced in her direction and noticed how nervous she was. She looked tiny stood beside the club members and like a cat caught in the headlights with all the attention shown to her. The outfit she was wearing was a little big and she kept pulling at the top of the corset to cover herself up, not that she had much to hide. At the end of the day she was a very young looking sixteen year old and I felt sick to my stomach knowing what I was about to say.

  "Well come here sweet cheeks and let me see what my money has just bought me." Her eyes widened at my comment and I saw her swallow hard as Slick pushed her towards me. I opened my arms wide encouraging her to walk into my embrace but she was hesitant and lifted her hand to her mouth to bite on her nails.

  "He's paid a lot of money for your babe so you need to be a little more accommodating." Fix smirked and gave her a cheeky wink as she whipped her head around in his direction. I felt for her, she must have been petrified but I needed to play along otherwise, my cover would be blown.

  I reached out and grabbed her wrists forcefully, she returned her attention to me making it easier for me to pull her body closer. I smiled before slowly looking her up and down, "Mmh mmh mmh, what am I going to do with you?" I let go of one of her wrists and rubbed my chin thoughtfully as I analysed the situation and the expressions of some of the guys around me. Some especially Onyx seemed suspicious, I leaned closer to Charity and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek as I moved back our eyes met and I could see that she was holding in her tears. From where she was positioned, the groups that had now surrounded us couldn't see her face which I was pleased about. I didn't want Onyx or one of the other guys to punish her for being so nervous. I leaned closer and placed another kiss onto her cheek but this time closer to her ear, I caught Slick's eye and he winked seeming pleased with the interaction. I placed my hand at the back of her neck and pulled her in closer and this time I placed a gentle kiss on her earlobe, I held still and whispered, "It's going to be okay, trust me." I leaned back quickly and stood, I extended my hand and stepped towards Onyx. "I wanted to say thank you for this..." I glanced at Charity then back to Onyx, "Opportunity, I should have a very interesting evening."

  Onyx took a drag on his cigar, "Yeah I'm sure you will but there's something you've forgotten."

  I drew my brows before it registered, "Oh yeah." I sniggered as I'd forgotten about the payment, "I obviously don't have that money on me now but I can get it to you tomorrow by midday."

  "That works for me."

  "Oh good, well I'm staying at the..."

  "I know where you're staying. I know everything that goes on around here and you'd be wise to remember that."

  I looked around the group, "Well hopefully you won't know everything." I gyrated my hips back and forth to the laughter of the guys but Onyx's expression didn't change, he simply observed taking everything in. "Well okay, I think it's time I took my prize home for the evening." I extended my arm and flexed my fingers encouraging her to take my hand. She hesitantly lifted her arm and I noticed her tugging on her corset again with the other. "Here take this," I unfastened my jacket and slipped it from my shoulders before handing it to her. A small smile crossed her face as she extended her arm to take the jacket from me. Charity opened it out and swung it around to place it upon her shoulders, the jacket swamped her but I saw the relief on her face at the fact that she was now covered up.

  "You good to go babe?" I asked not knowing if she needed to bring any stuff with her or even what I was going to do with her when I got to the hotel.

  "My bags behind the bar, hold on I'll just get it." Charity turned and leaned against the wooden bar as she called the barmaid over. I took this opportunity to take stock of the situation and looked around the group that were slowly dispersing as they'd lost interest.

  "She comes back in one piece do you hear me!"

  I looked at Onyx with confusion, he'd basically pimped her out by selling her virginity and now he was telling me to bring her back in one piece. Where the hell did this man get off? "I hear you loud and clear mate." I couldn't believe his audacity regarding the situation but I let it go, knowing that I'd be able to set the record straight in only a few days.

  I turned back around to see Charity standing nervously waiting for me with her bag in one hand. I extended my arm again, "Okay are you ready this time?"

  She simply nodded and took my hand in hers, I gave it a faint squeeze before I pulled her gently so she could keep up with my pace as I made my way through the club. Plenty of guys made comments as I escorted her through the bar but I didn't have time to answer as I just wanted her as far away from the club as possible to keep her safe.

  As we walked into the car park, Charity shivered even though she was wrapped up inside my jacket. "You cold babe?" I asked wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her tightly into my side.

  "Freezing," I nodded and directed her towards my vehicle that was parked just outside the car park where I'd dumped it earlier. I took a steady pace as she was wearing heels, I didn't want her falling arse over tit and doing herself an injury. The thought made me snigger and Charity looked up at me confused, "It's okay sweet I'm not laughing at you." She allowed me to direct her across the gravel and over to my car and I wondered what must be going through her head at this moment in time. As we stood by the passenger door, I unwrapped my arm from her shoulder and opened the car door encouraging her to enter. Charity let out a loud sigh and although she was a little hesitant, she entered and made herself comfortable. I closed the door and strolled around the vehicle all too aware that Onyx and Hustler were outside the club watching my every move. I made a point of lifting my hand letting them know that I'd seen them before entering the car. I didn't want them to think that they had one over me or that I had anything to hide.

  "Why the hell did you buy me, I thought you were one of the nice guys." I turned towards Charity confused by her outburst.

  "I am!" I said affronted.

  "Pffft," she folded her arms across her chest and looked out the window obviously annoyed with me. The cheeky bitch had been living with the Satan's for a while now and tonight she'd been sold to the highest bidder, and now she was taking it out on me.

  "Oi," I said spitefully trying to get her attention. Charity slowly turned her head and her eyes widened because of my now pissed off facial expression. I leaned over and grabbed her cheeks with one hand, pinching them together to make sure I had her attention. "Don't you ever talk like that to me again, am I making myself clear?" she nodded her head and I could see by facial expression that she was scared.

  "I haven't fucking won you to take advantage, I thought I'd save you from some dirty old perv fucking you." I let go of her and turned to clench the steering wheel tightly with one hand as I used the other to shove the key in the ignition and start the engine. I manoeuvred from the space and made my way down the street putting some distance between ourselves and the club although I knew it wouldn't be long before some of the guys would follow us to the hotel. There was no way that they'd allow Charity to go it alone. It hadn't been confirmed yet but I wasn't sure whether Onyx was just looking out for Charity or if he wanted her for himself but if that was the case, he wouldn't be too impressed that it was me that had won the auction. He'd made it clear over the week that he didn't like me because I was a newbie and I was now worried that I'd only gone and made things worse for myself.

  I could sense her shuffling on the seat beside me but didn't look at her, I was in no mood for a stroppy teenager especially one that I'd gone and saved. I ignored her and navigated around several vehicles until I was able to gain some momentum further down the street.

  "I'm sorry!" I glanced to my left quickly before returning my eyes back to the road. "I am, I'm really sorry I just didn't realise."

  "Not even after I told you in the club not to worry?" I changed gear building up some speed as we travelled through the town.

  She shrugged, "You'd be surprised what I've been told during the time I've been here."

  I let out a sigh, "Probably not babe but I'm not like those cunts back there. Look, let's just get you home and safe." I noticed Charity visibly relax in the seat beside me which made me feel a little better about the situations although now that I had her, I didn't know what I was going to do with her.

  I opened the door to the hotel room and held it wide giving Charity enough space to enter. She glanced around the room before walking over to the bathroom, "Is it okay if I go and change." She pointed her thumb behind her to the open door.

  "Sure, I've got a few things I need to attend to." I closed the hotel door behind me and secured it knowing that it was more than likely that we'd have a visitor or two this evening. Charity smiled and retreated into the bathroom giving me the space I needed to try to work a few things out. I strolled over to the chair in the corner of the room and removed my phone from my pocket before sitting, I heard the bathroom door close and the shower quickly turn on and knew that Charity would be occupied for a while. This was my opportunity to get a few things sorted, I swiped my screen and scrolled through my contacts looking for Duke.

  "What's up?"

  "Regarding the money, how quickly can you get it to me?" I didn't have long to talk and needed to be direct.

  "You still want £8,000?"


  "Eli and Fallon are coming up tomorrow, I'll give it to them."

  "What's she coming up for?" I let out a sigh of frustration.

  Duke chuckled, "Have you contacted her lately?"


  "Well there's your answer then. Have you ever tried telling her no?"

  "On more than one occasion actually," now it was my turn to snigger.

  "And how did that work out?" he asked with humour in his voice.

  "She's worse than Amy."

  "I rest my case." Both of us sniggered at the thought as Amy was as stubborn as they came but Fallon could certainly give her a run for her money.

  "Okay, well if they can be here before midday that would make things a lot easier for me."

  "Okay mate I'll give them a call and see what I can do." There was a brief pause before he spoke again, "Are you going to tell me what the money is for?" he asked sounding a little concerned.

  "I will eventually," I stated not wanting to go into detail.

  "Are you in any trouble?"

  I smiled, "I'm fine mate I promise now stay safe."

  "And you."

  I ended the call and searched through my unanswered message. Jay had sent me a couple of texts whilst I'd been away, I smiled at the fact that he'd missed my company or more to the point a drinking partner although a lot of his time was now taken up by Sam. He was lucky to have found her, I mean her situation had been horrific but they had come together and everything seemed to be working out fine for them. I smiled at how everyone was dropping like flies but the very thought made me think of Keira. I shook my head, no I couldn't be doing that it was wrong on so many levels. I heard the water stop in the shower and knew that it wouldn't be long before Charity came out, I wanted the sleeping arrangements made simple and was happy to allow her to have the bed this evening. I removed two pillows from the mattress and lay them onto the floor before grabbing the bag containing my sleeping bag.

  "What you doing?" I looked up to see Charity standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

  I pulled on the strings to loosen the end of the bag, "You can have the bed tonight babe, I'm quite happy to take the floor."

  She shook her head, "I wouldn't hear of it. I'll sleep on the floor, I've slept in worse places over the years so it really isn't a problem."

  I removed the sleeping bag from its cover, "I'm not arguing with you, that's what's happening."

  Charity rolled her eyes and it was only then that I could see just how young she looked. She'd removed her make-up and was now wearing a pair of light blue cotton pyjamas with an image of a dog on the front. She saw me assessing her which prompted her to glance down at her attire.

  "Is that what you were going to wear for your night of passion?" I forgot myself for a minute and the seriousness of the situation but her choice of clothing amused me.

  Charity met my gaze, "I have another outfit that I was told to wear but I packed these just in case." She pulled on the material and made me snigger as she screwed her face, "What's wrong with dogs anyway?"

  I sniggered at her comment, "You look fine babe as long as you're comfy I'm happy."

  Her big smile warmed my heart, she was a good girl but I was a little confused as to how she'd been mixed up with this lot. They were nasty fuckers and she'd proved that she was somewhat streetwise and articulate by helping myself and Recon out earlier on in the week but I was still stumped why she was here.

  Charity pulled back the duvet and sat on the edge of the mattress before turning to me, "I knew Locke."

  Her words knocked the wind from my sails and I stood speechless by hearing his name. "He was a nice man, different to the others. I'd heard stories of him helping some of the other girls, not me because I didn't go to the clubhouse often and wasn't asked to go with men but he did and the girls were grateful for it."

  I still couldn't move or think of anything to say as she spoke freely about my best mate. "He pretended to have sex with some of the girls so they couldn't be taken by other men. He had a kind heart, it's a shame that they got to him." Charity swung her legs around so she was lying on the mattress and pulled the covers up to conceal her legs.

  "How do you know so much?" I asked joining her on the bed. She'd sparked my interest and if she was happy to talk then I was more than happy to listen.

  "I'm what they call a house mouse," Charity pursed her lips together obviously pissed with her situation.

  I nodded my head slowly knowing what that involved although I was still surprised that she was a virgin. Usually the house mouse would also service the master of the house so this intrigued me.

  "They're not exactly subtle with their explanations of things and I'm always around club members at Onyx's house especially when they're drunk."

  I chewed the inside of my mouth while I contemplated everything she was telling me, I was still coming to terms with the mention of Locke's name and was surprisingly a little emotional. "Sorry, I can see that you're not happy with me talking about him." Charity looked worried and I wanted to reassure her.

  I reached out my hand to place it on her covered leg, "The mention of his name was just a shock sweetness, that's all. I wasn't expecting that but I'm pleased you got to meet him." She drew her brows confused by my comment, "I mean that he was the nicest, most caring, loyal man you'd ever get to meet. He was also secretive, mysterious and sometimes a pain in the arse but his good points outweighed his bad."

  Charity smiled, "He was always a gentleman to me and the other girls around him."

  I smiled, "That's my Locke."

  "Were you close friends?" she asked seeming genuinely interested.

  "He was like a brother." My words just rolled off my tongue because he was.

  "Is that why you're here?" I looked at her confused not sure what she meant by that. "I mean, are you here to right the wrongs? That's how it works isn't it?"

  Although she was young, she was clued up for sure but I didn't want to give her any information. Not that I didn't trust her, at the end of the day she'd helped us out already by giving us the memory stick and the diary, it was more that if she knew information about our plan then I'd possibly put her at risk and I wasn't prepared to do that.

  "You know I can't discuss things like that babe," I removed my hand from her leg and stood from the bed. We both immediately turned towards the door as three loud bangs echoed around the room. I glanced back at Charity and noticed how fearful she was and couldn't understand why she'd be afraid as she was clearly mine for the evening as far as the Satan's were concerned. I took a deep breath and strolled to the doo
r before looking through the peep hole.

  "Come on man open up unless you've got a bird in there." I glanced over my shoulder and smiled as I caught Charity's eye.

  I stood aside as I opened the door, "And what do I owe this pleasure."

  Recon muscled his way through the entrance hall and into the main area of the room. "Well, well, well...what do we have here you sly old fox?"

  I rolled my eyes at his statement and closed the door before joining them. Recon this is Charity and Charity this is Recon. We all met briefly in the corridor at the club the other day."

  "Oh yeah so we did." Recon eyes widened as he observed Charity pull the duvet up further to cover herself completely. "Don't go all shy now that I'm here babe." Recon turned towards me, "You work fast bruv."

  I rolled my eyes, "It's not what you think."

  Recon looked between myself and Charity, "Nah so what is it then?"

  "Babe, do you fancy going to the shop. I noticed a convenience store still open on the corner of the street." Charity slowly nodded and pulled back the cover, I could see the flush quickly spread across her cheeks from the embarrassment by her attire but she held it together and quickly made her way into the bathroom.

  "What the fuck is going on?" Recon held his hands out confused by the fact that Charity was here in my room.

  I sniggered, "Wait for her to go and I'll explain everything."

  She walked from the bathroom wearing a jacket to cover her pyjamas and Ugg boots, she was a good girl for doing as she was told without asking any questions and I assumed that it was her time spent around the club that had helped with her discipline.

  I dug into my pocket to retrieve my wallet but as I looked up, I caught Charity's eye and couldn't quite read her expression. "What's up babe?"

  She shuffled uncomfortably, "Erm...the thing is..."

  "For Christ's sake, spit it out girl." Charity flashed Recon a look before returning her attention back to me.


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