CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6) Page 16

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  What the fuck am I going to do? My brain was ticking trying to read the situation, I didn't know where I was going or where he was heading and only hoped that he wasn't leading me to a place where he had reinforcements because I'd be screwed.

  I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but I couldn't answer, I shook my head at the thought of months of planning going to shit in an instant.

  Without any warning a deer leaped across the road taking us both by surprise, we slammed on our breaks and this was enough to bring me level with his motorcycle although we were still in motion. I lifted my leg and kicked out clipping his seat, I did it again and this time I made contact with his knee. Onyx tried to get away by accelerating but I was on it, I now had an advantage and he wasn't getting away. As I drew level, I kicked out again and managed to reach the tank, his motorcycle wobbled but he managed to hold firm. I gained a slim advantage and was slightly in front of him, I quickly turned into his bike making him swerve across the road. Onyx slowed, hanging back behind me and I was struggling to see him in my mirrors although I knew he was still there. I noticed a junction coming up and I couldn't afford for him to be behind me as I didn't know which way he would turn, I needed either to get behind him or finish him off now.

  I slammed on my breaks taking him by surprise, Onyx quickly manoeuvred around me but over corrected and toppled from his motorcycle. I watched as both he and his Harley skidded across the ground with a grin of satisfaction on my face. "Gotcha you bastard," I said to myself proud of my actions.

  The wheel on his Harley was still spinning as I dismounted my ride and slowly made my way towards him. It had gotten darker, the woods on either side of the road and the tall trees added to the atmosphere and provided shelter and quietness. The light from his mangled Harley shone brightly on Onyx as he lay cupping his arm like an injured animal.

  "Argh I think it's broken," he screamed as I strolled towards him.

  He shielded his eyes from the bright light shining upon him with his uninjured arm, "You need to get me some help. Call for an ambulance or even better one of my brothers, my phones in my pocket." I marvelled at his audacity as I slowly strolled towards him. I'd waited so long for this and it wasn't to be rushed.

  I stood in front of the light prolonging his agony by making it harder for him to recognise me especially with my helmet on. He squinted trying to work out who I was and probably what I even wanted, as I wasn't too forth coming in assisting him. It hadn't even registered that I may be the person that had been chasing him for the past seven miles.

  I unfastened the strap under my chin and removed my helmet so he could hopefully see my face before crouching beside him.

  Blood dripped from his nose and mouth where he'd bounced along the ground and looking at the angle of his arm, it was most certainly broken.

  "Can you get me some help please, I'm fucking hurting here." I smirked at his words and rubbed my forehead out of disbelief.

  "Stop the bullshit Onyx, you know what I want."

  He nodded, "The girl, you want the girl I understand that." He swallowed hard and wiped his nose smearing the blood across his face. "Yeah I can do that but you need to get me some help first."

  My phone rang, interrupting our conversation but I needed to see who'd been trying to get hold of me for the past half hour. I stood and took it from my pocket and swiped the screen to answer the call from Finn.


  "We've got Keira."

  I let out a sigh of relief, "Safe and well?"

  "Yep safe and well," I could hear just how pleased he was with himself.

  "Good," I hung up and turned the mobile to Onyx lying helplessly on the ground. "Smile!" I took a few snaps and returned the phone to my pocket before I crouched beside him again.

  "It doesn't have to be like this man," I registered the pain on his face as he moved his uninjured hand to take the strain from his broken arm.

  "Ah is that hurting you?" I asked faking sympathy.

  "Yeah I need a doctor. Get me that and we can forget about all of this mess and I'll release the girl."

  I surged forward and grabbed his broken arm making sure I had a good hold as I twisted it, Onyx let out a scream so loud that it was probably possible to wake the dead. He tried to thrash around but I tugged harder making sure that he could feel as much pain as possible. Onyx's eyes rolled into his head and I let go as I didn't want him passing out, if I was going to end his life he needed to be conscious.

  He stopped screaming but his breath was laboured as he tried desperately to control his emotions.

  "I can free the girl, get my phone and it will be done," he whimpered.

  I hadn't revealed to him that we already had Keira and I wasn't going to yet because I wanted to have some fun to see if I could break him before I finished the job.

  I patted him down and noticed a bulge within his cut, I unzipped the pocket and dug my hand inside to retrieve his .45 and phone and lay them on the ground out of his reach. I then patted his other side and smiled as I recognised what he had on him. I placed my hand into his pocket and removed a small tin, as I flipped the lid I brought it under my nose and breathed in the scent.

  "Oh these aren't cheap cigars are they Onyx." I took one and placed it between my lips before I dug around in his jacket again for his lighter. "You know I'm not usually one for cigars but today is a celebration."

  I brought the lighter to the end of the cigar and flicked the striker wheel to reveal the naked flame before shielding it with my hand to light the end. I took a couple of puffs and blew the smoke in the direction of Onyx and smiled.

  "Mmmm...This is good mate, thank you." I closed the tin, placed it into my pocket and tapped the side as I gave him a wink. Oh this was going far too easy and I was portraying a cool calm rational person on the outside although I was a mess on the inside trying to hold it all together.

  "Okay so you were saying that you could free the girl and rightly so as she's been through enough already but don't think that's enough to warrant me calling an ambulance." Onyx's face was a picture, he was totally confused as to where I was going with this and I could see the frustration building on his face.

  "What do you want then, I'll give you anything." It was pitiful to see this strong man on his knees begging to be helped but this is what I wanted. I wanted him to have the humiliation of begging for forgiveness and eventually his life.

  I removed my phone once again from my pocket and stood as I drew another lug on the cigar. I turned on the camera and asked him again, "So am I right in saying that you'll do anything if I get you some medical attention."

  "Yeah anything you ask man it's fucking hurting," Onyx let out a cry of pain and I knew that I had him.

  "Your colours!" I said coldly making sure I had everything on camera.

  "You want my colours?" he asked confused.

  "Yeah, take your colours off and give them to me."

  Onyx sat forward and began to take off his leather cut, I anticipated that it would take a while because of the state of his arm but he was managing it all the same. I smiled as I turned the camera towards me, "Well you saw it here folks. That's your President offering his colours in order to receive medical attention. Now I don't know what type of club you think you're running here but not even our Prospects would offer their colours without a fight and as you can see," I panned out showing my hands, "I'm unarmed and yet he squeals like a pig and offers his colours freely." I returned the camera back to him catching Onyx totally remove his cut and throw it towards me.

  I ended the clip and sent it to Recon knowing that he'd do what he needed to with the information. I kicked his patch out of the way as it was worthless to me, I wouldn't be bragging about taking it that was for sure but it just showed what type of bloke I was dealing with. At the end of the day, he was a fucking cowed who would do anything to protect his own arse. He didn't care about the club or its members, it was about what he could get out of it and fuck the rest of the world.

>   I crouched beside him and smiled, "You know you've just sealed your fate." Onyx's eyes widened, "Well if I don't finish you off now your brothers will for disrespecting your club, so for me it's a win win situation because you're screwed either way."

  I grabbed his arm again and twisted, "Let's hear that noise one last time as it's like music to my ears." I turned his arm and heard bones fracture under the force but it was the shriek of pain from his mouth that made me feel alive. I abruptly let go and moved my body so that I was now sitting behind him on the ground, his head slumped forward as he went in and out of consciousness and again I mentally kicked myself because I needed him to be awake but knew that his body may go into shock. I slapped his face, "Oh no you don't you're not falling asleep on me yet, I want you awake for the next part." He shook his head from side to side as he came to and I turned his head slightly so I could see his face and the disorientation. I pulled Locke's blade from the sheath around my waist and showed it to him. The lights from his Harley were still shinning upon us, which illuminated the blade and cast a shadow onto the road. I twirled it around proudly and smiled at what it represented.

  "This blade was given to me by Locke in his will. He gave me a variety of other things but this is the most poignant because I knew immediately what I was going to do with it." I glanced at Onyx as he tried ever so slightly to move in my arms, "Have you got any clues what they may be?" I asked searching his face.

  "Please," he whimpered. "Let's talk about this," he reached out to try and grab the blade but I simply moved it from his reach.

  "Tut tut, don't touch the blade you'll only cut yourself silly." I sounded like a crazed person and I suppose at this moment in time that wasn't far from the truth as grief played havoc with my brain.

  I grabbed his ponytail yanking it back to reveal his jugular and wrapped my legs around his body so that his arms were concealed, he was like a lamb ready to be slaughtered. I ran the blade lightly across his neck just hard enough so that it would leave a faint mark but still giving him enough indication of what I was about to do.

  "You see Onyx I'm just a little confused, I thought you'd put up more of a fight if I'm honest." I shook my head I couldn't believe how easy this was going.

  "You haven't got the bottle CJ."

  "Oh you don't think I'm going to do it?"

  He shook his head, "No. Just like your mate, a fucking cowed." His words stung but he was a man close to death so he was going to vent, I was just surprised he'd waited this long to become vile.

  "He could've taken me out multiple times but just didn't have the balls to do it."

  I'd heard enough, I dug the blade into his neck and listened to Onyx as his breathing quickened. "You see that's where you're wrong," I dug deeper and he started to flap around but I held firm savouring the moment.

  "He was biding his time with you and he would've gone through with it but he died being a hero trying to save the woman he loved and two innocent children." I twisted the blade and he squealed like a pig as blood pissed from his neck. "And you ain't seen my balls, they're fucking big and I'm more than man enough to do this." I pushed the knife in deep and slowly moved it across his neck, he convulsed in my arms and the gurgling sound rang in my ears as the blood seeped from his mouth and nose. I was surprised at how much he jiggled around but I held firm until I had sliced across the whole of his neck. Eventually his body gave up the fight and slumped in my arms but I didn't move, I remained on the ground as months of stress oozed from my body. It was a great feeling, not to take another man's life that was never a good feeling but I felt like I'd done Locke proud. I'd finished what he'd started and was now hopefully able to get closure.

  I shuffled back allowing Onyx's body to fall to the ground and stood as I heard a car approaching. The driver saw the motorcycles and slowed down to observe the carnage.

  The driver opened his window, "Is everything okay, do you need any assistance or for me to call an ambulance."

  I strolled over to the vehicle, "It's too late for that mate to be honest but I've already called them, they're on their way."

  "Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to stay?"

  I shook my head, "That's very kind of you but there's no need. It's fucking gruesome to be honest and I wouldn't want you seeing that."

  "Okay, well I wish you well and I'm sorry for your loss."

  I smiled, "Thank you."

  The driver continued down the road thinking it was a road traffic incident rather than a murder scene which was fine with me. I didn't want anyone sticking their nose in if I could help it and pulled my phone out again to call Recon.

  "Is there a Satan available to come and pick up Onyx?"

  "Have you done it mate?" he asked excitedly.


  "Excellent. Where are you?"

  "Fuck knows, a little road off the beaten track. I did a left into Manor road and kept going for about 6 or 7 miles."

  "Okay I'll let one of the Satan's prospects go and pick him up. Are you okay to ride?"

  "Yeah sure, why's that?"

  "Coz you may want to get down here if you want to deal with Hustler, I've kept him alive just for you"

  "Not a problem I'm on my way," I hung up and placed my phone back into my pocket and turned to look at the carnage. I couldn't leave him in the middle of the road for passerby's to see so I decided to drag him to the edge of the road at least to try to conceal him a little so the prospect had time to collect him. I turned off the lights on his Harley and stood the bike. It was no easy task as the motorcycle weighed a ton but I managed to erect it and wheel it over to the side of the road. I then turned my attention to Onyx's lifeless body. He was a lean man but would be heavy all the same, I hooked my arms under his and dug in deep to drag his body over to the side of the road. This took a little longer than I anticipated but I managed to dump him behind his motorcycle and kicked a few leaves to conceal his legs so he wasn't immediately recognisable from the road.

  I picked up his colours from the ground and stuffed them in the front of my jacket before zipping it up securely. I wanted to make sure that the rest of the Satan's saw the evidence of their President's patch. I kicked his .45 towards his motorcycle and bent down to grab my helmet off the ground, I was now in a rush and fastened it as I made my way over to my motorcycle. It was only then as the adrenaline was slowly leaving my body that I realised just how tired I was. The last couple of months especially the past week had taken its toll on my body and mind. I certainly needed time to recharge the batteries after this ordeal and start to get my life in order.

  I mounted my ride and placed the keys into the ignition. My lights hit Onyx's bike and a small smile spread across my face. "This one was for you mate," I said aloud knowing that Locke would be looking down pleased with my accomplishment. I turned my motorcycle around and took off in the opposite direction needing to join the rest of the group and find out what exactly had happened to Keira.

  "About bloody time," I walked over to the group to be greeted by Recon as he brought me into a bear hug.

  "Ah have you missed me?" I asked patting him on the back.

  "Fuck off!" The group sniggered at his response and he seemed a little embarrassed under the scrutiny of the rest of the group. Recon wasn't one to show emotion but we'd grown surprisingly close over the past 10 days through spending so much time together.

  "So where are they?" Recon stepped aside allowing me to see six Satan members on their knees with their hands behind their heads.

  "Oh this night couldn't get any better," I chuckled as I walked over to the group. I glanced behind me briefly, "Have they had the pleasure of seeing the video yet?" I asked excitedly.

  Recon smiled, "Not yet mate we were saving that one for you, I got in trouble the last time I showed a video remember." The group sniggered in reference to Recon showing the video containing two of Lauren's attackers having fun with dildo's and the mere mention had me sniggering inside because although it was amusing, that was something I never w
anted to see again.

  Recon handed me his phone and I pressed play, the video showed how cowardly their President had been by offering me his colours and as I walked down the line showing the short clip, I saw the faces of the Satan's change accordingly. Their President wasn't so tough when he was all alone and whimpering like an injured animal. I took great pleasure in watching their faces but noticed that Hustler wasn't paying attention. Every time I walked past him, he turned his head not wanting to watch the clip. It finally came to an end and I passed the phone back to Recon and squatted in front of Hustler. I noticed the fresh bruises on his face and turned to look at Recon, "Your doing?" I asked pointing to his face.

  He frowned, "Hell yeah, that's the least I could do."

  I smiled and returned my attention to Hustler. "Now what's with the long face? Come on you can tell me what the matter is?" Hustler shrugged and refrained from making eye contact with me.

  "You're not usually this quiet mate, I'm sure you've got a lot you want to get off your chest." He glanced in my direction and quickly looked away and I knew I was getting to him. "Well you'd better hurry up and tell me everything that's on your mind as you're about to meet the same fate as your President." Again, his eyes flashed towards me with an uncertainty but he didn't say anything.

  I stood, "Oh sorry, didn't the guys tell you I do apologise." I unzipped my jacket, pulled out Onyx's colours and threw them onto the ground in front of Hustler.

  "He begged me to get him an ambulance or even call one of you lot to come and pick him up but as you can imagine I couldn't possibly do that because he killed my best mate." I stepped forward and stood on top of his colours, "But he gave me these as you've seen on the video, right before I slashed his throat."

  Hustler stood and surged forward but I was ready for him. I managed to get him in a headlock and twisted him around until I had him in a chokehold on the ground. "I just wish that Onyx put up this much of a fight, it would've made it a hell of a lot more interesting." I pulled my blade from its sheaf and held it in front of Hustler as I held him firmly on the ground with my legs wrapped around him. Onyx's blood decorated the knife and I knew that this would have the required affect on him as he now knew what his fate would be. It was then that I heard the sound of the sirens and the lights from the top of the police vehicle lit the area around us.


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