by Max Hastings
357 ‘Being naturally extremely gullible’ CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19
357 ‘We feel that the Americans’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 14.1.43
357 ‘Many American officers’ Stephen Ambrose Eisenhower the Soldier Allen & Unwin 1984 p.146
357 ‘a pointer pup’ Orlando Ward Papers USAMHI Carlisle diary Jan. 1943
357 ‘They viewed the Mediterranean’ CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19
358 ‘You know what a mess’ Brooke op. cit. p.362
359 ‘My object is to serve my country’ Roosevelt Papers Hyde Park PPF 8832
359 ‘The better I get to know that man’ LHA Alanbrooke Papers 14/39/B 9.2.44
359 ‘Mr Churchill…takes his place’ The Times 27.1.43
359 ‘He was offended’ Harriman op. cit. p.188
360 ‘we had made a public statement’ BNA CAB65/24 27.11.41
360 ‘He always enjoyed’ Harriman op. cit. p.191
362 ‘Whatever we decided’ CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19
362 ‘Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people’ G.K. Zhukov Vospominaniya i Razmyshleniya (Memories and Reflections) Moscow 1992 vol. ii p.314
363 ‘“Ah! that is good”’ Brooke op. cit. p.370 26.1.43
364 ‘I told him that’ ibid. p.374 30.1.43
365 ‘if they marched with us’ WSC The Second World War op. cit. vol. iv pp.647-8
365 ‘It would be a pity to have to’ CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19
366 ‘they are now warrior nations’ Hansard 11.2.43
Chapter 14: Out of the Desert
369 ‘In absolute terms’ French op. cit. p.284
370 ‘Americans require experience’ quoted Gilbert Road to Victory op. cit. p.360
371 ‘Good news today’ Bonham-Carter op. cit. 9.3.43
371 ‘How Green is My Ally’ Dalton op. cit. p. 557
371 ‘The enemy make a great mistake’ Reynolds op. cit. p.207
371 ‘50 per cent “Russia” 43 per cent “Britain” ’ Gallup Poll 1.6.43
371 ‘They all look exactly alike’ Macmillan op. cit. p.256 14.10.43
371 ‘I am told that our efforts’ Headlam op. cit. p.410 26.6.44
373 ‘It is rather strange’ Brooke op. cit. p.464 28.10.43
373 ‘He says he would not’ Dalton op. cit. p.551 8.2.43
373 ‘The less said about that’ Nicolson op. cit. 20.4.43
374 ‘Sawyers brings the breakfast’ CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19
374 ‘There is nothing in the world’ quoted Gilbert Road to Victory op. cit. p.356 letter of 17.3.43
374 ‘He is so funny’ Layton letter 7.4.43 quoted ibid. p.375
374 ‘so the boss was in a good temper’ ibid. pp.374-5
374 ‘sharing his secret thoughts’ Moran op. cit. p.198
375 ‘He is always so reassuring’ ibid. p.209 20.8.44
375 ‘I had never seen him’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 6.4.43
377 ‘Oh, I shall like that’ quoted Lord Birkenhead Life of Halifax Hamish Hamilton 1965 p.537
377 ‘Have you noticed’ Moran op. cit. p.116 25.5.43
378 ‘unless almost the entire bulk’ BNA CAB120/83
378 ‘It was quite evident’ Brooke op. cit. p.406 18.5.43
379 ‘the most exhausting entertainments’ Brooke op. cit. pp 409-11 24/25.5.43
380 ‘I had always wondered’ WSC The Second World War op. cit. vol. iv p.727
380 ‘very human & lovable side’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 8.12.43
380 ‘I was speaking from where’ Brooke op. cit. p.416 1.6.43
382 ‘Experience has taught me’ BNA CAB120/683 25.7.43
382 ‘I am the last to plead’ CAC CHUR4/301/187 fs272-4 276
382 ‘In my view there is’ Library of Congress MS Div H.R. Luce Papers Box 1 Folder 7
382 ‘When Mr Churchill received’ IWM 85/49/1 King Papers
382 ‘To some of the Government’ Harvey op. cit. 10.2.43
383 ‘All these instructions’ Macmillan op. cit. p.1767 29.7.43
385 ‘On this, I’m thankful’ Harvey op. cit. 24.7.43
385 ‘Agreement after agreement’ Brooke op. cit. p.398 4.5.43
385 ‘I firmly believe’ USMH Carlisle OCMH Forrest Pogue notes of 1947 interview with Morgan for The Supreme Command
387 ‘The guests take hardly’ Moran op. cit. p.130
388 ‘stir the imagination’ Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.241
388 ‘As usual, he was’ ibid. p.244
388 ‘Yet there is no period’ Harvey op. cit. 24.10.43
389 ‘The full implications of this’ BNA WO205/33
389 ‘If we once set foot’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 13.8.43
391 ‘The Quebec conference has’ Brooke op. cit. p.450 30.8.43
391 ‘He subsequently acknowledged’ ibid. p.466 1.11.43
391 ‘It was like fighting tanks’ quoted Rick Atkinson The Day of Battle Henry Holt 2007 p.207
392 ‘He did not believe’ BNA CAB120/83
393 ‘Must be a relief to the Boss’ Hassett op. cit. pp.169 & 315
393 ‘loves W as a man for the war’ Harvey op. cit. p.238 11.3.43 & p.239 29.3.43
394 ‘The chief of the army indulged’ see Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.318
394 ‘mercurial inconstancy’ ibid. p.320
395 ‘But we cannot dictate’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 3.9.43
395 ‘In the end I suppose’ ibid. 26.9.43
395 ‘Beaverbrook had tabled’ Hansard 23.9.43
395 ‘I need him’ A.J.P. Taylor Beaverbrook p.500
395 ‘He says we must not’ Dalton op. cit. p.660 29.10.43
396 ‘he says a Second Front is in existence’ IWM G.W. King 85/49/1 22.8.43
396 ‘will save a piece of rope’ IWM 92/12/1 Belsey letters 23.9.41 and 12.9.43
397 ‘no loss…I never did like’ ibid. letters of 1.5.43 and 23.9.43
397 ‘It would be wrong to belittle’ Pravda 6.8.43
398 ‘Even such help’ Chuev op. cit. p.39
398 ‘had made himself’ Vladimir Sokolov and Pyotr Stegny Eagles and Lions Moscow 1998 p.261
399 ‘I think I may claim’ BNA INF1/220
Chapter 15: Sunk in the Aegean
403 ‘his jumbonic majesty’ Macmillan op. cit. p.425 19.4.44
403 ‘Good. This is a time’ WSC The Second World War op. cit. vol. v p.182 et seq.
404 ‘He believed, probably rightly’ Brooke op. cit. p.185 25.9.41
405 ‘was clearly affected’ Wilson Despatches 1946 quoted Jeffrey Holland The Aegean Mission Greenwood Press 1988 p.33
410 ‘It is pretty clear’ Brooke op. cit. p.458 6.10.43
410 ‘He is excited about Kos’ Cadogan op. cit. p.565 7.10.43
410 ‘I have never wished’ Kimball op. cit. vol. ii p.498
410 ‘worth at least up to a first-class’ BNA FO954/32
411 ‘I am slowly becoming’ Brooke op. cit. p.459 8.10.43
411 ‘I propose…to tell Gen. Wilson’ BNA FO954/32
411 ‘It does seem amazing’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 13.10.43
413 ‘the price we were paying’ ibid. 28.10.43
414 ‘a very nasty problem’ Brooke op. cit. p.464 28.10.43
415 ‘The enemy had boldly’ Stephen Roskill The War at Sea HMSO 1960 vol. iii pt 1 p.202
415 ‘Lack of RAF support’ IWM LRDG 2/3
415 ‘As the battle progressed’ Holland op. cit. p.135
415 ‘We were amazed to see’ Anthony Rogers Churchill’s Folly Cassell 2003 p.203
416 ‘The Germans moved quickly’ Holland op. cit. p.148
416 ‘At midnight on 14 November’ Ralph Bennett Ultra and Mediterranean Strategy Hamish Hamilton 1989 appendix xiii p.398
416 ‘I much regret’ quoted Tedder op. cit. p.485
416 ‘One would have thought’ ibid. p.486
417 ‘I am still strongly of’ Cunningham op. cit. p. 582
418 ‘Bad news of Leros’ Cadogan op. cit. p.576 16.11.43
419 ‘The fall of L
eros should be’ The Times 24.11.43
419 ‘CIGS feels that the war’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.11.43
420 ‘Likewise, the British’ C.J.C. Molony The Mediterranean and Middle East HMSO 1973 vol. v p.541
420 ‘Am still grieving’ Speaking for Themselves op. cit. p.485 21.11.43
420 ‘the most acute difference’ WSC The Second World War op. cit. vol. v p.199
421 ‘and if they were disregarded’ ibid. pp.198-9
421 ‘All the British were’ Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.307
421 ‘I cannot pretend to have’ Speaking for Themselves op. cit. p.487 26.11.43
Chapter 16: Tehran
422 ‘that he is often deaf’ Michael Foot Bevan McGibbon & Kee 1962 p.326
422 ‘Mr Churchill did not like’ Eden op. cit. p.441
422 ‘Winston handled the debate’ Amery op. cit. p.1016 2.10.44
423 ‘The red and gold dressing gown’ Brooke op. cit. p.223 27.1.42
423 ‘and that it was really too much’ Dalton op. cit. p.676
424 ‘remind the Turkey’ Brooke op. cit. p.467 3.11.43
424 ‘Why break off the handle’ ibid. p.468 8.11.43
424 ‘Trying to maintain’ ibid. p.516 24.1.44
424 ‘Adam Tooze’ Adam Tooze The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy Allen Lane 2006
426 ‘In an expansive moment’ Dalton op. cit. p.947 18.10.43
427 ‘We were greeted by’ Macmillan op. cit. p.293 15.11.43
427 ‘From the street below’ Moran op. cit. pp.156-7 18.11.43
427 ‘We have now crystallised’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.11.43
427 ‘the PM’s stock is not high’ Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.119
427 ‘The pattern of battle’ Fred Majdalany Cassino: Portrait of a Battle Cassell 1999 p.33
428 ‘Winston is getting’ Macmillan op. cit. p.304 25.11.43
429 ‘This caused Eden to observe’ Sherwood op. cit. vol. ii p.717
429 ‘We are inclined to forget’ Kennedy The Business of War p.317 at lunch 19.11.43
430 ‘W. had to play the role’ Eden op. cit. pp.424 & 426
431 ‘PM and President ought’ Cadogan op. cit. p.579 28.11.43
431 ‘bloody Italian war’ Moran op. cit. p.159
431 ‘We are preparing for a battle’ ibid. p.160
431 ‘They are far more sceptical’ ibid.
431 ‘Poor Harry’ Hassett op. cit. p.161 9.3.43
431 ‘the reported recalcitrance’ Washington Post 13.1.44 Selden Menefee
432 ‘quite enthralling’ Brooke op. cit. p.483 28.11.43
432 ‘Of course the man’ Eden op. cit. p.514
433 ‘Do you think’ Sergo Beria My Father Beria Moscow 2002 p.124
433 ‘He was turning his hose’ GCM interview 15.11.56 cited Pogue op. cit. p.313
434 ‘Cadogan recorded the distress’ Cadogan op. cit. p.580 29.11.43
434 ‘Soviet eavesdroppers reported’ Beria op. cit. p.126
434 ‘That the President should deal’ Action this Day p.210
435 ‘Roosevelt has given’ Zhukov op. cit. vol. iii p.94
435 ‘Cunningham and Portal declared’ Moran op. cit. p.168
436 ‘Every morning’ Coote Papers 27.1.44 quoted Gilbert Road to Victory op. cit. p.646
436 ‘The Americans have been’ 9.12.43
436 ‘sitting on his suitcase’ Bryant op. cit. vol. ii p.114
437 ‘If I die’ quoted Gilbert op. cit. p.606
437 ‘We all hope and pray’ IWM diary of WA Charlotte 93/19/1
437 ‘Papa much better’ quoted Gilbert Road to Victory op. cit. p.613
438 ‘Macmillan strongly urged’ Macmillan op. cit. p.322 8.12.43
439 ‘Our object is the liberation’ WSC to CoS 2.1.44
439 ‘while Winston, very pink’ Nicolson op. cit. pp.344-5 18.1.44
440 ‘That all right?’ ibid. p.321 21.9.43
441 ‘We did become like animals’ quoted Carlo d’Este Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome HarperCollins 1991 p.316
441 ‘as American corps commander John Lucas’ see Atkinson The Day of Battle op. cit. p.354
442 ‘The more one sees’ Macmillan op. cit. p.429 23.4.44
444 ‘Sitting in a chair in his study’ Colville op. cit. p.474 18.2.44
444 ‘their chirpings will presently’ Hansard 27.2.44
444 ‘In the H of C smoking room’ Headlam op. cit. p.403 25.4.44
445 ‘On no account’ Gilbert Road to Victory op. cit. p.715 21.3.44
445 ‘Soviet attitude on this business’ Eden op. cit. p.439 4.3.44
445 ‘I confess to growing apprehension’ ibid.
446 ‘I would much rather’ Macmillan op. cit. pp. 124 & 126 15.6.43 & 18.6.43
447 ‘Much as I love Winston’ ibid. p.335 23.12.43 & p.338 25.12.43
447 ‘We both got quite heated’ Eden op. cit. 20.8.43
447 ‘He feels about De Gaulle’ Macmillan op. cit. p.335 23.12.43
448 ‘I am much distressed’ ibid. p.389 4.3.44
449 ‘He may be mentally’ Eden op. cit. p.442 1.5.44
449 ‘rather like a small boy’ Kennedy MS op. cit. 24.9.42
449 ‘The raids are very fine’ CAC Churchill Papers CHAR1/381/11-18
450 ‘Far more important than India’ Colville op. cit. p.476 4.3.44
Chapter 17: Setting Europe Ablaze
452 ‘Subjugated peoples must’ Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.21
452 ‘simultaneous attacks by armoured forces’ Churchill War Papers op. cit. vol. iii p.1313
452 ‘I hope they will’ ibid. vol. ii p.254
453 ‘On 27 May 1941, Churchill sent’ BNA CAB120/827
453 ‘Far from welcoming’ Robert Gildea Resistance, Reprisals and Community in Occupied France in Transactions of the RHS 2003 p.165
454 ‘Nothing must be done’ cabinet defence committee 2.8.43
454 ‘Here, we want every’ Colville op. cit. pp.192-3 12.7.40
454 ‘Berlin wanted only’ see for instance Mark Mazower Hitler’s Empire Penguin 2008
455 ‘The cycle is simple’ quoted Max Hastings Das Reich Michael Joseph 1981 pp.148-9
456 ‘Other evidence exists’ Julian Jackson France: The Dark Years Oxford 2001 p.534 and passim
456 ‘I think you will agree’ AHB/1D3/1588 quoted MRD Foot SOE in France HMSO 1966 p.153
457 ‘Nobody who did not’ Bickham Sweet-Escott Baker Street Irregular Methuen 1965 p.73
457 ‘I was disturbed’ Memoirs of Lord Chandos op. cit. p.239
457 ‘Many French people’ Hastings Das Reich op. cit. interviews by the author passim
458 ‘A whimsical November’ Peter Wilkinson and Joan Bright Astley Gubbins and SOE Leo Cooper 1993 p.117
458 ‘He believed that all his geese’ Hastings Das Reich op. cit. p.35
459 ‘There is no doubt that’ William Mackenzie The Secret History of SOE St Ermins Press 2000 p.415
461 ‘German records, by contrast’ Hastings Das Reich op. cit.
461 ‘In the history of France’ Jackson op. cit. p.387
461 ‘of seething factions’ BNA CAB99/28
462 ‘How pleased I shall be’ quoted Roderick Bailey The Wildest Province Cape 2008 p.134
463 ‘No one is ever free’ quoted Mackenzie op. cit. p.486 26.5.44
463 ‘As so often in occupied Europe’ Mark Mazower Inside Hitler’s Greece Yale 1993 passim
463 ‘I am very impressed’ IWM audio archive quoted Forgotten Voices of the Secret War ed. Roderick Bailey Ebury Press 208 p.250
463 ‘pundits overestimated’ Noel Annan Changing Enemies HarperCollins 1995 p.75
464 ‘Armed resistance in the open’ Venture into Greece William Kimber 1983 p.180
465 ‘But by that time’ Roderick Bailey op. cit. p.251
465 ‘self-organised bands’ quoted Molony op. cit. vol. vi pt iii p.210
466 ‘a Resistance movement may’ ibid.
466 ‘Michael Howard’ see Michael Howa
rd British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. v Strategic Deception HMSO 1990 pp.135-55
467 ‘Deakin was outstandingly intelligent’ Milovan Djilas Wartime Secker & Warburg 1980 p.253
468 ‘we of course felt honoured’ ibid. p.368
468 ‘The British had no choice’ ibid. p.348
469 ‘It is a little doubtful’ Mackenzie op. cit. p.434
469 ‘the difficulty is that’ Macmillan op. cit. p.445 1-23.5.44
470 ‘I have come to the conclusion’ BNA PREM4/381C/341 and 4/369/438 19.12.44
470 ‘Paradoxically, British influence’ CAC Deakin Papers A Note on Resistance M DEAK16 p.25
471 ‘He wished and believed’ war cabinet paper quoted Mackenzie op. cit. p.612
472 ‘Only in the USSR’ Mark Mazower Hitler’s Empire op. cit. p.485
472 ‘It was only just worth it’ author interview 4.3.80
472 ‘The game was not worth’ Mackenzie op. cit. p.483
472 ‘Gubbins was even’ Wilkinson and Astley Gubbins and SOE op. cit. p.202
473 ‘Moreover, in our desire’ Macmillan op. cit. p.545 9.10.44
473 ‘gave a damning account’ Colville op. cit. p.581 3.4.35
474 ‘The occupied nations believed’ CAC Deakin Papers op. cit. DEAK16 p.24
474 ‘If war, carried out’ Thomas Arnold Lectures on Modern History Longman 1874 pp.160-1
475 ‘David Reynolds’ Reynolds op. cit. p.175
475 ‘ “Setting Europe ablaze” had proved’ ibid. p.176
Chapter 18: Overlord
476 ‘It’s not the hard work’ Dalton op. cit. p.714 29.4.44
476 ‘Spirits remain at a low level’ BNA INF1/293
476 ‘Considerable disquiet’ Washington Despatches op. cit. p.345
477 ‘We discussed…how best’ Brooke op. cit. p.533 21.3.44
478 ‘Difficulties again with’ ibid. p.537 5.4.44
478 ‘This battle has been forced’ Cadogan op. cit. p.621 19.4.44
478 ‘preferred to roll up’ BNA CAB99/28
479 ‘Struck by how very tired’ Colville op. cit. p.484 12.4.44
479 ‘In my view, it is’ Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.87 12.4.44
481 ‘So skilful were German’ see for instance Atkinson op. cit. passim
482 ‘How magnificently’ Kimball op. cit. vol. iii p.163
482 ‘Lots of Americans and British’ John Gunther D-Day Hamish Hamilton 1944 p.59