Her Perfect Revenge

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Her Perfect Revenge Page 35

by Anna Mara

  He'd given her a deep kiss before he'd left—wanting to make sure she remembered how much he loved her and he'd told her again how much 'in love' he was with her. Nothing—and no one was going to come between them—ever—she could bank on that, he'd said.

  After he'd left, Christina went back to her own bedroom and telephoned Jenny. Her friend was still at home and hadn't left for work yet.

  On hearing Christina's voice at that time of morning, Jenny was immediately worried. "Chrissy, is something wrong?" Jenny instantly asked.

  "No, Jenny; everything's right for a change," Christina dreamily announced. "He told me he loves me and wants to marry me for real."

  "Really? And did you tell him how you feel?"

  "Yes. I told him I love him too and we spent all night making love," Christina sighed. She still couldn't believe how well things had turned out for her.

  "And is he hot in bed?" Jenny squeaked out.

  "Raging inferno hot! Remember all those stories we used to hear in school about how good he was?"


  "He's even better."

  Jenny giggled. "Oh Chrissy, I'm so happy for you. You do really love him, don't you? Truly?"

  "Yes, I do, with all my heart. He's not the same person he was back then and I've come to know him better and I'm crazy about him. And he loves me too."

  "This is fantastic! I had a feeling you two would end up together. Too much karma between you and all. And I suspected you always had a crush on him in high school even though you'd never admitted it to me."

  Christina laughed. "You know me better than I know myself! I always did think he was kind of cute back then, even if he was a big, drunken rat."

  Jenny laughed too. "And what did he say when you told him about what happened back then between you two? And about your little plan to get even with him?" There was silence on the other end of the phone, as Christina kept quiet. "Chrissy…?"


  "What did he say?"

  Christina remained silent again.

  "Chrissy… I'm getting a bad vibe here."

  "What vibe?" Christina was evasive.

  "Christina Matteo, you didn't tell him, did you?"

  Christina's response was slow in coming out. "Nooooo…

  not exactly."

  "Oh, Chrissy!" Jenny let out an exasperated sigh.

  "I'll tell him everything, I will."


  "Soon. Before the wedding. I will. I just couldn't tell him today. He was so happy… and this was our first night together and I want him to get to know me better first."

  "Chrissy, tell him now. Today. Don't wait. Please."

  "I will tell him… soon. I promise. I know what I'm doing, Jenny. Trust me."

  Jenny let out another sigh. "Okay, it's your life. But make sure you tell him. Don't wait!"

  "I will, I promise." Christina quickly changed the subject. "Jenny, could you do me a favor? Could you just go in and make sure everything's okay at my apartment? I don't think I'll be coming back there for a while. Just keep an eye on things?"

  "Sure, no problem; and Chrissy, I really am happy for you! But tell him soon. I want to meet the rat bastard again and be a real maid of honor at your wedding and I can't do that until he knows the truth."

  Christina laughed again. "I promise you, Jenny. I'll take care of everything before the wedding."

  After she hung up, Jenny shook her head. She had a bad feeling about this and her 'feelings' seemed to be right lately.

  Chrissy should have told him everything right away. The longer she waited, the angrier he might be when he did eventually find out what she had really been up to. Jenny had learnt from her own ill-fated marriage that mistrust and lies could kill love faster than even another woman.

  Before heading off to work, Jenny let herself into Christina's apartment. She took a quick look around.

  Everything seemed to be in order. As she made her way to the kitchen, Jenny spotted the manila envelope addressed to William that Christina had unintentionally left propped up against a drinking glass on the table.

  It was the 'blackmail' envelope that Christina had prepared for William with the pictures of Bill associating with the GME group. It also contained her pasted note with the message, 'Every Caesar has a Brutus – Look to the Son', clearly spelling out Bill's betrayal of his father.

  Thinking it was just outgoing mail that Christina had left for her to post, Jenny grabbed it and dropped it into a mailbox on her way to work.

  * * *

  Bill walked into his father's office. William was already sitting behind his desk, controlling his business empire. He looked up when he heard his son walk in.

  "You're on time for a change," he quipped, in his British accent.

  "You barked, I crawled," Bill smirked.

  "Still the wise ass? Something you got from your mother, no doubt."

  "Oh, I don't know, dad. You can be quite the wise ass yourself."

  William shot him a dirty look but didn't respond to the crack. Instead, he reached for a legal document in front of him and handed it to his son. "Here."

  Taking it, Bill looked at the paper. "What's this?"

  "Your pre-nuptial agreement, for Christina to sign."

  "What?" Astounded, Bill gasped.

  "It's very generous, I assure you. In case of a divorce, she'll get a lump sum of two million dollars plus one million for every year you two are married."

  Bill's blood pressure shot up. "How dare you draw up this piece of crap!"

  "Of course, I dare. It's my money and one day it'll all be yours, and your children's. We have to protect ourselves."

  "You can keep your goddamn money. I never asked for it."

  "No but you've got it anyway. And I want you and me protected. You never know how these things work out. We have to be sensible."

  "I will not ask Christina to sign a pre-nup. Whatever's mine is hers and that's final." Bill was adamant and he wasn't budging.

  "Oh, don't be daft. Everybody in our circle does this. She'll understand."

  "My answer is no," Bill forcefully shouted, as he ripped the pre-nup in half. "I love her and she loves me. I'm going to share everything with her. That's what love means. And you can take this goddamn agreement and shove it up your rich, billionaire ass." Bill threw the torn pieces down on his dad's desk.

  "Watch how you bloody hell speak to me. I'm still your father!" Angry, William shot out of his chair.

  "Well, start acting like it then," Bill shouted back, before stalking out.

  As the door slammed behind him, a stunned William plopped down in his chair.

  "My god, he really loves her! The boy really loves her!" he mumbled to himself.

  He suddenly broke out into a wide smile. Not only had his plan to get those two married off worked but his son was truly in love with the girl. And maybe she felt the same way about him? And if that was the case, he, William, had a shot at getting those grandbabies he desperately wanted. Well, well, well, his schemes had worked once again. What a clever genius he was!

  And as for the pre-nup? Well, he, William, controlled all the purse strings anyway and he could get around all that in his will, so that really wasn't a problem. So, his son was in love with the girl for real? It was about bloody time. He wickedly smiled to himself, proud of the part he'd played in forcing those two stubborn kids together.

  Chapter 59

  Later that day, William was in his office going over some figures when Charlotte, his secretary, buzzed him on the speakerphone.

  "Excuse me, sir? Mrs. Havenwood is here to see you," she announced.

  Maddie was here? What the bloody hell did she want, William thought?

  "Tell the bitch to wait," he decreed.

  In the outer office, Charlotte sheepishly looked at Maddie who had clearly heard everything. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Havenwood," Charlotte was very embarrassed.

  "Don't apologize for his rude behavior, Charlotte. You deserve a medal of honor for hav
ing had to put up with that man all these years; and I deserve two for having had to sleep with him," Maddie tartly replied.

  Charlotte giggled.

  Inside the office, William was donning his jacket, straightening his tie and making sure every strand of his hair was neatly slicked back into his ponytail. He instinctively wanted to look good for the blasted, damn woman.

  He pressed the button on his speakerphone and commanded, "Charlotte, please tell Mrs. Havenwood she can fly in on her broomstick now."

  Outside, Maddie made a face at the disembodied voice coming out of the phone on Charlotte's desk. Ooooo… that man was so insufferable!

  Holding her head high, Maddie proudly walked into William's office. He was standing behind his emperor's desk, with hands clasped behind his back, Napoleon-style.

  Maddie gave him a dirty look. "Where shall I park my broom, William? Up your ass?"

  William had to laugh at that. Maddie Havenwood was the only woman on the entire planet who could dish it out to him and that he would take it from.

  "Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, let's not be mean to each other. It'll only prolong the agony of having to be in each other's presence. Just tell me why you're here and then get the hell out."

  "Now there's the Havenwood charm I fell in love with. Just hearing your wonderful witty remarks makes me want to stick a fork in your eye."

  "But my beloved, don't you remember? You already tried that in our fifth year of marriage? You really should get some new material."

  "Well, how about this, you start treating our boy right or else I'll put a voodoo curse on you that'll make your head spin exorcist-style." Maddie smiled but her eyes were deadly serious.

  "That's a new one. Something you picked up on your hippy dippy, freak-parade commune?" William threw back.

  Inwardly, Maddie was livid. The man was just impossible! She walked deeper into the office and approached him. "Listen to me, you old goat! I've come here today to give you a few home truths about our son that you're too obtuse to figure out on your own."

  "There's nothing that you know that I don't already know so you can get back on your broom and fly out of here."

  Maddie ignored him. "Home truth number one, that boy loves you. I don't know why but he does. Home truth number two, he also happens to love Christina very much. He can't wait to marry her and start a life together."

  "Is that all? I already knew that, so you see, your visit here has been a colossal waste of my time."

  "Home truth number three. Our son has been in Alcoholics Anonymous for over a year. He's clean and sober, and recovering."

  William was shocked. "What? That's impossible!"

  "It's the truth. When did you last see him have a drink?"

  "Why… I saw him…" William racked his brain. When had he seen Bill drink alcohol? "The toast… at his engagement party."

  "I was there, William and I didn't see him drink. I saw him kiss Christina while everyone else was drinking but he didn't drink the champagne."

  William was stunned. That was right. Bill hadn't had a sip.

  He, suddenly, snapped his fingers at his ex-wife. "He had some the night he and Christina announced their engagement to me… at dinner back at the house."

  "Did you see him actually drink it, William, actually see him with your own two eyes?" William's fevered brain went over that night's events. No, he hadn't. He stared at Maddie and remained silent. "Exactly," Maddie declared. "He's been sober for over a year and he's been trying to change his ways."

  For the first time, William was speechless. "But…but… why didn't he tell me?"

  Maddie's eyes narrowed. "Because he's got this crazy idea that a father should maybe care enough to notice these things about a son without having to be told. But I know differently where you're concerned. I don't have that kind of faith in you that he seems to have. So, that's why I'm here today to tell you to your face."

  William was angry that his ex-wife knew something that he hadn't known. "He should have told me himself," he shouted.

  "He's your son and his thick skull can be just as hard-headed as yours."

  "He's… sober?" He unbelievably shook his head.

  William was still so amazed at this revelation that the fire suddenly seemed to go out of him. He plopped down in his chair. His son had given up drinking and he had been sober for over a year? It was almost too incredible to believe. After all, how many times had he and Maddie put him in one rehab clinic or another when he was growing up, praying that each time would be the time he would finally give up his addictions?

  Maddie could see how shocked her ex-husband was and she was satisfied. It was good to see the great William Havenwood come down a peg. A little humility was good for the soul.

  "And another thing, William. Don't even think about telling Bill that I told you this. He's told me many times that I wasn't to tell you and I don't want him finding out from you or anyone that I broke my word. Sometimes a mother has to do these things for the good of her children but that doesn't mean I want him to know."

  William was still in a state of shock. "No… I won't tell him."

  "Good. Now I'll just remove my broomstick from your ass and I'll fly out of your hair."

  Maddie turned and was about to leave when William called her back. "Maddie?" She turned to him again. "I want to give a dinner next week, a few days before the wedding for the family, including Christina's parents. Will you come?"

  Maddie didn't respond as she was slightly taken aback at having William invite her to anything. He continued, "I mean, I'm only asking you for Bill and Christina's sake, of course."

  "Of course," Maddie agreed. "I'll be there."

  "I'll have Charlotte call you with the details."

  "See you then, William." Maddie walked out.

  Still deep in thought, William didn't notice his ex-wife leaving. He was thinking about his son and the fact that he was now sober! He broke out in a big grin. How fantastic was that!

  * * *

  William barged into Bill's office.

  "Dad?" Surprised, Bill rose from his desk chair. What did his father want? He never came to Bill's office.

  "Son, I just want to say that you're getting married now and starting a new chapter of your life… and… you've picked a wonderful girl to be your wife. I adore Christina and you'll be starting a family soon and…" William stopped his awkward speech.

  Bill prodded him, "And…?"

  William stared at his son. "And… I'm proud of you." Suddenly, William approached his son and hugged him. Releasing him quickly, he added, "That's all I came to say."

  He then, promptly, left the office.

  Bill was floored. What had that been all about? And his father had said he was proud of him? He'd never said that before! In fact, that was the second time in Bill's entire life someone had ever said those words to him, the first being Christina last night. Amazed, Bill shook his head. Was there something in the drinking water?

  Chapter 60

  The next week was the happiest week Christina had ever experienced in her life.

  She and Bill spent a lot of time together, laughing and talking, and making love like rabbits. They went out. They stayed in. They were inseparable. During the day they couldn't keep their hands off of each other and the nights were steamy as well.

  They were in love and they wanted everyone to know it.

  The whole house noticed the change in their relationship, and the love they generated was contagious among the staff.

  Everyone was in a good mood and excited about the upcoming nuptials. A cleansing breath of fresh air had swept through the huge, stale Havenwood house and it signaled new beginnings.

  The only wrinkle in Christina's week of happiness was her nagging little voice that told her she should have told Bill about her revenge plan days ago.

  Each day, she would decide that today was the day she would tell him. But then something always happened to thwart her plan—and he seemed so happy—and the right moment ne
ver came—and she would lose her courage.

  She'd tell him before the wedding, though.


  * * *

  During Christina and Bill's week of bliss, another person also experienced her own brand of joy. Stephanie Hartwell was called into her detective agency for a meeting.

  "Miss Hartwell, this is for you," Drummond Sinclair said, as he handed her a black writing journal.

  Stephanie took the book and flipped it open. It was indeed a journaling book written in longhand. As she turned several of the pages, her eyes, instantly, zeroed in on Bill's name written in some of the paragraphs.

  She looked up at Drummond's smug face. "What is this?"

  "It's Christina Matteo's personal journal written in her own handwriting, with her thoughts, feelings, ideas… and plans for your ex-boyfriend, all clearly spelled out."

  Stephanie was shocked. "My God, where did you get this?"

  Drummond laughed, "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you."

  Stone-faced, Stephanie didn't laugh at his pathetic joke.

  Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and turned serious. "Let's just say, we liberated it from her apartment."

  "You broke into her place and stole it?"

  "If you really want to know the details, then you could be an accessory to the fact."

  Stephanie quirked a snooty eyebrow at him. "I don't care how you got it, Mr. Sinclair and I'm not really interested in the details either. I've paid you enough."

  "In that case…" he handed her an invoice from his desk, "…the rest of your bill."

  She gave him an evil smile as she snatched it, then triumphantly flipped through the book again.

  Chapter 61

  The wedding was five days away—and tonight was the night of the in-law dinner at the Havenwood mansion.

  The dinner menu had been prepared and the dining room had been elegantly set with the best china and silver serving pieces. The house staff had worked long and hard to make this night special for the happy couple.

  Christina's parents, Gabriella and Nunzio, had been invited as had Maddie. They were to be joined by Christina, Bill and William. It was to be a private dinner, for family only—a chance for everyone to get know each other better before the wedding.


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