Unexpected Guest: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book Three

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Unexpected Guest: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book Three Page 7

by Savannah Maris

  “That was so much fun,” Kayla said.

  “I need to find me some symbols before our honeymoon. Evan needs the whole experience.” Ginger giggled.

  “Mak, we’re not waiting for our wedding night,” Mitchell said with his lips against the side of Kayla’s head.

  “Mitchell, you better not give Evan a clue, got it?” Ginger poked him in the side with a huge smile on her face. “I don’t care what he bribes you with.”

  “Do you really think I’d pass up an opportunity like this to hang over Evan for the next two weeks? I’m not telling him shit and it’ll eat him alive.” Mitchell burst out laughing as they entered the lobby of the hotel.

  “Y’all can go to your room. I’m good,” Ginger said.

  “Nah uh. I’ll deliver you safe and sound, Miss Monroe. I’m not having my brother go ballistic on me.” Mitchell shook his head as they walked down the hall. When they arrive at Ginger and Evan’s hotel room, he knocked on the door. Within seconds Evan opened the door and stared at the trio. “Your fiancée is delivered back to you safe and sound, bro.”

  Ginger walked directly into Evan’s arms. “Thank you for taking us, Mitchell.”

  “You’re welcome.” He winked at Ginger. “Sorry you had to miss it, man, but you’ll enjoy your show later.”

  Mitchell and Kayla turned toward the elevator. “I’ll let you know if we’ll make it to dinner,” he called over his shoulder.

  Mitchell kept Kayla tucked in to his side until they got to their hotel room. They stepped through the door and Mitchell pinned her to the wall when the door closed. “Mak, watching that cute little ass of yours wiggle right in front of me almost caused me to lose it in my pants like a teenager.” He pinned her hands above her head and went for his favorite spot on her neck. He ground his body against hers, and she whimpered. “Let’s take a shower. You can wiggle against me in there.”

  “It’s called a shimmy.” Kayla tilted her neck for him.

  “I don’t give a shit what it’s called. All I know is your ass wiggled and it was fucking hot.” He continued to kiss her neck.


  Mitchell pulled back and led her to the bathroom. “Strip while I start the water.” He turned on the water then turned around to see Kayla shaking her ass to get her shorts and panties down her legs, so he slid behind her and pulled her back to his front. “That’s what I’m talking about,” he said into her ear.

  “Oh, Mitch,” she moaned.

  “Did it turn you on doing it as much as it did me watching it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Come one, baby.” He pulled her tank top off then reached behind his head and pulled his shirt off. They quickly disrobed and stepped into the shower. He resumed the position with her back to his front and grabbed her breasts. As he massaged, she arched her back and rubbed her ass against his cock. “Dammit to hell,” he mumbled. “Mak, I need to be inside you now.” He slipped his hand between her legs. She was wet, but not as much as he liked, so he whispered into her ear, “Did you enjoy putting on a show for me? If you would have rolled your hips, I would’ve carried your ass out of there and fucked you beside a building somewhere. I wouldn’t’ve cared who watched. Mak, you drive me crazy.”

  Kayla whimpered as her body coated his fingers. “Yes, Mitch. I wanted it to make you crazy. I wanted you to fuck me.”

  Mitchell growled as he rammed his cock inside Kayla in one swift thrust. He set a fevered pace and didn’t let up. He reached around Kayla and rubbed her clit. “Feel good, baby?”

  “Yes, Mitch. I’m close, so close.”

  “Go, Mak, and take me with you.” Mitchell moaned and drove hard into her.

  Kayla screamed, “Mitch!”

  Mitchell slowed. “My Mak,” he whispered as he kissed the back of her head.


  The rest of the weekend passed peacefully. Evan and Ginger stopped just inside the South Carolina line to get her a new phone and number since they didn’t want the Riverton Crossing grapevine to get wind of it, while Mitchell and Kayla headed to check on Mitchell’s job site before returning to Riverton Crossing.

  With Monday morning coming too quickly, no one wanted to get out of bed. The clanging from the kitchen caused Ginger to reach for her crackers and water since she was still contending with morning sickness.

  Evan stirred beside her when she moved. As he rolled onto his back, he asked, “Do you want to meet me for lunch? We can get our marriage license.”

  “I can leave here by myself?” she asked with excitement in her voice.

  “I’d prefer for Mitchell and Kayla to come with you. They need to get theirs, too.”

  “We can talk about it at breakfast,” Ginger said as she moved to get out of bed.

  Evan grabbed her around the waist. “I hear the disappointment in your voice. I know you’re tired of this, but he’s got to make a mistake soon, darlin’.” He kissed her on the shoulder. “Just hang in there a little longer, please.”

  “I’m trying, but I’m tired of being a prisoner.”

  “I’ll call Ben today to see if he has anything new.”

  By the time they were dressed and walking into the kitchen, Mitchell came from the business wing of the house. “Man, y’all are up early. What’s going on?” Evan asked.

  “My mother called. She’s coming to see where we want to exchange vows so she and Ginger’s mom can talk about decorations,” Kayla said. She looked at Ginger. “Do you have any preferences?”

  Ginger turned her head away from Evan. “Since I’m wearing heels, I’d prefer to stay on a solid surface so I don’t sink into the ground,” she whispered.

  “Good point,” Kayla said.

  Ginger saw Evan’s big grin. “So, you’re wearing heels?” he asked.

  Ginger narrowed her eyes and glared at him. “You weren’t supposed to be listening. Don’t you have some place to be?”

  Evan burst out laughing as he grabbed a piece of French toast. “We thought we’d get our marriage license today. Y’all want to join us?”

  Mitchell looked at Kayla and cocked an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  “Yes,” she squealed.

  Mitchell wrapped Kayla in his arms. “When are we doing this?”

  “After being gone for the weekend, let me see what’s happening. I’ll text you later,” Evan said to Mitchell. He kissed Ginger before he walked out the door.

  “I can’t believe you asked me that in front of him,” Ginger said to Kayla.

  “I wasn’t thinking until it was halfway out my mouth, sorry,” Kayla replied.

  Ginger giggled and shook her head. “Seeing his smile and the sparkle in his eyes made it okay. Getting the marriage license will make it more real, I think. God, I’m so excited.” She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. “What time is your mom getting here?”

  The words no sooner left Ginger’s mouth when the back door opened. “You-hoo! It’s just me,” Mrs. Gregory called as she came through the door. “I wasn’t sure you’d have time for breakfast, so I picked up donuts on my way.”

  “See, Mrs. Gregory, I knew there was a reason you were meant to be my mother-in-law.” Mitchell kissed her cheek and grabbed a couple donuts. “I’m heading out to the barn. Y’all have fun.”

  The door closed and the girls sat down with French toast, donuts, and coffee. “If I eat all these carbs, I won’t fit into my dress.” Ginger sighed.

  “One donut can’t hurt,” Mrs. Gregory said as she passed them to Ginger.

  “Mother knows best, Ginger.” Kayla grinned.

  “I’ll swim an extra lap today,” Ginger replied as she took a donut.


  Evan spent his early morning catching up with Jeff Applegate and Rodney Parker. By mid-morning, he sent Mitchell a text telling him he could leave around noon and to bring Ginger to the police department because he wanted her to meet some of the officers.

  Before he knew it, there was a tap on his door. “Come in,�
�� Evan called. When he lifted his head, Ginger’s smiling face was the first thing he saw, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  He stood and walked to the door to greet her. “Hey, darlin’. Is it lunchtime already?”

  “We’re a little early. Do you want us to wait out here?”

  “No, come see my office.”

  Mitchell and Kayla were whispering in the hall but followed behind Ginger. They all walked in and looked around.

  “Oh, you brought some of your family’s pictures from the ranch. I love that.” Pointing to a picture of her, Kayla, and Cat she asked, “When did you take this?”

  “The first night you were here. Kayla and Cat were trying to teach you to shag, and you looked too cute not to snap a picture,” Evan said with a laugh. Ginger covered her giggle, but her eyes danced this time. “Let’s go to the diner around the corner where it’s quieter, and then we can walk to the courthouse to get the licenses. How does that sound?”

  “I like that plan,” Ginger said.

  “Perfect,” Mitchell said as Kayla nodded in agreement.

  What the hell was going on? Ginger didn’t seem happy; Mitchell and Kayla hardly spoke.

  They walked out of his office and around to one of the side streets. The Riverton Diner was a mom and pop restaurant that served country food in what was known as “a meat and three” meaning one meat and three vegetables. As they walked toward the restaurant, Evan noticed that Kayla and Mitchell were whispering in what seemed to be a serious conversation. Ginger was quiet, and Evan didn’t know what to make of it. When they got close to the restaurant, Evan pulled Ginger to the side and whispered into her ear,

  “What’s going on? Are Mitchell and Kayla arguing? Are you okay? You need to tell me before my mind goes places you don’t like it to go, darlin’.”

  Ginger took a deep breath and looked Evan in the eyes. “Kayla and I had an idea. I was going to talk to you about it later, but apparently, Kayla has already said something to Mitchell.”

  Evan’s eyes scanned her face. “You can tell me anything, and you know it.”

  Ginger bit her bottom lip and entwined their fingers. “You know the old saying for brides, ‘something old, something, new, something borrowed, something blue’?”

  “Vaguely,” Evan said.

  “Well…” Ginger stalled. “Um, I don’t know how to ask this because I don’t want to put you on the spot, and I don’t want to push you to do something you’re not ready to do, and—”

  “Ginger, tell me what’s on your mind before we walk into that restaurant.”

  “I would like my ‘something borrowed’ to be something of your mother’s. I want her to be a part of our wedding and our lives. I just don’t know how to do that. I know so little about her, but I won’t do it if you’re uncomfortable or don’t want me to,” Ginger rambled.

  “What did Mitchell say?”

  “I don’t know. My concern was asking you. I don’t need your answer now, but would you at least think about it?”

  Evan released her hands, pulled her in close, and kissed the top of her head. “Yes, darlin’. Let me think about it and talk to Mitchell, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  As they turned to walk into the restaurant, Evan and Mitchell’s eyes locked. “I think we need to ride the fences when I get home.”

  Mitchell nodded and turned toward the opened door.

  After eating lunch, they left the diner and headed toward the Probate Judge’s Office. As soon as they entered the office, they all knew the Riverton Crossing grapevine would be going wild. Through the glass partition, they could see people start whispering. One younger girl snapped a picture with her phone.

  “Why didn’t we go to Cloverville to get the license?” Kayla asked.

  “Maybe seeing this will help some of the gossip die down,” Evan said.

  “Dream on, bro,” Mitchell replied.

  Evan looked at Mitchell and narrowed his eyes. When he and Ginger stepped back up to the window with their completed form, Evan cupped Ginger’s face and thoroughly kissed her. “Thank you for agreeing to marry me, darlin’,” he said loud enough for the lady taking their application to hear. He smiled sincerely. “I love you.”

  Ginger looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  When they looked at the woman, she was staring at them with her mouth slightly open. She blinked her eyes and cleared her throat.

  “Um, I need your signatures right here.”

  As they signed, they heard someone say from behind the woman, “Did you see that?” When Evan looked up, a woman lowered her head.

  The woman at the counter said, “Chief, one of you can pick this up in a week.”

  “Thank you,” Evan softly said.

  When Mitchell and Kayla stepped up to the window, the lady said, “It’s about time you two were in here. I was beginning to think I’d be retired before this happened.”

  Kayla smiled, and Mitchell chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. I’m glad you didn’t have to wait that long.” Mitchell put his arm around Kayla and kissed her temple.

  “Same as your brother, you can pick it up in a week,” the lady said.

  As they left the office, they heard the women whispering. “The grapevine is going to have a field day with this,” Mitchell said.

  “Good. Maybe they’ll leave Ginger alone,” Evan said as they left the building.

  On their way back to the car, they stopped at the Dairy Bar for ice cream. “Want to split a sundae?” Mitchell asked Kayla.

  “Chocolate ice cream with pineapple topping?” she replied with a sparkle in her eyes.

  “Yes, baby, and nuts on top.” Mitchell shook his head. “I can still remember the first time you ordered that.”

  “There has to be a story behind that,” Ginger said.

  “Mitch and I had been dating for a while. I’m sure everyone figured we’d had sex, but I was a senior in high school, so we didn’t discuss it,” she said.

  “Mac,” Mitchell said shaking his head.

  “Seriously, Kayla?” Evan said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, we came here one afternoon for a sundae. When Mitch ordered that for me, the lady behind the counter gave him a questioning look. He was really quick to let her know I wasn’t preggo,” Kayla laughed, “and when we got back in the truck, he quickly asked to make sure.”

  Ginger giggled. “That’s priceless.”

  “I laugh every time I think about it.” Kayla wrapped her arm under Mitchell’s.

  When they left the Dairy Bar, they walked toward the jewelry store before their final turn toward the car. Ginger stopped when they were in front of the window. “I’ve got to get Evan’s wedding band,” she cried out. “Come on.” She pulled Evan into the store.

  “Darlin’, I have my dad’s if that’s okay,” he said.

  She shook her head. “No, this needs to be specific to you from me,” she said with a sweet smile on her face.

  “Mitch, I haven’t bought yours either,” Kayla said as they followed Evan and Ginger inside.

  Kayla and Ginger looked at the men’s wedding bands while the guys had their fingers sized. Ginger held up her hand to look at her ring. “I kinda want something to match mine,” she whispered to Kayla.

  “Hmm. I like this for Mitch.” Kayla pointed to a forged wedding band made from cobalt. “If he’s on a construction site or the ranch, it won’t matter if it gets a few more bangs in it.”

  “I like it,” Ginger agreed. “What do you think about this for Evan? Even though I want something that shines like a beacon so everyone knows he’s married, I think the matte finish suits him.” She pointed to a ring made from Tantalum with a matte finish. “It’s not flashy, but masculine, dominant.” She nodded confirming this was the one she wanted.

  The guys waited by the door while the sales clerk pulled out the rings. The girls made their purchases and gave the clerk the inscriptions they wanted in them.

  “Thank you, Mr. Conn
elly. Thomas will pick these up when they’re ready,” Kayla told the older gentleman.

  When they walked outside Ginger said, “I wonder how long it’ll take the grapevine to hear about this.”

  “Not too long.” Mitchell nodded to a lady staring at them from across the street talking on her phone. The guys gave each other a knowing look, grabbed the girls, and kissed them pure Hollywood style, dip and all.


  The rest of the day was continually interrupted with thoughts of Ginger and his parents. By the time Evan drove home, he knew what he wanted to do, but what if Mitchell didn’t feel the same way? How was he going to convince Mitchell he was right?

  As soon as he pulled into the driveway, Evan saw the horses saddled and ready to go. Mitchell has a lot on his mind. He parked his car and jogged into the house to change out of his uniform.

  “Ginger?” Evan called.

  “In our room!”

  Evan hurried to their bedroom to find Ginger putting away laundry. “Hey, darlin’.” He kissed her then bent to her tummy. “Hey, little one.” When he stood back up, he cupped her face to hold her attention. “Mitchell has the horses saddled. I know what I want, but all decisions regarding the house and anything to do with our parents’ things have to be agreed upon by both of us. When we get back, we’ll have an answer, I promise.” He gently kissed her again before he let her go.

  When he pulled back, she was smiling. “That’s all I can ask for.”

  Evan quickly stripped out of his uniform and called Mitchell. “Where are you? I’m ready to go.”

  “I’m in the barn. I’ll meet you at the horses. Will you tell Kayla?”

  “I’ll have Ginger find her.”

  Evan gave Ginger a peck on the lips and headed toward the door. Mitchell walked up about the same time he made it to the horses. The look on his face told Evan they may not be on the same page about this. Their eyes met over the horses in greeting, and they mounted in silence. As was their habit, they let the horses run full speed while they gathered their thoughts, and then slowed the horses after a few hundred yards.


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