Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 27

by Gloria Martin

  After a moment, I got up and followed him back there. He was in the closet choosing something to wear, the handmaidens were nowhere to be found so I took the opportunity to take a bath in peace. I took off all the jewelry I wore, I had taken off the crown during the night, and slipped out of my shoes and dress. I stepped forward and lowered into the tub. It was really huge and it seemed to always be on. I could see a current, though not a really fast one, in the clear water.

  “Do you mind if I join?” My head whipped around at the sound of Roderick’s voice and before I could answer him, he walked across the marble floor to pick out one of the array of soaps on display against the wall. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his hips and looked at me expectantly.

  “Uh…I don’t know…” I answered honestly. He smiled at me as he let the towel drop and walked towards the tub. I was speechless. He had a beautiful, athletic build and he was…hung. I could only imagine how big he would be when aroused.

  “You shouldn’t look at me like that,” he murmured, as he stepped into the tub. He sat down a little bit away from me, but his eyes were devouring my body through the water without shame.

  “Same goes for you,” I said and splashed water at him. Roderick smirked at me deviously and then swooshed a handful of water at me. I squealed and he laughed at me as if I were the funniest thing on Earth…or Avant. I launched myself at him, to dunk his head under water but Roderick grabbed me around the waist and pulled me under with him.

  We both surfaced closer than before and Roderick had an excited glint in his eyes, like a little kid who wanted to play. Then we both realized that his arm was still around gripped around my waist and my breasts were pressed against his chest.

  He leaned his head towards mine and pressed his lips softly against mine. It was like a fire was sent coursing through my veins. I gasped, because I had never felt anything like it. Of course I had kissed men before, but there was never this heated reaction.

  Roderick tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me flush against his body. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue into my mouth and I swirled my tongue around his tongue. He groaned against my mouth. Our kiss deepened. I was pushing slightly against his body and realized he was hard, and his erection was pressed into my stomach. I pulled away, looked down and blushed profusely. I lifted myself away from his body.

  “We should…hurry up,” I said and Roderick nodded, though I saw disappointment in his eyes again and he even pouted a little.


  After we bathed and dressed, Roderick and I had breakfast in our dining room before he took me to the courtyard. His parents were sitting at a table, also eating and talking to each other.

  “There they are, my father Rylen and my mother Ami,” he said to me in a low voice and I nodded. I was nervous to meet Roderick’s parents.

  We approached and Roderick spoke, “Mother, Father.” They both looked up with welcoming smiles. Roderick was like a perfect mixture of his mother and father. He had his mother’s facial features and his father’s sun-touched skin tone.

  “Roderick, Isabella, it is wonderful to see you two together.” Ami smiled at me widely as she got up and embraced me in a warm hug. It made me miss my own mother, who was suffering from the end stages of Alzheimer’s back home. My father had died a few years back. She was the only family I had and she often barely recognized me, but I missed her.

  “How are you getting along here Isabella?” Rylen asked me, after Ami let me go so he could greet me with a kiss on each cheek.

  “I think I am doing well, so far. Roderick has helped with adjusting, I’m getting there,” I answered him honestly. Ami smiled at me all over again.

  “She’s honest too. Oh she is a perfect fit for you, Roderick.” Ami held onto one of my hands and smiled at her son.

  “Yes, that is why she is my wife, Mother,” he said, as he smiled. I giggled.

  “Come. I wish to speak with my new daughter,” Ami took me for a slow walk around the courtyard and Roderick sat with his father.

  “Now, you must tell me honestly. Do you think you will grow into your role here, Isabella?” Ami asked me. She looked at me in all seriousness, though her eyes were kind.

  “I think I can. Roderick has promised to help me.”

  “Oh. Don’t worry. You have the help of a former queen at your disposal. I wouldn’t leave you to navigate through Avantian social circles on your own,” she said with a chuckle. I was immediately and immensely relieved.

  “Thank you. You don’t know how much better that makes me feel,” I said. She rubbed my back soothingly.

  “And how about your home? Do you miss it?” She asked me, and I hesitated.

  “Well actually, I am trying not to. I know I’ll get terribly homesick if I do,” I replied.

  “I cannot imagine how hard this would be for you. Is there anything that would make your transition easier?” I thought about it and then figured there was no point in saying it.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll eventually see Avant as home and I’ll be okay,” I said as decisively as I could sound.

  “It does matter. What were you just thinking about?” Ami asked me.

  “I have this picture of my mother when she was healthy, and my father and I. We were all younger and it had been taken at the park. We had such a great time that day and every time I look at that picture it brings me comfort. My father passed a few years ago and my mother is close now. It reminds me that their lives were good, and well-lived.” I said. Ami smiled at me.

  “It is things like these that will help you. It’s okay to remember your home.”

  I nodded and then asked Ami about a typical day for her. She was explaining her duties around the palace as we approached the table where Roderick and his father were sitting. They both stood as we arrived at the table.

  “Good talk? I hope my mother didn’t turn you against me,” Roderick said. Ami laughed.

  “Of course not. She only spoke highly of you and also told me about all the mischief you got into as a child,” I said. Rylen and Ami laughed, as if they were surprised I was poking fun at Roderick. He smiled at me crookedly and then surprised me by leaning in to press a light kiss to my lips.

  “I must go and tend to some business with my father, if she tells you about the time I tried to steal a horse, don’t believe a word she says,” he murmured. I giggled as they both walked away.

  Ami watched her husband and son walk away and leave the room. “Well Isabella, beautiful name by the way, my son is already fond of you. I have never seen him like this, ever,” Ami said. I beamed my smile at her.

  “Do you think?” I asked her, and she nodded.

  “I am certain of it. Come with me. Let us talk about the infamous royal court, shall we?” Ami and I took a walk to the gardens while she gave me a lesson in socialite politics, and all the other protocols that occurred. She told me I did not have to remember it all. Really her job was kind of like mine on Earth. I used to be a psychologist and specialized in helping people with mental disorders, foster healthy relationships, and work with families suffering from loss.

  Ami even told me how she helped mend a broken home. The effects were threatening to dismantle a strong bond between a set of two regions and their ruling families. She had a knack for putting things into terms that I could understand, and for the first time, I felt like I could really do it. I could be queen of Avant.


  Ami and I had lunch together. Roderick found us in the gardens, and stole me away from her. He was acting strangely. As if he had a big secret.

  “Are you alright, Roderick? You’re acting strangely,” I said. He looked down at me as we walked back to our wing of the palace.

  “Oh I’m fine. I have something I want to show you,” he said. I followed.

  “Okay then,” I said, and let him lead me to our bedroom. “Why are we in here?” I asked, and then he gestured to the mantle over the huge fireplace. I walked towards it and then recognize
d my old wooden picture frame; the one my father had made when I was younger, when he had been on a woodworking kick. It was my favorite family picture; the one I had told Ami about earlier.

  “How did you…how did you get this?” I turned and asked him, my voice barely above a whisper. I was overwhelmed with emotion.

  “I had a few of the men from my guard go and fetch it from Earth. You said it brings you comfort…and you should be comforted in your home,” Roderick said, and my eyes filled with tears. “What’s wrong? Is this not a good surprise?” he asked, panicking a little at the sight of my tears.

  “No, no, it’s a wonderful surprise. Thank you, that was so sweet of you,” I said, and wiped at the tears with my hand. Roderick walked over to me and took my face in his hands to wipe my tears away with his thumbs.

  “I want you to want to be here Isabella. I care about your happiness,” he said. His golden eyes full of sincerity. Something in my chest clicked into place and I knew then, without a doubt, that Roderick was really a wonderful man under his stoic demeanor. When it came to me, he was perfect.

  “Isabella, I…I do not know what magic it is, but I am different when I am with you. You make me feel different. It is like you have taught me that I have a heart and all you have to do is look at me and I feel…” Roderick struggled with expressing his thoughts. All I could do was smile softly up at him while he tried to tell me how he felt.

  “I am in love with you,” he finally said. The words were filled with emotion.

  I saw in his eyes what no one else saw; Roderick was caring and kind, and fun, and teasing. I also knew for sure that nothing would change what I felt for him then, how strongly I felt for him.

  “I love you too, Roderick,” I said. A breathtaking smile spread across his mouth, reaching all the way to his eyes.

  Roderick picked me up and the next thing I knew, we were on the bed. Roderick’s hands were already pulling off the top I wore as I unbuttoned his shirt and pressed my hands against his chest.

  Roderick moaned and whispered, “Don’t stop touching me.” His lips found my neck and he kissed a trail of fire to my ear and then jaw. Our breathing was picking up as the urgency grew, and we both tore at each other’s clothes until we were naked and tangled around each other. Roderick’s erection was pressing against my belly, hot and hard, while he cupped my breasts and pulled on my nipples.

  I moaned and slid my hands up to his shoulders. Roderick’s mouth was everywhere as he explored my body. He licked and sucked his way across my stomach to my thighs. My sex was wet and throbbing with need. I was about to beg him to push inside me, when his mouth found my folds and his tongue pressed up against my clit.

  I cried out as he began to move his tongue against me and circle around the sensitive nub. My hands were restless in his hair and his name was bursting from my lips over and over.

  “Please, please Roderick, I need you inside me.” I begged him. He looked up at me before kissing my inner thigh. He slid up my body, trailing his lips over my skin. He pushed up on his knees, and spread my legs wider. I slid my hand down his body and wrapped it around his hard, impressive length. Roderick hissed and thrust his hips against my hand.

  “Watch,” I whispered.

  I slowly slid him against my wet core before I guided him inside my body.

  “Isabella,” he groaned.

  He throbbed in my hand. I pulled my hand away so he could completely slide into me. I was shocked that he was able to fill me up completely. Incredible, intense pleasure pulsed through my body. He fit inside my body perfectly.

  He started to move his hips against mine, thrusting into my sensitized body slowly at first, as he kissed anywhere and everywhere he could reach with his lips. He kept murmuring how beautiful I was and how good I felt. As the pleasure built, his thrusts became faster and harder, I didn’t mind one bit as I was lost in the pleasure he was giving me.

  The pleasure crested and my orgasm crashed over me. As my sex gripped around him tightly and clenched over and over. I felt him throb and expand inside me and he groaned out really loud and I felt him pulsing inside me. I felt his hot release spurt into my body. We held onto each other tightly until we recovered from our shared ecstasy.

  “It’s perfect…you’re perfect,” he whispered.

  “You’re perfect too. I’m glad you abducted me,” I said.

  “I love you,” he whispered to me again and I kissed his chest.

  “I love you too.”


  Bonus Story 2 of 50

  Heart of the Werewolf King

  I had just returned home after work, and was eating mango sorbet out of the tub while watching a movie. It was Friday evening, and I had my sweats on and was ready for a night in after a long week. However, my roommate, Jessa, had other plans. The front door of our two-bedroom apartment slammed open as she ran in excitedly, waving a sheet of folded, deep blue paper in the air.

  “Guess what?” she said breathlessly. I looked away from our tiny television and shrugged.

  “Promotion?” I guessed.


  “Boy toy?”


  “Free cake?”

  “No. Jeez, Kat. I got the password to Club Walpurgis!” She squealed in excitement as I groaned.

  “I have plans, Jess,” I said, gesturing to the television.


  “Myself, my sweats, and the TV,” I replied.

  “Oh, come on! How often do you get the chance to visit an urban legend?” she said.

  I had to admit, she was right. Club Walpurgis was an underground nightclub that you needed not only the password to get in to, but also the details on where it was being held. When it was being held was easy—it only convened on Sabbats, or Witches’ holidays. It was rumored to be run by a high priestess of a coven of witches and a werewolf king in order to appease the supernatural by creating a large gathering of humans.

  “So, what Sabbat is it?” I asked, taking a bite of sorbet. I wasn’t entirely sure that I believed in the existence of werewolves and vampires, but I sought to appease Jess.

  “Beltane,” Jessa replied. “It’s the start of summer. Please say yes.” Her eyes were large, pleading with me. I sighed heavily.

  “Okay,” I said. “But next weekend, I want to go nowhere, and do nothing.”

  “Deal. I won’t bother you all weekend. I promise.” she said. “I can’t believe we’re going!” She ran off down the hallway.

  Thus, I found myself wearing my black Balmain mini-dress that I had splurged my first paycheck on. I wore a pair of black and tan giraffe-print heels that had gold buckles on the side. My hair I styled straight with a flat iron, so that it fell in silky smooth swaths over my shoulders. Jessa was wearing a white linen mini dress with peasant-style sleeves. We both wore flower crowns in honor of Beltane. Mine was made of blue fabric roses, and hers were yellow. Our heels clicked on the pavement as we walked.

  “Jeez, Jess,” I said. “My feet are killing me already. How much farther?” She pulled the piece of deep blue paper out of her clutch. It had bronze-painted lettering in a calligraphic script, proclaiming our official invite to Club Walpurgis. She used the light from her phone to check the address.

  “Just a few more buildings,” she said. I looked around us. We were in one of the sketchier parts of town. The buildings were all abandoned, most of the windows had been broken, and the chain linked fences surrounding them were rusted and broken through. Most of the buildings had graffiti scrawled across them at human height. Brambles and small trees had begun to grow up around the buildings, as though nature, after being shut out by the urban sprawl, had begun to sneak back in.

  It was so silent; I regretted not owning a Taser in that moment. Anyone could have easily snuck up on us. We reached the building that had the street address on Jessa’s invitation. We could hear the faint strains of electronic dance music. Strobe lights were on inside of the building.

  “How do we get in
?” I asked, looking over at Jessa.

  “I don’t know,” she replied, scrutinizing the invitation in the blue light of her cellphone for any instruction on where to go from here. We heard the clink of a chain linked fence being pulled aside, to see a rumpled, scruffy-looking twenty-something man. He had thick black gauges in his ears, and wore a black hoodie over a pair of black jeans. He was holding back the fence, where a large cut had been made.

  “Over here,” he said, gesturing. We walked over to him. “Password?”

  “May Day,” Jessa said. He gestured us in.

  “May Day was the password?” I said. “It’s the first of May.”

  “Yeah, so?” Jess shot back.

  “Tell me, how is it hard to get in here?” I asked bitingly. Jessa just rolled her eyes, and grabbing my arm tightly, dragged me toward the abandoned brick building that was hosting Club Walpurgis. The doors to the building were open, and we walked inside. It had once been a warehouse, and was in a state of disrepair. It smelled musty. At the center, on a raised platform, there was a DJ. Lights had been placed up near the ceiling, and kept the room at a dim, but safe level of lighting. Two bars were set up along opposite walls, and Jessa began dragging me toward one of them. They had aqua-colored lighting across the back, and shelves of liquor in front of a large mirror.

  Across the room from us, there was another raised platform. Upon it, two seats were situated. One was woven out of dark wood, and decorated with wild flowers. A woman sat on it, and she had a regal bearing. Her posture was straight, erect, and her hands were folded in her lap. Her eyes were lined thickly in kohl, and she wore a gold, slinky dress. Upon her head, there was a ringlet of wildflowers, and she watched the crowd like a cat. The other chair appeared woven out of birch sticks, and decorated with red berries. A man lounged upon it sulkily. He looked almost angry. He had high, sculpted cheekbones, and was well-built, fit, but not overly muscular. He was dressed simply in a black oxford, unbuttoned at the top, and black slacks. He also wore no shoes. His gaze shifted, for a second, and he looked right at me. I gasped, feeling the predatory gleam of his sight. He scowled at me, and I kept my eyes on him, feeling that it would be a bad idea to back down.


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