Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 42

by Gloria Martin

  “Imagine that…uprooting all the families here. Then they would have to learn probably the most difficult languages to learn,” she sighed and looked up at me with soft eyes.

  That entire moment felt so natural it actually tugged at my chest. I had never felt much for any female, yet Emily was bringing all of these strange feelings out in me.

  “That’s looking way into the future. Right now we can pretend nothing else exists, but taking to the sky,” I couldn’t help but grin at my poetic comment.

  “That actually wasn’t as corny as it should have been,” she said and we both laughed.

  Emily got up and then we walked out to her huge balcony. I watched her shift, she was a sleek dragon, her skin a smoky white and her eyes had turned color, becoming almost completely gold. She looked at me and in her eyes I saw she was telling me to shift already. I pulled the consuming fire from my core and it took over me like a blanket, soon I was aware of my larger body. Emily nudged me with her shoulder before she spread her wings and then lifted from the balcony. I lifted into the air behind her and then led her around the castle grounds before heading towards the river.

  The air was nice and cool for late August. I led Emily the long way to where I parked the boat and once we reached the marina we both landed at the end of the dock where there were no boats or any wandering eyes.

  “You’re taking me on a boat?” she asked with eagerness in her voice.

  “Yeah I thought spending some time on the river would be cool, you don’t get seasick or anything do you?” I should have asked her earlier, before we got all the way out to the marina.

  “No I’m not…though what would you do if I was?”

  “I’d have to think on my feet, we’d probably end up sitting right there on the dock all evening.”

  She laughed and I led her to my father’s boat. It wasn’t a small skipper or anything. The boat had everything from a kitchenette to a cabin and common area.

  “Wow this is a nice boat, it’s yours?”

  “It was my father’s, he built it himself, then Dean helped him and then I did. Dean didn’t want the boat after he passed, so I took it.”

  Emily’s eyes softened and she reached out to squeeze my arm comfortingly before she wandered around inside, looking at everything.

  “Once I get the boat out on the river, we can go out to the deck and hang out.”

  “Okay…wait you have a captain’s license?” she was impressed and I smiled a little cockily.

  “Yes I do,” she laughed at my tone and then I went to untie the boat before maneuvering it out of the dock. After Emily had a thorough look around she joined me at the wheel and we had a moment of comfortable silence.

  “So what did you do today?” she asked me almost suddenly and I glanced at her before replying.

  “I was at the castle and special guard building, back and forth. Mostly filing reports. With Ajax gone I had to take over the paperwork end of his job. Soon I’ll have to do that as well as lead the men on missions.”

  “Do you enjoy being a warrior? Even after…how your father passed?” she asked me tentatively and I wet my lips absently before answering. I felt her gaze heavy on my face and then saw she was looking at my lips.

  “I do enjoy it. At first it was a compulsion, something I had to do. Protect the clan and serve our leaders. My father was still alive when I first joined the special guard, I thought it was just something I inherited from him. It was sort of like following in the family business. I didn’t mind it, it was honorable and I looked up to my father greatly. Then he died in that fight and I hated everything about being a warrior…but eventually that compulsion came back and I knew it was just something I had to do with my life. This is what I was born to do, I’m right where I am supposed to be. Dying for the honor of your countrymen is part of the duty and in itself an honor.”

  “Wow…you just gave me goose bumps,” she said and I smirked. “It’s rare you find a person with as much passion for what they do…” Emily’s eyes were faraway and I wondered how she felt about soon heading our entire clan. Compared to the other seven Dragon clans we were the largest in number.

  We came to a long straightaway of the river and I let the boat idle while I lowered the anchor. Once it was set. I turned the boat off and then gave Emily my full attention.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Not yet, I’d like to watch the sky change color though,” she said and I took her hand then led her out to the deck.

  There was a couch near the sliding door that led inside and it had a storage compartment. I opened it up and pulled a blanket out for us to lie down on. It was soothing to float on the water and watch the sky in shades of blue and purple.

  “How do you feel about taking the throne?”

  “Sort of terrified. For much of my life I was okay thinking I’d be like my mother, a social figure for the clan. But then she and my father never had another child and well…when I think about it I get a little overwhelmed honestly.”

  “But you will have many people around you to help with your duties. You aren’t alone at the top.”

  I turned my head and studied her profile. Emily was preternaturally beautiful. The first time I saw her my chest sort of constricted and spending time with her just felt so natural and good.

  “I hope not…” she finally turned to look at me and I saw curiosity in her eyes.

  Then she closed the distance between us and pressed her lips lightly against mine. I know it’s corny to compare a kiss to fireworks, but I swear that’s what I saw when her lips made contact with mine. Then enticing electricity crackled in the air and ignited a strong reaction in me. I gently pushed my fingers through her hair and held her head to mine. I licked along her bottom lip and her mouth opened, her tongue met mine and I knew if I didn’t pull back things would soon get out of hand.

  The air heated around us and she pressed herself flush against me, her hand was on my chest and travelling down. The urge to take her and claim her as mine was like a siren in my mind and blood, soon I wouldn’t be able to hold back. So I caught her hand and then she broke the kiss.

  “My god I’m in trouble…” she whispered and then pressed a kiss on my jaw before she rolled away from me and stood up. “I think we should…eat now…with a table in between us,” she grinned.

  I chuckled and stood up slowly, following her inside, with every beat of my heart I wanted to take her into the cabin and continue what was started on the deck. But I wanted her to choose me first, I wouldn’t force her into anything as who she wanted for a mate was her choice and not mine. But good lord I hoped she would choose me.



  Luke had just dropped me off and I stayed up practically all night wondering what the hell I was going to do. I truly liked both Rune and Luke, they were both incredibly handsome and special in their own ways, but I felt a strong connection to both of them. Even as I laid in bed unable to close my eyes I felt my need for the company of a mate, but I couldn’t picture just one of the two. I wanted both of them in bed with me and how…weird was that?

  I looked to my left at the clock and sighed, the special guard would be back soon and I had to be there with my father to greet them and learn the news they brought back. Ever since the whole courtship thing started up my hormones have been in a storm, and being in a room full of males would be…well painful, especially if both Luke and Rune were present, which they were supposed to be.

  I didn’t have to wait for Alice to come get me up and moving, I was practically dressed and ready by the time she came to my room with coffee and a small breakfast.

  “Oh, my lady you’re awake,” she seemed pleased that I had gotten myself up.

  “I couldn’t sleep, so seeing you with that coffee makes you an angel.” My compliment made her blush lightly and she set the tray down before going to make up my bed.

  “My lady I’ve been told to relay to you that members of the Norwegian clan have returned with the
special guard. You’ll be escorted to the meeting with your father and some members of the court in a half hour.”

  I wondered why Alice waited to tell me that, but let it go. Holy crap the special guard had only gone with a tentative invitation, no one expected the other clan to act so soon.

  “Oh…okay then,” was all I said and not two seconds later there was a knock on the door and both Luke and Rune came into my bedroom. I pressed my lips together and tried to settle my intense reaction to the both of them. The muscles low in my belly all sort of clenched and I became acutely aware of the bed behind me.

  “We’re early, but we came to escort you to the courtyard.” Luke spoke first and smiled widely at me. Rune smirked and he hung back by the door while Luke walked over to me.

  “The courtyard?” I asked dumbly and Rune nodded, his arms crossed over his chest when Luke came to stand behind me.

  “Not one clan, but two came to visit us. Apparently the Norwegians are close with a small clan in the Baltic. They came along. Needless to say we have a full house.”

  I took in that bit of information and took a sip of the coffee Alice brought. I no longer had an appetite for food.

  “Who appointed you…both to escort me?” I asked and glanced between the two. I realized belatedly that Alice had disappeared.

  “Your father. He thinks it should be evident that you are already being courted. There are many males that came back and you are a beautiful woman,” Rune smiled at me and I tried to hide my smile by biting my lip. I didn’t want to show any favoritism even though I couldn’t gauge how either Luke or Rune felt about one another.

  “Well now I’m curious, let’s just go early,” I stood up and Luke shook his head.

  “No we should not arrive before your father and his guard.” Luke was fairly serious and I trusted his opinion.

  “Alright, so how many foreigners are here then?”

  “Twenty high members of the other clans, including one leader per both clans, which is more than enough, not counting their one or two guards per member.”


  Both Luke and Rune nodded in agreement.

  “I have a theory…” Rune said as he slowly walked closer to Luke and I. “I think the dragon clans have finally realized that we should all unite. Perhaps there is trouble in Europe with other shifters.”

  “I wonder if that’s true, and if so why? Dragons are powerful, but we keep to ourselves mostly. We don’t act unless provoked…” I mused out loud and then there was a beat of quiet where I again became acutely aware of my proximity to both Luke and Rune and the bed. I needed something cold to drink, I felt the dragon’s nature too close to the surface and my body temperature was definitely heating up.

  “We can ah…get going now if you want,” Luke said and I practically jumped up from the seat.

  “Great, great…” I mumbled and walked ahead of both of them to get out of the bedroom at least.

  We walked in relative quiet to the courtyard, which was full of dragon shifters. I recognized the visitors instantly, they all were sort of looking around curiously and vigilantly compared to those of my father’s court and guard. He had walked into the courtyard at the same time that I did and was announced, yet more eyes were on me. Then I was revealed to be his daughter being escorted by my two ‘courting suitors’. I glanced over at Benjamin, the announcer and he simply shrugged at me. I couldn’t help but smirk, then my father called me over to him.

  “Emily come, let me introduce you to our guests,” he said and I walked over to him, followed by Rune and Luke of course. My dad showed me to a stately looking man, he was dressed almost like a librarian, but he was strikingly handsome and statuesque.

  “This is Fredrik; he will very soon take the throne of his clan. He’s followed by his right hand Jonas, and members of his court.”

  I extended my hand to shake Fredrik’s and smiled at him welcomingly.

  “It’s good to have you and yours here. My family and I are certainly looking forward to improving the relations between our two clans.”

  Fredrik took my hand and kissed my knuckles instead of giving a hand shake. It was a common convention throughout all dragon shifter culture, if a female was not being courted and a male wanted to do so, he would greet her with a kiss on the knuckles. Back when the dragons were all united it used to be that or a peck on the lips. I was being courted, so it was more than a bit forward of him to greet me as he did. And of course both Luke and Rune bristled behind me.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, and to be here as well. We are very intrigued at the possibility of uniting all dragon shifters.” Fredrik simply glanced at the two behind me and smirked a little before he let my hand go.

  “It is good to talk about possibilities for now…” I said purposefully, this whole uniting the clans thing was moving faster than I think any of us was actually ready for…and I wanted to know why.

  “Indeed, but first let me introduce you to our other guests…” Thankfully my father cut in and shuffled me down the line.

  I came face to face with a woman in her late twenties, she had dark hair and smoky grey eyes that were gorgeous. She also had feline features that were in an almost sour expression.

  “This is the new queen of the Estonian clan, Helena. She came with members of her court as well.”

  I wondered if she ruled alone or what and we both seemed to assess each other.

  “It is good to meet a female clan leader; soon I’ll be taking the throne here,” I said and she smiled with surprisingly good natured politeness, compared to how she was just looking at me.

  “It is quite a feat, I’m sure during our time here we can back each other up,” she winked at me and I smiled a little tentatively. Either she was good at masking her emotions, or she had decided she could like me.

  “Of course, so why don’t we all go inside?” I was eager to get down to the bottom of some things and glanced at my father who was already giving me a look. He wanted me to measure myself, but that was quickly flying out of the window. I loved a good intrigue.

  “Yes let’s all move to the throne room. Fredrik and Helena you can follow my daughter and I to my adjoining meeting room.”

  I followed my dad and noticed Helena and Fredrik’s two guards emerge from the group of people to flank them. The group moved and I saw it as a good sign that at least our court members were mingling in good nature.



  I did not like Fredrik, the presumptuous Norwegian prince. Initially I had only been wary of being together with Luke in Emily’s presence, but he was behaving honorably and with no ill will. I was sure we were both now focused on Fredrik’s actions.

  “So, let’s all talk,” King Lucas said and everyone sat casually around his room. It was set up to be a neutral room. There was a large panoramic view of the countryside around the circular room and the furniture consisted of couches and some tables. There weren’t even family banners up in the room, as not to send any perceived wrong messages.

  “Yes let’s talk. I have been instructed to be blunt with you King Lucas. The other western European clans have been threatened by organized attacks of the cats and dogs. It’s certain that soon something will be attempted on our clans. I’m sure the weaker shifters see us as a sleeping threat and wish to diminish our numbers while we are divided.”

  I could tell that Emily appreciated Fredrik’s straightforwardness.

  “But the other clans are too stubborn to see this and unite, if not simply for protection’s sake,” Helena spoke up and Emily sat back in the sofa chair she occupied.

  “There are important intricacies of uniting several nearly independent clans,” Emily said and Helena nodded.

  “True, but Fredrik and I feel that if we could at least foster talks like these with the other clans that would be a step in the right direction and alert our enemies that they are pushing us together into an organized front,” Helena was earnest and Emily seemed just as engrossed in
the conversation as she. Yet Fredrik was staring at Emily as if he wanted to claim her, and that I did not appreciate.

  “It would be conducive to have more meetings like these in the States, a sort of neutral zone…surprisingly.” Fredrik said in a low voice and Emily glanced at him. Her eyes flitted to Luke a moment and then at me. I took a seat next to her, which incidentally, was in between her and Fredrik.

  “That is a good idea if you think the other heads of clans could civilly come together and discuss possibilities of merging or something along those lines,” I spoke up and Fredrik looked at me as if I was the worst nuisance.

  “I’m sorry, who are you?” he asked and I quirked an eyebrow at his concealed hostility.

  “He’s the future second and has a voice here,” King Lucas spoke up on my behalf and as much as I appreciated that, I would rather have answered for myself.

  “I am also courting Princess Emily,” I added and Fredrik snorted, before he turned his attention to Helena.

  “Well I’d say it’s clear to see another clan is on board with us. What’s left is to spread the word and stop these attacks on our people,” he said and she inclined her head.

  “Perhaps we should do this soon?” she suggested and both Emily and her father shared a loaded glance.

  “Yes, if the threat is as real as you say. I think calling for a conference of sorts should be held soon,” Emily said and Helena smiled at her with a sort of comradery.

  “Well Helena, you are the more diplomatic sort compared to me, perhaps you should go on a circuit calling the other clan leaders here. I could stay here as a sort of proof of good intention,” Fredrik suggested oh so smoothly, and both Luke and I shared a look. We definitely had the same feelings concerning Fredrik.

  “I approve of this plan. Fredrik, you are welcome as our guest until this conference is pulled together,” King Lucas said and Fredrik smiled in thanks.

  “Wonderful, perhaps it would be an interesting stay to watch the contests for the beautiful Emily’s hand,” Fredrik said and Emily tilted her head at him slightly.


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