Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 90

by Gloria Martin

  She leaned in and kissed him. Drake pushed himself fully into her body. Micah pulled her hand away and thrust back against him. Intense heat spread through her body and she gripped every inch of her body around Drake. Their movements were slow and sensual. They were finding a rhythm with their bodies and kissing deeper, hungrier. “Micah.” Drake moaned. “You feel so good wrapped around me sweetheart. I’m so close. I want you with me. Cum with me, Micah.” Micah moaned at his seductive tone. Her pleasure accelerated through her body. He was begging her. So hot. Every inch of her tingled. She was thrusting and clenching and squeezing Drake as he thrust hard and stopped moving. She felt him. Pulsing inside her. It was incredible. She could feel his heat. They kissed through their mutual orgasms. Their connection sealed with the intimate encounter.

  In the midst of the forest, they lay on their backs and visualized the future world they had been dreaming of. Now there was hope, there was a light they had been waiting for in the dark tunnel. And now there was love sparking between them, connecting their souls somehow.


  "Ready?" Stan asked, adjusting the video camera he had set up which was now directed at Micah.

  She nodded and smiled confidently at the camera. They were actually in an old basement which Stan had converted into a makeshift TV studio. Hiding from the authorities had not done him well, as he was now thinner than ever. His cheeks seemed hollow and his skin was dry and coarse. Micah felt sorry for him, but knew that it was going to be all over soon. They would finally be able to fulfill the mission and become free, just like the rest of the humans.

  Behind Stan, Drake smiled at her and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

  She nodded at him and mouthed "thanks." Then she faced the camera, took a deep breath, and began her speech about the secret plans of the New Government. She talked about what the happy pills actually do to people and the long-term damaging effects they had on human beings. She showed all the supporting information she had uncovered from the General's computer files.

  All across the globe, her video was being shown… and watched. She knew there would be a lot of people who wouldn't be ready to accept the truth. But there were bound to be supporters. This exposure would surely awaken some from the trance induced by the drugs from the government.

  Micah then thought of her best friend, Elise. She looked forward to being seeing her again someday, just like old times. Then she thought of her family in heaven, who were probably looking down at her now with pride and happiness.

  Her heart soared with relief and gladness as she ended her presentation.

  "It's a wrap," Stan declared. "You did it, Micah. I'm so proud of you. You really did it."

  "Thanks, Stan," Micah replied. She went over to join hands with Drake. "We both did it. And of course without you, we wouldn't be able to bring the news to the whole world. So you are part of this victory too."

  Stan grinned. "Glad to be of service."

  As he packed up all the stuff, Micah and Drake headed upstairs to the cozy, beautifully designed home that used to be owned by one of the members of the Last American Renegades.

  "So…" Drake began. "How about celebrating with me- just the two of us, over dinner?"

  A smile spread across Micah's lips as she turned to look at him. "You mean… like a date?"

  He smiled and touched her chin with his finger. "Yes, a real date. We deserve it, don't you think?"

  "I guess so," Micah agreed hesitantly. "But why are you asking me out?"

  "Why not?"

  "I thought…" Micah didn't know what to say. She had never had an actual romantic relationship with anyone before. Now that her mission was over, she still hadn't thought much about her plans for the future. Perhaps this was going to be a good start. "I just didn't think…"

  "That I'm serious about you?" he teased. With his brown eyes sparkling, he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "This is just the beginning of our adventure together, Micah. I'm so glad that among all the cyborgs, I was the one who was able to capture you."

  You captured my heart Micah said in silence. But aloud she said, "I'm glad too. So where are you taking me for dinner tonight? I hope they let rebels like me inside."

  "Beautiful rebels like you are always welcome, especially when accompanied by a handsome cyborg." he said jokingly, enfolding her in an embrace.

  She laughed. Deep inside, her heart was pounding like crazy. This was certainly nothing compared to all the life-and-death situations she had been in but it felt just as equally terrifying. She smiled. She would risk it. She was ready to explore, risk, and fall… in love.


  Bonus Story 20 of 50

  Mistress of the Wolves

  Mia took a deep breath, taking in the rich pine smell of the Jacksonville National Forest. The sky was painted orange and purple with the coming sunset. It was the bridesmaids’ weekend and Mia had convinced the three other bridesmaids to pack up their scrubs, briefcases, and diaper bags, to put on hiking boots and backpacks. Mia was the only outdoorsy one in the group and though the bride could not make it, as the maid of honor, Mia wanted to show the girls that nature could be just as fun as a strip club. The four women had not even known each other until they drove up to north Florida. The car ride which was basically everyone on her cell phone unless she was driving, made Mia want to push the hike to today. She had to get the women talking.

  “Soooo, how’s everyone doing?” Mia asked, pulling her long red hair into a messy bun.

  They had walked about a mile uphill, chasing the sunset.

  “A mosquito just bit my ass, Mia,” Tatianna said, heaving her backpack on to the campsite ground. Her thin braids were sticking to her sweaty neck and her voluptuous figure was marred with enormous sweat stains.

  “I don’t have service, guys,” Linda said, holding up her cellphone to the sky. Linda had two kids and this was the first time her husband, Jeff, had the children all by himself. Most of the seven-hour car ride was Linda explaining to Jeff where things were in the house. Mia could not understand how a couple could be married for five years and only one of them knew where things were in the house.

  Carissa, who was usually quiet the entire time, was bringing up the rear, flush faced and angrily wiping her black wispy hair behind her ears.

  “We’re here, though,” Mia said, “yay?”

  “Where is here? I only see trees,” Tatianna said, spinning around.

  “That’s why we have sleeping bags in our packs,” Mia said, shrugging nervously.

  “Wait, are we actually sleeping on the ground?” Linda asked, pinning her phone to her ear, “Hang on, girls—Jeff can you hear me? What do you mean you’re looking for the girls? Where are they? Where are you?”

  Linda’s voice trailed off as she walked away from the group. Mia shook her head and looked back to Tatianna and Carissa who were looking at Mia like they could stab her. Mia offered a nervous laugh and dropped her pack on the ground in the clearing.

  “Mia, what the actual fuck? Are we really sleeping under a tree?” Carissa asked, throwing her pack down.

  “I thought you wanted to actually see nature?” Mia asked, shrugging her shoulders, “You know, adventure, fun—girl bonding?”

  “We could bond with half-naked, muscular men giving us lap dances, Mia. Like normal a bridesmaids’ weekend. Is this why the bride didn’t come?” Tatianna asked, stepping towards Mia.

  “Um, no? I mean yes. I mean no. She had to meet with the caterer over a shrimp cocktail emergency. She just happened to be busy,” Mia said, biting her bottom lip.

  Tatianna buried her face in her hands, took a deep breath and looked at Mia. Mia was sure fire and smoke were about to come out of Tatianna and Carissa’s faces.

  “Come on, it will be fun,” Mia said, whining and pleading with the women to understand.

  Tatianna was a city girl from Miami and was a director at Miami General Hospital. She did not ever leave the city. She moved to Miami from New York for the pr
omotion. And to draw Tatianna to the woods, Mia may have lied and said that they were staying in fancy cabins, and that the sleeping bags were a formality.

  “Mia—” Tatianna said, pausing and rubbing her temple, “are we really sleeping outside on the ground for three days?”

  Mia pursed her lips, trying to think of a lie, but she was a terrible liar.

  “We’re going to die,” Carissa said, throwing her head backward.

  “Nooo,” Mia said, trying to ignore the sounds of wolves in the background.

  “There are wolves out here?” Carissa asked, shuffling into Tatianna’s shadow.

  “No,” Mia said, but the sound of howling sounded like wolves.

  “Whatever, can we make a fire or something?” Carissa asked, looking over her shoulders.

  “Hey, sorry girls. I’m back. What did I miss?” asked Linda, shoving her phone into the pocket of her cargo shorts.

  “We’re sleeping on the ground,” Tatianna said.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Linda said, pulling out her phone again.

  Mia shook her head, and walked over to a patch of scorched earth and started gathering dry branches for the fire. The other three women were arguing and Tatianna and Carissa were filling in Linda. They sounded like chatty hens. Mia hoped after she got the fire going and they had marshmallows on sticks they would be over it. Mia lit a match, threw it on the dry branches and watched them lap up the fire. The sound of the crackles drew the women and thankfully silenced the cackling hens.

  The sun was fully up, but north Florida was not sunny south Florida. It was fifty degrees even with the sun fully up. Mia felt relieved when they all sat around the fire, but her heart sank because she knew it was going to drop into the thirties. By the time the sun went down, it would be freezing and apparently there were wolves.


  “I think Jeff lost my kids. I actually think the man I married has no idea where precisely on earth our children are located” Linda said, biting down on a s’more.

  Mia stifled a giggle and put more marshmallows on her stick.

  “This trip is about us getting to know each other and not worrying about what’s going on at home. No kids or husband talk,” Tatianna said, leaning into the fire.

  “I don’t think I know a topic that doesn’t revolve around my ex-husband being an idiot. We’re divorced but his mom is sick so some how I’m still helping,” Carissa said, plopping a graham cracker in her mouth.

  “It’s why I never got married. Tatianna Smith is a free bird,” Tatianna said, smirking at Carissa, “Sex is better when you are not obligated to see them again.”

  “Jeff and I have sex!” Linda said, looking affronted.

  “Doesn’t sound like it,” Mia said with a sheepish smile.

  “We just have to be quiet with the twins,” Linda said, her face looking flushed.

  “Bob and I have sex. At first it was an accident. His mom had a bad night and Bob lives with her so I stayed the night. Several glasses of wine later his dick was just out. I fell for it and now it’s nonstop. It’s too hard to find a new man when we’re still in each other’s life. Ugh, being in your thirties is so weird. I would never put up with this shit in my twenties,” Carissa said, cupping her face.

  “Speaking of twenties, what about you?” Tatianna asked, jutting her chin at Mia.

  “Me? God, I’m twenty-seven so I count myself as a thirty-something too,” Mia said, feeling all of the eyes on her.

  “Ooooh, twenty-seven so you should know what you like by now. Indulge us, what are the kids doing today?” Carissa said, raising an eyebrow at Mia.

  Mia did not know how to answer that. She had not had sex in months, not since she and her ex broke up, and even when they were together it was not that exciting.

  “Nothing at the moment, but my ex went through a weird spanking phase. He was watching some sort of weird porn and just sprung it on me,” Mia said, shuddering at the memory.

  “I like a good spank,” Tatianna said, grinning wickedly.

  “Ew, I’ll pass on that imagery,” Linda said.

  “What about…more than one? Isn’t that a thing now?” Carissa asked.

  “More than one what?” Mia asked, stoking the fire.

  “She means more than one penis,” Tatianna said, “I did it. It was confusing at first. Just arms everywhere, but when you get a groove, it’s fucking amazing.”

  Mia’s cheeks felt like they were on fire. She had always been bashful about sex. It was something she did in her relationships because it was expected. It was rarely the mind-shattering experiences she read about and usually after sex, she was just waiting for the guy to go to the bathroom so she could discreetly finish herself.

  “I don’t think that would be for me. I’m a big girl and so is Jeff. A big man I mean. We only have a queen bed. It would be madness,” Linda said, shaking her head.

  “I’d do it. As weird as it sounds I’d want Bob there because I would need someone whose body I knew. God, this sounds so sad. Even my fantasies involve Bob,” Carissa said, reloading her stick with marshmallows.

  Mia did not add in. Not because she had a strong opinion one way or the other, but because she could hear the wolves again. She and her father had gone camping all around the United States and Mia felt well-versed in the American woods. Even though they were sleeping on the ground, this was a campsite and animals rarely came this close to people. To make it worse there was not just one or two wolves calling to each other as before. Mia strained her ears and her stomach tightened. She could hear a whole pack.

  “You okay, Mia?” Carissa asked, touching her shoulder.

  Mia jumped, snapping back to the conversation.

  “Yea…no…I don’t know if it’s a good idea to sleep here,” Mia said, rising from the log she was sitting on.

  The other women looked to each other and then over to Mia.

  “I mean it, girls. I think we should run,” Mia said, grabbing her pack.

  Before the women could react, Mia heard rustling leaves. Someone or something was coming closer. The sounds of crunching leaves were all around them. Then a series of low menacing growls.

  “What the hell is that?” Carissa asked, rising to her feet.

  Mia pressed her index finger over her lips, shushing Carissa.

  “I will not shush! What the fuck is happening?” Carissa asked, her voice quivering with fear.

  Carissa huddled around Linda and Tatianna, whimpering and mewling. Mia was on the other side of the fire, gripping the straps of her pack. She was trying to think. The car was a mile down the road and the sounds of the wolves were drawing in faster and faster. There was only one option.

  “Run! Run now!” Mia yelled, backing away.

  The women were frozen, absolutely paralyzed by fear. Mia kept yelling, urging them to follow her but it was no use.

  “Behind you!” Mia yelled, jogging backward.

  Where there was once a dark blanket of trees, there were now yellow eyes peppering the woods. Mia was looking in the face of not one but ten, maybe more, of the largest wolves she had ever seen in her life. One of them, a large black wolf with a round spot on his forehead, rose to his hind legs and roared a loud growl in Mia’s direction. The other wolves rose to their hind legs and seemed to be over eight feet tall. They were grabbing the other bridesmaids.

  The wolf stared at her and laughed in a low demonic voice. Licking its lips, it fell forward on all fours and stalked towards Mia.

  “I’ll give you a head start,” it said.


  Branches scratched and pulled at Mia as she tore through the woods. Her breaths sounded ragged and she could hear the massive wolf chasing her. Her brain was rattled with confusion and fear. She could not understand why the wolves could talk. She could not understand why they were here and why one of them was the size of two large men.

  “Leave…me alone!” Mia yelled, gasping for breath and waving branches out of way.

he…fun in that?” the wolf said, nipping at her heels.

  The problem for the wolf was the deeper she went into the woods, the tighter the pine trees were together. It was like trying to run through the weave of a loom. Mia’s slender frame and her natural athleticism made it a cinch. The wolf, though faster in the open forest, was having a lot of trouble.

  “You’ll only make it worse when I catch you!” the wolf yelled, clawing futilely at the dense trees.

  Mia took a deep breath and charged forward. Her head was spinning. Nothing made sense. There were no wolves in Florida. And then there was the talking happening behind her. Mia was sure if not for the adrenaline propelling her forward she would pass out from shock and exhaustion. The forest was clearing and she needed a plan. She looked around her for anything she could use as a weapon. There was nothing. She had no weapon. No hope of escape.

  “Shit!” Mia yelled, running out to the clearing.

  Behind her was the woods and ahead of her was a steep cliff, leading to the ravine. Mia looked back at the wood to see the wolf burst through into the clearing, covered in dead leaves. It shook its massive head and its yellow eyes zeroed in on Mia.

  “I hate chasing my food. If I have to take one more step, I will chew slowly,” the wolf said.

  Mia backed up to the edge of the cliff, hearing rocks fall behind her.

  “I’m warning you,” the wolf said.

  Before Mia could speak two other wolves, one tawny and the other gray, jumped out of the woods and tackled her assailant to the ground. The wolves wrestled, clawing and biting at each other. Mia kept trying to inch around them, but the giant bodies were kicking up dust and rocks and blocking the path.

  “You two have no idea who you’re messing with,” the black wolf said, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

  “Get out,” the tawny wolf said, bearing its teeth.

  The black wolf howled loudly and ran back into the woods. Mia exhaled loudly and the two wolves turned to face her. They rose onto their hind legs and leaned their large heads towards her and sniffed. The grey one licked his lips, bearing his teeth at Mia.


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