Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 149

by Gloria Martin

  All the positivity that I’d been feeling from the amazing night of sex, ebbed away as I listened to them at it without me. I wanted to be there, to be a part of it, but I couldn’t get involved when I hadn’t been invited. They were together, not me. I was just someone that they’d brought in to spice things up a bit. Just because I’d allowed myself to get swept up in the fantasy, didn’t mean that anything was going to come of it.

  Humiliation crept up my body as I envisioned the awkward conversation that was to come. They were going to thank me, to say that it had been fun, then they were going to send me on my way while they continued to have all kinds of fun. I was going to be left lonely once more; too sad to even touch myself in the shower over the memory of what happened.

  This was going to be one of those things that they’d gotten out of their systems. They would move on from me, leaving me heartbroken and ashamed. I didn’t even know how I was going to be around them anymore; never mind how I was going to face that terrible chat.

  I began to panic, glancing around the room in a frantic manner, wondering how I was going to escape all of this. I quickly realized that I had three choices…

  Face it, fight it, or flee.

  So I did the only thing I could and slipped my clothes on so that I could slide away silently.



  Nothing had been the same since that night, and not in the fun loving, secret sharing way, but in the awkward avoiding each other kind of way. It was horrible and I hated every single second of it. It was affecting every aspect of my life—my relationship, my job, my dancing… I just didn’t know how to cope with all of this unsaid tension floating around the people I cared most about.

  After that awkward moment in the shower, where Max and I realized that we much preferred having sex with Jace too, I’d been excited to have that conversation, to see what he was thinking about it too, but as soon as we’d gotten out, we’d quickly seen that he was gone.

  It had been horrible and humiliating, and now he wouldn’t even talk to us. Clearly he regretted the entire thing, and that burned me deep inside. I’d thought the feelings had been mutual, and I hated to discover how wrong I had been about it all.

  It was eating me and Max up from the inside out, but not in the way that I’d been expecting. We weren’t jealous of one another, we weren’t upset that we’d been with someone else; it was that we needed Jace. We wanted him to be a part of us too; it just wasn’t the same without him. But since he wouldn’t answer any of our calls, and he spent his time with the Bandits actively avoiding us both, it was becoming impossible to make him understand that.

  We’d even half-heartedly discussed inviting another man into bed with us, but we knew that it wouldn’t be the same either. It had to be Jace, we both knew him, we were both attracted to him, he was perfect for us. There was no one else in the whole world that could fill that role—and that fact was devastating.

  We kept trying to move on, to not talk about it any longer, but I could already sense the end coming. I could already see the dissatisfaction killing us slowly.

  I knew that Max could feel it too. It had been hanging over us like a black cloud.

  “That’s it.” Max finally slammed his beer down on the bar one night—a week or so later, making me jump. I was working a barmaid shift, but we were surprisingly quiet, so me and Max had been sitting glumly shooting glances at Jace all night. “I’m going over there, I’m gunna make him talk to me. I don’t even care if the other guys suspect, they know about my sexuality anyway. I can’t stand another moment of this.”

  And then he was gone, leaving me with a fluttering heart and butterflies in my stomach. I watched him stalk with all the confidence of a man who had nothing left to lose, and I realized that was probably true. If this didn’t work out, if Jace outright rejected him… reject us both, I feared that would be the end.

  I hopped from foot to foot, biting my nails tentatively as the guys held my future in their hands.



  That was it. I couldn’t take another damn second of all of this awkward tension. I knew Jace wanted this as much as I did… at least, I thought I did. I figured if we could just get this difficult conversation out of the way, then all would be fine.

  And if I was wrong, if he told me that the night had been a mistake… well, I would just have to cross that bridge when I came to it.

  “Jace, can I talk to you a moment buddy?” I interrupted his conversation with Bry but I didn’t care. Luckily, our fearless leader didn’t even bat an eyelid; he simply slid from the table and went back to the bar for another drink. If he suspected something, he certainly wasn’t bothered about it. It was likely that he did know something had gone on—he was surprisingly perceptive for a man that appeared to care more about his motorbike than people.

  “What is it Max?” Jace eyed me wearily as I sat opposite him. It was likely that he could feel the nerves emanating from me, but he didn’t comment on it. He just sat there, expectantly, waiting for me to speak.

  “Why are you ignoring me?” I snapped, sounding angrier than I intended. I’d wanted to come across as cool, calm and collected, but unfortunately that was already out of the window.

  “I just…” He sighed deeply. “I just feel a bit weird. I feel a bit like you and Olivia used me for a sex game. When I woke up and you two were in the shower…”

  “Wait, what?” Is that all it was? We could have overcome that obstacle right away if we’d just discussed it! “Me and Liv like you loads. We want you to be a part of us; we want you to be with us all the time.” I rubbed my hands together, trying to figure out the best way to explain this. “Look, I got up that morning and joined Liv in the shower because I was feeling insecure that you would bolt at the first opportunity, but while we were in there, we realized how much better it is with you. We realized that we don’t want to be us without you anymore.” As soon as I spoke those words aloud, I realized how true they were. I didn’t think there was any way back for me and Liv now—not without Jace.

  I watched his face turn pale with shock, as he tried to register my words. “What are you saying?” He practically whispered.

  “Look, bro. I don’t know where your head is at, but if you’re interested, me and Liv want you. We want you to be with us…”

  “Like a couple?” There was an anxious tremble in his voice now as he spoke, which I hoped was a really good sign.

  I couldn’t help but laugh loudly at that concept. I guessed that was what I was asking of him. “Yes, I suppose so. Like a couple, but three of us.”

  “But… how will that work?” He was clearly protecting his own heart, and I had to respect that.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. This is all a bit new to me. I guess we’ll figure it out as we go along. Liv’s smart, I’m sure she’ll come up with some ground rules or whatever.” I waved my hand dismissively, trying to disguise the fact that my heart was racing, desperate to know what his answer was going to be.

  A range of expressions crossed his face, but when he finally broke out into a massive grin, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I knew that we were all going to get exactly as we wanted after all.

  “Alright.” He conceded, looking happier than I’d seen him in a very long time. “Let’s go to the bar now, tell Olivia the good news. Maybe she can get started on that rule book…”



  As time passed, we managed to settle into a comfortable relationship. There had been a lot to navigate at first, it had been confusing as to where the lines should be, but we’d gotten there in the end.

  Now, we were effectively a three way relationship, and it was absolutely amazing. Our sex life was fantastic—sometimes it was all three of us, sometimes it was me and Olivia, sometimes me and Max… I was sure that sometimes Olivia and Max got together without me too, but it wasn’t behind my back, it was just the way we worked. It was perfect for us, and I couldn’t se
e it ending anytime soon.

  I no longer felt like the third wheel. In fact, now it was difficult to recall a time when I hadn’t been a part of the relationship—we were all equal and that was great. It was built on a mutual trust and respect, and because of that it just worked.

  In fact, it worked better than any relationship I’d ever been in before! There was no bickering, no jealousy, no concerns—we were always open and honest about our feelings and that had led us to be happier than I’d ever thought possible.

  One of my favorite things of it all was simply hanging out as a threesome, watching films, eating takeout, laughing and joking—just doing the normal couple type things. We may not have been a traditional relationship, but to us it felt completely normal and natural. There was nothing wrong or complex about it at all.

  “Well.” Olivia yawned loudly, throwing her hands above her head, in a cute gesture that I couldn’t help but smile at. “That film was junk, it wasn’t even scary.”

  “I don’t know.” I teased, smiling. “I thought I saw Max peeing his pants once or twice.”

  “Hey!” He yelled indignantly, before jumping on top of me, playfully tickling me, before planting kisses all over my face.



  As soon as I saw Max start to kiss Jace, I instantly knew where the night was headed. The thought of having these two guys at my disposal once more sent all of my exhaustion floating away. I was excited and horny all over again, so I jumped in the middle of them, and began kissing them passionately in turn, marveling over their unique styles once more.

  Because we were all in our pajamas, it didn’t take long for our clothes to shed in a flurry of scattered material, and for us to find ourselves surrounded by never ending flesh once more.

  When we were like this, all together, all naked, it felt perfect. It felt right. It felt like it was exactly all where we were meant to be. I’d never cared about living outside of society’s rules—and that still applied here. We hadn’t faced any adversity from anyone we knew—although I was aware that Max hadn’t told his parents yet—but even if we had, I wouldn’t have cared. As long as we were happy, we weren’t exactly hurting anyone else, so what did it matter?

  Jace carefully laid me back on the living room floor, before reining kisses down my body, trailing towards where I was suddenly aching for him. As he began to flick his tongue all over me, occasionally plunging it deep into me, I looked upwards, trying to find Max. I knew he wasn’t too far away, and that knowledge had me desperate for him.

  Max sensed that I was hunting for him, and he hovered above me, showing me his excitement. I sent him a wild grin, just drinking in his hunky, lean, muscular body—which somehow managed to look even better from this angle. I would always be grateful to him for allowing this to happen, for encouraging it, and in that moment I wanted to repay him in the way I knew that he liked best.

  I grabbed hold of his thick, throbbing erection and brought it down to my mouth, wrapping my red lips around him. His arms buckled and he groaned loudly as I flicked my tongue over him, and my back arched with the pleasure of what Jace was doing to me.

  It was like an intense sensory overload, that my body could only just about cope with. Soon a warm pool of pleasure began to creep all over my body, making me wild and excitable all at once.



  Liv was already close to the edge, I could see it in her expression, and I was overcome with a sudden desire to feel her contract around me as she came. I needed her to crumble, to thrash, to fall apart on top of me, so I tugged her away from Jace’s mouth and twisted until she was sitting on my lap in one quick, smooth gesture.

  As she slid down onto me, I almost lost it right there and then, she always managed to feel so damn amazing no matter what. Her body was the most perfect, feminine curvaceous shape which had always driven me wild. But now that I had Jace’s strong masculinity as a comparison, it was somehow even better.

  She was the sexiest damn woman alive, and if I could only stop panting for long enough to form words, I would ensure that I told her that.

  Not wanting to be left out of what was now happening; Jace stood up and moved to Liv’s side, twisting her head so that she was face to face with his length. There, without even a second’s hesitation, she hungrily wrapped her mouth around him, doing to him what she’d been doing to me only moments ago. I knew how good that felt, and I was happy for him to be able to get that from her. I knew she would have him on the brink of orgasm in only a few moments, and I couldn’t wait to see it play out.

  It wasn’t long before I could feel her walls beginning to constrict around me, and I knew that the waves of pleasure were beginning to crash over her. I thrust harder, more powerfully, wanting to make it amazing for her.

  “Oh, fuck.” She ground, giving in to the sensations wholeheartedly. “Oh, my God, Max, Jace.” She called out both of our names, acknowledging that we’d both taken her to the edge, and then she shuddered and collapsed on top of me, breathless and panting.



  Seeing Olivia orgasm was the best damn experience of my life—it was something that I would never ever get bored of. Especially since it never stopped her from wanting to continue to give myself and Max pleasure too. She could step out and leave us to it, but she never did. She always wanted to stay; she never wanted to be pushed aside, which was just one of the many amazing things about her. We all preferred it when it was the three of us, and for that I was grateful.

  Max and I eventually succumbed to the pleasure too, before we all collapsed, panting and giggling on the ground. I’d never been happier, and I didn’t see a way in which I could be.

  “Do you know what?” Olivia asked, causing us both to turn and face her. Her expression was unusually serious, so I knew whatever she was going to say next would have a big impact on us all. “I know this is only supposed to be fun—well, at least it started out that way—but I really feel like I’m falling in love with you both.” The way she said it, so matter of fact, even though it could cause an awkward conversation, filled me with a warmth. Her honesty, which occasionally teetered into brutal, had helped me and Max open up more in the beginning. The way she insisted that we always be truthful had undoubtedly helped us to get to where we were, and we had to be grateful for that. Without her, we may have fallen apart before we’d really gotten started. Max had been right about her being smart and knowing exactly what to do!

  “Oh me too.” Max announced causally, smiling as if it was obvious. “I just didn’t want to be the first one to say it.”

  I knew that they both wanted me to say it too, they both looked at me expectantly, and I knew that I felt it, but for some reason the words got stuck in my throat. “I… I…”

  “Oh Jace, come on.” Olivia laughed loudly. “We know you feel the same.” She was so unabashed with her words, which loosened me up enough to at least make a joke of it.

  “I know.” I smirked. “I just don’t want any of you to get big headed about it…”

  As we all collapsed into laughter, I knew that now we’d said those three loaded words, it would have to be something catastrophic to tear us apart, because it felt like none of us were going anywhere!


  Bonus Story 38 of 50

  Alien Mate


  “Welcome to the Trans Planetary Immigration Program, otherwise soon to be known as, T.P.I.P. This lucky group of individuals have been especially chosen to be the first humans to emigrate from Earth to Rolar. So yes, this means you lot are the ‘trial group’ so to speak…”

  I sat back in the comfortable conference chair and glanced down at one of the various packets passed around to each of the twenty people present at what can’t be called anything other than a debriefing. Officer Bardwell had just begun his presentation; I probably should’ve been paying close attention as I was about to willingly emigrate to an alien planet. But I was too excited about a
ctually getting there and couldn’t focus on much of anything for a long period of time.

  “You will be given a few small gadgets to help you acclimate to being on your new planet. This pretty little necklace is a translator, you speak English and it sounds like Mandarolian to which ever native you are speaking to. They speak Mandarolian back to you and it will translate as English to your ears. If you want to speak English to an English speaker, simply turn the pendant over and switch the device off, the same goes for speaking Mandarolian. I strongly suggest you continue learning their language, it’s not much different from a romance language here…” Bardwell held up a relatively small silver pendant in the shape of Earth cut in half that dangled from a delicate looking silver chain.

  “That chain looks kind of flimsy Officer,” I spoke up, and there were a few smiles and chuckles heard from around the conference table. I didn’t think what I said was all that funny…

  “It may look it, but trust me it’s gone under scrupulous tests, each device we give you is made to last,” he said, not unkindly, and then continued his lecture. I glanced out of the huge floor to ceiling glass behind Bardwell, who stood at the head of the mahogany table. Washington, D.C. was pretty under a blanket of snow. The only thing I knew I’d miss was the scenery on Earth. White sand beaches, glittering cities, mountains, plains, and the like. The day before I had watched a video about tourist attractions on Rolar. They had their own unique set of natural landscapes. All in the form of rocky mountainous terrain, lots of hills and plains, and odd grey sand beaches. There were also a lot of volcanoes on Rolar which made me nervous, even if they had devices that would control a volcano’s activity should it become volatile. Nevertheless, I was excited for the adventure. New planet, new experiences and opportunities.


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