Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 184

by Gloria Martin

  The huge dragon who’d come last stood in the center of the garden, his chest heaving. He walked slowly toward the group of women, his intense red eyes fixing on Jen whose face had paled. All of a sudden, the dragon’s eyes mellowed and turned back to their original gray color.

  Jen knew it was Jack. She waited for his next move.

  He seemed to calm down as he stared at her for a minute. Then after a while, he turned around and ran to the dense cluster of trees toward the back.

  Jen’s heart was hammering wildly. She couldn’t believe she’d just witnessed an actual fight among dragons who were supposed to be family. She couldn’t believe that she’d seen Jack in his dragon form again, which she’d initially thought was a dream a few weeks back.

  Something inside her stirred. She was even more confused than ever. Even though it should be clear to her now that she had to get out of there as soon as possible, greater confusion gripped her heart and mind. Her emotions were in turmoil.

  That evening, the resident doctor checked on her again. He happily told her that the baby was well and healthy. The ultrasound showed that it was also a normal fetus, a little bigger than usual, but looked perfectly like a human being. Jen sighed in relief. Thank God it didn’t have wings yet.

  “Jen…” a low male voice called to her from outside her bedroom door after the doctor had left.

  She knew it was Jack. “Come in.”

  Jack went in, looking quite regal even in just a pair of chinos and a white polo. He was truly handsome, although there was a worried look on his face.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that,” he gently said. He sat on the bed beside Jen who was lying down. She felt like a servant next to him, since she wasn’t made up at all and was ready to go to bed.

  “It’s okay,” Jen lied. “You don’t have to apologize.”

  “You want to go, don’t you?” Jack suddenly blurted out. “You want to leave me.”

  “Sorry?” Jen said in surprise, her heart beating faster.

  “I can tell, Jen. Despite all our efforts, you still don’t feel like you belong, like this could be your home too.” Slight anger flashed through his face, but he was apparently controlling his emotions.

  Jen felt a bit scared. She didn’t want to trigger him to change into a dragon right then and there. She quickly reached out to touch his cheek. And to her astonishment, the simple gesture actually relaxed both of them.

  “You have to understand that this is all still a lot for me to process,” Jen answered slowly and softly. “I do care about you, Jack, but I need more time.”

  “I understand,” he replied, nodding. “I will wait no matter how long it takes. Just say you’ll stay and marry me after our baby is born.”

  Jen hesitated. “Aren’t you just after the baby?” she asked. She couldn’t help asking. The past days she’d been thinking about it a lot.

  “Of course not,” Jack quickly answered. He took her hands in his and kissed her on the lips. “I love you, Jen. Is that so difficult to believe? Whether there’s a baby or not, my feelings would remain the same.”

  Jen simply nodded. “I need to rest now,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

  “Rest well, my love,” Jack said. He gave her a peck on the cheek, stood up, and left the room. She felt his absence acutely.



  Jen went through the photos in her cellphone, many of which showed the home and lifestyle of the dragon shifters. She’d taken the photos surreptitiously. Her mind was racing, filled with thoughts of ambition and success. She even had some audio clippings that would support her claim about this secret lair. The question was, would she dare to expose these people who had welcomed her like one of their own?

  She stopped moving through the photos when she got to the image of her newborn son. She clearly remembered that day when she’d felt the first pains of labor. Jack had stayed by her side the whole time until their resident doctor had helped her deliver.

  Jen sighed, putting down her phone and glancing toward the crib in her bedroom where little Brennan lay asleep. He was three months old now, a precious bundle of joy that she never knew could capture her heart and entire being as he had. It was amazing how motherhood had given her so much joy despite all the challenges. The love and happiness were fast overcoming her desire for fame, wealth, and success in the world of science.

  But after being in a career hiatus for long, there was still a huge part of her that yearned to become successful in her field. For many years, her talent and skills as a scientist had not been fully utilized or recognized, but now she had the best opportunity to fulfill her dreams. She only had to execute her original plan and expose this community of dragon shifters.

  A knock on the door broke through her thoughts. She turned around, hiding her phone in the nearby drawer as she did.

  Jack entered the room, looking tired but still good-looking and kingly. He’d actually been a hands-on dad the past months. Actually, he’d been the perfect father.

  Something tugged at Jen’s heart as she gazed into Jack’s eyes. He strolled across the room and kissed her on the forehead.

  “How are you, my love?” he asked gently, rubbing her shoulders and then taking her into his arms for a sweet embrace.

  “I’m good, thanks,” Jen answered. The past year she’d been trying to control her feelings for him so that she’d have the courage to come out with her planned expose in the future. Nevertheless, his unchanging ways with her and especially his love of their son had seized her heart completely. She knew it, although she still wouldn’t admit to it.

  “Jen… about our wedding…” he began.

  Her heart skipped a beat as he once again brought up the subject of their marriage. She knew he’d just waited for her to give birth. It had been three months now that she had been evading the conversation, but she could not go on doing that forever.

  Little Brennan suddenly burst out crying, making them both turn around anxiously. Saved by the bell, Jen thought.

  Jack got to the baby first, lifting him from the crib and cradling him in his arms. He even began to hum a lullaby as he rocked the baby gently.

  Jen watched them speechlessly, her heart torn and her mind in chaos. You’ve got a wonderful husband-to-be, Jen, a voice insider her whispered. Why are you even thinking about leaving him?

  She had no answer to that question, except for the fact that he was not completely human. But did she still honestly still think that he could harm her and their baby one of these days or cause her trouble, after all this time, after all his love and kindness? So far he’d shown greater control around her, and had avoided transforming into his dragon self.

  Soon the baby was asleep again, looking very much at peace in his daddy’s arms. Brennan hadn’t shown any signs of being a dragon shifter yet. According to Jack, most of them started out that way. Physical manifestations began at puberty, but of course they had been prepared as children by their parents.

  In a subtle way, he was also telling Jen that they needed to do the same with Brennan. But first, Jen had to accept the reality first and embrace her new family and life.

  As soon as Jack put the baby back down, the door burst open. Jessie came in looking excited, a beautiful black dress in her hands. Her dark hair was braided neatly while her sparkling brown eyes shone with excitement, brightening up her pretty face.

  “Oops, sorry,” she immediately said as soon as she saw Brennan in his crib. “I didn’t realize my adorable nephew was sleeping…” She tiptoed to the baby and gave him a peck on the cheek.

  Then turning to Jen, she laid out the dress she was carrying on the bed. “Look, I had the perfect dress made for you for tonight’s party!”

  Jen looked at her in surprise. “You didn’t have to do that, Jessie. I mean, you’re the celebrant, after all.”

  “Yes, but you’ve been so busy being a mom lately. I want you to have the time of your life tonight. Besides, our dear friend Ginny made
dresses for me and all of our other close friends. It’s her passion!”

  Jen gazed at the lovely long black dress with silky drapes and beaded top. “It’s really beautiful,” she said in awe. “Thanks so much.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Jessie answered with a wave of her hand. “Anything for my sister.”

  Jen felt horrible deep inside. Here she was plotting to escape and expose the whole community of dragon shifters, while Jessie considered her as family.

  “Anyway, I’ll give you two some private lovey-dovey time now,” Jessie said with a wink. “See you later!”

  “Jessie really loves you,” Jack said after his sister left the room.

  “Oh, she’s like that with everybody,” Jen said.

  “No, she really does,” Jack told her. “She likes you a lot more than any of the other women I ever dated. And to think you’re the only full human I’ve been with.”

  “I appreciate it,” Jen said, smiling at the awkward compliment. “She’s a great person.”

  Jack quickly approached her and literally swept her off her feet in seconds. “It’s been a long time since we had alone time together, Jen,” he murmured into her ear, his lips grazing the outer lobe and sending a tingle down her spine.

  With her heart beating fast, Jen pulled out of his embrace and slid back on her feet. “I’m kind of tired,” she whispered. She tried to ignore the disappointed look on his face.

  “Okay,” he nodded. “I’ll let you rest. We can catch up tonight during the party.”

  Jen tried to avoid his eyes as she slinked backward. He simply bowed and walked out of the room.


  The spacious garden was decorated with sparkling lights that seemed to reflect the twinkling stars in the evening sky. The colorful flowers, along with the multicolored fabrics draped around the trees and bushes, added to the already festive mood.

  As Jen consciously made her way toward one of the garden tables in her new black dress, a strong gust of wind rushed past her. She slightly turned, expecting to see a dragon flying by. She was right. It was actually one of the younger, more playful ones who loved experimenting with their newfound dragon skills.

  By this time, she wasn’t shocked anymore. These dragons had become a regular part of her daily life.

  “Jen, there you are!” she heard Jessie’s cheery voice greet her. The strong-willed, vivacious female dragon shifter bounded to her with an excited look on her face. “Oh, my gosh! I knew you’d look fabulous in that dress!”

  “Thanks,” Jen said shyly.

  “I’ve actually seen a lot of men giving you meaningful glances,” Jessie teased. “If my brother catches them…” She paused dramatically, shaking her head. “I don’t know what he’d do to them. He’s crazy about you!”

  Jen laughed, although her insides were churning in mayhem. In her mind, she could picture the backpack she’d filled up with her things and some of her baby’s belongings. She was actually feeling guilty already. But she was determined to escape that night.

  “Did Jack see you already?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Oh, my! His eyes are going to pop out of their sockets for sure!”

  Jen couldn’t help giggling. At that moment, Jack appeared by her side. She caught a whiff of his favorite musky scent even before he spoke.

  She felt his hands slinking around her waist, his lips brushing against her neck. “Were you girls just talking about me?” he asked in a joking tone.

  “Don’t be assuming!” Jessie said in haughty tone, although her eyes were twinkling with laughter.

  “Yeah,” Jen agreed. “Why would we talk about you?”

  “I don’t know,” Jack said, embracing her even closer. “Maybe because you’re crazy about me?”

  Jessie laughed. “Gosh, let me just leave you two lovebirds alone! See you around!”

  Jack, laughing, then turned Jen around to face her. His eyes swept over her body and then focused on her face. “You are indeed beautiful, my love,” he whispered. “I will definitely get used to waking up beside you every single day…”

  Jen laughed uneasily, knowing where the conversation was headed once again. “You know, I’m really getting hungry now,” she said, trying to veer the topic away. “Can we get something to eat, please?”

  “Of course,” Jack answered, taking her by the hand and leading her to the buffet table.

  After a while, Jen actually almost forgot about her plans as she found herself enjoying the company of Jack and his family and friends. When he had to entertain some other people, she excused herself to check up on little Brennan in the bedroom.

  Alone in the room, she watched her baby sleeping soundly, her heart pounding wildly as she pondered on what to do next.

  There was no time to think anymore. She had to do it now while everyone else was preoccupied, or she wouldn’t have another chance.

  Quickly she rushed to change into a comfortable black shirt, dark jeans, and sneakers. Then she took her backpack before bundling up her baby in a comfy blanket and carrying him close to her chest. He whimpered a bit but she cradled him closely and gently rocked him back to sleep.

  It wasn’t long before she’d sneaked out of the front door of the house and onto the dirt path leading to the woods far away from the garden. She just kept on pushing forward, knowing very well that the path would soon open up to another main road where she could, she hoped, hitch a ride with an ordinary human passerby.

  The moon was shining brightly, illuminating the pathway before her. Along the way, though, she was stopped by a sudden rumbling sound behind her.

  “Who’s there?” she whispered in fear. She already knew it was a dragon, but she couldn’t be sure who it was.

  From the shadows, a handsome young man came out. She recognized him as Billy, whom a lot of the women had been drooling over.

  “Hey, Billy,” Jen greeted nervously. “What are you doing here?”

  He snarled and smirked. “I should ask you that question. Does Jack know you’re here?”

  Jen didn’t answer. She knew she was trapped. With a baby in her hands, she would never be able to run away from this troublemaking dragon shifter.

  Billy crept forward, a devilish smile forming on his lips. “You know, I’ve been watching you a lot from afar… I can see why Jack’s so crazy about you…”

  Jen froze, her heartbeat racing in panic.

  “If you go with me tonight, I won’t tell on you,” he whispered as he approached her.

  Jen was deathly scared. This man had a reputation for seducing various women, full human women included. What was more, he was also known to hurt them when he was out of control—which often happened.

  “Please don’t hurt us…” Jen pleaded, hugging her baby tighter.

  “I won’t,” Billy said, parting her hair with his hands to reveal her bare neck. He leaned forward and began kissing her.

  She moved away. “Maybe we should just go back to the party…”

  He laughed mischievously. “I don’t think so.”

  Without another word, he put an arm around her shoulders and led her down another path. Her mind was whirring, her eyes darting from left to right, as they walked quietly. She could scream or run, but she was afraid for Brennan. He might get harmed in the process. She would rather just endure what was to come if it meant saving her baby’s life.

  She felt tears coming to her eyes. Maybe this is my punishment, she thought in anguish and bitterness. This is what I get for planning to expose the community that had welcomed me with open arms, for turning my back on the man who loved me with all his heart!

  Soon they came to the other side of the lake.

  “Stand there behind the tree,” Billy commanded.

  She gulped hard and tried to keep more tears from welling up in her eyes as she followed him, with little Brennan still in her arms.

  As Billy was about to take the baby from Jen, an angry voice came from not far away. “Leave her alone,” the deep
male voice said.

  When Jen saw the familiar well-built body, the dark hair, and intense gray eyes, she couldn’t help crying out of relief.

  “Leave her alone,” Jack repeated menacingly, stepping forward.

  Billy faced him squarely. “She doesn’t even want to be with you, King!”

  At that moment, Jack suddenly let out a wild roar and transformed into his powerful dragon self. He lunged at Billy who immediately turned to his dragon version too.

  Jen ducked and ran behind a tree as the two dragons attacked one another, their bodies entangling in a bloody brawl. The battle became fiercer, moving them toward the lake. Jen could see them breathing fire onto each other, orange balls of inferno lighting up the shimmering waters and surrounding area.

  “I’m so sorry, Jack,” she whispered as she watched the combat from afar. “Please, please be okay.”

  From the back of her mind, she heard a voice urging her to escape. It was her chance to go ahead with her plan. But somehow she couldn’t make herself move. She needed to be sure that Jack would be okay.

  Suddenly she remembered that she had her phone in the pocket of her bag. She hurriedly fished it out and dialed Jessie’s number.

  “What’s going on, Jen? Please calm down. Tell me where you are,” Jessie said in an alarmed voice.

  Jen related what was going on. Apparently, the other dragon shapeshifters had seen the balls of fire from the garden and were wondering what was happening.

  Within just a minute, Jen saw several flying dragons in the sky, soaring toward Jack and Billy. They all breathed fire toward Billy, who slumped to the lake helplessly. He was already badly hurt by Jack, who had slashed Billy with his claws. Now Billy tumbled over the surface of the waters until he reached the shallow part where he stopped moving altogether. He was hardly breathing.

  Before the others could fire again at him, Jack stopped them. Two dragons came forward and tied up Billy, who’d transformed back to his human form, greatly wounded and covered in blood.

  Everybody left after Jack gave them instructions in a language that Jen did not comprehend. He looked weak, but still in control. One of his wings had been badly hurt too.


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