Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 189

by Gloria Martin

“So what about your birth mother? If I may ask, why did your father remarry?” Mari asked a bit presumptuously, but I didn’t mind. I then saw where Luca and Alex got it from.

  “She died just after giving birth to me from complications,” I said and rubbed my belly instinctively.

  “Oh I’m so sorry,” she said with true concern.

  “It’s alright, my step mother has always been there for me so I didn’t go without a mother figure,” I explained. After that we thankfully didn’t talk about my birth mother any further. Mari and Abe asked simple questions just to get to know me better and I had to say that they were really nice people. I knew for sure that Mari would be a great grandmother. Though she didn’t look old enough to be one.

  “So? That wasn’t so bad right?” Alex asked as we took a walk along the neighborhood.

  “No, I really like them,” I said truthfully.

  “My mother loves you already,” Luca said with a smile.

  “What about your dad? He’s harder to read,” I said which made Alex snort.

  “He likes you as well, though he’d like just as much as us to know for sure that you’ll raise the young within the territory,” Luca said. I sighed heavily and then nodded.

  “Well I can’t actually refuse to raise them here. You’re their fathers…” I paused briefly as I realized I was giving into the assumption that they each fathered one of the twins. “I mean I couldn’t actually raise the twins away from their father,” I amended. We walked to a nearby park, there was a pond with a quaint fishing bridge over it and a small playground for kids as well as a trail. We started on the path and I saw that there were a few intermittent gazebos.

  “Luca…” the female voice came from behind us. Luca’s hand dropped away from the small of my back as he practically whipped around. Alex and I glanced back at the woman. She was pretty, had soft features and big green eyes with blonde curls that framed her face like a lion’s mane.

  “Lia…” Luca sighed her name and she glanced at me with a skeptical gaze.

  “Can we speak a moment?” she asked him. I noted that she didn’t even salute or bow to either Luca or Alex.

  “About what?” Luca asked, he crossed his arms over his chest. His pectorals practically jumping out from under his t-shirt.

  “About whether you will continue courtship…or have you decided to mate her? An outsider?” My eyebrows rose in surprise. Well this Lia was certainly bold. Alex took my hand then and simply led me away from them.

  “I see why Luca wasn’t exactly thrilled about courting,” I murmured.

  “Don’t listen to it. She was just lashing out from hurt,” Alex said.

  “Are you sure the twins won’t get…I don’t know, made fun of for being a…half breed?” I asked him.

  “They would be respected as children of our line. I actually feel bad for Lia. Who knows how Luca is handling her remark,” Alex shook his head sadly.

  “Alex…what if Luca chooses a wife, or a mate, and…”

  “Chloe, Luca will be a father to his young no matter what, as will I. That you should have no worries about… And if Luca marries then I would get to…” Alex stopped walking then and he searched my face.

  “Then you’d get to what?” I asked him. He put his hand on my shoulder and caressed my arm until he laced his fingers with mine. Alex’s amber eyes held onto mine and I almost stopped breathing. It was like being caught up into a spell. He caressed my neck with his other hand, sending tingles throughout my entire body. When he leaned forward to kiss me, my breath hitched. His lips felt soft against mine, I knew he was holding back and I didn’t want him to. I put my hand on his chest and he deepened the kiss, licking into my mouth and sending my hormones haywire.

  Too soon he pulled away with a small smile and I had to blink a few times to focus my vision. Who knew I’d react so strongly to him? Just when I was thinking I could be falling for Luca…


  “This will sound elementary but…I like you a lot,” Alex said. I burst into an equally elementary fit of giggles and he smiled at me as if he had completed a high achievement.

  “There you two are…” Luca caught up with us and I felt a bit awkward all of a sudden. “I have to go and take care of something. We’ll all have dinner later?” he asked, looking at me the entire time.

  “Sure, yeah…” I answered and he surprised me by kissing me lightly on the mouth before nodding to Alex and hurrying back up the trail. I pressed my lips together firmly and fought back against the tide of emotion threatening. Never had I, even remotely, been in this kind of situation before.

  “Are you alright?” Alex asked me, his eyes keen on my face.

  “Yeah I just think I need to…um think,” I said and bit my lip nervously.

  “Do you want me to drop you back at the cabin?” he asked me and I nodded. Our walk back was a quiet one. As was the drive. He gave me some space at the cabin, though he didn’t leave. I stayed out back by the pond and walked around a bit, sticking close to the cabin of course. Alex found me to make sure I had lunch then resumed giving me some space to think. I couldn’t really think. I knew I had an attachment to the both of them and couldn’t figure my way out of that web at all. Nor did I particularly want to. All I could think about really was how weird it would be if the twins could grow up saying they were actually half- brothers and that their mom was with both of their dads at the same time.

  “Chloe?” Luca found me out on the back porch with Charles purring away on my lap.

  “Hey, how was your day?” I asked him idly.

  “Unremarkable actually, how about you?” he sat down on the ground next to me, even though there was a perfectly good seat available.

  “It was fine, I’m just…um confused I guess,” I sighed and got up to stretch a little.

  “Confused about what?” he asked, looking up at me while idly stroking Charles’s back.

  “About you and Alex, what else?” Luca stood up and pulled me into a warm hug. Not what I was expecting in the slightest, but it felt nice.

  “None of us can help our feelings…” he grumbled. “But I brought more goat stew,” he said on a happier note. I giggled and let him lead me inside. I saw that Alex had already fed King and Charles. He was waiting at the kitchen table and I smelled the goat stew, making me salivate already.

  “I think this is my new favorite food,” I declared and sighed happily as I sat down. Alex looked at me with an expectant gaze and gave me a questioning nod of his head. “I’m alright.”

  I took some stew and rice, and ate while Alex and Luca tried to teach me some of their native tongue. The pronunciation was difficult and they kept making fun of me because of it.

  “As long as I’m able to understand it that’s fine right?” I said, throwing in the towel for the night.

  “That’ll be fine,” Alex chuckled. I got up and a giant yawn escaped my mouth.

  “I did next to nothing today, why am I so tired?” I mumbled.

  “You are pregnant with twins remember?” Luca said while he ushered me towards the bedroom. I glanced down at my stomach, lifting my shirt a fraction, it seemed to be growing a tiny bit every day finally.

  “Soon I’ll be huge,” I sighed and rubbed my belly.

  “The babies are growing, that’s all,” he said and Alex walked in soon after. “Do you want a bath?” Luca asked me curiously and I glanced at him in mild surprise.

  “You want to draw me a bath?” I asked him and Alex snorted.

  “Sure why not?” Luca said before disappearing into the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed and Alex sat with me.

  “Are you the little brother?” I asked him, hoping he knew what I meant by that. Alex smiled wide and chuckled softly.

  “When I need to be, for his benefit mostly…honestly. I don’t mind it, I have my fighters and I have my family. Soon I think I’ll have you too. Whether or not I have to share you with him…doesn’t really matter.” I looked at him with a quirked eyebrow and he l
eaned towards me and brushed his nose against my neck. “Because I’ll still have you.” He kissed me on the jaw and I had a rush of chills from both his touch and his words.

  “We haven’t known each other that long you know…” I said softly.

  “To dragons it doesn’t matter. When we feel a connection that’s that. The bond is difficult to break. Especially when bolstered by sharing young,” Luca said, appearing by the bed silently.

  “Oh…” I breathed, warmth spreading through my chest and everywhere else.

  “I told you that we are a loyal people,” he smirked at me.

  “Then I hope Lia’s alright…?”

  Luca laughed though he had a bit of a dangerous glint to his eye.

  “Your bath is ready,” he said, flashing me a toothy grin.

  I thanked him and went to go take my bath. It was just right and I had to wonder how much practice Luca had in drawing baths. I couldn’t believe they both had feelings for me…well neither really came right out and said it. But what they did say is pretty hard to misinterpret right?

  When I got out of the bathroom I found Luca reclining in bed, shirtless and Alex was standing in front of the TV mounted on the wall across from the bed.

  “I found only one decent DVD here,” he said and held up my dad’s copy of Fight Club.

  “Sorry, we haven’t really updated the movies in a while,” I chuckled.

  “Where are you going?” Luca asked me, I was wrapped in a towel and going to go pull on some pajamas in the closet.

  “To put some clothes on?” I said slowly.

  “Remember you woke up sweating this morning?” Alex asked me with a quirked brow and a smirk. I glanced at Luca who patted the empty space next to him. I pressed my lips together in an attempt not to laugh.

  “Yep there’s no arguing with this one,” Alex came and scooped me up, bringing me to bed with them. Luca easily pulled the towel from around me and I made a grab for the blankets with a small squeal.

  “We’re your blankets,” he said in a playful tone and pressed a kiss just below my ear. A thrill ran down my spine as I was very ticklish and when I inched away from Luca I came into contact with Alex’s chest. I was really very naked and exposed to the both of them, but I felt safe and oddly comfortable. Even with my baby bump boobs that had swelled two sizes too big over the last couple months.

  “Ah…” I tried to fill the sudden quiet that filled the room with a practically tangible sexual tension. I felt Alex’s erection against my lower back and bottom, heat was pouring off of both him and Luca. Luca’s gaze lazily slid down to my breasts and my nipples hardened under the scrutiny. A low groan escaped his throat and he scooted closer to me before taking both heavy breasts in his palms and kneading them. His mouth gently nibbling one while he pinched the other between his thumb and forefinger. I jerked with the sudden intense sensation that bolted to my core, spreading warmth through me.

  Alex trailed kisses up along my shoulder, to my neck where he sucked on the sensitive skin. His hands slid down to my waist and in between my thighs, nudging them open. I moaned when his fingers brushed my already slick folds. I was only breaths away from a climax that I knew would be way too intense. My core clenched tight in need and anticipation and I let out a small whimper. Alex circled his finger around my clitoris and my entire body shuddered with the pleasure of it.

  Everything quickly culminated into a height of pleasure that left me unfocused and out of breath. All the muscles in my belly seemed to clench and I cried out with the intensity of the climax. Luca gently pushed me onto my back and kissed me softly. I felt the bed jostle a bit and then Alex’s bare chest pressed against my side. His bare sex was also pressed against my thigh. I reached down to grip him in my hand and he growled, his hips pushing up into my hand.

  “Luca!” I gasped when I felt his lips on those of my sex. He hugged my thighs and ran his tongue along my folds. Alex’s hand cupped my neck and I turned to kiss him. He drank in my moans and whimpers until I was twitching and spasming with another orgasm. Both Luca and Alex got up on their knees and I tried to focus my glazed over vision on them.

  “What are you guys…” They were actually playing rock, paper, scissors. “Are you playing…” Alex glanced at me with a grin and I couldn’t help but laugh as they played the last round and Alex practically shoved Luca out of the way. He laughed good naturedly and laid down behind me so that he was half curled around me, his head in the perfect position for kissing. Alex knelt in between my legs and trailed kisses down along my happy trail. He pressed a kiss against my cleft and then wrapped my legs around his hips as he positioned the head of his sex at my opening.

  He slowly slid into me and we both groaned at the luxurious sensations coursing through us. Alex quickly settled into a pace that left me breathless and unable to do much else but moan. Luca caressed me and kissed me intermittently. His gaze hardly ever left my face and whenever our eyes would meet I felt such an intimate connection with him that it was hard to describe. But soon I couldn’t help focusing on Alex. I was close to another orgasm and wondered briefly how many times I could climax in one night. Each one seemed even more intense than the one before it. I reached for Alex who lowered a bit of his weight onto me, just enough so that I could wrap my arms around him. He thrust into me until we both were falling apart at the seams.

  I barely registered when it was Luca’s turn to slide into me, but soon had to hold onto him tight as he drove me to yet another unfathomable height. Tears sprang to my eyes as I spiraled into another climax that left me utterly spent and immobile. I could hardly keep my eyes open as they both took care of me, cleaning me up and tucking me into bed in between them. I fell into a deep sleep feeling completely secure against them both.


  The next two weeks were spent on air with Luca and Alex. They barely ever left my side and made sure I was always taken care of. Spoiling me really. I got used to the idea of living in the territory and dreaded the ever nearing date of when I’d have to go back to Seattle. Even if it was just to quit my job and pack up my house...

  It was only a few days until I had to go back and I woke up to the smell of something sweet cooking and the feel of soft kisses on my belly. When I opened my eyes I saw Alex rubbing my ever growing stomach.

  “I got bigger…” I said with a sleepy alarm. Alex chuckled and kissed my stomach again.

  “No we didn’t impregnate you further,” he said and I chuckled.

  “What is Luca making for breakfast?” I asked.

  “Sticky buns…” Alex murmured. I hummed in anticipation, those sticky buns smelled great.

  “Can you carry me to the bathroom please?” I asked. Alex stretched up to give me a kiss and he actually got up and grabbed my robe, put it on for me, then carried me to the bathroom so I could freshen up a bit.

  “Luca’s suggested that we stay indoors all day,” Alex grinned and waggled his eyebrows.

  “That’s alright with me…” I giggled when Alex pressed a flurry of kisses against my neck. He scooped me into his arms and then brought me out to the kitchen, where Luca was indeed making breakfast in nothing but a loose pair of jeans.

  “Good morning,” he smiled at me and walked over with a spatula to give me a sound kiss. He then bent down and kissed my belly before returning to the scrambled eggs. Charles and King were already fed and lounging near the stove, watching Luca cook. I took a seat at the table with Alex and pulled at his t-shirt, it was just as tight the ones Luca wore. I was sad that he was practically dressed instead of shirtless. But then again what did I really have to complain about after the time we’ve all been spending together? Luca just turned off the stove and took the tray of sticky buns from the oven when there was a firm knock on the front door. Alex was up and out within a second. I didn’t even see who it was. Luca took his time in walking over to the front door and stepping out. He closed the door behind him and again I didn’t get to see who it was.

  I got up and migrated to th
e sticky buns. Alex and Luca stepped inside just as I was about to take a bite and they had tense expressions on their faces.

  “What’s up?” I asked curiously.

  “One of our scouts is back with news of the southern clans. They’ve sent a few wings our way. The scout doesn’t know what for so we can only take that as aggression,” Alex was all business and Luca simply looked pissed.

  “You’re not to move from this cabin today Chloe,” Luca said in a no nonsense tone.

  “Alright I won’t,” I promised.

  “I’ll send a few of our own to protect the cabin, we’ll come back when we know things are safe,” Alex said. I nodded and rubbed my stomach a bit nervously. Luca walked over to me and kissed the top of my head before he kissed my lips.

  “Don’t be worried,” he murmured. I walked with him back to the door and Alex rubbed my belly before they left. Once they were gone I sighed, feeling a little empty. When constantly in their company and being spoiled by them it was very easy to get really attached. Though it wasn’t like I was opposed to it, I loved both of them more than I was ready to realize. I fixed myself a proper plate of sticky buns and eggs, but again as I was about to take a bite I was interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I realized as I grabbed it from the bedroom that I hadn’t used it since I went to the cabin.

  “Dad?” I answered as soon as I saw it was him calling.

  “Hey Chloe guess what, I’m surprising you with a visit to the cabin,” he said and my eyes popped. I floundered a little bit before speaking.

  “Uh…where are you right now?” I asked him.

  “I’m actually pulling onto the turn off right now,” he said and I cursed silently.

  “Oh okay…well let me get dressed and I’ll meet you outside,” I said. I hung up and glanced down at my stomach. It was very obvious that I was pregnant I was nearly twelve weeks. I hurried to pull on some jeans and one of my flannel shirts. Soon I’d have to buy maternity clothes. I took several breaths when I heard my dad’s characteristic knock on the door.

  “Hey dad…” I answered with a nervous smile. He took one look at my stomach and then back up at my face with a blank expression.


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